Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 554 VIP Treatment

Chapter 554 VIP Treatment
This person is none other than Concubine Zhu Aimee of Kunxing who can go out of the palace to find the person he likes because of Tian Guifei's intercession.

These days, it is rare to have such an opportunity to go out of the palace. Therefore, she hurried out of the palace as soon as dawn, shopping, buying delicious food, buying fun things, and when she returned to the palace, she also brought some for her younger siblings in the palace. , Of course, Queen Zhou and Concubine Tian are indispensable.

As for Emperor Chongzhen, she will not bother.

In fact, Queen Zhou was actually a little unhappy.He felt that she was a majestic Princess of Ming Dynasty, so she showed her face and took the initiative to find her husband-in-law, which was too shocking.

However, Emperor Chongzhen had already given her permission, and she had no choice but to tell Aimi Zhu to abide by the will and not reveal her identity.

After Princess Kunxing brought her several gifts from outside the palace to please her, Aimee Zhu no longer saw her stern face when she saw her mother again.

On this day, as before, she went shopping excitedly with the maids and guards.

As for finding a husband-in-law, she had already forgotten about it.There are many kinds of shops in the capital city, with a wide variety of goods, even if she is a princess of Ming Dynasty, she has never seen many of them, and they are very attractive to her.

Seeing that the registration for the Gephysics Special Examination was about to end, and the exam would start soon, she became a little anxious, thinking about meeting those students for a while to see if there were any suitable ones.

No, she had only left for a while when another maid came excitedly and told her, "Miss, this servant has found out clearly that candidates who come to the capital, regardless of men or women, will go to a place first to be blessed." , let's go too, maybe the lady can become the champion!"

"..." Auntie Zhu was a little speechless when she heard that. As a princess, she couldn't reveal her identity, so why would she be the number one scholar?
Afterwards, she came back to her senses and became very interested again: Those candidates who entered Beijing, regardless of men and women, would go to a place to be blessed, what's going on?

Thinking of this, she asked curiously: "Where is the blessing? Shouldn't you go to pray to the gods and Buddha, or go to the Confucius Temple for blessings?"

Hearing this, the maid who had inquired about the news excitedly introduced: "My maidservant has found out clearly that all those who come from other places, after arriving in the capital, there are two places they must go. One is for good luck, The other one is respect and loyalty!"

Upon hearing this, Auntie Zhu said with great interest: "Jing Zhonglie, this must be the Zhonglie Hall and the Zhonglie Memorial Hall, we should go and see it too. I really can't figure out where this lucky person is! "

"It's Wang Laowu's pig farm!" The maid didn't dare to tease the princess, and quickly explained, "Wang Laowu, who won the special prize in the welfare lottery for the first time, is the only one who was summoned by His Majesty, and He also taught the way of raising pigs from Gewu. Therefore, everyone said that he is a very blessed person."

After a pause, she immediately added: "And this pig farm is all from Gewu. As a candidate for the special science examination of Gewu, I naturally want to see it. Therefore, that pig farm has also become a candidate for the exam." A must-go place.”

"..." Auntie Zhu was a little surprised when she heard that, but she nodded and said after recovering, "It seems to make sense, then I will follow their example and go to both places!"

"Where are we going first, miss?"

Hearing the maid's enthusiastic question, Aimee Zhu thought for a while, then said seriously: "Let's go to Zhonglie Hall first, this is the most important thing."

After hearing this, the maid happily beckoned to the back.

When the two guards saw it, they immediately led their horses forward, one by one, and rode over.

The entire capital is still very large, and it is absolutely unrealistic to rely on walking.

The means of transportation in this era are horse riding, carriages, sedan chairs and the like, nothing else.

Aimee Zhu learned riding and archery from Concubine Tian Gui, not for the battlefield, but for playing, and also contributed to Liu Weichao's videos.

She was impatient with being a carriage, and felt that it was not free and blocked her view, so she chose to ride a horse by herself.

In the capital city, masters and servants all ride horses, which is actually not uncommon.

It's not that there are no rich people in the capital, but that the rich people in the capital are relatively low-key.However, this kind of atmosphere has only been formed in the past two years.

In the past, the atmosphere in the capital was similar to that of the late Ming Dynasty. Comparing luxury and showing off wealth during travel was also an important part of it.

However, since the current emperor was nicknamed "The Emperor of Copying Homes" in private, this atmosphere began to change significantly.Coupled with the promulgation and strict implementation of the new etiquette system, the atmosphere of luxury comparisons has directly changed to a low-key one.

As a result, Aimee Zhu and her group immediately attracted a lot of attention.But for this situation, Aimee Zhu will not care.

