Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 630 Bloody Case

Chapter 630 Bloody Case

A group of people were walking briskly on the street where the governor's office in Fuzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province is located.

Among these people, the few who walked in front, judging from their clothes, should be country gentlemen with good living conditions.Most of the people who followed these people were ordinary people.

Passers-by on the street saw them and subconsciously avoided them.

It's not that they know each other or not, or that they are easy to provoke or not, but the posture of these people, it seems that there is something wrong with them.Every face is full of indignation and unwillingness!
Under such circumstances, who dares to block the way of this group of people!
Only after avoiding it, they talked curiously, wondering what happened?
Among this group of people, there was an older man who was speaking to the leader: "Pan Xiucai, let's not go, it's useless to go!"

"Why don't you go?" Pan Xiucai asked with a serious expression on his face as he strode away, "Can I get revenge if I don't go? Can I save those folks?"

"But... It's not like I didn't report to the court before, what happened? You are young, so you don't remember, but I remember, I remember clearly!"

Hearing this, Pan Xiucai stopped, turned to look at the old man, and said seriously: "Why don't I remember! The first time, in the [-]st year of Wanli, the imperial court replied that the overseas people were fugitives and profiteers. Not for protection; the second time, in the twelfth year of Chongzhen, the imperial court was unable to send troops!"

"You all remember, so why come to the Yamen to run into a wall again?"

"Uncle Pan doesn't know something!" Pan Xiucai heard and said loudly, "The imperial court is different now! The Emperor Taizu appeared, and everything in the Guan was at peace except for the Southwest War. The imperial court is now capable of seeking justice for my folks. Already!"

Hearing this, before the old man could open his mouth, the others immediately burst into chatter.

"Mr. Xiucai, don't forget. Now Jianlu, Japanese pirates, and many other countries are all united and are about to attack me, Ming Dynasty! At this time, the imperial court probably won't be able to spare any troops!"

"Yes, yes, the military strength of the imperial court is already stretched, so how can they send troops for overseas fugitives?"

"That's right, the imperial court will definitely not decide for us. Maybe they will blame us for provoking another enemy later!"


Hearing these voices and seeing that most of the people did not agree with her actions, Pan Xiucai blushed immediately, and shouted sharply: "Then tell me, what about those folks who died? There are more than [-] people, that's all. Forget it? There are still some folks who may have fled in the mountains, waiting for us to help them find a way to save them, just because you think, and then stop saving them? Or, can you save them by yourself? ?”

Hearing this, the chattering voice suddenly disappeared.

It is also for this reason that they wrote a blood letter and followed Pan Xiucai to the Governor's Yamen in Fujian.

However, when approaching the governor's office in Fujian, many of them hesitated again.

It was really the last few times that the imperial court really chilled them.

Most of the Ming people who left Nanyang were people from Fujian and Guangdong.Under the hardships of domestic life, many people went to sea to seek a living.Compared with the natives of Nanyang, Ming people are hardworking, capable and intelligent, and most of them can live a relatively good life.

However, the conflict with the Western Yi colonists also followed.

In the 250st year of Wanli, Governor Dasmarinas led a warship to attack the islands near Luzon. Due to insufficient manpower, he forcibly recruited [-] Ming people to board the boat as oarsmen.

So, under the leadership of one of the Ming men named Pan Hewu, they took advantage of the night to resist, and only 80 of the 14 Spaniards escaped by chance, including the Spanish governor, who was also killed, and then these Ming men drove the Spanish ship. The flagship returned to Daming, but got lost on the way, and finally arrived in Annan.

After the Spanish governor Das Marinas was stabbed to death, his son Luis temporarily served as the local governor. He immediately sent a negotiating mission to Daming to demand the so-called "murderer" from the Ming Dynasty.At the same time, a large-scale Luzon massacre of Ming people was launched in Luzon, forcing many Ming people to flee Luzon.

At the end of that year, after receiving the Spaniards, Fujian governor Xu Fuyuan reported to the imperial court, suggesting that he agree to the request of the Spanish mission and use them to spy on the Japanese military situation, because at that time they were fighting against the Japanese and aiding Korea.

Emperor Wanli finally ordered and agreed to the request of the Spanish mission to punish Pan and the fifth class (in fact, most of these people could not be caught), and at the same time gave the Spanish mission a generous reward.

This is the first time that the imperial court has chilled overseas Ming people.

If many people think that overseas Ming people killed the Spanish governor, and there is still a fig leaf, then the behavior of Emperor Wanli for the second time does not even have a fig leaf.

Because the first massacre was carried out in a hurry, many Ming people were able to escape after getting wind of it.However, in the second massacre, that is, ten years after the first incident, the Spaniards carried out a premeditated large-scale massacre, and [-] people died tragically. .

