Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 590 A Straw Sandal

Chapter 590 A Straw Sandal

It was almost noon, and King Injo of Joseon, with his civil and military officials, came to the east gate of Seoul under the supervision of Jianlu, waiting for the arrival of the Japanese army.

In addition to them, the people of Seoul were also driven over, and the more people there were, the more grand it was.

On the top of the city, Yingerdai is here to handle the final affairs.According to the plan, after the Japanese army arrived, he would take away the North Korean monarchs and ministers and set off northward.After returning to Pyongyang, the handover will be carried out again, and until the end, the Qing Dynasty withdrew from the borders of North Korea.

This matter is simple to say, but there are still many things to do.

It can be said that Yingerdai has been busy with the handover of North Korea throughout the winter.

Grain and supplies should be transferred to Liaodong as much as possible; the young and healthy Koreans, healthy women, and some children and teenagers who are in good health should also be taken away;
These things must be transferred before the Japanese army arrives; otherwise, the Japanese side may not agree;
To complete the transfer, the Ming army in Pidao is another problem.

Three thousand cavalry, whether it is too much or too little, is also very thoughtful for Ying Erdai.

Fortunately, all these transfers are being carried out gradually, at least so far, they have all gone smoothly.

Here in Seoul, it is almost enough to take away the North Korean monarchs and ministers.

It has to be said that the reason why things go smoothly is also related to the obedience of the North Korean monarchs and ministers.

Yingerdai was thinking about these things, when suddenly, a personal guard came over and said: "My lord, the pirates are here!"

"Huh?" Ying Erdai breathed out his nose when he heard this, and then ordered, "Remember, don't call them Japanese pirates in the future! They are our allies of the Qing Dynasty now!"

"Cha!" His personal guard heard this and quickly agreed.

But in his heart, he probably was the same as most of the Jianlu, and he was actually unconvinced.

Why did Qing Dynasty give North Korea to Japan?

So what if we form an alliance?With the five short stature of the Japanese pirates, dare to ride on the head of the Qing Dynasty?

These ordinary Jianlu don't know so much, so they only recognize what they see in front of them.

But they didn't know that even in the original history, the Japanese pirates with five short statures ended up riding on Man Qing's neck to shit and pee!
At this time, after Ying Erdai reprimanded his personal guards, he strode to the window of the archery tower and looked out.

Sure enough, I saw a cavalry army of Japanese pirates coming here, and farther away was the infantry.All kinds of flags were different from the ones he had seen before.

To be honest, in Erdai's heart, she actually looked down on these little dwarfs.It's just helpless, the Qing Dynasty is weak in firearms and navy, and the reconstruction of Dongjiang Town by the Ming Dynasty puts too much check and balance on the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is loyal to the Qing Dynasty. If the higher authorities decide to do this, he can only implement it.

Seeing that the Japanese army had indeed appeared, Ying Erdai did not stay in the watchtower any longer, but turned to glance at his own guards, and immediately shouted: "Come on, let's go!"

No matter what, the prestige of the Qing Dynasty cannot be weakened, this is the principle!

On the side of the Japanese army, the big man Ying Erdai mentioned was one of Tokugawa Iemitsu's right-hand men, Ometsu Yagyu Somo.

This Yagyu Zongji is a famous master of war in the history of the Japanese country, the intelligence leader of the early Tokugawa shogunate, and one of the most powerful swordsmen in the Japanese legend.

The only record of this legend is that during the Osaka Summer Battle, dozens of generals from the enemy dressed up as civilians and raided the camp of Tokugawa Hidetada.Liu Sheng Zongmo defended the monarch to the death and hacked seven generals to death by himself.

Of course, at this time Yagyu Munemoki was already a 75-year-old old man.If the original history develops according to the original history, next year will be his death day.

Originally, at this time, he was already retired.However, since the envoy of Jianlu went to the country of Wa, he had to try his best.After rushing to Nagasaki to prevent Zheng Zhilong from leaving with his family, he did not return to Edo. Instead, he began to monitor the daimyos in the south of Wa Kingdom, and organized according to the requirements of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Later, as Tokugawa Iemitsu's confidant, he was the first to cross the sea to North Korea, and was responsible for sending the real situation on North Korea back to Edo.

After all, the Qing Empire has never dealt with it before.For such an important matter, the Japanese side is still cautious after all.

When Yagyu Zongju was too old, he was accompanied by his son, who was also the most famous swordsman in the Japanese kingdom, Yagyu Shibingwei Sanyan.One-eyed swordsman, the originator of ninja, etc., his legend has many in later generations.

But at this time, he was following his father, looking high-spirited, looking around, seeing everything new, and finally staring at Seoul in the distance, couldn't help but said to his father: "This Seoul , soon it will belong to our country, and it is really blessed by Amaterasu, what was not obtained by life and death in the previous dynasty, we can now get it at our fingertips!"

Liu Sheng Zongju heard this, although there was a smile on his face, but when he spoke, he was not so proud. He just told his son: "This is the price for the general to change the fundamental strategy. Is it possible to get the whole of North Korea as you wish? I have to watch it again!"

