Chapter 598 Scarcity

To some extent, Princess Auntie Zhu of Kunxing is Chen Yuanyuan's best friend, even a role like a younger sister.At least when they were at Concubine Tian Gui's side, they got along very well.

Although Chen Yuanyuan is not as proficient as Aimu Zhu in Gewu, she admires Aimi Zhu for her versatility.

When Aunt Zhu heard that Chen Yuanyuan had returned to Beijing, she immediately sent someone to invite Chen Yuanyuan, wanting to get together.And Chen Yuanyuan was very curious about the newly built Daming Royal Academy of Sciences, and wanted to see it too.

Therefore, she took the initiative to go to the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences outside the capital city, and at the same time to see Aimee Zhu, she could visit it by the way.

Sitting in the carriage, after leaving the gate of the capital, Chen Yuanyuan lifted the curtain of the carriage to look outside, and suddenly, she couldn't help feeling very emotional.

When she was brought to the capital from Jiangnan by Concubine Tian Guifei's father, in her memory, outside the capital city, it was a desolate place.Only some refugees built thatched huts outside the city and waited outside the city, thinking whether they could pity the rich people in the capital, give them a little food, or hire workers.But in troubled times, human life is so cheap that it is really unimaginable.

In order to prevent thieves, Jianlu, etc., refugees are not allowed to gather outside the capital city, and the officers and soldiers in the city will drive them away every once in a while.The sound of crying father and mother, and frozen bones on the side of the road are really common.

By the time Chen Yuanyuan left Beijing for business, there was already a train station outside the city, with people coming and going, a busy scene, and the desolation at the beginning was no longer there.

The people who looked at them were no longer panic-stricken, the kind who don't know what will happen tomorrow.Everyone is trying to get by.Walking on the street, the shouts of shop assistants and the hurried figures of coolies are full of life.

But now, Chen Yuanyuan had a little leisure time, and when he looked outside the capital city again, he had a new feeling.

Row after row of houses have been built outside the capital city, and most of them are made of cement, including the streets and alleys.

If it hadn't been confirmed that he had passed the city gate just now, he would have thought that this place was still in the capital city.

If it was a few years ago, it would definitely not be like this.If Jianlu came, and there was no tall city wall to protect them, wouldn't they all suffer?
However, people outside the city don't have such worries at all.

The prosperous age of Chongzhen has arrived!
Chen Yuanyuan was so emotional in her heart, she couldn't help but think in her heart again, she didn't know the reign of Zhenguan in history, the prosperity of Kaiyuan, and the prosperity of Yongle. Compared with today, which prosperity is more like a prosperity?
With such thoughts in mind, the carriage trotted down the concrete road and quickly left the downtown area.Then, the scenery outside the car window made Chen Yuanyuan's eyes bright again.

She simply asked the maid to open the car door so that she could get a wider view.

In the distance ahead, there is a manor-like place, surrounded by walls and covering a very large area.However, the wall is not particularly tall, and the buildings inside can be seen.Not too much, obviously patchwork.

That place is the destination of Chen Yuanyuan's trip, the branch of the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences.

And on both sides of her road to the Academy of Sciences, there are also buildings.But instead of the hustle and bustle near the train station, you can hear the sound of reading aloud after another.

Out of curiosity, she paid attention to the buildings on the side of the road.The signs hanging on the side of the road are all academies, academies, and bookstores, all of which are related to reading.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan staring outside so curiously, the coachman smiled and said, "My lord, the shops here are all businessmen, and the back is where the students live. The nobles in the Academy of Sciences sometimes come out Evangelism, receiving karma to solve doubts, and explaining Gewu to outsiders. Because of this, there are more and more academies here!"

After hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being very curious, and asked: "There is only one school set up by the imperial court, and it doesn't seem to be here!"

"Your Excellency, you have a good memory!" Hearing this, the coachman quickly complimented and replied, "The free school set up by the imperial court is in the city, and all the schools around here are set up by rich people. It costs a lot to study here. Most of them come here to study because of their reputation.”

After hearing this, Chen Yuanyuan understood.

Where is the deepest foundation of Gephysics?There is no doubt that it must be the capital.

As for where the capital is most suitable for studying physical science, it is probably the branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty.

If you study Gephysics right here, you can get the talents of those talents!There is no shortage of wealthy families in Ming Dynasty. If their children are interested in Geology, they will definitely be sent here to study.

"Your Excellency, you don't know!" Seeing that Chen Yuanyuan seems to be easy to talk, the coachman started to talk, and he couldn't stop it, nagging: "The large wilderness around here was originally an unowned land. Because of the popularity brought by the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, rich people came here to build houses. Fortunately, all of them were taken over by the imperial court. After a while, the imperial court will take out a piece of land for auction, and the one with the highest price have to!"

