Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 580 It's time to solve it

Chapter 580 It's time to solve it
Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked with great interest, "Which four characters?"

"Changing herds to return!" Liu Weichao knew that he just said that, and Emperor Chongzhen might not understand it, so he didn't wait for him to ask, and explained directly, "For the tribes in the Mongolian grassland, it is no longer governed by the patriarch or something, but by the imperial court. Officials should manage it. Although the grasslands are vast and nomadic nomads live in no fixed place, the general scope can still be delineated, and cities can also be built for fixed-point management."

After a pause, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen's eyes seemed to light up, he continued: "Isn't there already a steam train? Turning around, the cities on the grassland can be connected by train. The transportation is convenient, and the control of the court can also be obtained. strengthen!"

"Anthracene!" Emperor Chongzhen said suddenly after hearing this, "That's why you said that I already have the ability to govern the grassland at this time, do you mean this steam train?"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he smiled and said: "This is just one of the reasons. The second reason is that with my help, you have changed to the age of firearms, and the transformation of cold weapons into the real age of firearms is also the result of nomadic people The beginning of the decline. They can't beat the technological nation, and in the end they can only obediently put down their knives and guns, and use their joyful dances to welcome the guests."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help grinning.Since ancient times, the grassland has been the confidant of the Central Plains Dynasty. Even the wise and mighty emperor can only solve it for a while at most, but cannot solve it for a lifetime.Now, in his hands, in the hands of the emperor who is still the pioneer of science and technology, this problem will finally be resolved.

He was enjoying himself, when he heard Liu Weichao saying to him again: "Also, the spinning jenny machine... No, the Chongzhen spinning machine has been invented, after such a long time, it should be proficient. The demand for raw materials will be greatly improved. Grassland herdsmen graze sheep, and their wool can be purchased, which will not only contribute to your textile industry, but also feed the grassland herdsmen. This is something you only have at this time.”

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then concluded: "It is necessary to give the herdsmen a bite to eat and improve their lives, so that they will not rebel because of hunger and cold; and they can connect to the grasslands through convenient transportation such as trains. Improve the court's control over the grassland; finally, there is a strong army to deter, I believe you already have the conditions and capabilities to truly solve the grassland!"

After listening to his words, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said with a smile: "Your proposal of far-sightedness and strategic planning, my courtiers would never have thought of it. I am so lucky to have a friend like you!"

Liu Weichao's proposal, in the eyes of future generations, is actually considered ordinary.Because what means are effective, it has been verified by history.At a glance, it is nothing more than a summary.

But those courtiers of Emperor Chongzhen, although some of them must be smarter than Liu Weichao, but they are limited by the times and their vision is limited. It is definitely very difficult to consider what Liu Weichao can think of very easily.

After Emperor Chongzhen flattered Liu Weichao sincerely, he quickly thought of a question, and asked Liu Weichao: "Then what should we do with the current patriarchs and leaders of the Mongolian tribe?"

This is really a bit like dealing with the southwestern chieftain. Since the imperial court wants to appoint officials to go there, it must be in conflict with those Mongolian tribes who are in power today.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao replied without thinking, "Didn't you say so? You don't want to take advantage of those who help the evildoers. If that's the case, then there's nothing to say. They must be killed!"

Seeing how Emperor Chongzhen wanted to speak after hearing his words, he added without waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to speak: "Of course, I don't think you can do this. Instead, let the herdsmen do it themselves. Only in this way can it be thorough. The specific method is still similar to solving the chieftain, using the wealth of those patriarchs and the like to distribute to ordinary herdsmen to attract ordinary herdsmen to work for the court."

"The information I have seen here shows that the ordinary Mongolian herdsmen at this time are actually very poor. They are oppressed by the tribal chief and his cronies, and they live very hard. As long as you can improve their lives, they I am definitely willing to serve the imperial court and be under the jurisdiction of the imperial court!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought of the solution to the chieftain, and immediately understood, and immediately said excitedly: "You mean to say, I defeated the Mongolian tribe, took the cattle and sheep like the head of the Mongolian tribe, and harvested them." It is owned by the imperial court, and then leased to ordinary herdsmen on favorable terms. If they have contributed to the imperial court, they can also give them some cattle and sheep. By the way, there is also an imperial court that buys their output and conducts mutual markets to improve their lives. Live a good life, right?"

After asking this question, he immediately thought of something, and quickly added: "Also, set up a free school to teach them to use Daming Mandarin, learn Chinese characters, etc., just like the Southwest chieftain?"