Soon, the group of them arrived at the Daming Loyalty Memorial Hall outside the Meridian Gate.

After arriving here, I found that there were many people, and they could basically be distinguished at a glance. They were all students who came to Beijing to rush for the exam.However, there are many men and few women; there are many older ones and relatively few young ones.

But because of the large number of people and the large base, even the number of young girls is not too small.

There is a monument in a large open space outside the Memorial Hall of the Martyrs. In front of the monument, there is a large incense burner where you can burn incense and worship.

Here in the Martyrs Memorial Hall, there are incense and paper money for sale. There are different packages, some expensive and some cheap.

There are ordinary incense and high-quality incense, paper money, and all kinds of paper money;

If you choose the most expensive set meal of ten taels of silver, you can also have special courtesy, that is, you don't need to queue up, and you can directly enter the Memorial Hall of the Martyrs from a separate road to visit.

Ten taels of silver is really not too little.But Auntie Zhu saw the long line outside the memorial hall, gritted her teeth, and took out fifty taels of silver.

No way, leave the maids and guards outside and go in alone, they will definitely not agree, if something happens, they will lose their heads.

Since they want to go in together, they can't let them pay for it themselves!
Therefore, this money still has to be paid by Auntie Zhu.

In fact, they still need money to store their horses.

The capital has everything, and you can enjoy it if you have a big show, but the key is to spend money.

Fortunately, in these years, the palace has gradually become rich.If it was a few years ago, Auntie Zhu would have to wait in line obediently.

Although Auntie Zhu didn't know what the original history was like, she was still very pious when facing Daming Zhonglie.

They led the maids and guards with great care, burned incense for Daming Zhonglie, and burned the valuables, then the soldier in charge of the Zhonglie Memorial Hall graciously led them into the gate through the path that was opened separately.

The soldier didn't enter the door, but just ordered at the door: "Little man, remind me, you should observe the etiquette in the Zhonglie hall, don't make loud noises, and don't laugh loudly, otherwise the patrol will drive people away!"

After hearing this, Auntie Zhu nodded, indicating that she understood, and strode into the lobby.

On the front of Zhonglie Hall, there are Sangong Temples, namely Sun Chengzong, Lu Xiangsheng and Qiu Minyang.

Regarding the deeds of these three people, Zhu Yuxi already knew about it, looked up at the statue, devoutly rejoicing, and after a moment of silent recitation, she turned to the back.

The number of people in the memorial hall is much smaller than that outside. Those who line up have to buy tickets first, five cents each, and there is a limited flow.Otherwise, there must be a sea of ​​people in the memorial hall.

However, although there are far fewer people inside than outside, this is relatively speaking, and there are still a lot of people.

When Aimee Zhu sees crowded places, she doesn't crowd, but just looks around; where there are few people, she goes closer to learn about the deeds of loyalty.

She found that men and women are still different, and they don't get together or squeeze together.

Most of the places describing battles are men, but most of the relics and portraits of martyrs are women.

If they are older, they can still hear them whispering to their companions around them, and some even have experienced or heard about wars, and they will add something.

Auntie Zhu walked and watched, and suddenly found that there were a lot of girls in one place, so she was a little curious, so she walked over to watch.

It turns out that there is a portrait of a female general hanging here, with a heroic posture and an introduction to her deeds.

Auntie Zhu was not short-sighted either. Standing on the outside, she saw the name of this female general, and immediately knew that this female Zhonglie was the daughter-in-law of Duke Zhongzhen.

This is also the only female general in the Zhonglie Hall so far.

Auntie Zhu was watching, when suddenly, she heard a girl's voice saying: "I really admire her, I will learn from her in the future, and I will leave a name in history!"

Hearing this, Auntie Zhu turned her head to look, but saw a group of three people, two women and one man.

The oldest one was a woman, already dressed as a woman; the one who spoke just now was the younger woman, and Auntie Zhu reckoned that she was a little younger than herself.

that man...

Before she looked at it, she saw that the woman dressed had turned around, just blocking her view, and said to the young girl: "Little sister, don't think so much, learn Gewu, and then say Maybe it will be famous in history!"

Although loyalty is admirable, but if it is really one's own relatives, it is natural to be reluctant, which is also human nature.

The little girl listened, but replied: "Unless you can get the female champion in this Gewu subject examination, then you will be famous all over the world just like that Wang Laowu, and if you do something in the future, you will be able to win the prize." Leave a name in history! But...but I am in Gewuxue, not to mention comparing with my second brother, even you, the eldest sister, are much better than me! In my opinion, this female champion must be the eldest sister. hopeless!"

Upon hearing this, Auntie Zhu couldn't help being slightly startled.

 Who can guess who these three people are?
(End of this chapter)

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