Chapter 588
Zheng Zhilong couldn't help laughing, and then said to Wu Sangui: "Old Wu, you really think too much, who am I, how can I persuade you to join the enemy!"

If Emperor Chongzhen were here, he would probably sneer at these two people.

However, Zheng Zhilong himself naturally didn't know what happened in history, and then he said to Wu Sangui: "Your Majesty has long known about the alliance between Jianlu and the Japanese country and the surrender of Korea to the Japanese country. Just follow your true thoughts, here Hold on for a while, and then retreat to the coast of Denglai to deploy defenses, His Majesty will not blame you."

Earlier, Li Ruolian, the Commander of Jinyiwei, had told him not to tell anyone about the affairs of the Wa Kingdom, so as not to leak the news and affect the Wa Kingdom's dispatch of troops.

Now that it is known that the Japanese army has begun to send troops to North Korea on a large scale, as the supreme commander of Dongjiang Town, it is necessary to know so as not to cause unnecessary losses to Dongjiang Town.

Of course, confidentiality must still be done well.Therefore, after even Wu Sangui's personal guards were sent away, Zheng Zhilong only broke the news.

When Wu Sangui heard it, he was overjoyed, and suddenly realized, he said to Zheng Zhilong: "Good old Zheng, it's hard to hide from me, old Wu! Did you ask the emperor Taizu to show his spirit and figure out the truth of Jianlu after you told the emperor last time? Is there an alliance with Wa country?"

"..." Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being speechless when he heard it. It was because he went to Japan to perform a play that he made them form an alliance, okay?What's the matter with Emperor Taizu?

But as soon as he thought of this, he suddenly thought of another thing. The news provided to him by the Commander of Jin Yiwei was not only detailed, but also the news that nothing happened in the future of the Wa country. Where did the emperor come from?It must have been pointed out by Emperor Taizu after he appeared!

From this perspective, what Wu Sangui said seems to be right!
Thinking of it this way, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being even more in awe of the court.

Therefore, he nodded and said to Wu Sangui: "That is, we have the protection of the Emperor Taizu. It will be bad luck for the Wa Kingdom to form an alliance with Jianlu. We just need to listen to the emperor and follow the order!"

Wu Sangui got the confirmation from Zheng Zhilong, and he couldn't help being like Zheng Zhilong. He was even more in awe of the court, and quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, my old Wu is the most loyal to the emperor. What the emperor tells me, even my old Wu Go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, and you must do what you want, and there will never be any violations!"

Zheng Zhilong listened, smiled, and then said to Wu Sangui: "You don't have to worry about naval warfare, I can guarantee that the soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty will be able to withdraw in time."

Under normal circumstances, once the Japanese side confirms that they can indeed accept North Korea from Jianlu, then the next step must be to send Japanese naval forces to mop up the Ming forces along the coast to ensure the safety of North Korea.

However, Zheng Zhilong is a party to the covenant, no matter whether it is a prisoner or a Japanese country, they all count on Zheng Zhilong to betray him in key battles, so Zheng Zhilong cannot be allowed to suffer heavy losses.It can even be said that Zheng Zhilong cannot be punished because of defeat, otherwise, their original intention may not be achieved.

In addition, what Zheng Zhilong said just now was based on his own strength.

His fleet is based on Phi Island.And if the navy of the Wa country wants to come and attack, it is impossible to come directly from the Wa country. It must be resupplied somewhere along the coast of North Korea, and this place cannot be far from Pidao.This gave him a lot of space and time for early warning, and the chance of being raided was basically impossible according to the normal style of play.

At this time, Wu Sangui was relieved when he heard Zheng Zhilong's assurance, but also a little jealous.

Because what Zheng Zhilong said just now was full of confidence.On this three-acre land in the sea, he can personally fight against a country, which is too powerful!

If I have this strength, then...

Thinking of this, Wu Sangui immediately came to his senses, and was so frightened that he quickly thought to himself: Unintentionally, I was unintentionally.

No matter how powerful Emperor Taizu was in the spirit of the sky, he probably wouldn't know what he was thinking, would he?

Afterwards, he collected his mind, pretended that he didn't know what Zheng Zhilong had told him, and started to deal with the Japanese army's appearance in North Korea.

Compared to Wu Sangui who was shocked by the appearance of the Japanese army in North Korea, another person, or another group of people, was far more shocked and sad than him.

These people are none other than Joseon Injo and his courtiers who have been reduced to the puppet of Jianlu.

No matter whether it is the pro-Ming faction or the pro-Qing faction, no one thought that Jianlu would sell North Korea to their enemy Wa.And in the process, they knew nothing and were kept in the dark. They were not informed of this fact until the Japanese army appeared in North Korea.

