Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 551 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 551 Sudden Arrival
Song Yingxing took the order and continued to work.

As for Emperor Chongzhen and everyone in the capital, they were all busy with the same thing.

This matter is nothing but the special scientific examination of Gephysics.

No way, this is an unprecedented scientific expedition.There is no precedent to refer to, and the number of people is far beyond anyone's imagination!
On the side of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, they have already started to register the list and information of the people who will take part in the scientific examination. They also need to check the list of the preliminary examinations sent by the provinces, arrange the examination room, and no matter what the organizational method, all the yamen in the capital are linked together.


At the same time, in the southwest corner of Daming, far away from the capital, the fields are full of golden colors.

On the Yunnan-Guizhou side, there are fewer plains, but there are terraced fields, which are also golden. Seeing that the autumn harvest is coming, it is estimated that it will be a bumper harvest season.

Chieftain Wan Hongwu is in such a good mood that during the past two days, he can often be seen drinking some wine while enjoying the shade under a centuries-old tree, enjoying singing and dancing, and happily living Had a great time.

Of course, at the beginning, he was not in this mood.

About two months ago, the thieves under Li Zicheng withdrew, and Wan Hongwu couldn't stop him, and he himself knew that if he forced them to stay, conflicts would probably break out between the two sides.

With Wan Hongwu's strength, it is impossible to defeat Li Zicheng's troops, so he can only let Li Zicheng go.

Then, he got worried.

After Li Zicheng's bandits left, only his own troops faced the imperial army outside the mountain. To be honest, for a period of time at first, he couldn't sleep at night. Whenever there was a disturbance, he immediately thought of running away. .

However, this is his lair, where can he escape to?
Fortunately, time passed slowly, and the imperial army outside the mountain had no intention of entering the mountain at all.

This situation also made him very puzzled.

Therefore, Wan Hongwu sent his men to inquire about the news.The subordinates who came back said that the imperial army outside the mountain was singing, there was a reason for that, the tune was weird, it was terrible, far less good than my own folk songs.

Wan Hongwu, who couldn't figure it out clearly, finally came to a conclusion, fearing that the previous battle had frightened the imperial army, so he didn't dare to enter the mountain.

After all, in this mountain, even though the imperial army has a large number of troops, they can't open up their positions.But in terms of familiarity with the mountainous area, it is impossible for the imperial court to be familiar with the locals.

It would be best if the imperial army did not enter the mountain.

I heard that Li Zicheng has united with many chieftains, and plans to conquer Yunnan and drive away the Mu family who was entrusted there by the imperial court.After the autumn harvest, when there is enough food and grass, more soldiers can be recruited, and if they rush to the alliance, they may be able to reap more benefits!

With such calculations in mind, how could Wan Hongwu be in a bad mood when looking at the fields that are about to have a good harvest!
Early this morning, he came under the big tree to enjoy the shade, drank some wine, and watched singing and dancing.

Of course, there are minor annoyances.

No, Wan Hongwu looked at the girls dancing in the arena, suddenly lowered her face, and asked unhappily, "Where is Zhong Wanhong?"

"Returning to the master, she said she was sick and didn't come!"

"What?" When Wan Hongwu heard this, she immediately became angry, "Is it a real disease or a fake disease?"

Yesterday, when he became interested, when he wanted her, he pushed back and forth, but today he didn't dare to dance for fun. He is not stupid, there is obviously a problem!
After speaking, Wan Hongwu became even angrier when he saw the group of untouchables in front of him looking at him with special eyes, and immediately said coldly: "Why, are you still thinking about turning the world around? Come on, try turning the world upside down?"

In the past few days, he has vaguely noticed that these untouchables are becoming more and more disobedient.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something, and sneered again: "Don't just think that the court's rumors, you just believe it? Since ancient times, there has been a court that will treat you well? Even if they change their lands and return to their own country, their foreigners People, they treated you all like pigs and bulls, when did you treat us barbarians like people? What a joke!"

No matter what, Wan Hongwu had heard of the new imperial court's policy of reforming the land and returning the natives.But he didn't take it seriously, just like what he said just now, he wouldn't believe that the imperial court would treat these untouchables so well after seizing his territory!
In the eyes of the imperial court, it is normal that they are all barbarians!
Vaguely, he had a feeling that the imperial court's refusal to send troops might also have something to do with this new policy of reforming the land and returning it to the locals.He received the news that the imperial court had gone to various places to inform the chieftains and asked the chieftains to make a choice.

However, no matter what the choice is, it is definitely not as good as being the emperor in your own territory!

It is also true that there are so many chieftains allied with Li Zicheng's bandits on the side of the thieves, and they want to wipe out the power of the court in the Yunnan-Guizhou area.

Thinking of this, Wan Hongwu ordered viciously: "Come on, bring that bitch to me, even if he is seriously ill and cannot leave, then drag him here!"