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "The land price here has already reached a sky-high price. Anyway, ordinary people must not be able to afford it."

Chen Yuanyuan was not surprised when she heard this.

The so-called shore of the land is the land of the king.Since it is a land without an owner, it must belong to the imperial court.The reason for the imperial court to accept it is also tenable.

As for the imperial court's final bid for the land, as far as she is concerned, it is also understandable.

As long as there are more buyers and the land is limited, according to Jiangnan's practice, the one with the highest price will get it, that's for sure.

However, there is one thing that is new. The imperial court did this, which had never happened before.

Chen Yuanyuan didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen already had other ideas about this land.

This idea is because he told Liu Weichao the situation here. When Liu Weichao heard it, he naturally thought of the land finance of later generations.

Therefore, Liu Weichao suggested that he can build high-rise buildings here, anyway, there are steel and concrete, not to mention high-rise buildings like later generations, at least five or six floors, it should not be a problem.Then use it to rent a house and collect rent every year, which is definitely a good income.

After all, the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty is definitely the only one here. With the development of the economy of the Ming Dynasty and the promotion of Gephysics, more and more people will gather here. The closer the house to the Academy of Sciences, the scarcer it will be.

As for promoting land finance across the country, it was impossible in the Ming Dynasty.There is no other reason, private ownership of land.

However, like the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court can also be used as an example.

For example, if a railway station or other popular places are to be built in a certain place, as long as that piece of unclaimed land is owned by the imperial court, it can be dealt with by means similar to the branch of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty.

According to Emperor Chongzhen's plan, the rent he collected in the vicinity will be used for the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, and the wool will be returned to the sheep.

When Chen Yuanyuan arrived at the gate of the Academy of Sciences, she found that, like the yamen in the city, there were soldiers guarding the gate.

The horse-drawn carriages of visitors are not allowed to enter, so they can only stop at the door.And no matter who it is, unless there is an imperial decree or Song Yingxing's warrant, no matter who it is, they can't enter, they need someone inside to receive them.

Before Chen Yuanyuan left the stage, the coachman who was familiar with the situation had already told her about it.

Chen Yuanyuan was worried that she would wait at the door for a long time, but unexpectedly, when she got out of the car, she heard screams of surprise coming from the courtyard door: "Come, come, Mr. Chen is here!"

This voice sounds like a female voice.

Chen Yuanyuan was taken aback, who is this?It's not like the voice of a princess!Moreover, it is impossible for the princess to shout in such a gaffe, right?

Just as she was thinking about it, before she could explain to the soldiers guarding the gate, she heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from the side doors on both sides of the courtyard gate.

Chen Yuanyuan was shocked when she heard the sound.

I saw a lot of girls crowded out of the side doors on both sides, all of them were very happy, as if they were celebrating a festival.

For a moment, Chen Yuanyuan even had some doubts, was there something behind her?
With so many of them, it's impossible to come to welcome me, right?
Chen Yuanyuan was not wrong at all. After Auntie Zhu told the news of Chen Yuanyuan's arrival, all the girls in the Academy of Sciences became restless.

Qin Liangyu doesn't count because Qin Liangyu was promoted based on his military merits.This point, the girls in the Academy of Sciences, cannot achieve it no matter what.

And Chen Yuanyuan is their role model.Women became civil servants, the first person, and in the past two years, stories of Chen Yuanyuan's deeds have been continuously reported, and they have been fiercely praised for their women.

In their minds, Chen Yuanyuan is an idol they might be able to achieve.Of course, Qin Liangyu was an idol they couldn't even hope to reach.

Therefore, under constant requests, Zhu Wei, the squad leader, simply agreed, and all the girls came to welcome Chen Yuanyuan together.

The soldiers guarding the gate were stunned when they saw this scene.This situation is beyond their imagination.At a loss, he was squeezed away by the girls, and retreated helplessly.

Seeing these female talents from the Academy of Sciences surrounded her, each of them was very happy to welcome her, Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help being very moved, she didn't know what to say when she saw them!
Thanks to the appearance of Auntie Zhu at this time, she, a female official who had seen a lot of scenes, regained her composure in her heart.

"My sisters admire you very much. When they heard that you came, they didn't even think about class." Aimee Zhu said with a smile, "Go, go inside, and tell us about the outside world!"

"..." Chen Yuanyuan was speechless. She really didn't expect that she would be like this when she came to the Academy of Sciences!

What she didn't expect was that when she walked into the Academy of Sciences, surrounded by girls and a little behind Princess Kunxing, she saw a square formation of boys inside, standing on the passing playground, as if welcoming her !
(End of this chapter)

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