"Haha..." Liu Weichao immediately nodded with a smile and said, "I think you've graduated from the teacher, that's it!"

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard this.In this way, there is an implementable plan for the strategic layout of the grassland.

Facing Liu Weichao's praise, Emperor Chongzhen became humble instead, and said to Liu Weichao: "It's all thanks to you, and you are my true mentor and helpful friend! I will think about this matter more carefully later."

When Liu Weichao heard it, he immediately laughed and said, "We are still each other's grandfathers!"

From a certain point of view, Liu Weichao is the golden finger of Emperor Chongzhen, the grandfather in the ring, helping him rejuvenate Daming!Similarly, Emperor Chongzhen was also Liu Weichao's golden finger, allowing him to realize the freedom of wealth. In addition, the spiritual world can also be greatly satisfied.

As soon as Liu Weichao finished speaking, he heard a voice behind him saying, "What old man?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao was startled, and turned his head quickly to look, but saw his girlfriend walking towards him on the other side of the stairs.

So, he quickly whispered to Emperor Chongzhen: "My girlfriend is here, let's talk later."

After finishing speaking, before Emperor Chongzhen could speak, he hung up the video communication.

"Remember Liuqiu..." Emperor Chongzhen heard what he said, and before he had time to remind him, he found that Liu Weichao had hung up the video communication. If you are so scared, when you get married later, wouldn’t you marry a tigress and go home, it’s really worthless!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully put the mobile phone back into the sachet on his chest, and then began to think about the conversation with Liu Weichao this time.

While thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen began to write notes, writing down all the main points of what he said just now.

I don't know how long it took, but when he looked up, he found that Wang Chengen, who was going to deliver the decree, was already waiting at the door.

Emperor Chongzhen knew that the Ryukyu envoys should be waiting there.

However, he didn't think about meeting the Ryukyu envoy. Instead, he summoned Wang Cheng'en and said to him, "I've thought about the grassland tribe that Da Companion mentioned before, and I have something to tell you!"

When Wang Chengen heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, fearing that there would be no credit to be made, he quickly responded: "Long live Lord ordered me to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire..."

"..." Emperor Chongzhen was speechless for a while, and quickly interrupted, "I didn't let you go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire. Just listen carefully!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wang Cheng'en responded quickly, as if concentrating on it.

Just listen to Emperor Chongzhen explaining to him: "You sent people from Xichang to go to the grassland to spread the news. The latest state policy of the imperial court for the tribes in the grassland is..."

As he spoke, he told Wang Chengen what he and Liu Weichao had discussed.Of course, going to the grasslands to spread the news can only talk about how to improve the lives of ordinary herdsmen and let them have expectations for the governance of the Ming Dynasty, not all policies will be said at the beginning.

In fact, there is another point that Liu Weichao didn't mention when he talked with him just now.Even today's Daming, with increasingly strong financial resources, already has the strength to govern the grasslands.

Otherwise, [-] years before Chongzhen was replaced, even the military salaries of the frontier soldiers could not be paid, so what can we talk about for the pastoral herdsmen to live a good life!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen spoke to the end, and explained to Wang Chengen: "This matter, my companion can go to Shanhaiguan first, and discuss with Governor Du Qing of Jiliao, and he will assist you in this matter."

He wasn't in a hurry to solve the matters of the grassland tribes either. He would not focus on the grasslands until the matters of the Southwest Chieftain were resolved.

However, this does not mean that the grassland tribes will not do it first, at least they can spread the news first and do it on a small scale.

Wang Cheng'en is the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies, equivalent to the inner minister, and all major government affairs are handled by him.Therefore, as soon as Emperor Chongzhen made a generalization, he immediately thought of the Southwest chieftain's strategy of reforming the land and returning it to the people.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.The policy of reforming the land and returning it to the people is to permanently solve the problem of the southwestern chieftain; and now the policy of the Long Live God to deal with the grassland is also to solve the grassland problem for a long time. This is a rare major policy. a sum.

So, he quickly responded, and then replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "Long Live Lord, this matter is of great importance, slave and maidservant, shall I go to Shanhaiguan in person?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought for a while and said, "That's fine, go and come back quickly, I can't do without you here!"

When Wang Chengen heard this, his face burst into smiles, and he quickly agreed.

At this time, the mobile phone in the sachet had a movement. Emperor Chongzhen ignored Wang Chengen. He took out the mobile phone and found that it was Liu Weichao's message about the Ryukyu Kingdom. He browsed it and then ordered the Ryukyu envoy to meet him .

(End of this chapter)

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