Chapter 584

As far as the present is concerned, only a very small number of people know what the current emperor thinks about the clan, that is, he doesn't want to give a salary at all, and directly sends him overseas.

Of course, it is still dealing with domestic affairs, and has not yet started to expand its territory, so this matter has not been announced.

As soon as the salary reform of civil and military officials was announced, everyone immediately praised it, and it was a gesture of universal celebration in all yamen.

The voice of the emperor Shengming was louder than when he defeated Jianlu in the Jizhou victory.

Afterwards, according to the reports of the factory guards, the officials in the various yamens did not leave the yamen on time. It can be seen that their enthusiasm has been greatly improved.

Emperor Chongzhen was naturally happy about this, which shows that this salary reform is still effective.But at the same time, after all, it will cost a lot of money to go out.

The most sensitive thing in Emperor Chongzhen's life was never the emotions of the women in the palace, but the word money.

With this large sum of money going out, he naturally thought that a large sum of money would come in.

The source of money that Emperor Chongzhen most hoped for was also different from that of previous emperors. It was not any taxation or exorbitant taxes, but technological innovation.

And the scientific and technological innovation of the Ming Dynasty, if it is to be implemented, ultimately depends on scientific and technological talents.

For this reason, he paid close attention to the completion of the branch of the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences on the outskirts of the capital.

With the attention of the current emperor, the situation in all aspects is naturally the best.

No, on the third day of March in the eighteenth year of Chongzhen, the branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty held the opening ceremony.

It can be said that this day is another grand event in the capital, which is remembered by the people of the capital.

"Do you know? The Daming Royal Academy of Sciences in the suburbs has already been repaired. On the third day of March, the emperor will lead the six ministers of the cabinet to unveil it!"

"Wow, that must be quite an honor, right?"

"That's right, the emperor has gone, that's not honorable, it's a glory of the ancestors!"

"Eating and lodging is free inside, and the imperial chef is in charge of the stove. It is said that in the future, the emperor intends to call famous chefs from all over the country to compete in the capital, select the best chefs, and cook for them!"

"Really? This is the treatment that the chief assistant did not enjoy, right?"

"Actually, don't talk about the first assistant, the emperor's own royal chef in the palace, has he ever done this before?"

"That's right, the emperor really treats the people of the Royal Academy of Sciences as treasures! No, my son and daughter's Gephysics must be properly supervised!"

"That's right, as long as you can be successful in Gephysics, you will definitely have a good future in the future!"

"I don't know where I can invite a gentleman of Gewuxue. I have to teach my son and daughter more!"


Emperor Chongzhen probably did not expect that his emphasis on Gewuxue made the involution of later generations inevitably appear in advance.

At least on the capital's side, remedial classes such as math, physics and chemistry, because of the needs of the market, some visionary people began to set up.It is said that the one who did the best was the remedial class founded by the partners of the three scholars, called New Direction.

Under the eyes of everyone, on the third day of March, on the side of the branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, there were soldiers from the Wucheng Bingmasi standing outside, and the guards inside were under martial law.

Emperor Chongzhen arrived with the six ministers of the cabinet and the nine ministers, and arrived at the stage that had been set up in the branch square.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The [-] boys and [-] girls in the audience stood in a row and shouted their greetings excitedly.

Passing the special examination of Gewuxue did not become a tribute, let alone a Jinshi with fame, but now the treatment is more enviable than the treatment of a Jinshi and a tribute.

Because the emperor attaches great importance to them, even the blind can see it.In the future, there is Song Yingxing as a role model, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is very bright.

Especially those girls, in the past, they could only care for their husbands and children, and hide behind men.But now, he can stand uprightly, stand side by side with the men, and enjoy the same glory as the men!

On the other hand, Emperor Chongzhen on the stage looked at the two hundred and fifty men and women in the audience, of different ages, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

No matter what their original background was, they were officials, or ordinary scholars, or mothers, or young girls with yellow flowers, but now, they only have one identity, that is, the top class in Gewu in the Ming Dynasty. wave of talent.

The leading figures in science and technology of the Ming Dynasty were basically born among these people, who led the development of Ming's science and technology, created miracles one after another, and made Daming strong enough to stand on top of the earth!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen strode to the front of the stage and stood on the rostrum specially set up here, and there was a loudspeaker setting on it.

Probably wouldn't do it elsewhere.

However, this is the Daming Royal Science and Technology Park, and the [-] people standing in the audience are all Daming's scientific and technological talents.Therefore, it is necessary to show the application of this speaker.

