Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 595 Foreshadowing

Chapter 595 Foreshadowing
"What?" The Spanish governor, Avgeny, was a little surprised when he heard this, and then he said in embarrassment, "It's fine if you want to buy these flowers and plants, but if you want to buy people, the price will be very expensive!"

That's right, Zheng Zhibao's request was to buy someone, but it was definitely not a Spaniard, but an Indian.

The reason he gave was that they would not be able to serve these flowers and plants, and needed to be served by familiar Indians, so as to ensure that they would not lose too much on the road.

In addition, if you really like it after presenting it to the Ming emperor, you need someone to take care of these flowers and plants.

This reason is sufficient, and there is nothing illogical about it.

However, among all the people here in Lima, only Zheng Zhibao knows that there is a real purpose hidden behind this request.

This was privately entrusted by Emperor Chongzhen to Zheng Zhibao, who asked Zheng Zhibao to bring back a group of Indians from America in the name of taking care of these flowers and plants.And these Indians cannot be old, weak, sick or disabled.Not only young people, but also those who are dissatisfied with Xiyi and suffer a lot.In the end, it would be best if there was some identity among the Indians.

Only by explaining clearly to Zheng Zhibao that Zheng Zhibao can select some Indians according to the requirements when selecting Indians.

At this time, when Zheng Zhibao heard Evgeny's words, how could he not know that this Xiyi was coveting the last batch of goods in his hands.

So, he kept his composure, and just said to Evgeny with a business attitude: "I am very grateful for the care of the governor these days. I dare not make it difficult for the governor. What kind of person, what kind of person? Such a price, I believe the governor is naturally fair!"

In fact, for these Spaniards, the Indians are a fart. They kill as much as they want, and they kill as much as they want. They are worse than pigs and dogs.The bones of the Indians who dug pits for Xiyi can be piled up into mountains!

The reason why Evgeny would say this at this time, just as Zheng Zhibao guessed, was simply because he wanted to make more money.

Therefore, after hearing Zheng Zhibao's words, Evgeny was very happy, and immediately introduced and priced according to age, gender, and skills. The price is the same as the asking price.

His term as governor will soon expire and he must return home.During this tenure, how much money he can make is what he cares most about.

And how much money he could collect originally was a fixed number, and the governors of all dynasties were similar; but on his side, three merchant ships from the Ming Empire came, which was equivalent to giving him an extra fortune.

This Evgeny is like a greedy hungry wolf, he has to eat all the wealth into his stomach.If Zheng Zhibao hadn't shown his strength, if he wanted to grab it, he would suffer a lot of losses, maybe he would really grab it.

Now that it's hard to snatch it up, he will naturally find a way to wipe out Zheng Zhibao's wealth. As for how many Indians to trade and what kind of Indians to trade, he doesn't care at all.For him, it was almost a costless transaction.

After receiving Evgeny's offer, Zheng Zhibao said that he would choose it himself, and Evgeni naturally had no objection to this.

Therefore, Zheng Zhibao selected a group of young and middle-aged people, mostly men, and decorated with women.

The people he selected tried to meet several conditions.

First, the body is strong, this is basic.

Second, they all have some craftsmanship, no matter what kind of craftsmanship, whether they are attractive or not, as long as they have it.At least these people will be smarter.

Third, these people all have small families and have many relatives and friends, but they are not immediate relatives of the current tribal chief.According to the colonial habits of the Spaniards, people in this family must have relatives and friends who died in the Spanish corvee, and they must have hatred for the Spaniards.

Such people, Zheng Zhibao selected a total of [-] people, there is really no way to bring more.

At the time of the transaction, Zheng Zhibao asked the smiling Evgeni again: "These people are to take care of those flowers and plants, and they may even take care of the flowers and plants for our Emperor Ming. I hope that the governor will show mercy and give them My family members must take care of them, so that when they go to our Daming, they can work with peace of mind!"

"No problem, my friend!" Evgeny agreed casually with a grin from ear to ear when he received the oriental specialties.Of course, it is unknown whether this will really be done, or whether these Indian families will be taken care of after he leaves.

But Zheng Zhibao still wanted to say this.The first is to let these Indians have a good impression of Daming from the beginning; the second is to have faith and support them to come back here in the future.

Of course, these were also explained by Emperor Chongzhen.As for whether Emperor Chongzhen thought so carefully, at least Zheng Zhibao didn't know.

