Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 608 Competition

Chapter 608 Competition
The next day, Zheng Zhilong didn't get up until almost noon. Although he didn't do anything yesterday, he was still too tired after all!

He was thinking about eating the tiger whip, but the guard outside came to report: "Master, there is another yellow jacket to invite the master to the palace!"

"No!" When Zheng Zhilong heard this, something got cold, and he quickly refused.

"Yes, master!" Upon hearing this, the guard immediately replied without thinking, and then prepared to leave.

But before he left, Zheng Zhilong said again: "Wait a minute!"

After hearing this, the personal guard turned to look at him, waiting for his new instructions a little strangely.

Zheng Zhilong remembered that Hong Chengchou said yesterday that when the Japanese envoy arrived today, he would be invited to negotiate with him.And today the regent and the others are all in the palace, so it's impossible to borrow seeds again, right?
So, he asked, "Who did that person come here for?"

After asking, Zheng Zhilong suddenly felt that the question was boring again.

If it was still that woman, she let the yellow jacket lie to him that the regent came to invite him, and he would not be able to tell the difference.

It's true, I've broken through the world somehow, how can I be afraid of that old lady Yi!

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong simply washed up, spent a few more snacks, and followed the yellow jacket to the palace.

But fortunately, this time, it was really invited by the regent, and they went to the Chongzheng Palace where the eight classics were discussed.

In the Chongzheng Hall, there are already many people here, a lot of Jianlu, and a lot of people from the Wa Kingdom, and they can be clearly distinguished from the clothes and hair buns at a glance.

Seeing him coming, Dorgon immediately stopped speaking, and immediately said with a smile: "Come, come, please take a seat here!"

In terms of speech and demeanor, it was quite polite.

The same is true for Daishan, showing a smile, followed by greetings, did you have a good rest and so on.

On the Japanese side, seeing Zheng Zhilong appearing, he was quite surprised, and immediately greeted him warmly.

When the two parties are negotiating, as an ally of the third party, standing on any side must have more weight. No one would be foolish not to win over Zheng Zhilong at this time.

As for Zheng Zhilong, he regained his composure and dealt with each one with ease.

In Chongzheng Hall, apart from Dorgon and Daishan, Hauge and Duoduo also arrived.

At this time, Doduo saw that a person dressed in a bright man's costume was so welcomed by both sides, and he was immediately displeased.

Although he knew that this Ming dog was allied with them, it could be regarded as opposing the Ming court.But looking at his clothes, dangling in front of his eyes, and being wooed by a group of people, it seems that in the Chongzheng Palace, this Ming man is the most important person, and they are all around him to curry favor, which makes him very unhappy.

But Duoduo is not a fool. He knows the seriousness of the matter, so he won't be kicked by a donkey to trouble Zheng Zhilong.

As for Zheng Zhilong, he didn't care about what Doduo thought at all, but was entertaining.

This time, the Japanese envoys were all quite well-connected. Although he had never seen some of them, he had heard of them.

"Yiguanjun, you come to judge!" The leader of the Japanese, Yagyu Jubingwei, said to Zheng Zhilong, "At the beginning, they came to our country and said that they would give North Korea to our country in exchange for our alliance. As a result, my country of Japan sent troops, but they robbed North Korea of ​​food, supplies and population, what kind of reasoning is this?"

After Daishan heard this, he argued again: "We didn't break our promise, North Korea will be handed over to you!"

The focus of this controversy was already arguing before Zheng Zhilong came.Anyway, you say yours, and I say mine. With such a big interest involved, no one backs down, and no one can convince anyone!
At this time, both parties asked Zheng Zhilong to comment, wanting Zheng Zhilong to stand on their side.

Faced with this situation, it is impossible for Zheng Zhilong to really choose sides.He has experienced a lot of similar things, and immediately started to practice Tai Chi. Anyway, he seemed to have said a lot, but at the end, he didn't seem to say anything.

This kind of thing, there is no result at all. In the end, Yagyu Shibingwei clapped the case and said angrily: "In this case, then don't say anything, and directly compete to determine the outcome of North Korea's supplies and population. Which side should it belong to?"

After a pause, he added in a cold voice: "Or, don't blame me for the millions of Japanese troops to do it directly!"

In terms of military strength, there must be more on the Japanese side.

However, on Jianlu's side, how could they be threatened by the Japanese? Duduo and Haoge, who were less tempered, exploded on the spot.

What a million-dollar army, the million-dollar army of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty still beat them to the ground, so afraid of you little dwarfs?

On the Japanese side, they couldn't help but fight back the sarcasm, saying that whoever was beaten so badly by the Ming country had to go to the Japanese country to ask for help, and they would put gold on their faces, blah blah blah!

Obviously, after the Japanese arrived in North Korea, they finally learned something, a little bit of the truth, and knew that Jianlu was not as strong as they described themselves. This is one of the reasons why the Japanese were very unwilling to be reconciled to the North Korean population and supplies being looted to Liaodong. .

