Chapter 517 Three Policies
Hong Chengchou knew in his heart that he had no way out, and if the Qing Dynasty perished, he would not end well either.

Therefore, after Dorgon asked the question, he hesitated for a while, and replied to Dorgon: "I still want to know more details. I wonder if I can ask Mr. Turge?"

Dorgon was overjoyed by his cautious answer, and quickly said: "Yes, of course!"

If Hong Chengchou had blurted out, he might not be so happy.

At this time, Hong Chengchou gave him a feeling: reliable!

So, Hong Chengchou turned to look at Turge, saluted him and began to ask for specific details.

Turge had already received Dorgon's instructions in advance, so he knew what to say and what not to say.But fortunately, he can answer most of the questions, at least a very small number of questions, he can't answer, so he just presumes that he doesn't know.

In fact, most of what he and Dorgon said to Hong Chengchou just now are true.It's just that some things, if you put them in different terms, it will give people a completely different feeling.

After Hong Chengchou listened to Turge's description of the situation in the pass, he turned his head to salute Dorgon, and then asked: "Your Highness, my servant also wants to know more about the situation in our Qing Dynasty. I don't know if I can ask more questions. ?”

This is to know yourself and your enemy!

With such thoughts in his mind, Dorgon quickly nodded and replied: "Yes, of course!"

So, Hong Chengchou began to carefully ask about the internal affairs of Jianlu.This time, he had a comprehensive understanding of Jianlu's true strength.

After the questioning, Hong Chengchou didn't speak immediately, apparently he was deep in thought.

Seeing this, Dorgon was very patient and didn't bother, quietly waiting for Hong Chengchou to finish thinking.

Just like that, the Chongzheng Hall became quiet.

I don't know how long it took before I saw Hong Chengchou raised his head, looked at Dorgon and said, "I have a little humble opinion. If I speak it out, I would like to ask His Royal Highness the Regent to give me some pointers."

Although Dorgon never asked, in fact, it was about the future of the Qing Dynasty, and he was still a little worried and anxious. When he heard this, he quickly and politely said: "Sir, please tell me!"

After hearing this, Hong Chengchou said cautiously: "From the point of view of my slaves, the national power gap between the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty is really a bit big. If we want to continue to fight against the Ming Dynasty, we can divide it into three strategies: short-term, medium-term and long-term!"

Dorgon couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that he was so particular.

This Hong Chengchou knew he was capable!
There is no doubt that the gap between the national strength of the Qing Dynasty and that of the Ming Dynasty is too large!Under such conditions, there are still three strategies, good, good, good!

Thinking of this, Dorgon quickly ordered: "Come on, give me a seat!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Hong Chengchou again, and said in a softer voice: "Please tell me in detail, sir, what are the short-term, medium-term and long-term strategies?"

At this time, the servant on the side had already moved a round stool over, and Hong Chengchou just sat on half of his buttocks, and then replied to Dorgon: "In the short term, it is to deal with the possible attack of the Ming Dynasty. Excuse me, if you say it bluntly, If we confront the Ming army head-on at this time, the chances of winning are not high..."

This is actually what Dorgon was worried about.Therefore, when he heard this, he nodded.

"...From my slave's point of view, if you want to increase your chances of winning, you have to lure the enemy deep. In this way, if necessary, you can abandon Haizhou, and even Liaoyang and Shengjing. Then use the cavalry to harass the Ming army's supply line , cut off its grain and supplies, the final victory must belong to the Qing Dynasty."

Speaking of this, he looked at Dorgon, checked his face, and continued: "It's just that this strategy requires the whole Qing Dynasty to work together, otherwise someone will take into account their own interests, can't make a solid wall and clear the country, and don't want to evacuate, then there is no way." Done!"

In fact, the implication is that this requires the courage of your regent.

Extending the supply line of the Ming army, fortifying the walls and clearing the field, and harassing the supply of the Ming army, this move is easy to say, but if you really want to do this, you really need to have a strong leader, and you can be united as one, otherwise you will be very capable. made.

Because this strategy is a strategy of killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by eight hundred.

After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, he saw that Dorgon was in deep thought and did not speak. After hesitating for a while, he continued: "The next best thing is that you can't fight tough battles with the Ming army or defend the city. The troops of the Qing Dynasty cannot Consumption like that of the Ming army is mainly based on cavalry mobile warfare, dragging the Ming army until winter comes, and the Ming army can only retreat or stick to it. At that time, it is my chance to clear the Qing Dynasty!"

Speaking of this, seeing Dorgon's face seemed to show a slight change, and when he seemed to agree with this statement, Hong Chengchou quickly said: "However, such countermeasures depend on the decisions of the coaches of the enemy and us, as well as the morale of the troops of the enemy and us." Waiting for a variety of factors, it's hard to say the winner or loser!"

After finishing speaking, he was silent, waiting for Dorgon to ask.