So far, Zheng Zhibao has completed the expected task in Lima, and there is no need to go around South America and go to Brazil on the west coast of the Atlantic Ocean to do business in the war between the Dutch and the Portuguese.

The fleet had already been repaired, and after replenishing fresh water and food, Zheng Zhibao ordered to set off for the return voyage.

According to the information provided by Emperor Chongzhen, they were going to take advantage of the warm Pacific Current to cross the Pacific Ocean and return to Daming.

Although Emperor Chongzhen has provided them with as detailed information as possible, whether they can cross the Pacific Ocean and return to Daming safely still depends on the face of God and whether their lives are hard enough.

There is no way, this is the only way to hang out at sea!
After leaving Lima, the Indians on board were assembled.

These Indians are all in handcuffs.Of course, this was given away for free by the Spanish colonists.Because that's what they did when they sold black slaves, and it's the same when they sell Indians now.

All Indians are panicked and uneasy about their future.

Zheng Zhibao didn't untie their shackles, but asked someone to take out food and feed them first.

Needless to say, although he didn't say anything, he showed Zheng Zhibao's goodwill by taking out the bread that no Indians had ever eaten and only those noble Spaniards could eat.

Under such a premise, Zheng Zhibao asked Jiang Shouyi to start communicating with these Indians through Spanish and gestures.

Point to each other's black hair, black eyes, yellow skin, etc., and communicate first, saying that everyone is actually of the same race.

Then he tried his best to tell them that Emperor Ming sympathized with what happened to them and would help them.First let them go to Daming to see how powerful it is.One day, I will help them fight back to America, regain their homeland, and never be enslaved by the Spaniards again.

It has to be said that the same skin color and so on gave these Indians a premise of peace of mind.Later, the kindness shown by Zheng Zhibao and others further comforted their hearts.

After appeasing these Indians, they lifted their shackles, let them take care of the flowers and plants, and at the same time began to teach them to speak the official language of Ming Dynasty.

There is only one expectation for them. I hope that during the long voyage, they can learn the most basic Ming Mandarin, so that they can communicate easily after returning to the Ming Dynasty.It's not like what it is now, where you need to use both hands and feet, mix Spanish, and work hard to communicate.

Daming will send troops to the Americas in the future, according to the usual practice, it must be well-known.And these Indians are the best names.

It can be said that this has a political purpose, but no matter what, under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, these Indians will always live better than under the rule of Xiyi!
In the process of teaching them how to speak, Zheng Zhibao can clearly feel that the subjective enthusiasm of these Indians is obviously improving.They also became very yearning for the Ming Empire they were about to set foot on.

They don't know, what kind of country will be established by people of the same race in that distant place, which can sell such beautiful things and be treated politely by those Spaniards?

When Zheng Zhibao returned, Chen Yuanyuan, the deputy envoy of Zhengtong, finally returned to the capital from the Yunnan-Guizhou region in the southwest.

Jingshi Railway Station, the palace has already sent people to wait here.Of course, this person was not sent by Emperor Chongzhen, but by Concubine Tian Gui.

However, Chen Yuanyuan still reported to the Department of Political Affairs and Communications before returning to the palace.

Although she is already the deputy envoy of the government, from the third rank, but she does not have her own mansion in the capital.In the palace, it is her natal family.

After Tian Guifei heard that Chen Yuanyuan had arrived, she couldn't wait any longer, and greeted her out of the hall in person. Looking at Chen Yuanyuan in official uniform, she couldn't help feeling very moved.

In her impression, Chen Yuanyuan is the kind of girl who is sympathetic to everyone, usually taciturn, and only talks a lot when it comes to folk art.To be honest, she was worried that Chen Yuanyuan would be bullied if she went out of Beijing as an official.

But now, Chen Yuanyuan was standing in front of her, she was still the same person, but now, her impression was completely different.

To be precise, the momentum has changed.

Goodbye Chen Yuanyuan, she is no longer the girl I feel sorry for, but she has a heroic spirit in every gesture.This heroic spirit is different from Qin Liangyu's.

It was obvious that Chen Yuanyuan had grown up and gained experience during the two years that he hadn't seen each other.

When Concubine Tian Gui had this impression, she saw that the aura that Chen Yuanyuan had just maintained changed immediately. Tears welled up in her eyes at some point, she was a little excited and choked up and saluted, and said at the same time: "See Pass the empress!"

It was Concubine Tian Gui who changed her fate and treated her like a sister, making her, who lost her parents since childhood, miss Tian Guifei all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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