Chapter 545 Wa Kingdom

"Actually, I think it's best for them to form an alliance. And it's best for Wa to send troops!"

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen almost couldn't believe his ears, and couldn't help asking immediately, "Why?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao asked with a smile, "Don't you want to be the head of the earth and the emperor through the ages?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't hide it in front of him, he nodded without hesitation and then asked back.

When Liu Weichao heard his question, he immediately asked him: "Isn't that just to conquer the Japanese country? Besides, the Ming Dynasty also had enmity with the Japanese country. Ordinary people know that there is revenge for revenge, and grudges for grudges. If you don't clean up the Wa country, do you have the nerve to be an emperor through the ages?"

"Oh!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately when he heard this, "That's true! But what I mean is that I don't want to start a war on the two fronts until I finish handling the Southwest Tusi affairs!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought about it for a while, and immediately said to him: "Even if the Manchu Qing and the Wa Kingdom form an alliance, the Wa country will not be able to send troops in a short while! Not to mention, if they go to war with Daming, it will be a big problem. when?"

After a pause, before Emperor Chongzhen could speak, he continued: "Besides, in the past two years, your rectification of the local affairs should be similar. Not to mention other things, the revenue of the treasury will increase significantly. So what if there is a war on the two fronts, you are not short of money. Not to mention, you can still vigorously develop technology, whether it is military industry or civilian use, it will widen the gap with them, what are you afraid of?"

When he said this, Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, and after thinking about it, he felt a little embarrassed, and explained to himself: "I... I just haven't gotten used to it yet!"

"Then you have to get used to it!" Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, and said to him, "The troubled times are gone, and next, you will be the master of ZTE, and you will eventually transition to the age of one emperor through the ages. !"

When he said this, Emperor Chongzhen forgot the embarrassment, and nodded with a proud smile: "That's right, you're right, I know it!"

Liu Weichao didn't try to tease him. Instead, he got serious and said to him, "I thought about it, and I think it's actually a good thing for the Wa country to send troops. Let them stay away from the mainland and wipe out their troops; then you can send troops to the Wa country. When the time comes, the resistance can be reduced and it will be easier to conquer the Wa country!"

Everyone understands this truth.After being told by Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and was moved.

I have just reached the conclusion that this country of Wa has enmity with Daming, and if I want to be an emperor through the ages, I must conquer the country of Wa.That being the case, of course it is best to draw the Japanese army out to fight!

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Chongzhen became anxious when he thought of something, and said to Liu Weichao: "But didn't you say just now that the Wa country is the Tokugawa shogunate who is in power and implements a policy of closing the country. They may not agree to Jianlu's request, and Jianlu Let’s form an alliance! What should we do?”

After he finished speaking, he himself felt a little funny.

Just before, I was worried that the Wa Kingdom would form an alliance with Jianlu and send troops; now, I am worried that the Wa Kingdom will not form an alliance with Jianlu and will not send troops!
After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while and said, "That Daishan is a very important figure in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, with a very high status. If he went to the Wa Kingdom, he must be very sincere, and just wanted the Wa Kingdom to agree to form an alliance."

Emperor Chongzhen nodded after hearing this, but he still said worriedly: "But in case the Japanese side still disagrees with the alliance, wouldn't we be in vain... happy!"

He hesitated for a while before saying the word joy.

"It's also possible!" Liu Weichao nodded after listening, "After all, according to history, the Tokugawa shogunate closed the country for hundreds of years, and was later blasted open by the steam warships of Xiyi."

Speaking of this, he comforted Emperor Chongzhen and said: "Well, I'm still on my way home. After I get home, I'll check what's going on at your time, and then Then evaluate the possibility of the Japanese Congress sending troops!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded after hearing this, and then hung up the video communication.

Liu Weichao put away his mobile phone and returned to the car.His brother asked with a smile that you understand: "Brother, are you the future sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law, you are tall!" Liu Weichao was speechless, and scolded him, "Drive!"

"It must be!" His younger brother, Pishi, didn't care about being reprimanded, and started driving, and said, "The way you smiled just now is the same as when I was in love before, I understand!"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless, and raised his hand to hit him, but he was driving, and finally said helplessly, "Next time I will call by myself, I don't need you to pick it up!"

"Hey, I'm guilty!" Liu Weichao's brother Liu Chaoyue owed Bian, and said, "Get married as soon as possible, so that Mom can rest easy!"

Liu Weichao didn't bother to talk about him, so he simply searched on his mobile phone in the car to find out what was going on in Japan in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen.