Dorgon's brows still did not loosen.

He is a smart man, and he actually understood all the meaning of Hong Chengchou.

According to Hong Chengchou, if the Ming and Qing wars will be fought in the short term, there are three strategies: top, middle and bottom.

The first one, Hong Chengchou did not say clearly, is that the soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil, which is still the same as the previous style of play. In that case, it is very likely that the Qing Dynasty will be defeated, lose the city and lose the army!
The second is not to fight hard, but to fight guerrilla warfare, trying to delay the time until the Ming army can't be exhausted.

This method of warfare is also risky, because it depends on the decisions of the commanders of both sides, as well as the morale of their respective armies, etc.

As far as Dorgon's own perception is concerned, the Ming army has won two consecutive victories. If this is done, the chance of the Qing Dynasty suffering heavy losses is not small.

The third method, which Hong Chengchou agrees with the most, is to lure the enemy to go deep, and even abandon Liaoyang and Shengjing, and only use cavalry to harass the Ming army.

This kind of tactics has a great chance of winning.But the price is that the Qing Dynasty will also suffer a great loss in materials.However, if you prepare in advance, the loss can be reduced.

For example, first transport the materials to the north and store them in the north.If the Ming army came over, at most they would lose cities and grain fields that could not be moved away.Life in the Qing Dynasty will become more difficult.

Dorgon knew in his heart that if he adopted this strategy, his prestige would not be enough. Daishan and other princes needed to agree and cooperate to make such an action.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't make a decision on the spot, but looked at Hong Chengchou with a solemn face, and continued to ask him, "What about the mid-term strategy?"

Hong Chengchou's reaction to Dorgon was actually within Hong Chengchou's expectations. Therefore, he was not surprised. After hearing the question, he immediately replied: "The mid-term strategy is based on the fact that the Ming Dynasty will not immediately send troops to attack us. Great Qing, therefore, the most important thing for my Great Qing is to strengthen the national power of the Great Qing, this is fundamental!"

When Dorgon heard this, he was very interested, and quickly asked: "How to strengthen the national power of the Qing Dynasty?"

Other things, relatively speaking, are trivial. Only when the national strength is strong, other things will be easier to do.

Dorgon was very clear about this truth, and he could see it clearly.

If it were Duduo or Haoge and others, they might not be able to see so far.

At this time, Hong Chengchou heard Dorgon's question, and immediately replied: "National strength is nothing more than population and materials, and materials include the food, clothing, housing and transportation needed by the population..."

Dorgon listened carefully and kept nodding.

"...It is normally impossible for the population to increase rapidly in a short period of time. It can only be supplemented by foreign population. According to the past habits of the Qing Dynasty, the slaves suggested that it is necessary to intensify the conquest of the Northern Jurchen."

This thing is what Jianlu has been doing.Therefore, Dorgon nodded and said, "What else?"

He knew that what Hong Chengchou was referring to was not based on this, because even if he didn't say anything about it, Qing Dynasty was still doing it.

Sure enough, I heard Hong Chengchou go on to say: "The population on the North Korean side is also needed by the Qing Dynasty. It just happened that the slaves understood that the people of North Korea lived in extreme poverty, and their officials, gentry, kings, etc. lived in corruption. Therefore, the Qing Dynasty only needs Eliminate all the officials and gentry in North Korea, and distribute a little benefit to the North Korean people, so that the North Korean people can return to their hearts, and the same is true, so that the Qing Dynasty can have a usable population in a short period of time!"

Speaking of this, he immediately added an explanation: "When the slaves were suppressing thieves in the pass, they saw a lot of similar things. Those thieves didn't do production, and they fought repeatedly. The fundamental reason is that they would rob the officials and gentry in the pass. Thinking of it for his own use, he coerced the people, hung them with a little food, and drove them to attack the city."

"It's a little different from the bandits, and also different from the Qing Dynasty's previous strategy against North Korea. Our Qing Dynasty needs the population of North Korea. If we have a population with one heart and one mind in a short period of time, we can't just rely on force to subdue it, but to use both kindness and force. In this regard, the servant has always felt that the Qing Dynasty has done a very good job!"

Why are many soldiers of the Ming army scumbags in combat effectiveness, but after surrendering to Jianlu, their combat effectiveness increased sharply, because Jianlu can do both kindness and power, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined.

Hong Chengchou saw this very clearly.At this time, he suggested using similar means to control the North Korean people, instead of just using North Korean bureaucrats to squeeze North Korea!

What is the difference, Hong Chengchou believes that with Dorgon's shrewdness, he should be able to tell the difference.

Sure enough, after serious consideration for a long time, Dorgon nodded and asked, "Then what is the countermeasure in the long run?"

Although there was no clear decision, Hong Chengchou knew that he knew it well.

Therefore, he didn't ask Dorgon anything, but continued to explain the long-term strategy that Dorgon asked about.
(End of this chapter)

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