This situation made them unacceptable at all, shouting and crying.However, what's the use of crying and begging, or even shouting angrily?

At this time, the king of Joseon, that is, Joseon Injo, regretted it very much.Shut yourself in the hall, weeping in front of the ancestral tablets.

To some extent, he is definitely more capable than his father.

Back then, when the Japanese invaded North Korea, his father fled after hearing the news, and fled to Liaodong to seek asylum from Ming Dynasty, but left him in North Korea to deal with those people.

After the suzerain country Daming sent troops to aid the DPRK, he was the one who communicated with Daming. It was not until the Japanese pirates were expelled that his father came back to pick peaches.

Therefore, he was not reconciled, he felt that he was more capable, and later, he launched a coup to seize the throne of the king.

In the face of the rise of Jianlu, North Korea was ravaged twice without the power to resist. In addition, seeing that the originally powerful suzerain Ming Dynasty was also retreating under the attack of Jianlu, he wisely chose to stand in line with Jianlu here.

Of course, he secretly allowed the existence of those pro-Ming factions among his courtiers, trying to please both sides, and remain invincible between the two powers.

This may also be a way of survival for small and weak countries. Generally speaking, there is really no problem.

However, what Renzu of North Korea never expected was that one of his suzerains was so mad that he sold North Korea behind his back.

Faced with this result, he regretted it too much!
If I had known today, it would be better to resist Jianlu to the end, just like when I was young, I still have blood, and when I go underground, when I see my ancestors, I can still say that I have tried my best!

But now, step by step into the abyss without knowing it, admitting a thief as a father and ruining the foundation of the ancestors, how can I have the face to meet the ancestors?
Thinking of this, Chosun Injo looked at the tablets and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Chest tightness, unwillingness, shame...

North Korean Renzu couldn't help but clenched his fist and beat his chest, full of grief and indignation: "Why, why is this happening? Why?"

"I have endured humiliation alone, but why did I get such a reward?"

"God, are you blind? Can't you see Gu's efforts? Why do you do this to Gu? Why?"


After a while of excitement, Chosun Injo slowly took out a rope from his sleeve, looked down, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face full of tears.

At some point, the smile disappeared again, and when he looked up at the tablets, Chosun Injo stood up slowly.

Although the movement was slow, it seemed to be meticulous. He looked up at the beam, moved another stool, stood on it, and tried to swing the rope up.

The first time, it failed.

The second time, it failed again.

After hesitating for a moment, Joseon Injo continued to throw the rope. Finally, he threw the rope onto the crossbeam, but it did not fall.

He had to drop the rope again and start swinging the rope again.

After a while, he got his wish, the rope fell around the beam, and he stood on the stool and tied the rope in a knot.

But at this time, his movements stopped again.

Since his ascension to the throne, Gu has tried his best to find a way out for North Korea, even at the expense of serving the barbarians, but this is still the result.

What happened today is definitely not my responsibility, I have done my best!
Death alone, how do future generations view loneliness?

No, Gu must explain that this is definitely not Gu's responsibility!
Thinking of this, Chosun Injo revealed a look of determination on his face, lifted his skirt, tore off a piece of white lining, and then stretched out his finger to his mouth and bit it.

It hurts!

Take it out and see, the skin is not broken!

Chosun Injo was a little helpless, so he reached out to his mouth again, and took another bite cruelly.

It still hurts!

I took it out and saw that the skin was just a little bit broken, and there was no bleeding.

Looking at his fingers, Joseon Injo hesitated a little.

Finally, his eyes fixed on the dagger stuck in the pig's head on the altar.

So he took off the rope again, returned to the scene, and then went to get the dagger and hid it in his sleeve.

Afterwards, Joseon Injo spoke out and called in a servant.

"Your Majesty, take care, and you will have the time to restore your country!"

Hearing this, Joseon Renzu hesitated for a moment, but then he ordered, "Kneel down!"

At this time, the one who could be by his side was naturally his confidant. Hearing his order, he knelt down facing him without any hesitation, with a worried look on his face.

"You speak very well!" Chosun Injo walked up and down the back of the servant as he spoke, "But Jianlu wants to welcome the Japanese pirates into the city alone, and he can't do it anyway..."

As soon as the servant heard this, he wanted to continue to persuade him that he had never experienced humiliation before. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a pain in his back. When he looked down, he saw a bright knife point protruding from his body. out.

After Joseon Injo killed the servant with a single knife, he immediately drew his knife, and blood spurted out.

During the whole process, he didn't show a trace of intolerance or compassion, repeating that what he just killed was a pig and a sheep.

With blood, Joseon Injo took out the white lining that he had torn off before, thought for a while, and began to write.

(End of this chapter)

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