Chapter 582 Salary
After seeing their statement, Emperor Chongzhen's expression softened a little, and he said to them: "Okay, since that's the case, my Jinyiwei Commander will go to you and tell you one thing. If it can be done, I will send troops to go there. Ryukyu, destroy those Japanese, and you can garrison your Ryukyu troops to protect the safety of your Ryukyu country!"

Upon hearing this, Jin Yingyuan and the others couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly agreed.I didn't expect to get the promise from the Emperor Ming to garrison Ryukyu, so I don't have to worry about Wa country anymore!
They naturally didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen knew about the existence of Naha Port from Liu Weichao's information, which was a very important port.During the Japanese occupation of Ryukyu and the occupation of Ryukyu by the US military in later generations, this Naha port existed as a very important military port.

In Emperor Chongzhen's ambition, the future is to focus on the development of the navy. In this way, it is very necessary to set up some overseas naval bases.This Naha Port was one of his favorites.

At this time, Jin Yingyuan and the others got the final opinion from the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and seeing the hope of sending troops to Ryukyu from the Celestial Kingdom, they all thanked each other beamingly, and then went back to wait for the Commander of Jinyiwei to come to order to do things.

On the other hand, Emperor Chongzhen looked at his courtiers and announced: "In the future, the vassal states of Ming Dynasty must follow this example. Only the vassal states loyal to Daming can be vassal states. If they are white-eyed wolves, I don't want them! I remember Well, there are some vassal states in Nanyang, so they rejected my request for their tribute food. You have to reorganize the vassal states!"

Nanyang's food, he went to an imperial decree, but no one was there.If it weren't for Zheng Zhilong's influence to buy food from Nanyang, Daming would not be able to get food from Nanyang at all.

Although the situation in Nanyang is complicated today, it may not be because the vassal states in Nanyang are unwilling, but for Emperor Chongzhen, he would not care about so many reasons.

At least his request, in terms of reason, is also very tenable.

Therefore, the officials listened, and no one had any objections, and they all received the order in unison.

After the meeting adjourned, Emperor Chongzhen began to deal with government affairs again.In addition to reviewing the memorials, you also have to browse the officials and people's livelihood reports from Jinyiwei, Dongchang and Xichang.

No, at this moment, he was browsing the report sent to the desk by the factory guard routinely.

Looking at the report, Emperor Chongzhen had a smile on his face at the beginning, but after watching it, his smile gradually disappeared, and even later, his brows were wrinkled.

After reading all of them, I saw him meditating there.

According to the report of the factory guard, since the special scientific examination of Gephysics last fall, there have been more and more officials in various places who have abandoned their officials and started to study Gephysics.Especially among those young officials, it is more obvious.

Regarding this situation, Emperor Chongzhen was actually quite happy when he first saw it.It shows that his Gephysics is popular, which is a good thing!
However, soon, he thought of one thing, and this joy was gone.

As far as the Ming Dynasty is concerned, in fact, the number of officials is relatively small.Especially after Emperor Chongzhen established the Daming Royal Official Academy, fewer officials could pass the examination after training.

However, during this period of time, Daming carried out a large-scale land reform, and instead of just appointing chief officials to manage the chieftain's territory as before, he had to send officials in charge of different aspects.

As a result, the demand for young and promising officials has suddenly increased.

It just so happened that after listening to Liu Weichao's suggestion, Emperor Chongzhen also prepared to deploy a grassland strategy, which also required a lot of reserve officials like the reform of the Southwest to return the land to the people.

Under such a background, many young officials abandon their official positions and want to engage in Gephysics, which is a problem.

The root cause of this situation was also analyzed in the factory guard's report.

In the final analysis, the reason is that the salary of an official is too low!
In the past, if you were an official, there were officials and gentry who could take advantage of the loopholes here, and most officials could spend some money, so no officials took that little salary seriously.

However, since the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen began to rectify the bureaucracy. The East Factory and Jinyiwei were not enough, and the West Factory was established; in addition, the Metropolitan Procuratorate also appointed the famous Qingliu to lead the team.The matter of ransacking the house, up and down, can't escape.

Under such a background, most officials are frightened. Although I dare not say that there will be no corruption and bribery, the extent of this kind of corruption has definitely been effectively curbed. No one dares to do these things blatantly up.

Under normal circumstances, most of these officials are landlords who have surplus food in their families, and they can live comfortably by taking advantage of the loopholes of officials and gentry without corruption.

