Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 541 Virtuous Cycle

Chapter 541 Virtuous Cycle

Seeing this, Gao Ruli became a little nervous.

He knew that this was someone from the barracks, and it must be a reaction to them.What could it be?


Or something else?
In the past, there were very few cases like his.Those court officials who chased down the thieves basically voted for them if they were defeated.

It was also for this reason that many of the thieves were originally from the imperial court.

Now that Gao Ruli is back, he really has no idea, how will he treat him?In particular, he, as one of the forward generals, was responsible for opening the way for the army and guarding the army, which eventually led to the army being ambushed. Does he have to bear the defeat?
Those thieves said that they almost wiped out the whole army, only a few people were brought back.

In the past, I just wanted to be a martyr, and I would not surrender even if I died, but after I was released, I still missed my family and wanted to come back even after I died.But now that he really had to come back, he couldn't help but start to worry again.

When he was thinking anxiously, he had already seen clearly that a group of knights were galloping towards this side.

In fact, they were not very far from the barracks.The speed of riding the horse over there was still very fast, but after a while, he probably saw it clearly, and was suddenly shocked, the person in the lead seemed to be a handsome man!

He rushed over in such a hurry, what did he want to do?
Before Gao Ruli could figure it out, he had already seen He Renlong's expression clearly.After seeing this, he was immediately stunned.


Such an expression, if Gao Ruli remembers correctly, the commander only had it when he lost his son after the battle with Li Zicheng, and finally found out that the commander's son had died in battle.

The rapid sound of horseshoes stopped just before this team.When the war horse stopped, He Renlong had turned over and dismounted, and shouted loudly as he walked over: "You little bastards, let me see that you are finally back!"

Gao Ruli and the others were shocked when they heard this.This feeling is really very special, a bit like... like being greeted by the elders at home.

They didn't think much, they struggled one by one, wanting to get down to the ground to greet He Renlong.

When He Renlong saw the injuries on each of them, he knew exactly what they had gone through, and immediately shouted: "Don't be too polite, be careful of your injuries. Let me heal them soon!"

Although the words were vulgar, everyone could hear the concern for them.

When Gao Ruli heard this, he was very ashamed, and quickly said to He Renlong: "Commander, your subordinates have failed in their duties and caused the army to be ambushed. Please punish me, Commander!"

He had never seen He Renlong treat them like this. At this moment, he felt that even if he came back after all the hard work and was punished, he would admit it.

When He Renlong heard it, he looked at him, grinned and said, "It's good that you're back, what about this stupid bird?"

Gao Ruli didn't hear the intention of punishing him, so Gao Ruli became even more disturbed, and quickly said: "The commander-in-chief was punished, and this subordinate..."

When he thought about it, the commander-in-chief was still guilty of crimes and meritorious deeds, and after such a big defeat, he must be punished.

As a result, before he finished speaking, He Renlong said carelessly: "I was not punished, what are you worried about?"

"Then the responsibility for the defeat..." Gao Ruli was a little puzzled when he heard this.

Today is different from the past. In the past, losing battles were fought casually. Anyway, all armies often suffered defeats.

But from the past few years, the imperial army, at least the reorganized imperial army, has never suffered a major defeat.And the imperial court repeatedly emphasized military discipline, as evidenced by the heads of the generals such as Zuo Liangyu and Huang.

At least he felt that someone must be responsible for this defeat.He wasn't, and even He Renlong wasn't held accountable, so no one should be held accountable?
While he was thinking about it, He Renlong said with a hint of gratitude on his face: "My lord has taken the responsibility for the crime, but it is the court's responsibility to make a final decision!"

"..." Gao Ruli was dumbfounded when he heard it.

What's going on, he can't figure it out!

Generally speaking, this kind of situation is really impossible in this era.

Normally speaking, if you lose a battle, you will definitely be punished.Even if there was a specific reason, and there was the story of He Renlong returning from a deadly battle, the censors in the court were never good at fault.This kind of thing must be held accountable.

However, at the suggestion of Liu Weichao, a man from another world, Emperor Chongzhen felt that it was not all the fault of the subordinates. In addition, this battle was also fought bravely, which was completely different from the previous wars.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen wanted to be a brave emperor, so he took this responsibility.

However, at this time, the Emperor Chongzhen was considered by his courtiers to be the emperor's innocence, and finally determined that the court had failed his duty.

It is also because of this series of responsibilities that Sun Chuanting, He Renlong and others were exempted from punishment.

When the casualties were counted afterwards and the list of martyrs was reported, He Renlong would also feel that he was ashamed of these brothers who died in battle, and felt that he was responsible instead of looking for others to take responsibility.

