Chapter 632
When Wu Zhiping saw him, although he was indeed a military general, he was the commander of Jin Yiwei and knew him!
And it is still very popular with the emperor!
This time, he was a little dumbfounded!
Although it is said that in Fujian, the governor of Fujian is indeed the largest, in charge of civil servants and generals, but Jin Yiwei is not his subordinate.

Didn't this Zheng Sen go to Guangdong? Why did he just come to Fuzhou at this time?
He was very depressed, but Wu Zhiping couldn't do anything about it, so he quickly put on a smile, stood up and greeted him: "Ah, who did I think it was, it turned out that my nephew has arrived! Come on, sit down, sit down quickly! "

Not to mention the identity of Jin Yiwei's commander and acquaintance, it's not something he can offend, even Zheng Sen's identity as the young master of the Zheng family, he has to be greeted with a smile.

Zheng Sen didn't show any face at all, strode up to him, with anger on his face, and asked loudly, "How did Lord Zhongcheng deal with the people outside begging for help?"

His attitude was written on his face.

How could Wu Zhiping not know what he wanted, and his brains turned sharply, and he quickly pointed to the blood book on the table and said: "My nephew came just in time, the old man has been thinking about this blood book just now, every word is bloody and tearful. I don't want to hide it from you." Nephew, considering how difficult the imperial court is now, I am thinking about who to play with, so as to attract the attention of the imperial court!"

Good guy, his attitude has changed a hundred and eighty degrees, but his expression is very calm, as if he thought so before.

When Zheng Sen saw him, he was taken aback for a moment, looked down at the blood book, then looked up at Wu Zhiping, saw that he was facing him calmly, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so he cupped his fists and saluted, "It turns out that I misunderstood Mr. Zhongcheng." I hope Lord Zhongcheng will forgive me!"

When Wu Zhiping saw it, he immediately chuckled. He didn't mind at all, and said to Zheng Sen: "I know that my nephew is always anxious about justice and the needs of the people. How could I blame him? No, no!"

After saying this, he added a word in his heart: No wonder!
After hearing this, Zheng Sen immediately said to Wu Zhiping: "Lord Zhongcheng, don't worry, I will report this matter to His Majesty, how about it?"

When Wu Zhiping heard this, he immediately grasped his words and said, "Okay, my nephew is like this, so the old man can rest assured."

After making this decision, the Great Official of Borderlands is a Great Official of Borderlands after all, so he immediately said to Zheng Sen: "Let's go, then my nephew and I will go outside with the old man to meet those who have complained, and ask more carefully, lest the court There are still problems, back and forth to delay time!"

"Okay!" Zheng Sen immediately agreed as soon as he heard it, and then stretched out his hand and said, "Master Zhongcheng, please!"

Since he entered the officialdom, he has been smooth sailing, which made it impossible for him to distinguish the fundamental change in Wu Zhiping's attitude before and after.However, if he tells his father Zheng Zhilong about this situation in the future, it is estimated that the truth will be restored in minutes.

After a while, accompanied by Zheng Sen, Wu Zhiping came to the gate of the yamen, and when he saw Pan Xiucai and others kneeling at the gate of the yamen, he looked anxious and said quickly: "So you haven't left yet. Coincidentally, I read the blood book carefully just now, and I still have some questions to ask, so let's all get up and talk!"

From what he said, it seemed that he wanted to make decisions for them from the very beginning.

Some people understood this way, but the leader, Pan Xiucai, knew it well. If Mr. Zheng hadn't arrived by chance, this would not have happened at all.

However, it is impossible for him to expose Wu Zhiping's changes. After all, Wu Zhiping is the governor of Fujian and the real No. [-] person in Fujian.Although Mr. Zheng is a local, he will return to the capital sooner or later.

Therefore, Pan Xiucai took the lead in thanking him, then stood up and prepared to enter the yamen to answer.

However, when Wu Zhiping saw the street full of passers-by, his heart skipped a beat, and instead of turning back to the yamen, he just stood at the yamen's gate and began to ask about the specific situation.

This made the onlookers see it, and they all praised Mr. Zhongcheng for his quality as a good official who is urgently needed by the people.

After asking for a while, Zheng Sen discovered that the massacre of Ming people in Luzon had something to do with the Zheng family.

It turned out that the Spaniards in Luzon encountered Zheng Zhibao and three lucky boats haunting Luzon Island, and they were worried that the war in Ming Dynasty would subside, and that they would be able to avenge the Ming people who had massacred the previous few times, just as they were worried about Emperor Wanli. As if he would covet Luzon, he came up with a preemptive strike, and once again massacred Luzon Ming people, cutting off possible internal responses of Ming people.

After understanding this, it is even more impossible for Zheng Sen to stay out of the matter. After he made it clear that Wu Zhiping had written the memorial and sent it out, he immediately wrote the secret memorial and sent it to the capital quickly.


Although Wu Zhiping's memorial was issued earlier than Zheng Sen's, Wu Zhiping's memorial went through regular channels, first to the Secretary of General Administration, then to the Cabinet, then to the Supervisor of Rituals, and finally to the desk of Emperor Chongzhen.