Unexpectedly, since the year before last, the large-scale rectification of the place last year directly wiped out this source of money.

As a result, the life of well-behaved Ming officials is a bit difficult.

However, Emperor Chongzhen promised at the beginning that he would increase the salaries of Ming officials, so they also supported it.

As a result, last autumn, after the announcement of the special scientific examination of Gephysics, it immediately dealt a heavy blow to the status quo of the officialdom of Ming Dynasty.

Song Yingxing's annual salary is as high as [-] taels, which is not so much in a year due to the corruption of many officials.

This money came in a fair way!
In addition to money, officials with a background in geophysics have similar status in society as officials, and are also highly respected.It is even said that once you get the title, it is much better than being an official.

At least for those who are officials, it is really tiring to be a good official, and the income is so little!
It has to be mentioned here that as far as the salaries of officials are concerned, according to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, there is still a discount.That is to say, the so-called "color-folding" is not money, but some other things. It depends on what is in the court's inventory, and what is converted to officials as salaries.

The young officials of Daming saw that Fang Yizhi abandoned his official position and went to take the special examination of Gephysics, and he became the number one student in the male department of high school, which stimulated those young officials in the officialdom of Daming even more.Let them feel that if they take the exam, they can do it.

Under such circumstances, there are now official statistics from the factory guards, that is, the young officials in the Ming Dynasty gave up their official positions and went to study Gewuxue.

If this situation is not reversed, in the foreseeable short-term future of Emperor Chongzhen, it will affect his planned major policies.

Not to mention, Emperor Chongzhen predicted that the future would not only deal with the southwestern chieftains and Mongolian tribes in the grasslands, but also Liaodong would be restored, Korea and Japan would be conquered, and even in the farther future, Ming would continue to expand its territory. of.

Today's Emperor Chongzhen still remembers the lessons of Chengzu's time.If the officials sent to those newly opened up territories are incompetent, it will seriously affect the governance of Ming Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, facing the situation that there are fewer and fewer officials, it would be strange for Emperor Chongzhen not to frown.

After thinking about it again and again, Emperor Chongzhen even contacted Liu Weichao to discuss this matter, and finally came up with a solution.

But at this time, the time is a bit late.Therefore, he decreed to discuss matters in the Wenhua Palace the next day, and it was an enlarged imperial meeting.

Not only the supervisor of ceremonies and the cabinet will be there, but also the generals of the six ministers, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the commanders of the three armies.

After receiving this decree, all the civil and military officials knew that the current emperor might have a big visit and important things to announce.

It's just that none of them can guess, what big event is the emperor going to announce?
Out of curiosity, one by one gathered in the Wenhua Palace early, asking each other but to no avail, so they had to wait for the emperor to arrive.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't keep them waiting long, and they arrived soon.

Seeing his good face, the officials knew that the content of the next discussion was probably a good one, so they were relieved a lot, and their voices became louder when they saw the ceremony.

If the emperor came with a gloomy face, the scene would probably be much more gloomy than it is now.

Sure enough, after they had finished seeing the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen looked at them with a smile and said: "Today, I summoned all the ministers, and it is time to fulfill my original promise."

Upon hearing this, everyone in Wenhua Hall was curious about the emperor's promise, what kind of promise?
Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was so happy, the eunuch Wang Chengen, the supervisor of ceremonies, rushed to ask, and acted as a ladder for Emperor Chongzhen to speak.

Seeing the curious looks of the courtiers below, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said: "You have forgotten, I said before that I will increase the salaries of Ming officials, and now is the time to fulfill the promise .”

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.This is a good thing, absolutely a good thing!
The chief assistant, He Fengsheng, was afraid that Wang Chengen, a flatterer, would say something that everyone didn't like to hear the most, so he blocked the matter for himself to flatter the emperor, so he quickly responded to Emperor Chongzhen first: "There is nothing more holy than Your Majesty! Thank Your Majesty Long En on behalf of all the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty!"

After hearing this, other officials followed up and echoed, confirming the matter at once.

Although it is said that if someone stops this matter, they will be cursed by officials all over the world, but they can't stand it because some people may do it to please the emperor.

At this time, they were also very curious, wondering how much salary the emperor would give them?

They naturally didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen had discussed with Liu Weichao about the increase in salary. Therefore, this increase in salary was definitely not something they could think of.

Inside the Wenhua Palace, everything fell silent. All the officials looked at Emperor Chongzhen, expecting him to announce the salary increase soon.

(End of this chapter)

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