Perhaps this is a virtuous circle, inadvertent changes at the top directly affect the people below.

The people above are brave enough to take responsibility; then the people below will also be brave enough to take responsibility.

Under such a background, when He Renlong heard that some of his brothers had come back alive, he was naturally overjoyed, and Gao Ruli couldn't understand the situation.

If it wasn't like this, for example, if He Renlong was severely punished, he might have troubled Gao Ruli and held the striker accountable.

At this time, the other generals had already followed, looking at Gao Ruli's injuries, they all praised them.

"Well done, you are worthy of being our Ming soldiers!"

"Recover well, and soon you will be a good man again!"


Gao Ruli and the others had never seen such a scene, and for a while, they didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, I saw these lieutenant generals of the general army step aside to open a passage, and then saw a female civil servant in a scarlet robe riding up to him.

Female...wen...official? ? ?

At this moment, Gao Ruli and the others were dumbfounded!
They are just ordinary soldiers, and the largest one is only a thousand households. It is impossible to know what happened in the court in time.Even if they had heard that there was a female officer before, but when they saw a female officer appearing with their own eyes at this moment, it was still a beautiful female officer, and she was a beautiful female officer in a red robe, so it would be strange if they were not dumbfounded!

Subvert their cognition!

The person who came was naturally Chen Yuanyuan, who learned how to ride a horse when she was in the palace.It's just that compared with these generals, they definitely don't have such a fast riding speed, so they arrive a little behind.

After arriving here, she recognized at a glance which were the imperial soldiers who had just returned to the team.

Looking at the injuries on their bodies, when they were in the Chinese military camp, they already knew that they were captured by the bandits and would rather die than surrender. Therefore, Chen Yuanyuan's first feeling at this time was that the injuries on the soldiers of the imperial court were all loyal soldiers. The best proof of the imperial court.

Seeing this, she immediately told her mother Wei who was following behind her: "Come on, watch it carefully, write it down, and draw it when you get back. I want to use it. Remember, draw more realistically!"

"Obey!" One of the guards behind her heard this and immediately agreed. Obviously, this person's painting skills are probably the best.

He Renlong and other generals saluted her one after another. Chen Yuanyuan just waved his hands, then looked at Gao Ruli and the others and said, "Your loyalty to the imperial court is indeed a model for the world. I will definitely report your situation to you. God listen."

After a pause, she then said softly: "By the way, you should go back to the barracks first, find the best doctor and doctor for treatment, and heal your injuries. I will go back and find out about the situation with you!"

After Gao Ruli and the others heard this, they felt a little at a loss for a while.

It's not that this is a high-ranking female official of the Ming Dynasty, or that this female official is very beautiful, but even more so, she treats them softly, cares about their injuries, and tells the heavens about their deeds, so that the emperor all know!

When they came back to their senses and wanted to speak excitedly, they saw that Chen Yuanyuan had turned his head and told He Renlong: "General He, hurry up and arrange for them to return to the camp for treatment! Be careful, I will watch them A few of them are seriously injured and need to be taken care of!"

In the army, there is such a weak but like an oriole's voice, which is really unprecedented.

This is not to say that there are no women in the barracks, and there are also red ladies.But these are all female generals, and their actions and actions, at least in front of others, are all in a hurry. There is no one like Chen Yuanyuan.

Therefore, as soon as she opened her mouth, she really had to explain all these elders submissively, not just because of her official position.

These rough guys quickly agreed, and arranged for the personal guards who came with them. Several people served one of them, and sent Gao Ruli, who was still agitated and didn't know what to do, to the barracks.

It was at this time that Li Yan and Hong Niangzi rushed over, and quickly visited Gao Ruli and the others on behalf of Sun Chuanting.

But at this time, only Chen Yuanyuan noticed those chieftain soldiers who were timid and somewhat out of place.

Needless to say, she guessed who these people were at once.

So, Chen Yuanyuan walked over gracefully, looked at the chieftain soldiers who were a little scared, and said with a smile, "Are you the righteous men who escorted these soldiers back to the camp?"

Her words are straight and smooth, and she speaks nicely, without any official airs.

Of course, this has something to do with her background, and it has something to do with her works in the palace that have influenced many later generations of military and civilian fish and water.It might not be the case with someone else.

At this time, these chieftain soldiers saw that the high-ranking female official of the Ming Dynasty spoke so kindly, and called them righteous men. All of them shook their hands quickly, or shook their heads, or someone was nodding. Don't know what I'm doing.

 Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, the explosion will start, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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