Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 569 It's all true

Chapter 569 Tell the truth
This also made Li Ruolian realize that if the domestic situation in the Wa country is not handled properly, it will really be chaotic.

But now, if the half a million impoverished ronin unite to ask the shogun to take advantage of North Korea, let alone, I believe the pressure on the shogun will be great.

Thinking of this, he had to admire that the person who released the news to put pressure on the Tokugawa shogunate was really a genius!

It can be said that with the speed of traveling day and night, the group of them finally arrived in Edo very quickly.

After arriving at the border of Edo, Li Ruolian discovered that a lot of ronin had gathered here.

It should be that they were not allowed to enter the city of Edo, and they were all gathered outside the city, in a group in the east and in a group in the west.Shit and urine everywhere, very dirty.

There are regular troops under martial law, and they all look like they are facing a big enemy.

When Zheng Zhilong and the others were about to enter the city, they saw a group of Japanese soldiers escorting several people into the city.Behind them, followed by a group of ronin, they all looked aggrieved, complaining something to the leading Japanese warrior.

Even if Zheng Zhilong didn't listen to it deliberately, those indignant words got into his ears.

"Why should we arrest our teacher? Isn't it not allowed to give lectures?"

"The Nanmu Liu Art of War is allowed by the shogunate. If you learn it and serve the country, why should you close it?"


The leading samurai of the abbot, or Banner, heard them yelling non-stop, and yelled loudly: "You Jing Zhengxue violated the shogunate's ban and incited you to make trouble during the class, shouldn't you be arrested? If you want to talk too much, Believe it or not, even you have been caught?"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the captured Japanese warrior.Because he remembered that in the materials given to him by Emperor Chongzhen, it was predicted that when Tokugawa Iemitsu died seven years later, a man named Yujing Zhengxue would try to bring those impoverished warriors to rebel, but the news Leaked, he was arrested before rebelling.

Hearing the commotion, Zheng Zhilong had reason to believe that this Yu Jing Zhengxue was probably the Yu Jing Zhengxue mentioned by the emperor.

This realization made him very emotional.

First, he felt that the emperor's news turned out to be true!

Second, it can be seen that Yu Jing Zhengxue has started to make trouble.

Zheng Zhilong didn't know that Yujing Zhengxue was born in a dyeing family in Suruga country, and was a military scholar in the early Edo period.

When he was young, Youjing Zhengxue became a monk at Xingjin Qingjian Temple, and then went to Edo to learn the art of war in Nanmu style.After finishing his studies, Zhengxue opened a military art school in Renquecho, Kanda, Edo, and many bannermen, samurai and ronin from various feudal clans were his disciples at that time.

Born not aristocratic, naturally suffered a lot from the bottom.When I saw the third generation of the Tokugawa shogunate, it happened that there were continuous natural disasters, and there was also a vassal reduction, which caused a waste of wealth, the unemployment of the samurai, and the poor livelihood of the common people. All these were just to consolidate the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate. .

Therefore, when he learned that he had the opportunity to eat North Korea, which is bigger than the country of Wa, and completely solve the difficulties in the country of Wa, he couldn't help it. When he was giving lectures, he began to talk about his private goods and encourage them. of those students.

The shogun has not yet made a decision, this style of restraint is definitely not what Tokugawa Iemitsu wants to see.Therefore, it would be strange not to catch him!
At this time, Jing Zhengxue could naturally see Zheng Zhilong and his party, and when he saw this, he was surprised, and immediately stopped and stared at Zheng Zhilong and the others.

Because the costumes of Zheng Zhilong and the others looked like they were from Daming.Escorted by the shogun's guards, he rushed to Edo in a hurry. As long as he was a normal person, he would immediately think that it might be related to the most important thing in the court today!

So who are these smart people?

Could it be that the shogun's mansion told the Ming Dynasty about the Qing Empire and wanted to betray the Qing envoy who came to Japan with sincerity?
Is it from the Ming court?It doesn't seem right, not wearing official uniforms!

With all these, doubts emerged one after another.

But obviously, You Jing Zhengxue had no chance to get an answer, and Zheng Zhilong and his party had already rode into the city.

Although the sky at this time is already at noon, logically speaking, it is time for lunch and rest.However, the cavalry team went directly to the general's mansion instead of going to the post station to rest and wait for an audience.

As a result, Li Ruolian and Zheng Zhilong had no chance to communicate.

Not long after they arrived, the Japanese came over and invited Zheng Zhilong away.Li Ruolian and others were not allowed to follow, but they were also arranged to have lunch.

Perhaps because he knew that Li Ruolian might be worried, Zheng Zhilong's personal guard secretly found an opportunity to talk to him, and the shogun invited Zheng Zhilong to lunch.The people who invited Zheng Zhilong were extremely polite, and nothing would happen.

In this regard, Li Ruolian, who only knew a few Japanese words, had no choice but to nod and wait patiently for Zheng Zhilong's return.