And Zheng Sen's memorial is a secret memorial, which has its own channel, not through the General Secretary and the cabinet, but directly to the desk of Emperor Chongzhen.

Therefore, on the capital's side, Emperor Chongzhen received Zheng Sen's secret performance first.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw this memorial, he immediately remembered the past.

Back then, he had indeed received a memorial about the massacre of the Naming people by Xiyi in Luzon.But at that time, he was already overwhelmed with domestic affairs, and he was simply unable to deal with overseas affairs.It was just an imperial decree for a crusade to Fujian, and there was nothing left.

Seeing it again now, not to mention new and old hatred, but it must have reminded me of the feeling of powerlessness back then.

So, he immediately contacted Liu Weichao, talked about this matter, and then said bitterly: "I want to kill these Xiyi sacrificial flags first, and then destroy those barbarians who are allied with Jianlu!"

Emperor Chongzhen wanted to be a Ming emperor, the master of Zhongxing, and the leader of the earth, so of course his eyes could not be only at home.In this way, overseas Ming people are also his subjects.

Given the different backgrounds, the way he and his grandfather Emperor Wanli acted would naturally be different.

When Liu Weichao heard it, he said without thinking: "Anyone who offends me will be punished no matter how far away! Of course, I can't bear to kill someone who knows you well!"

As a person of later generations, he naturally has an aversion to Xiyi.In the past, when Xiyi bullied and slaughtered their compatriots, they had no intention to take revenge. Just like the beautiful country is targeting you, you have to swallow your breath.

However, in the plane of Emperor Chongzhen, he is powerful now.Besides, no matter how much Liu Weichao is a keyboard warrior, he is helping Emperor Chongzhen anyway. If he encounters this kind of thing, if he still holds back, then just drop the keyboard and forget it!

Doing my part, "do" is just one word!

After saying it, Liu Weichao immediately remembered the current situation on the side of Emperor Chongzhen, his eyes lit up, and he immediately continued: "By the way, you can just take this opportunity to introduce the compulsory military service system for all people!"

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen asked with great interest when he heard it, "How do you say it?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately asked, "Are you going to do it?"


So Liu Weichao immediately continued to ask.


"I issued an order to the governor of Fujian to send troops to conquer Luzon!"

"How many troops to send?"

"There is no war in the southeast. Of course, the troops from Fujian Province must be assembled. The combined navy and army should be enough, right?"

"Fujian is going to conquer Luzon. You have to go through the chicken coop? The Dutch are entrenched over there, and the Dutch have formed an alliance with Jianlu. Why don't you?"


"Is that enough troops?"

"Then I will issue another decree to Guangdong to deploy troops from Guangdong Province."

"Xiyi's sailing warships are very fast. Your original warships are fighting at sea. It is impossible for them to be opponents. What should we do?"

"I have ordered before that the Nanjing Shipyard is also transforming the iron-clad steam warship, which can be sent there for use!"

"If I remember correctly, the main force of Fujian and Guangdong's navies is actually Zheng Zhilong's fleet, and they are all in Dongjiang Town now. Do you have enough fleets?"

"Then send all the warships in the south of the Yangtze River to join the battle!"

At this point, Liu Weichao stopped asking, but concluded: "Look, if you want to conquer, the mobilization of troops will involve several provinces. Then, you can emphasize the necessity of this battle And justice, emphasizing the seriousness of the current situation, and then introducing the compulsory military service system for all the people, so that all the young and strong of the Ming Dynasty have the responsibility to defend their homes and the country, will it be easier?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he didn't speak immediately, but thought about the logic, couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately nodded and said: "That's right, if we create such a momentum, we can use the east wind of this crusade against the Western Barbarians in Luzon to carry out this national obligation. Military service does work!"

Speaking of which, after he hesitated for a while, he finally asked Liu Weichao: "Well, I want to know, how strong are the Dutch in the chicken coop and the Spaniards in Luzon?"

Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, and immediately replied: "Based on my impression, and the technology tree you have pointed out now, I don't think it is difficult to fight. Just wait, I will check the information again to confirm."

Knowing yourself and the enemy is the prerequisite for winning a battle. Emperor Chongzhen was patient about this and just waited to hear the result.

Not long after, I saw that Liu Weichao had checked the information, picked up the phone again and said to him: "Under normal circumstances, there are not many Dutch people in the chicken coop, and at this time, there is a conflict with the locals in the chicken coop. Equipment The Ming army with new guns, I think [-] people can surround them to death."

After a pause, he went on to say to Emperor Chongzhen: "As for the Spaniards in Luzon, the number is less than one thousand, including non-combatant soldiers. They slaughtered Luzon Ming people, mainly relying on the local indigenous people, at least four or five Thousands. If you dispatch [-] people, you can probably kill Luzon."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being a little surprised, just such a little person?Thanks to what I said just now, we need to mobilize troops from the southern provinces to deal with it!

(End of this chapter)

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