Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 521 The Return of Master Wang

Chapter 521 The Return of Master Wang
The coastal islands of the Liaodong Peninsula, the estuary of the Yalu River, and the coast of Sinuiju in North Korea were all within the sphere of influence of Dongjiang Town at the beginning.

Even Jinzhou and other places in the Liaodong Peninsula are also the territory of Dongjiang Town.

But later, Jinzhou and other places were first captured by Jianlu, and then Jianlu used the North Korean navy to attack Phi Island, severely injuring the Dongjiang Ming army.

In the end, there was civil strife in Dongjiang Town, you kill me, and after I kill you for a while, they went to join Jianlu one after another.

Among them, Shang Kexi swept all the soldiers and civilians from all the coastal islands and went to seek refuge with Jianlu.

However, no matter how Shang Kexi swept through, there were still some soldiers and civilians who were unwilling to seek refuge with the blood-feuding Jianren and hid.

The coastal islands are all very large, and hiding a small number of people is not a problem at all.

Hiding in the island to grow some food, and then go to the beach to pick up some food, can also deal with it.The only regret for them is that this is the only way to live their lives, not to mention avenging Jianlu, even if they die, they will not be able to return to their hometown in Liaodong.Li Erniu is one of such people.

On this day, taking advantage of the low tide, as usual, he took a few boys in his family out to catch the sea.

Of course, just in case, he didn't dare to go close to the coastline of the Liaodong Peninsula, but went to the opposite side.

Life on the island was very difficult. The three children, including himself, only had a fig leaf around their waists, and were barefoot, picking seafood in the rocky area.

Crabs have no meat, don't.

Small fish are too small, if they can be released, at least slightly larger fish should be released.

When the tide receded, these silly fish fell into the crevices of the rocks or in the pond before they receded in time, and they became Li Erniu's dinner.

If it weren't for the fear of people finding traces of people on the island, he could guarantee that if he dealt with it casually, the harvest at low tide would be much more than this.

Li Erniu was picking up seafood, distinguishing between poisonous and non-toxic, while his children, although they were also picking up, were more playing around, which was the nature of seven or eight-year-old children.

Suddenly, one of his children yelled loudly: "Father, look, there is a boat!"

"Wow, so many boats!" His other child also exclaimed in surprise.

When Li Erniu heard this, he was startled, and quickly raised his head to see that he was indeed in the direction of the open sea, and he could vaguely see many boats coming towards this direction.

Upon seeing this, his face changed, and he immediately yelled at his children: "Hurry up, run, let your mother, Erba and the others hide quickly!"

His three children heard this, and hurried to the depths of the island.Although it is in a rocky area, the speed of bouncing on the rocks is really not slow.

Even when they were still running, they turned their heads curiously to look at the ships on the sea.

When Li Erniu saw them, he immediately scolded them loudly and told them to leave quickly.

And he himself immediately glanced around to see if there were any traces left, and then ran away with the fish basket.

He didn't plan to go back directly, but hid to see, what exactly is this fleet doing?passing by or what?
At the same time, he was also very curious. How many years have passed since General Shang Shen took the soldiers and civilians away and set fire to the houses on the island, and he has never seen the fleet come over.

Where did the fleet come from this time?

In his heart, he naturally had an estimate. In Liaodong, there were basically only Jianlu ships, or Korean ships. Anyway, they couldn't be Ming's ships.

No matter which side it is, they can hide as much as they can, and they must not be discovered by them.

After about half an hour, this huge fleet finally docked slowly.

Li Erniu, who had been staring at him from the dark, couldn't believe that the people on the boat were...all of them were wearing red Ming military uniforms!
This is impossible!
Are you blindfolded?

As more and more people came out of the boat, even after the boat docked, some people got off the boat, all wearing red Ming military uniforms, Li Erniu finally gave up rubbing his eyes and confirmed the fleet , It is definitely the fleet of the imperial court.

One thing, it's kind of weird.

It is this fleet that seems to know where to dock on the island, and there must be people who have been to the island.

Thinking of this, he thought of a possibility, is this a soldier of the imperial court in Dongjiang Town?

However, this is impossible!

As a member of Dongjiang Town's army and civilians back then, he knew very well what the chaos in Dongjiang Town was like back then.

Since the death of Marshal Mao, there has been civil strife, you kill me, I kill you, just stop killing Jianlu.

After the killing, not only did they lose their hearts, they even went to seek refuge with the blood-feuding Jianlu.

Now you want to say that the imperial army in Dongjiang Town is back, how is this possible?

Absolutely impossible!

However, the facts were right in front of our eyes. Groups of Ming soldiers got off the boats, and even many war horses.

From Li Erniu's eyes, it can be seen that these people and horses have been on the sea boat for a long time, so they are not in good condition after landing, and need to rest.

With so many boats, there are not enough coasts for docking boats, so many boats have come to the beach.