Inside the Chongzheng Hall, there was an uproar again.

In the end, it was Zheng Zhilong who came forward to appease and prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Of course, in fact, the two parties in the quarrel are just to show their own strength. In fact, they have a sense of proportion and will not turn their faces.At least for now, they both need each other as an ally.

So, under Zheng Zhilong's maneuvers, the topic of the two sides returned to the matter of the martial arts competition.

But by this time, it was time for lunch.

The discussion about the contest will continue in the afternoon.

But one thing that is quite funny is that when Zheng Zhilong went to the toilet at noon, someone from the Japanese country immediately went to the toilet, so he took the opportunity to ask Zheng Zhilong what the situation of the masters on Jianlu's side was like?
On the way back when Zheng Zhilong went to the bathroom, he was stopped by Daishan who was waiting around the corner, and also asked about the kind of masters among the people who came from Wa Kingdom this time.
Zheng Zhilong replied that he didn't understand and didn't know about the inquiries from both sides.Then the reasons are also very good, at least when both parties talk about it, they are all reasonable.

After lunch, Jianlu and Wa reached a final agreement on the contest.

There are three players from each side, using the best-of-three rounds system, whoever is kicked out of the ring or has no strength to fight again will lose; if there is any objection, Zheng Zhilong will be the final referee and also the witness of the competition.

If Jianlu loses, he must give up the population and food and materials in North Korea, which belong to the Wa country;
Similarly, if the Wa country loses, then the Jianlu will be allowed to take away the population and food and materials in North Korea without being stopped.

Of course, these agreed North Korean population and food supplies refer to those places that are still under the control of Jianlu, and those that have been taken over by the Japanese state are not included.

In the afternoon of that day, a field was temporarily set aside on the Palace Square as a venue for the competition.

The reason why he was in such a hurry to compete was because Jianlu was unreasonable and was still secretly relocating the Korean population and food and supplies, and was discovered by the Japanese representatives who came all the way.

In addition, on behalf of the Japanese, they were also afraid that they would not adapt to the climate in Liaodong, and they were worried that there would be problems with eating and drinking in Liaodong, so they tried their best to make a quick decision.

In the martial arts contest in the palace, ordinary people are not qualified to watch the battle, only the top leaders of Jianlu have this qualification.

The little emperor Fulin was present, and Bumbutai also wore a veil to accompany him.Not to mention Dorgon, Daishan, Haoge and Duoduo, Hong Chengchou is also there.

At this time, it was already the end of summer, and the weather was okay, not very hot.

The wind here in Shenyang is not as strong as that in Japan.

The Japanese sent a man to appear on the stage. What's special is that this man used a long knife and a short knife.

Naturally, the Japanese will not introduce who this person is, what he is good at, what reputation he has, etc.;

However, Zheng Zhilong knew that judging from the characteristics of this man's sword, he should be a first-class warrior created by Miyamoto Musashi, a very famous warrior in Japan.This person is likely to be Miyamoto Musashi's disciple.

At this time, Miyamoto Musashi, if the original historical development was followed, would have died in June of this year.However, due to the butterfly effect, the history of the Wa Kingdom has changed. He is not dead yet, but he is still sixty-two years old, so he did not come to Liaodong. The person he sent over was one of his favorite disciples, Siwei Qiuma Credit line.

On Jianlu's side, he also carefully considered the candidates for the battle, and finally sent Zhang Ku, and Chongde sealed Batulu for three years.

Jianlu's Batulu means warrior. There were 6 people who were awarded the title of Batulu during the Nurhachi period and 17 people during the Huangtaiji period.

At this time, Batulu was relatively pure, a warrior who fought bravely.After the Manchu Qing Dynasty arrived, they also gave this title to the civil servants and commanders, so Batulu no longer met the standard and was high in force.

Zheng Zhilong didn't know much about Jianlu's side, but Hong Chengchou had spent a lot of time with Jianlu's side, so he did.

Accompanying Zheng Zhilong, he introduced Zheng Zhilong in a low voice.

This Zhangku invaded the pass several times. When attacking Nanpi City, he was the first to attack Nanpi City and won the title of Batulu. He is indeed a fierce general.

However, this person's greatest ability in history was to quell Geng Jingzhong's rebellion after entering the customs. Of course, at that time, he was already old, and he was a commander in chief rather than a soldier who charged into battle.

At this time, I saw Terao asking Ma Zhuxinxing to wear a soft armor, and stepped onto the field first.

Afterwards, Zhangku was wearing a suit of armor with strict protection, holding a large shield in his hand, and a waist knife in the other hand, and strode into the arena.

As soon as the two got so close, there was a huge gap in this aspect.The big Han in Liaodong faced the Japanese, a bit like an adult bullying a child.

Just seeing this, Jianlu laughed.

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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