Chapter 601 Means (addition for April 500 monthly pass)

Of course, this was a matter of his life after all, and Zheng Zhilong didn't dare to just think about it.

So, he cautiously said to Jin Yiwei Baihu: "This wine set is so exquisite, can I appreciate it first?"

Hearing this, Jin Yiwei Baihu immediately understood what he was thinking, smiled immediately, and said: "Hehe, of course it's okay, as long as it doesn't break it, then you can watch it casually!"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong carefully picked up the flagon and looked at it.With a high probability, there must be an organ on the jug.

As a result, after he picked up the jug, he looked left, right, up, down, inside the jug, and into the mouth of the jug, but he couldn't see anything, and there was no mechanism at all. look.

So, he pinched it carefully with his hands to see if the mechanism was hidden, but he still didn't find anything.

At this moment, Zheng Zhilong was a little confused: Could it be that the mechanism is not on the flagon at all?

That's right, the product produced by the Imperial Capital is absolutely perfect. Since I thought of checking the flagon, maybe Hong Chengchou would also think of it, so he would check the flagon carefully, and it would be easy to find problems.On the contrary, it is the wine glass that is least likely to have a problem, maybe there is a problem.

Thinking of this, he carefully put down the jug, and went to get the wine glass to check again.

As a result, I looked at this wine glass and then at that wine glass, but I couldn't find any problems.

Seeing the end, Zheng Zhilong had no choice but to put it down, then looked at Jinyiwei Baihu, and said with a little embarrassment: "It's really too exquisite!"

"Hehe!" Jinyiwei Baihu couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous when he heard it, it was really hypocritical, and then pointed out: "The problem with this wine set is the material, you can look at it again, whether it's wine jug or wine glass, There is a beautiful pattern inside, and the material of those patterns is special.”

Zheng Zhilong's face has been practiced a long time ago, and he was not embarrassed by Jin Yiwei's hundreds of households, so he quickly and carefully picked up the jug to check again.

Sure enough, after Jin Yiwei Baihu's guidance, he really found out that the material of those patterns is indeed slightly different from the wine jug made of silver.But he never expected that the material of this pattern would be poisonous!
Putting down the wine jug, I went to look at the wine glass again, the same is true, there is a circle of beautiful patterns dotted inside.

"What is this? What is this poison like?" Zheng Zhilong put down the flagon carefully, and then asked curiously.

After hearing this, Baihu of Jinyiwei shook his head and said, "I don't know what it is. However, there is an explanation that the poison is chronic, and it is easier to drink with this set of drinking utensils under heating conditions. Slow poisoning, as for the symptoms, I don't know."

Zheng Zhilong was shocked when he heard that, there are such powerful poisons in the world, wouldn't they be able to trick people invisibly?

Thinking about it this way, he also felt a little awe-inspiring: Jin Yiwei's methods are really too powerful, it is impossible to guard against!In the future, if Jin Yiwei gives him something, he can't even touch it!
This time, Zheng Zhilong actually wronged Jin Yiwei.

This set of drinking utensils is not the method of Jin Yiwei at all, but from Emperor Chongzhen.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen certainly couldn't come up with this thing himself, and the brain hole was based on Liu Weichao from another world.

Zheng Zhilong thinks so much about this poison. In the final analysis, the science of this era is not yet developed enough, and the understanding of the natural world is still very shallow.

To put it bluntly, it is actually very simple, that is, this wine set is made of silver lead, which is a heavy metal that is harmful to the human body, but the ancient people knew nothing about it, and lead was even used in many places in the palace.Many people speculate that many emperors in the Ming Dynasty were short-lived. Could it be related to the heavy metal environment?

Of course, the ancients cannot be blamed for this. Even in later generations, there used to be many household items made of lead, so that there were many incidents of lead poisoning.

It was not until humans became more and more aware of lead that such leaded utensils gradually withdrew from the scope of human use.

In the past, Liu Weichao promised Emperor Chongzhen to find a way, so he searched for a long time, and finally found this way to help Emperor Chongzhen eliminate rape.

After Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was overjoyed. This method was considered invisible in the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, he was very happy to tell Liu Weichao that he would build a lot, and then give each of Daming's enemies a set to kill them!

In this regard, Liu Weichao had to remind Emperor Chongzhen that if there were too many utensils sent out, although no one would find them at the time, later generations would definitely know based on archaeology, and they would find out that the famous Lord of Ming Zhongxing and the length of the earth Comrade Emperor Chongzhen turned out to be a master of poisoning, and killed his opponents by poisoning. How will future generations evaluate you?
In fact, there is no need for future generations, no, after Zheng Zhilong heard this, he immediately took precautions against Jin Yiwei.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard Liu Weichao's words, he immediately dismissed the idea.Just in the name of Zheng Zhilong, I sent a set to the traitor Hong Chengchou to kill him, lest he continue to make suggestions for Jianlu and increase the difficulty of Daming's recovery of Liaodong.

