Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 623 Met an old friend

Chapter 623 Met an old friend

In the beginning, when the Spaniards massacred the Ming people, they were still very apprehensive for fear of Ming's revenge.

In the end, Daming just issued the imperial decree without pain, not even three cups of fine wine.

In this way, the Spaniards became completely emboldened.Seeing people as pigs and sheep, they are fattened and killed, and fattened and killed.The most recent one was the thirteenth year of Chongzhen.

At this time, Jianlu was invading the bandits, and thieves were running rampant. Emperor Chongzhen was too busy even at home, so how could he spare his troops to conquer the Spaniards.

According to the original historical development, after Zheng Chenggong gained a foothold in Baodao and heard about what happened in Luzon, he intends to conquer the Spaniards for justice.

When the Spaniards heard this, they massacred all the Ming people on Luzon Island again, for fear that they would become internal agents.

In fact, Wanli's misunderstanding at that time was the same.The Spaniards thought that the Ming Dynasty was interested in Luzon, and they were worried that the Ming people on Luzon Island would be the internal response, so they carried out the first massacre.

Now, when the Spaniards saw Zheng's fleet appearing in Nanyang, near Luzon, they thought too much.


At the end of the eighteenth year of Chongzhen, it was already snowing heavily in Liaodong.There is a vast expanse of whiteness in the wild, and there are few traces of people.

However, on the surface of the Yalu River, there were two ships sailing, and they were approaching the border of Zhenjiang Fort.

I don't know when some Jianlu appeared on the shore, and they followed the river to monitor the ships on the river.

There is no way, it can only be surveillance, Jianlu himself does not have a warship.

In the cabin of one of the ships, Zheng Zhilong, a southerner, was wearing thick clothes, and there was a brazier in front of him, warming the fire: "It's really freezing to death in this horrible weather!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone knock on the cabin door, and at the same time a voice from a personal guard rang out: "Master, we are about to arrive at Zhenjiang Fort, but it's a bit strange that there is a Xiyi ship parked here." sailboat!"

"Oh?" Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this. There is a sailboat from Xiyi here?This is impossible!
For the first time, he remembered what Jianlu had said about the Tsarist Russian Empire.However, when he was in the Hall of Valor, he had seen where the Tsarist Empire was, and it was impossible for a ship to come here on the Yalu River.

So, Zheng Zhilong rubbed his hands, tightened the tiger fur coat on his body, signaled the guards in the cabin to open the cabin door, and stepped out to check the situation.

Sure enough, not far from the river, there was a sailing boat from Xiyi parked.Because there is no flag, there is no way to know which country's ship it is.

Zheng Zhilong was surprised at this moment. This boat must belong to Xiyi, but which Xiyi is it?
Running here is obviously related to Jianlu!
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong cheered up, he had to figure it out.

The two blessing boats slowly approached the shore, and the Jianlu on the shore suddenly felt like a formidable enemy.There were also people on the Xiyi sailboat.

Zheng Zhilong, who was watching, recognized it immediately. It was Hongyi's boat. According to the emperor's name, it was the Dutchman's boat.

How did they come here?
He was thinking that his personal guards had already revealed their identities, and the Jianlu guard at Zhenjiang Fort hurried over to greet him.

The guard of Zhenjiang Fort is none other than Ying Erdai, who is best at diplomacy on Jianlu's side.

Regarding North Korea's affairs, since the last time the Qing Dynasty had negotiated with the Wa Kingdom, there was no need for him to stay.Because of the special location of Zhenjiang Fort, Dorgon let him sit here.

After Yingerdai welcomed Zheng Zhilong to the lobby of Zhenjiang Fort and drove away the idlers, Zheng Zhilong took off his hood and immediately complained: "It's really too cold here in Liaodong, you freeze to death!"

Yingerdai, as the person in charge of Zhenjiang Fort, wants to deal with Zheng Zhilong and Wa Kingdom, so he naturally knows Zheng Zhilong's status. Hearing what he said at this time, he quickly said with a smile: "It's cold, but we all Habit!"

When he was talking, he quickly handed over a hand stove, and it could be seen that he entertained guests well.

Zheng Zhilong didn't refuse. After taking it, he warmed his hands and said, "It's too cold, it's still snowing, and the road is difficult to walk. I won't go to Shengjing, so I'll hand over the things I brought to you!"

After finishing speaking, he freed one hand, reached into the other sleeve and took out two pieces of paper, handed them directly to Ingerdai and said: "This is a list of supplies for a ship, you can read it and then go to move it." Go ashore. The other one is the cement formula."

Seeing Yingerdai reading the content on the paper, Zheng Zhilong explained: "I bought the court officials and got this cement formula, so I wanted to send it to you as soon as possible. In the north, it is a bit difficult to collect this material." , I withheld it from the materials I gave to Dongjiang Town. This matter cannot be made obvious, or I will expose it. The remaining materials will be prepared for you after I return to Fujian!"