Of course, there is another reason. The number of people in the audience is not large, and Emperor Chongzhen used a loudspeaker to amplify the sound, and basically everyone could hear it.

Everyone in the audience, seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was about to speak, held their breaths and listened to the emperor's words.

At the front of the phalanx on the boys' side were the top three standing, including Fang Yizhi and Xia Wanchun; while on the other side of the girls' phalanx were the top three girls, headed by Auntie Zhu.

Their positions are very conspicuous.Emperor Chongzhen glanced at them, and then loudly said through the loudspeaker: "Qing and others are the talents of the first special scientific examination of Gewuxue, and they are also the top talents of Gewuxue in Ming Dynasty so far. I will give you a further study. The opportunity of Gephysics also equips you with the best learning environment. There are [-] laboratories of various kinds, including physics and chemistry. I hope you can study hard and apply what you have learned to transform Daming and benefit the people. Can leave an eternal reputation in their respective fields!"

Hearing these words, the Gephysics talents below couldn't help but get excited.

They can stand out in Gewuxue, if they don't like Gewuxue, it is impossible.

Even if they may have money at home, they may not necessarily be able to buy the experimental equipment needed for Gephysics.

Now, Emperor Chongzhen has prepared everything for them, allowing them to actually operate. Not to mention the fact that this matter itself is exciting, but also because Emperor Chongzhen said that they are the top in Gephysics. Continue to study, that is It will make a great contribution to Ming Dynasty, just like the emperor created the steam train that subverted the three views, and it can be recorded in the annals of history.

If it weren't for being in front of the emperor, these people at this moment, especially those girls, would probably lose their composure.

Even Empress Wu Zetian is not as good to women as today's emperor!
They were excited when they heard Emperor Chongzhen say to them again: "The Gewuxue you are going to learn next, as far as there is no one can teach you at present. Song Qing is using the knowledge of Gewuxue to transform the imperial warship, then It is a transformation that will make the Ming Navy invincible at sea, and it is temporarily impossible to escape. And I, with myriad affairs, have too many things to deal with, and I can't teach you personally. Therefore, in terms of Gephysics, there are male and female subjects. The number one scholar takes the lead in organizing self-study.”

Hearing this, the people below couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

To be honest, they have actually dreamed many times that the emperor would teach them in person, that they are real disciples of the Son of Heaven, if they say it, it will make people envious and envious to death.

Besides, if the emperor gave few lectures, Song Yingxing would give them lectures, which was also what they expected.

At this time, they can only look up to Emperor Chongzhen, the master of the sect, but they can take Song Yingxing as an example!

As a result, even Song Yingxing couldn't come to teach them in person, which is really a pity.

At this moment, of course they didn't know that Song Yingxing's theoretical knowledge in Gephysics was almost the same as theirs.If Song Yingxing was to teach mathematics, physics and chemistry in high school and college, he would have to learn it himself first.

But they can understand what Emperor Chongzhen said.

Needless to say, the emperor must have a lot of opportunities, and Song Yingxing is actually using Gephysics to transform the warship, which can make the warship invincible. This is definitely a very powerful transformation.

When they thought that after learning Gewuxue, they might transform Ming Dynasty like Song Yingxing and benefit the people, they all looked forward to it, looking forward to mastering more advanced knowledge of Gewuxue soon.

Thinking of this, almost everyone looked at the three people standing at the front of the line.

The strength of the champion is indeed beyond doubt.In particular, Princess Kunxing's strength as the No. [-] scholar has been tested in the Jinluan Hall.

It also seems to be a way for the champion to organize more advanced Gephysics learning.

While they were thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen looked at Aimee Zhu and Fang Yizhi and said, "During the process of self-study, if you encounter problems that everyone doesn't understand or understand, you can record them down by Qing and others. I am handling government affairs." , will give you an answer."

His diligence is well known.Especially in the comparison of the former Emperor Wanli, his diligence is highlighted.

At this time, I heard that the emperor had to find time to answer questions for them when he was busy with everything. Suddenly, everyone was very moved.

Fang Yizhi and others told themselves that they must work hard and disturb the emperor's rest as little as possible.

Among all the people, only Auntie Zhu knew that the emperor would probably ask the gods on the phone to answer questions about Geology.Because she is also the one who copied the data from the mobile phone.

But no matter what, she will definitely not expose the identity of Emperor Chongzhen, the founder of Gewuxue.

Afterwards, after the speech, Emperor Chongzhen personally took these students to visit various laboratories.

(End of this chapter)

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