Chapter 513
When Turg said this, when he remembered the shocking scene in his mind, he still couldn't help being stunned.

"What's the matter?" Doduo frowned when he saw it, and shouted, "Hurry up!"

As for Turge, no matter how nicely he said it, the fact that he surrendered to the Ming country is unquestionable.Regarding this situation, to be honest, Duduo felt disgusted when he saw Turg.Therefore, naturally there will be no good face.

Turge immediately came back to his senses after being so drunk by him, and said to Dorgon: "The emperor of Ming Dynasty invented a kind of car called a steam train, which is very powerful. Come on, just take a nap in the car, and when you wake up, you will be traveling from Tianjinwei to the capital!"

It's not surprising to go from Tianjinwei to the capital in one night, and you can get there on a fast horse.But the point is that Turger also said that this kind of car has a lot of compartments and can sleep in it.

As soon as such a description came out, Doduo became angry, and immediately sneered and shouted: "Are you from the Qing Dynasty? Does Ming dog fart smell good? And the emperor of Ming Dynasty invented a powerful car , is there such a powerful car in the world? Chongming Meiwai!"

Daishan and the others didn't believe it either, but they didn't say anything, they just stared at Turg and waited for him to explain.

Of course Turger knew that Dodo had objections to him, but the difference in status between the two parties was here, and he was a little guilty in the final analysis. Therefore, he did not dare to face Dodo at all, but showed a sincere look on Dole Dagon said: "Your Highness, what this slave said is true. Not only is it not exaggerated, but also conservative. Really! The Ming Dynasty has undergone earth-shaking changes, and this slave is clumsy. I wish I could describe them all and let Your Highness know. Take good precautions against the Ming country!"

Duo Duo was furious when he heard this. Just as this bastard who raised others' morale was about to shout, Dorgon waved his hand to stop Duo Duo, and then said to Turg with a serious expression: "Don't exaggerate, don't be conservative, you Let’s just say it exactly!”

After a pause, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked immediately: "You said this car can pull many carriages, and you can sleep in it, and it can reach the capital in one night, what kind of animals are used to pull it? "

"Steam engine!" Turger replied immediately after hearing this.

Dorgon was a little surprised when he heard this, and then asked: "What kind of animal is this new animal? Since it is a chicken, do you have eggs to bring back, can they hatch?"

While saying this, a trace of expectation appeared on his face.

According to Turge's description, this new type of livestock is not only powerful, but also pulls the cart smoothly. If the Qing Dynasty also had this kind of chicken, its strength would definitely skyrocket!

The reason why he asked this question was because he had never heard of a kind of livestock called Zhengqi Chicken.Then it must be the same as the mule, maybe it is a new breed of horse and donkey crossed.

When Duoduo and Daishan heard this, they also showed anticipation, as if they really wanted to see such a powerful chicken.

When Turge heard this, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then immediately replied to Dorgon: "It's not a livestock, it's a machine that burns fire inside, and then can pull things. It's also powerful, and it was invented by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty." of."

"What?" Even Dorgon, who was deep in the city, couldn't help but confirm in a voice when he heard this.

Another voice came out at the same time. This voice came from behind the curtain.

This situation is very rare.The people behind the curtain had never made a sound before.So much so that when Dorgon heard it, he turned his head and took a look.

In fact, he knew very well what the woman inside was thinking.Including why she insisted on making her own son suffer, and being a clay bodhisattva here is to remind everyone that her son is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty!
But at this time, Dorgon didn't care so much.Seeing him staring at Turge, he asked with a serious expression, "Say it again, this fighting chicken is not a livestock, but a dead tool, like a wooden cow and a horse?"

The story of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is also familiar to Jianlu.Therefore, the things invented by Zhuge Liang seem to be similar to this one, so they can be connected immediately.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Turge was a little worried, and didn't know how to explain it. He just heard Dorgon's description, so he nodded immediately and said repeatedly, "It's like a wooden cow and a horse, but it's made of iron!"

Hearing this, Daishan, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, and immediately asked Turg, "Then will you do it?"

"..." Turge was speechless when he heard it. It's strange to know how to do such a powerful thing!

Although he was very curious about this steam engine, he also wanted to inquire about it.However, he only knows that this steam engine relies on burning water to boil water, and then what can be converted into what can be converted. Apart from being confused, he is still confused, how could he do it!
Thinking of this, Turge looked embarrassed and said: "This steam engine is currently sold by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and it is made and sold by the military bureau of the inner court. It is not sold anywhere else!"