This belongs to the housing market, and it can be said that Jianlu has something to ask Zheng Zhilong.Therefore, not only did the deposit give half of the price before, but now Yingerdai had to smile and say hard work when he heard what Zheng Zhilong said.

If the North Korean monarchs and ministers saw this scene, they would probably be very moved.The Taishang King who was riding on their heads was so cautious when facing this Ming man!

"When I do business, the most important thing is to pay attention to reputation!" Zheng Zhilong continued, "I will find an opportunity next year, and I will definitely be able to transport all the remaining supplies, so that the Regent and Prince Li can rest assured!"

After hearing this, Ying Erdai was about to speak when she suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside, and then a personal guard announced from outside: "My lord, the envoy of the Netherlands has returned."

This sentence was spoken in Manchu, and Zheng Zhilong couldn't understand it.

Ying Erdai looked at Zheng Zhilong, but had an idea, and said to Zheng Zhilong in Daming official dialect: "What a coincidence, the envoy of the Netherlands has returned from Shengjing, and I have to go to greet him."

After he finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed: "I really don't understand how these Dutch people came to our door and said they want to do business with me, Daqing."

When Zheng Zhilong heard this, he immediately understood.The implication of this Jianlu is actually to tell himself that he is not the only business partner of the Qing Empire.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong was not angry, instead he laughed and said: "Oh, that's great, you bring them here to meet and meet. It's too cold outside, so I won't go out."

Ying Erdai was a little surprised when he heard it, and replied: "They may have just boarded the boat and left, and they may not come over!"

Logically speaking, those Dutch people and this Zheng Zhilong should be business rivals, and they definitely don't want to meet each other.

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong just smiled and said: "It's okay, just go and tell them, tell them my name, and they will definitely come!"

When Yingerdai heard this, he couldn't help staring at him several times.This is a bit domineering!
But those are Xiyi, not Zheng Zhilong, your subordinates, they will listen to you?

When those Westerners came over, did they say that they controlled Nanyang, how powerful they are, they will listen to you?

Of course, Ying Erdai is a good person, he would not be so stupid as to say that directly to Zheng Zhilong, but agreed on the spot with a smile, as for whether he will come or not, he must not be able to guarantee it.

After a while, he went out of Zhenjiang Fort alone, and met the Dutch who came back from Shengjing under the castle.

Seeing this general of the Qing Empire, the leading Dutchman said enthusiastically: "We have already talked with your regent, and we will come here often in the future."

They use Ming Dynasty Mandarin, so there is no way. In the Far East, Ming Dynasty Mandarin is the common language.

After a pause, the man said again: "It's the terrible weather here. It's too cold. We have to leave quickly, or we will freeze!"

Hearing his words, Ying Erdai knew that these Dutch people who came to the door should have negotiated business with Daqing and were quite satisfied.

Of course he was also happy about it.

However, Ying Erdai remembered Zheng Zhilong's matter, so he quickly said to the leader of the Dutchman: "There is another guest in the city, and I want to meet you, why don't you go into the city and rest for a while?"

The Dutchman was a little surprised when he heard this, and asked, "Who?"

"Zheng Zhilong, do you know him?" Yingerdai didn't give his official name, it was just a name.

The reason for doing this is firstly that it is not good to make Zheng Zhilong's identity known to too many people, it will spoil the big things;
Second, in fact, he was playing tricks, that is, he completed Zheng Zhilong's confession, but if he didn't listen and continued to leave, it would be a disgrace to Zheng Zhilong to make him speak so domineeringly again!

However, what he didn't expect was that the Dutchman was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and then he confirmed, "That Zheng Zhilong from Ming Dynasty?"

There are too many people here, if it's just the name, it's easy to have the same name.

These Dutch people did not know that Zheng Zhilong was one of the allies when he was in Wa.Therefore, for Zheng Zhilong to appear on the side of the Qing Empire, he felt that it was unlikely, thinking that this person might be Zheng Zhilong from the side of the Qing Empire.

"Yes!" Looking at his expression, Ying Erdai couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Know him?"

"I don't know him!" The Dutchman replied very simply, shaking his head.

When Ying Erdai saw it, she laughed in her heart, that Zheng Zhilong's domineering airs might be slapped in the face.

But in the end, what he didn't expect was that the Dutchman and the other accomplices took a look, and after hesitating for a moment, they said to him: "Then lead the way!"

"..." Yingerdai was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, and asked carefully while leading the way, "Since you don't know each other, do you still want to meet?"

When the Dutchman heard this, his face was obviously a little ugly.

On the surface, the two sides are actually still hostile.However, on the southeast coast of Daming, the ships of the Dutch also had to buy the order flag of the Zheng family.

The Dutch couldn't bear this face, so they pretended to be the ship of the Japanese country, bought the command flag as the Japanese country, and paid the protection fee.

(End of this chapter)

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