When I got home, I greeted my parents. After talking for a while, I said I had something to do. I went back to my room, turned on the computer, and continued to search for information.

After about an hour, he felt almost done, and initiated a video chat with Emperor Chongzhen.

As soon as he initiated the call, Emperor Chongzhen connected immediately. Before he could speak, Emperor Chongzhen asked first, "How is it?"

Seeing his expectant eyes, Liu Weichao smiled, then put the mobile phone on the mobile phone holder, looked at the computer, and introduced to Emperor Chongzhen: "At this time, the emperor in name of the Japanese country is the emperor, the king, and the empress. Emperor Guangming, who just succeeded to the throne last year, said that this person has a fierce personality and is quite resistant to the shogunate in power!"

After a pause, he continued to introduce: "At this time, the shogun named Iemitsu Tokugawa is in power, the third generation. In history, he is as famous as the first shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. You At that time, because of the Shimabara Rebellion, he had already completed the arrangements for seclusion. At this time, he was just forty years old!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately thought of it, is this a bit similar to Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty?

Now he just happens to be forty years old, not a few years older than himself, so he can be considered a mature man.Will this kind of person change his mind easily?
Thinking of this, he quickly asked Liu Weichao: "What is the Shimabara Rebellion? Why did he close the country because of it? Also, what is the basis for him to be as famous as the founding emperor?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao did not correct some mistakes in Emperor Chongzhen's words, but only looked at the computer data he picked out and replied: "Simply speaking, it is the rebellion caused by the famine caused by the inaction of the imperial court under natural disasters. But the difference is that there is Western Yi religion in it, and it took a lot of effort for the Tokugawa shogunate to suppress it."

After a pause, he continued: "The first shogun was Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was from the previous generation of shogun, that is, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a courtier who sent troops to invade North Korea. That Toyotomi Hideyoshi died of illness, and his son died again. As a child, he usurped the throne. Later, in order to prevent other daimyos from rebelling like feudal kings, they began to cut down the feudal clan..."

Listening to Liu Weichao's introduction, Emperor Chongzhen had a feeling that there was nothing new in the world.

The difference is that the Tokugawa shogunate succeeded in cutting down the feudal clan, but the Emperor Jianwen failed to cut down the feudal clan.

Regarding this, of course he just thought about it, and then continued to listen to Liu Weichao's explanation there.

"...The Tokugawa family is afraid of the collusion between the feudal lords of various places and the foreign Xiyi, so they restrict the vassal princes of various places in military, economic and other aspects. To sum up, these policies of his are the policy of closing the country! "

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen probably understood why this Tokugawa Iemitsu was as famous as the founding emperor.At least if Emperor Jianwen could successfully cut down the vassal at the beginning, his reputation would definitely be great. After all, he could suppress Emperor Chengzu!

With such an analogy, Emperor Chongzhen became worried when he thought about the matter of Iemitsu Tokugawa, and said to Liu Weichao: "If we look at these things, the possibility of Iemitsu Tokugawa sending troops is I'm afraid it's too small!"

In case of sending troops, it will give the vassal kings of various places a chance to regain power, which is equivalent to making his previous efforts in vain.From Emperor Chongzhen's own point of view, he really felt that Tokugawa Iemitsu would change the basic national policy.

In the past, he was worried that the Japanese country would send troops, but now he was worried that the Japanese country would not send troops, ah!

Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen was somewhat regretful, so he smiled and said: "But I can't say from the information I read, that Tokugawa Iemitsu will definitely not send troops!"

"Oh?" When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he was immediately curious and hopeful, and asked quickly, "How do you say it?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao gave the information he had found to Emperor Chongzhen and said: "According to records, he cut down the vassals and caused the warriors of the Wa Kingdom to lose their masters, have no income, and were impoverished. The number was probably more than half a million. Such a large-scale There was a problem with the samurai group, which caused social turmoil. Even a few years later, seven years later, that is, in 1651, some samurai tried to rebel and overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate. The reason why Tokugawa Iemitsu is famous in the history of Japan is that Through various measures, he eliminated the hidden dangers of this group of warriors."

"What is a warrior?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't understand, so he asked, "Is it a general?"

"It's a bit similar. You should be a military household, and a military household with a certain status. If you don't know anything else, you only know those people who wield knives and guns!" Liu Weichao listened and explained according to his own understanding.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked with great interest, "Then how did he solve it?"

 Thank you very much for the reward from the lord Bai Lantianci. I am sorry that it took so long to add the update. Thank you again!
(End of this chapter)

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