"Nonsense!" Hearing that, Duoduo became angry immediately, pointed at Turg, and shouted sharply, "My king sees that your bones are gone, and you don't know anything. Everything is what the emperor of the Ming Dynasty knows." , Why don't you fucking explain that the emperor of the country is a god descending to earth!"

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty has never changed, and he has been on the throne for seventeen years. Who doesn't know what kind of virtue it is?

As for him, capable people can't meet, he is even better than Zhuge Liang, such a bragging without margins really makes him a little angry.

This time, even Dorgon frowned.In his opinion, if it is a new emperor, then he doesn't understand, maybe he will believe it.

But now the emperor, who has dealt with him for so many years, who doesn't know that he is a wimp, played by the courtiers, the ancestral graves are burned, and the sins are issued one after another. The entry of the Qing army into the customs is like entering a desert So-so.

Such an emperor suddenly changed so much, anyway, Dorgon didn't believe it.

Looking at their expressions, Turge knew that none of them believed it, and immediately became anxious, and quickly explained: "Everything said by the slave is true. The current emperor of the Ming Dynasty was instructed by their emperor Taizu. , there will be a completely new change!"

After he finished speaking, he was relieved. There must be no problem with this explanation!
But who knows, after he finished speaking, Duduo, who hated his soft bones, immediately stepped out of the line, walked up to him, and kicked him up.

Thanks to Turge, who saw the opportunity quickly, he quickly avoided his head, but he didn't dare to dodge. Doduo's kick landed on his shoulder, and immediately kicked him on his back.

As expected of being a warrior, Turge immediately turned over, a hundred times faster than a tortoise, but he didn't dare to escape, and knelt down as before, and then cried to Dorgon: "Your Highness, what this slave said is true! ! Before the servant left the customs, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty still appeared in public in the Jinluan Hall, which was seen by all civil and military officials!"

Originally, Duo Duo wanted to chase after him and kick again, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but stop, and then looked back at Dorgon with a suspicious expression on his face.

There is no such thing as a public appearance, is there a fake?However, isn't this matter nonsense?No one has ever seen it before!

The movement here startled the little emperor who was sleeping with his eyes closed. When he opened his mouth to say that he was going to retreat, he found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, so he quickly shut up. He just stared curiously at the few people in front of him, not knowing why for a while.

At this moment, Dorgon's expression was very serious, and he couldn't even sit still. He left his seat directly, strode up to Turge, looked down at him and asked, "Tell me in detail!"

It was unclear whether he believed it or not.

Turge didn't dare to be negligent, so he just knelt there, raised his head, and quickly replied: "I just heard about it, but I didn't see it with my own eyes. At that time, it was because scholars from the Ming Dynasty made trouble in the Gongyuan..."

As he said that, he told the whole story, including the literati tribute courtyard riots, involving imperial power, the emperor's anger, the confiscation of the Confucian family in Qufu, the forced palace by literati and civil officials, the apparition of the emperor Taizu, the apparition of Confucius, etc., all said it again. .

This time was a bit long, and while Turg was speaking, Hauge also rushed over.

But Hauge saw Dorgon and the others with serious expressions on their faces, and they were listening to Turg, so he didn't yell, and just listened first.

At the end of Turge's speech, he said earnestly: "It has been said before that the emperor Taizu appeared and gave the current emperor of Ming a treasure, but no one has seen it. This time, we really saw the emperor Taizu appear. .”

After he said this, he stopped talking, just looked at Dorgon pitifully, hoping to believe his words.

Even the irritable Dodo, after listening to his words, stopped talking.

It also seems impossible if these things are all made up.Because these things are big things, it is impossible to deceive people.However, if you really wanted him to believe it, he would definitely not want to believe it, and it would be unbelievable!
This time, he didn't get mad, but turned to look at Dorgon.On weekdays, or in other words, since childhood, he admired Dorgon, so he wanted to hear what Dorgon thought about this matter.

Daishan, the oldest one, didn't speak, his face was full of shock, like Dodo, he turned to look at Dorgon, wanting to hear what he said?

As for Hauge, upon hearing this, he looked at Dorgon, then turned his head to look at the little emperor Fulin, and glanced at the back of the curtain by the way, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he was thinking?
As for Dorgon himself, he frowned tightly, and didn't speak immediately, it could be seen what he was thinking.

Inside the Chongzheng Hall, it became quiet all at once.Even the little emperor Fulin, feeling the atmosphere, did not dare to move.

(End of this chapter)

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