When his personal guard heard it, he immediately agreed, and several people hurried out.

After a while, there was a commotion, and the chieftains and guards had already dragged a young and beautiful woman over, and escorted her to Wan Hongwu.

"Hehe, aren't you sick? What kind of sickness is it?" Wan Hongwu immediately stood up and walked over with a smile, as if asking harmlessly to humans and animals. The slap was thrown over, and with a "slap", Zhong Wanhong was hit on the ground, the corners of his mouth suddenly swelled up, and blood flowed out from his mouth.

"Master has taken a fancy to you, that's your blessing; if you dare to refuse, that's your retribution!" Wan Hongwu's expression became fierce again, and he immediately ordered: "Come on, hang her up!" !"

This hundreds-year-old tree hangs some people that Master Tusi hates every year. Looking at his posture now, he is probably going to hang Zhong Wanhong as well.

Immediately, Zhong Wanhong's family members, who came after him, stepped forward to stop her, crying and shouting, begging Wan Hongwu to let Zhong Wanhong go.However, he was directly whipped by the chieftain guard and fell to the ground.

Zhong Wanhong was hanged from the tree, but there was no expression of fear, he just glared at Wan Hongwu and said: "The imperial army will come soon, and you will die a terrible death!"

Hearing this, Wan Hongwu's face was gloomy.

He finally confirmed that what he felt vaguely during this period of time was all true. These untouchables all wishful thinking that the imperial court would make decisions for them!

If they don't kill chickens and scare monkeys once, they won't be obedient!

Thinking of this, Wan Hongwu, who had just walked back to his seat, grabbed the teacup on the coffee table and slammed it on the ground viciously.

Turning her head, she stared coldly at Zhong Wanhong who was hung up, and said in a cold voice: "Give me a stripped naked girl and whip her hard!"

Hearing this, his guards showed obscene smiles one by one, and they all rolled up their sleeves and were about to step forward.

It goes without saying that Zhong Wanhong could be favored by the chieftain.On weekdays, they have nothing to do, but now with the order of the chieftain, they are a pack of wolves.

When the other people saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright, and they remembered Master Tusi's tricks again, so they didn't dare to speak out.

Only Zhong Wanhong's family members were crying and trying to stop them, but how could they be against the wolf-like chieftain guards.

Zhong Wanhong herself also showed a look of despair, she did not expect such a way of death.

Seeing that the minions of these chieftains were about to approach her, she suddenly showed surprise, and immediately laughed loudly and shouted: "Hahaha, Wan Hongwu, you old thief, your time of death has come!"

Hearing her words, Wan Hongwu couldn't believe his ears, he was about to die, and he still wanted to curse him, did he lose his mind and go crazy?

At this moment, the others also screamed.

"what is that?"

"Is the imperial army coming?"

"It's really the imperial army!"

"How did they suddenly appear here?"


Wan Hongwu was shocked when he heard that, and quickly turned his head to follow their gaze, and saw a long dragon appearing on the official road from here.Wearing a red battle robe, one can tell at a glance that it is an official army of the imperial court.

The one in the front is not the red shirt, but it seems to be the chieftain soldier under him.But at this time, they were leading the way in front, and the imperial army was behind them, so they rushed over here.

"Look, on the mountain, there are also on the mountain!"

I don't know who it is, and suddenly screamed again.

After Wan Hongwu heard this, she immediately turned her head to look, and sure enough, figures of imperial court officers and soldiers appeared on several hills.Just like the imperial army on the official road, the imperial army on those mountains also has a group of chieftain soldiers leading the way.

Seeing this situation, Wan Hongwu confirmed that the line of defense he set up outside was probably betrayed by the untouchables, and was taken down by the imperial army without making a sound.

Thinking of this, he turned pale with fright, immediately turned around and fled to his own mansion without caring about anything else.

There is definitely no way to stay here, and it is important to run away quickly with gold, silver and jewelry.

Naturally, his guards were all shocked and ran away with him.

Zhong Wanhong's family ran over and untied Zhong Wanhong.

At this moment, the imperial army on the official road arrived first.

The leaders are the chieftain soldiers who escorted Gao Ruli before.

The people here, of course, recognize their own people, and they also know that they are anyway, leading the imperial army to arrest the chieftain.They all pointed at Wan Hongwu's back and shouted.

"Master Chieftain is over there, just escaped!"

"Hurry up and catch Master Chieftain, don't let him escape!"

"Come on, I'll take you there, hurry up!"


The red torrent, led by the chieftain soldiers and the local people, quickly dispersed and began to hunt down the chieftain and his minions.

Depending on the situation, needless to say, they are all doomed!

Under the big tree, Gao Ruli, who was still from thousands of households, arrived. Seeing that Zhong Wanhong's family was still here, he asked, "Don't be afraid, I have a question for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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