Hearing this, Liu Sheng Shibingwei couldn't help calming down, remembering all the things after he landed in Busan, he nodded and echoed his father and said: "These Jian captives are also cunning, they moved the place to empty space, how can they have any allies?" look!"

"So, let's see!" Liu Sheng Zongju listened, and then said after a word of advice, "When we meet later, don't talk about Jianlu and Jianlu, they like to listen to the warrior of the Qing Dynasty, Ba Tulu."

"Understood, my lord father!" After hearing this, Liu Sheng Shibingwei didn't have any objection, at most, his contempt for the barbarians was hidden in his heart.

It didn't take long before the two sides finally met under the Dongmen City in Seoul.

Ying Erdai stood at the front, and after that, was Joseon Injo and his civil and military officials.

Munemo Yagyu is of course a man at his age.In fact, it is, otherwise, he would not be able to become the confidant of the Tokugawa family.

Seeing Jianlu welcoming them so grandly, he quickly got off his horse, clasped his fists in his hands, smiled and said to the leader Jianlu, who should be Ying Erdai mentioned in the communication: "I'm really sorry for letting you Awaited!"

Yagyu Jubingwei naturally followed his father, saluted together, and at the same time looked at Jianlu opposite.

It's really easy to recognize, just look at the melon seeds on the head and you can tell which ones are Jiankui and which ones are Koreans!

At this time, Ying Erdai greeted the other side, no matter what he thought in his heart, he still smiled, clasped his fists and said in return: "Where is there, the distinguished guest has come from afar, so it should be waiting!"

While talking, he naturally also looked at the old man opposite him. I really couldn't tell that such a kind and amiable old man could be the head of the Japanese factory guard?But the one-eyed one next to him seems more similar!
The friendly beginning made the two parties seem to be reunited with old friends.However, in their hearts, they do not have the identity of barbarians who despise each other.What's even more ridiculous is that their communication is all in Ming Dynasty Mandarin.

Because in this era, only Ming Mandarin is the lingua franca.Ordinary Japanese or Jianlu did not understand the official language of the Ming Dynasty, but the high-level officials would definitely be able to speak it.

Although it is true that they can speak Ming Dynasty official dialect, it is the easiest way to communicate.

After Liu Shengzong said a few words that were not nutritious, he turned around and introduced his son to Ying Erdai, saying: "I am old, and the person in charge of the handover this time is my son, named Shibingwei Sanyan."

"Admiration for a long time!" Ying'erdai listened, and immediately said politely, then turned around quickly, and said to the North Korean monarch and minister: "The distinguished guest is coming from afar, why don't you hurry up and greet him!"

VIP?The villain is more or less the same!
The North Korean monarchs and ministers couldn't help muttering in their hearts, but on the surface, including Joseon Injo, they didn't dare to disobey their orders, and hurriedly bowed to the Japanese together.

Ying Erdai on the side stared at them, actually a little worried in his heart.He was afraid that some of these North Korean monarchs and ministers were tame on the surface, but they would bear to make trouble until this time, which would embarrass him.

As a result, it was obvious that he was overthinking.

Seeing Renzu of the Joseon Dynasty with his civil and military officials, he didn't even dare to fart, and saluted in a proper manner, just like seeing another master.

However, just when he breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, an older old man who had been driven by the side of the official road to meet the Japanese army, rushed out, holding a straw sandal in his hand, and threw it at Yagyu Somoki's forehead, and at the same time He also yelled like crazy: "Japanese pirates, pay back the lives of my family!"

This situation happened suddenly, and no one expected it.For a while, no one stopped it.

Thanks to the fact that Liusheng Shibingwei didn't have to socialize, so he was the first to come back to his senses, seeing that the straw sandal was about to hit his father's head, it was too late, and he immediately stepped forward to protect him. In front of his father, he drew his sword at the same time, and chopped it off with one blow.

As expected of a famous swordsman, he hit the straw sandal with a single blow. The sharp blade split the straw sandal in two without hurting Yagyu Zongmo at all.

But because he suddenly drew his sword, and standing in front of Yagyu Munemo was Ying Erdai.

Therefore, when Ying Erdai's guards saw Yagyu Jubingwei drawing his sword, almost subconsciously, they immediately drew their swords to greet him.

After Yagyu Juhei chopped off the straw sandal, he suddenly saw someone slashing towards him with a knife, and almost instinctively, he followed the momentum of the knife to meet him.

With a "ding", the two knives collided, making a very loud sound.

Seeing that Yingerdai's personal guard's knife broke in two after the collision, but Yagyu Shibingwei's knife did not break, and he still slashed across.

It wasn't until this time that the North Korean monarchs and ministers finally came to their senses. Seeing this scene, they were stunned with fright.

Will a straw sandal lead to a bloody case between Japanese pirates and Jianlu?If this is really going to happen, the instigator will definitely be held accountable. Don't they think that they ordered that pariah?

(End of this chapter)

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