I believe that by then, Hong Chengchou's death will leave an insoluble mystery in history!
At this time, Jin Yiwei's hundred households told Zheng Zhilong: "You must keep the inside story of this hip flask tight-lipped. If you find out that you have revealed the inside story to anyone, Jin Yiwei will not spare you!"

The matter of poisoning people to death, the means cannot be put on the table.The less people know about this kind of thing, the better.

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong immediately stood in awe. Of course he understood that this kind of method was shady, and he definitely didn't want others to know about it.So, he quickly replied seriously with a very serious expression: "Please don't worry, it's rotten in my stomach right now, no one will know!"

Baihu of Jin Yiwei believed that what he said was true, or believed that the threat of Jin Yiwei was serious, so they calmed down again, and pointed to a corner of the cabin and said: "There are several pots of Shaoxing daughter red over there, and there are dozens of them. Years, you share an altar with Nu Chief and Hong Chengchou."

In ancient times, Shaoxing Nurhong was very famous, and it was a kind of rice wine.

Hong Chengchou is from Fujian, and most of the people in the south drink rice wine, so he will definitely like this kind of old wine.

When Zheng Zhilong heard it, he was startled, and asked cautiously: "This wine is also...poisonous?"

"No!" Jin Yiwei Baihu shook his head immediately after hearing this, and said seriously, "All wine is good wine, the only poisonous one is this set of wine utensils."

The way to drink rice wine is to drink it after heating.Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for lead to enter the human body, and it will be easier only when it is heated. Therefore, with this set of drinking utensils, Hong Chengchou will not know how he will die.

Or knowing what Zheng Zhilong would be worried about, the Jinyiwei Baihu took the initiative to say: "Except for the problem with this set of wine, everything else is fine."

Speaking of this, he pointed to other items in the cabin and said: "There are also gifts for other slave chieftains prepared for you, including tea, silk, etc., Jiangnan's special products. The main task this time is to give these Give Hong Chengchou a set of drinking utensils, and inquire about the internal news of Jianlu."

The gifts for Jianlu are all luxury goods, so if you give them as they are, they will not affect you.

As for the subsequent sale of the negotiation, there is no need to explain it. Zheng Zhilong is a businessman himself, so just talk as a businessman.As for the final transaction, it must be approved by the court.

Zheng Zhilong understood the whole thing, but he didn't think it was too difficult, so he readily agreed.

Of course, Jin Yiwei has already come to the door and arranged everything, and he can't do it if he doesn't agree.

So, Jin Yiwei waited on Phi Island.And Zheng Zhilong brought his personal guards, all of whom were from Fujian, and did not tell Wu Sangui the specific things, but only said that he would go out to inspect the situation on the islands, and then left.

In this regard, Wu Sangui is not stupid, and naturally knows that Zheng Zhilong's departure is definitely not as simple as patrolling the islands.However, if you don't tell him, it means you don't want him to know.

Thinking of this, he was also a little sad, and now he is almost reduced to a passerby!When will the stars hold the moon again!
Besides, on Zheng Zhilong's side, he took a boat upstream and landed near Zhenjiang Fort on the Yalu River, and was surrounded by Jianlu on the spot.However, when he showed the badge given by Daishan, he immediately became the guest of honor again, and soon, under the escort of a team of Jianlu, he rushed to Shenyang with gifts.

On Jianlu's side, because Daishan had already half-retired, because he felt the pressure from Daming, he had to come out to work.

After returning from his mission to Japan, he took Hong Chengchou to inspect the reclamation of grain fields in the north. By the way, he also inspected the situation of the young and young people in North Korea who were continuously accepted in the north.

Of course, these are ordinary people in North Korea, and those North Korean monarchs and ministers will all be resettled in Shengjing.Except for some obedient officials, they will be sent to the north to manage the North Koreans.

These things, though trivial, matter a great deal.Dorgon himself is not free, and he is worried about Doduo, Haoge and others who have a bad temper, so he can only take care of him.

Originally, Jierhalang could do it, but Jierhalang had to sit in Haizhou and had a greater responsibility. Although Daishan was old, he had to use it.

Just when Dangshan finished his work and returned to Shengjing with Hong Chengchou, he heard an urgent report from Zhenjiang Fort, saying that the person holding his waist card had been escorted to Shengjing.

Whether it's Daishan or Dorgon, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Because they knew that the person holding the Daishan badge was Zheng Zhilong's.Coming to Liaodong, it must be for the purpose of doing business. As expected of being a sea merchant, the opportunity to make money is very positive.

It just so happened that the Qing side also urgently needed food and supplies, so a grand welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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