The cause of the incident was that Emperor Wanli heard that there was a gold mine in Luzon Island, so he sent people to check the situation. As a result, the Spaniards mistakenly believed that the Ming Dynasty was interested in Luzon. massacre.

As a result, the Spaniards were afraid of revenge from the Ming Dynasty, so they sent people to Fujian to explain the situation. After the situation was reported to the court, although Emperor Wanli also declared at the beginning that "there are more than [-] people from the Lusong tribe who killed our Zhang and Quan merchants for no reason." It is a serious crime, but considering that the other party has a better attitude towards confession, and "the culprit is unknown in overseas fights; and among the four peoples in China, merchants are the most humble, how can they start a military revolution as a pariah?" to justify the atrocities committed by the opponent.Not only that, Emperor Wanli also promised that the court would not take military action against Luzon, nor would it cut off trade with Spain.

The result, in simple terms, is that overseas Ming people are all profiteers, and the court is not worth fighting for them. You Spaniards have a good attitude towards the kingdom of heaven, so forget about it.

This second time, it really chilled the hearts of overseas Ming people, and also encouraged the Spaniards, or Nanyang, to massacre Ming people.

Because in this large-scale massacre, the Spaniards and the local indigenous people who participated in the massacre were very rich. Thirty years later, after the Ming people in Luzon were fattened up, that is, in the twelfth year of Chongzhen, the Spaniards So he found an excuse to massacre the Ming people again, which lasted for more than three months, and more than [-] Ming people in Luzon died tragically.

When the massacre happened this time, on the side of the Ming Dynasty, thieves were raging, and captives entered the customs, and there were wars everywhere. They were simply unable to deal with the affairs of overseas Ming people. They just sent an imperial decree to Zheng Zhilong to send troops to conquer Luzon.However, the imperial court did not pay the military, and only had an imperial decree. Naturally, this matter was left alone, and no one in the imperial court pursued it.

After so many massacres, the reaction of the Ming Dynasty made the older generation of overseas Ming people feel really chilled.

Even after Pan Xiucai realized that the imperial court was different and persuaded them to come to the governor's office to file a complaint, many of them would still be so hesitant.

At this time, after Pan Xiucai talked about them, he stopped caring about them and continued to stride towards the governor's office.

Those people behind him, you look at me, I look at you, still seem a little hesitant.

One of them shouted behind Pan Xiucai: "The imperial court is definitely not willing to make more enemies at this time, maybe they will blame us for having another enemy!"

Another person also shouted: "This time, there are not as many deaths as the previous few times. I didn't care about the previous few times, but this time I will care about it?"

However, no matter what they said, Pan Xiucai's footsteps were firm, and he never stopped, and continued to walk towards the governor's office.

Seeing this, these people finally followed up hesitantly.

Among them, many relatives and friends were killed, and the life and death of relatives and friends were still uncertain. If Pan Xiucai took the lead like this, he could only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Such a group of people made noise in the street, and then went to the governor's office.This made the onlookers even more curious, and they all speculated about what happened.

Some with sharp ears can hear some words, and some are well-informed, and they probably know what is going on. When they talk to each other, they roughly understand why these people are like this, and why they go to the governor's office.

For a while, they were also curious, will the imperial court take care of this matter?It didn't matter before, but now it will change?
It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, let alone that it's such a big deal.Therefore, these onlookers also spread the word one after another, and soon more and more passers-by followed the past to see the situation.

On the side of the governor's yamen, the soldiers guarding the gate were all taken aback when they saw this posture, and hurriedly sent someone to inform the inside, while hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, shouting and asking what was going on.

Pan Xiucai, the leader, took out a blood book from his sleeve, held it high above his head, knelt at the gate of the governor's office, and shouted loudly: "The Ming people in Lu Song Dynasty were massacred by the Western Yi, and I hope the governor will go to the court and make decisions for the Ming compatriots!"

He took the lead, and those who followed him, regardless of whether they were afraid or not, also knelt down and shouted together: "I beg the court to be the master!"

Seeing this situation, the lieutenant at the gate naturally didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, quickly took away the blood book, and then ordered loudly: "Please don't make any noise at the gate of the governor's yamen, wait until I report to the governor."

After hearing this, Pan Xiucai replied loudly: "I also ask the governor to be the master for the people and the countless compatriots who died!"

After finishing speaking, he knelt there, motionless, and stopped talking.

The others yelled after hearing this, and then all knelt down to petition.

The lieutenant at the gate didn't dare to be negligent, and flew to report to Wu Zhiping, the governor of Fujian, with a blood book.

(End of this chapter)

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