He waited for a long time, about an hour and a half, before he saw a Japanese warmly leading Zheng Zhilong to join them, and then arranged to live in a separate courtyard next to the General's Mansion.

Only at this time did Li Ruolian have the opportunity to speak with Zheng Zhilong alone.Of course, the other guards are guarding the door, so there is no need to worry about someone eavesdropping.

Zheng Zhilong obviously knew Li Ruolian's anxiety. After checking the house and making sure no one could eavesdrop, he immediately smiled and said to Li Ruolian, "The Japanese are hooked!"

Such a simple sentence is obviously not enough to explain, so he described in detail: "When we arrived, General Tokugawa's side had already had lunch, but they pretended to bump into each other and then had lunch together. Except In addition to him, there are Ometsu Yagyu Tamaru Ma Shoumo and the old Nakamatsudaira Izu Shouxin Tsuna. These two are the right-hand men of the shogun and the most important courtiers."

Zheng Zhilong knew that Li Ruolian should not be familiar with the official positions in the Wa Kingdom. In fact, these official positions were created by Tokugawa Iemitsu. It is normal not to be familiar with such official positions.

No, he explained to Li Ruolian: "The Daimufu of the Wa Kingdom is a bit similar to the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate in the Ming Dynasty, plus the admirals of the East Factory and the West Factory, and the commander of Jinyiwei, who are responsible for supervising the daimyos of the feudal clans. and shogunate officials."

Hearing this, Li Ruolian understood, nodded immediately, and continued to listen carefully.

On Zheng Zhilong's side, he continued to introduce: "As for Laozhong, it is equivalent to the cabinet of our Ming Dynasty, and has greater power than the cabinet."

After hearing this, Li Ruolian nodded again, expressing that he understood.

Therefore, Zheng Zhilong continued to speak: "I will not say those polite words. The main thing is to pretend to care about me. I heard that I am not going well in the Ming Dynasty. How is the specific situation? Ask these questions Question, and by the way, how is the situation of our Daming?"

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "Of course, they asked more cryptic questions, mainly from the old middleman and Ometsu, but the shogun also listened very carefully, and sometimes couldn't help but ask. Ask a question."

After hearing this, Li Ruolian just nodded and continued to listen attentively without speaking.

Zheng Zhilong saw it, and continued to say: "The question they are most concerned about is whether what Jianlu said is true. For example, now that Jianlu has been defeated by the imperial court, he can only guard the pass. I answered them, It is said that Liaodong has indeed been occupied by Jianlu."

"Then they were also concerned about whether there was an official from the governor of Jiliao in Daming who surrendered to the Jian captives; I answered them that there was indeed such a thing. In the Battle of Songjin, the [-] court officers and troops were completely wiped out. Governor Ji Liao, who served as commander in chief, was defeated and surrendered, and even Hong Chengchou's name, I took the initiative to say."

"These Japanese people are still concerned about how the situation in Ming Dynasty is. I heard that the pass is not peaceful? I told them that the thieves in the pass are rampant, besieging Kaifeng, digging the Yellow River, and occupying Huguang, a land of fish and rice. All the vassal kings were killed by them. Even the imperial tomb in Fengyang was burned by them."

Having said that, Zheng Zhilong took a cautious look at Li Ruolian's expression.Obviously, although what he said was all the truth, how did the commander of Jin Yiwei think about the imperial court?

Although he didn't show it clearly, Li Ruolian understood his thoughts immediately, and immediately nodded with a smile and said: "You speak very well, and then!"

Confirming that he really doesn't mind what he said, Zheng Zhilong's expression was obviously relaxed, and then he continued: "When they asked me about my business, I told them that my business was reported and let the emperor know about it, and he wanted me too." For the money, I was transferred to the north to fight against Jianlu, rebuild Dongjiang Town, and be in charge of the sea. Besides, I bewitched my son and confiscated all the land in my hometown.”

"En!" Li Ruolian nodded after hearing this, and asked, "Then what?"

"They didn't believe it, so they continued to ask me." Zheng Zhilong hesitated a little after hearing this, and then continued: "I told them that the current emperor of Ming Dynasty has the nickname of the emperor who copied the family. , Shangshu, etc., as well as salt merchants, Shanxi merchants, etc., as long as they have money, their homes will be ransacked. Knowing that I have money here, it is not directly ransacking the house, but also because I have a fleet, which is useful to the court, otherwise It will definitely end up the same as everyone else!"

"It's okay, is there anything else?" Li Ruolian seemed to comfort Zheng Zhilong after hearing this, and then asked again.

When Zheng Zhilong heard it, he said again: "They didn't quite believe it at first, and then I said that there were wars everywhere, and the court owed the military salary. When is the head! I saw them discussing with their eyes, but I pretended to eat and didn't see it."

(End of this chapter)

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