Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 586 Unforgettable Today

Chapter 586 Unforgettable Today
When Wang Chengen mentioned the deputy envoy of Zhengtong to Du Yinxi, Sun Chuanting was seeing Chen Yuanyuan off in the capital of Guizhou in the southwest of Ming Dynasty.

The imperial decree has arrived, and Chen Yuanyuan complies with the decree and sets off to return to the capital.

This is the first time she has returned to the capital since she left Beijing in the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

Even Chen Yuanyuan didn't know that she was able to play such a big role, making her the most popular in the all-male army.

This is true no matter whether it is under Ma Shiying's subordinates or under Sun Chuanting's command.

At this time, she was going back to the capital, and she was even the minister of the Ministry of War. Sun Chuanting, the commander-in-chief of the governor of the world's soldiers and horses, led many generals to see her off. The specifications were unprecedentedly high.

When the nearby people heard the news, they also came to see him off one after another. The surrounding area of ​​the official road, including the mountain, was full of people.

This grand occasion also made Sun Chuanting feel a little bit emotional. He, who has always been expressionless, also said a little moved: "I really didn't expect that a female stream can play such a big role in winning the hearts of the army and the people!"

It was a little uncomfortable to hear his words, but Chen Yuanyuan also knew that Sun Chuanting was a little outspoken when he spoke, saying what he thought.A female stream, maybe the men in the past thought of women this way!
Thinking of this in her heart, she said modestly: "This is all the power of the teachings of the imperial concubine, my lord is well-mannered!"

Vaguely, the imperial concubine is also a girl, how about it?
Sun Chuanting didn't hear it, nodded and said: "I have already commended you to the emperor in the previous memorial, your talent is unquestionable!"

Having said that, he looked at the people who were seeing off on both sides of the official road, as well as those who could not stand on the official road and stood on the mountain, and then continued: "Thanks to your propaganda, you see, the people's hearts are so precious, let them It has become a lot easier for me to deal with chieftains. From now on, at least the chieftains in Guizhou are not very popular. Those who dissatisfy the imperial court often rush to Yunnan with the thieves. If the emperor asks, you But report to the emperor, if the thieves and chieftains are not in a hurry to attack Kunming, this official will continue to plan slowly; if the thieves and chieftains are in a hurry to attack Kunming, this official will have to launch another offensive."

Chen Yuanyuan has been here all along, so she naturally knows the current situation in Yunnan and Guizhou.

Speaking of it, it is true that most chieftains are unwilling to hand over their power to the court.However, the court couldn't stand the premise of absolute military power, disintegrated the people under the chieftain's rule, and emptied the chieftains one by one, making it difficult for them to parry.

Under such circumstances, the chieftains in Guizhou could not withstand the civil and military offensives of the imperial court and the army, and each of them carried gold, silver, jewelry, grain and grass supplies, and ran to Yunnan with their confidantes.

In this way, coupled with the influence of the bandits, the military strength against the imperial court in Yunnan is slowly increasing.And because the Guizhou chieftain was a mess left after the looting, it increased the logistical burden on the court, not only to supply the army, but also to support the establishment of local government offices and implement governance, which somewhat slowed down the pace of the court officers and troops.

But fortunately, Huguang outside Guizhou is a land of fish and rice, and it is more than enough to supply Guizhou with just one province.It's just that the actions of those chieftains can be regarded as somewhat slowing down the role of the imperial army.

In the original history, the Shapu Rebellion happened in Yunnan. When Sha Dingzhou rebelled in Yunnan, most of the chieftains left from Shadingzhou, killing Mu Tianbo and fleeing in embarrassment.

Although at that time, the imperial court was weak and unable to deter the chieftain, this was the case; but in this plane, the policy of reforming the soil and returning the natives also touched the root of the chieftain.As a result, most chieftains wanted to struggle to the death.

It is foreseeable that in the final decisive battle with the chieftain, it is estimated that there will be a big battle in Yunnan.

Sun Chuanting knew this very well, and Chen Yuanyuan also knew about it.

Listening to Sun Chuanting's talk at this time, Chen Yuanyuan naturally wouldn't have any objections. Of course, she didn't worry about military affairs on weekdays. Sun Chuanting told her these things, nothing more than when he was in the capital, he could tell the emperor.

Therefore, after hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan just nodded, and then said: "That's it, I'm leaving!"

To be honest, she is also returning home.

It's been almost two years since I left the capital. I don't know what's going on with the imperial concubine. There is also Princess Kunxing. When I often come to see the imperial concubine, I get along better with her.

Of course, the most important thing is that since she left the capital, she has never had contact with that magical treasure, and she has not heard or seen fresh songs from the fairy world, which she misses quite a bit.

At this time, Sun Chuanting heard this, clasped his hands together and said, "Take care all the way!"

Many lieutenant generals of the general army who had been silent all this time clasped their fists together and saluted: "My lord, take care all the way!"