Li Erniu was watching, when suddenly, a shout came from behind him: "Who are you?"

Hearing this, Li Erniu was taken aback immediately, turned his head to look, but saw some strangers, wearing swimsuits, pointing at him with daggers or something like that.

These few strangers looked like Han Chinese. Judging from their accent and appearance just now, they seemed to be southerners.

Moreover, these people's attitudes are not fierce, and they are even kind, with a little curiosity.

Seeing this situation, Li Erniu understood in his heart, and quickly replied: "I am from Dongjiang Town, and I don't want to join Jianlu, so I hid at the beginning and stayed on the island."

Li Erniu's hairstyle can prove that his words should not be false!

When the leader heard this, he immediately chuckled and said in an official dialect with an accent: "Yes, let's go, our commander-in-chief has something to ask you!"

After hearing this, Li Erniu was not afraid, but asked curiously: "How do you know that I am hiding here?"

"Hehe, the commander-in-chief has seen you through clairvoyance a long time ago. How many children are there? Is it your child?"

"..." Li Erniu was dumbfounded, not understanding what this clairvoyant is?
But he didn't care about these, he just asked: "What are you here for? To beat Jianlu?"

"Hehe, if you don't come to fight Jianlu, then why are we here?"

When Li Erniu heard this, he was happy at first, and then said worriedly: "But Jianlu is not easy to fight, they are very powerful!"

"Haha, you are all old Huangli, right? I guess you don't know that the imperial court has defeated Jianlu twice, and killed hundreds of thousands of Jianlu before and after!"

"..." Li Erniu was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, and then he came back to his senses and said immediately, "Impossible!"

"Is there anything impossible, Aixinjueluo Abatai, and Aixinjueluo Azig? They are all in the capital Lingchi!"

"What?" Li Erniu was very shocked when he heard it, his eyes were wide open, and his expression was in disbelief, "Ai... the one with the surname Aixinjueluo?"

"Of course, that Aixinjueluo Azig seems to be from Jianlu's Prince He Shuoying!"

Li Erniu heard it very hard to imagine, in his opinion, all the royal family of Jianlu were killed by the court?This shocked him even more than the sun coming out of the west.

After all, Jianlu has been chasing and killing the Ming army all along.Here in Dongjiang Town, even in its heyday, it was just avoiding the main force of Jianlu to fight local Jianlu.

However, even Jianlu, like Prince He Shuoying, was caught by the imperial court and snapped in the capital, so it seems that it is not impossible to kill hundreds of thousands of Jianlu!
But it seems so incredible!
In Li Erniu's dazed state, he was brought in front of Zheng Zhilong and Wu Sangui.

Zheng Zhilong didn't ask first, but Wu Sangui asked.

Li Erniu came back to his senses when he heard the question from the court general with a Liaodong accent. Regardless of etiquette, he stared at Wu Sangui and asked back: "Can the court really defeat Jianlu and recover Liaodong?"

"Of course!" Wu Sangui replied a little unhappy after hearing this.

Both victories were caught up, but the opportunity to capture the enemy chieftain slipped away before his eyes.Otherwise, I can drop by the way at this time.

Hearing this, Li Erniu couldn't help but wept with joy, and immediately burst into tears.

I thought this was the end of my life, but I didn't expect that there would be a day of revenge and the expectation of returning to my hometown!

Going back to my hometown, the hometown I've been dreaming of, has become possible!

"Your majesty is wise and mighty. Today's court officials are far from what they used to be. Don't worry, Liaodong will still belong to the court sooner or later!"

Hearing the familiar accent, Li Erniu looked up and was startled. He pointed at the person who spoke just now and said, "Kong...Kong..."

Kong Youde used to be the deputy general of Dongjiang Town, so he knew him.Of course, Kong Youde didn't know him.

At this time, he didn't know what to call Kong Youde, because he heard that Kong Youde had already taken refuge in Jianlu, and Shang Kexi only joined Jianlu.

"They all have blood feuds with Jianlu. If there is a chance, of course I will kill Jianlu!" Kong Youde said while speaking, pointing at Wu Sangui, "This is the emperor's new commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town, Marshal Wu, how can you answer?" What Marshal Wu said is a chance for revenge!"

When Li Erniu heard this, he nodded repeatedly.

Unfortunately, Wu Sangui asked a lot of questions, including the situation of Jianlu in Jinzhou, but Li Erniu couldn't answer them.

However, Li Erniu volunteered, saying that he could take the imperial army to the shore to catch prisoners.

To be honest, Wu Sangui was a little worried when Kong Youde was asked to capture the prisoners.After all, Kong Youde took refuge in Jianlu, and became king there.But this Li Erniu, he is at ease.

So, the army rested on the island, while Li Erniu took Zheng Zhilong's men to capture the prisoners and return to the island under the cover of night.

(End of this chapter)

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