Before the change, no one would have thought that a group of officials, civil servants and military generals would send a woman off so grandly!

But now, this kind of thing is happening!
If it was just because Chen Yuanyuan was the deputy envoy of Zhengtong, then it was absolutely impossible for such a big scene to happen.In the final analysis, it was because of Chen Yuanyuan's own efforts that she won their approval!
From a certain point of view, Chen Yuanyuan has taken a solid step forward when the women recognized by the imperial concubine can hold up half the sky.

Seeing that Chen Yuanyuan was about to leave, the people on both sides of the official road and the people on the mountain knelt down one after another, and they all shouted emotionally.

"Lord take care!"

"Bon voyage, my lord!"

"My lord rises step by step!"


Among these common people, the group of women was the most excited, and many of them shed tears.Such a good female official and female Bodhisattva, I don't think we will see each other again in the future.

All of them were very grateful to Chen Yuanyuan.

Since Chen Yuanyuan's arrival, she has been concerned about how they are living, patrolling the state capitals under the imperial court, and helping them solve their problems.Let their life be completely different from before.

Since Chen Yuanyuan's arrival, many of them have had serious jobs, and their lives at home have become easier and their status has risen.

In short, they had never seen such a good official before, so naturally they were reluctant to leave Chen Yuanyuan.

However, with the court's decree, it is impossible for Chen Yuanyuan to stay here forever.No matter how reluctant they are, they can only come to see him off, and bless the lady!

When Chen Yuanyuan saw this scene, she couldn't help being very moved.After working hard and getting such a response, I confirmed in my heart that the previous hard work was worth it.

Such a way of living is a meaningful way of living!At least one's own value has been recognized!
Chen Yuanyuan cupped her fists and saluted the people in all directions.As the carriage drove forward, she sang loudly: "Unforgettable today, no matter when..."

When she was still in the palace, she was lucky enough to watch the Immortal Realm's gala, and she had a deep memory of that song, and now she has directly adapted it, which is just right for her to express her mood at this time.


Compared with the relaxation here in the southwest of Daming, the situation in Dongjiang Town in the northeast of Daming suddenly became tense.

On the Phi Island side, Kong Youde took a boat, and as soon as it docked at the pier, the boat didn't stop, so he jumped ashore, and then ran straight to the Yamen.

"Marshal, something is wrong!" Kong Youde told Wu Sangui, the commander in chief of Dongjiang Town, immediately.

When Wu Sangui heard this, he was shocked.

He and Kong Youde had been together for a relatively long time, and he knew Kong Youde well.Knowing that Kong Youde has fought for so many years, under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for him to be so flustered.But now that he is in this situation, something big has definitely happened.

So, he quickly asked Kong Youde, "What's the situation, come quickly!"

Kong Youde panted, tried to calm down, and then hurriedly reported: "A large number of Japanese troops have been found in the south of Korea!"

In the past, because of a change in the Jianlu army in North Korea, he was ordered by Wu Sangui to inquire about the news and see if there was any opportunity to take advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, Kong Youde discovered that a large-scale Japanese army had appeared in North Korea.

It is really that the soldiers of the Japanese army are so special that they can be recognized at a glance.Therefore, paled in shock, he left his men to continue monitoring the situation, and then hurried back to report.

Wu Sangui had also never seen the Japanese army, but he had heard about the Japanese army's invasion of North Korea. He was shocked when he heard this, and quickly confirmed, "It's really the Japanese army, not Jianlu?"

Obviously, he didn't know about Zheng Zhilong and Li Ruolian's going to Wa country.

After asking the question, Wu Sangui himself felt that it was unnecessary to ask this question.

Although both Jianlu and Japanese pirates were barbarians, their French style and clothing were very different.

Soon, Wu Sangui thought of something again, and asked with a hint of expectation: "Did the Japanese army fight Jianlu?"

It would be a good thing if the Japanese army fought against Jianlu, at least two tigers were fighting, and he could sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

However, after Kong Youde heard this, he immediately shook his head and said: "Although there was a little conflict between the Japanese army and the Jianlu, it seems that they are in the same group, and there is no big fight."

When he said this, he himself added with some doubts: "After the Japanese army met Jianlu, the two sides were at war for a while, but they didn't fight. It seems that they left some food and supplies for the Japanese army, and then Jianlu went all the way. Withdraw to Liaodong, the Japanese army will follow behind them, and there will be no more conflicts!"

Hearing this, Wu Sangui thought of Jianlu's abnormal behavior in North Korea since the middle of last year, and suddenly turned pale with shock: "Could it be that Jianlu reached some kind of covenant with the Wa Kingdom, and then gave North Korea to the Wa Kingdom?"

After saying this, he was even more convinced of this.Because last year, I heard such rumors and reported it to the court.

So, he hurriedly shouted to his personal guards: "Quickly invite the chief of the navy to come over to discuss the matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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