Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 638 No regrets in this life

Chapter 638 No regrets in this life
Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect him to say such a thing.

After looking at each other, Tian Jianxiu showed a smile on his face, and immediately said to Gao Yigong: "As far as our brother's relationship is concerned, don't say anything unkind. If there is anything, just say it, our brother is naturally Help is needed!"

"That's right!" Yuan Zongdi nodded and echoed after hearing this, "We've been brothers for more than ten years, so feel free to say anything!"

Hearing their answers, Gao Yigong's face became more determined, without hesitation, he looked at Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi and said, "If it's possible, let Yang Weizhi go and let him pass!"

"..." Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zong looked at each other at the first hearing.

The two of them really never expected that Gao Yigong would be such an unfeeling favor.

After a while, after regaining consciousness, Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi glanced at each other, both of them were a little bit awe-inspiring.

Among them, Yuan Zongdi immediately said to Gao Yigong: "Brother Gao, we have been brothers for more than ten years, so you can't trust us?"

"Yes!" Tian Jianxiu was also very unhappy, and said to Gao Yigong, "We have always been loyal to the general, how could we do something to betray the general?"

After he finished speaking, he paused, slapped the table very angrily and said, "Whether it's your old man who suspects us, or the general who suspects us, give me a quick word! Have you heard some rumors, someone has slandered us?" ?”

Yuan Zongdi wanted to defend himself, but Gao Yigong stretched out his hand to signal them to stop, and then he said earnestly: "The two brothers misunderstood! This is not about the general, it's just my thoughts."

Speaking of this, he ignored the surprised expressions of Yuan Zongdi and Tian Jianxiu, and continued to explain: "As you know, I have been in charge of inquiring about the news. Over the years, seeing the court has been different, but as for ourselves, how do we live? So, I believe the two brothers also have a lot. This Yang Weizhi, when I inquired about the news, I also confirmed that this person is indeed a good official, the kind who really serves the people."

"In the past, when we met really good officials, we didn't kill them." Gao Yigong said very sincerely, "There are really not many such good officials. Keeping one is only one, let him go!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi, waiting for their reply.

Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi looked at me and I looked at you. For a moment, they were very surprised and didn't speak immediately.

That's right, they did kill many officials, even vassal kings, during the Southern and Northern Wars. However, when they encountered those officials with a good reputation, they generally would not kill them unless they wanted to die.


Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi always felt something was wrong!
In the end, it was Tian Jianxiu who managed to smile and said to Gao Yigong: "I said Lao Gao, are you joking? Don't forget, the general who issued the military order is to destroy Yang Weizhi. If we really want to Let him go, how to explain to the general?"

"Yes, Lao Gao!" Yuan Zongdi also echoed, "It's different now, if you really want to let Lord Yang go, how will you explain to the general?"

Hearing what they said, Gao Yigong became a little anxious, so he said directly: "Don't worry, if Yang Weizhi is released, if the general finds out, just push me over the head."

When Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi heard this, they looked at each other again with puzzled eyes, feeling that Gao Yigong was abnormal.

In the end, Tian Jianxiu stared at Gao Yigong and asked: "I said Lao Gao, why do I feel that you seem to be abnormal today, is it because you drink too much and talk nonsense!"

Hearing this, Gao Yigong couldn't help sighing, stretched out his hand, took the jug by himself, and drank directly to his mouth, as if he wanted to get drunk to relieve his worries.

When Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi saw each other, they didn't step forward to grab the jug, but they looked at each other again, still very surprised.

Gao Yigong drank it all in one gulp, then put the jug back heavily on the table, hiccupped, sat back in his seat, and said with a bit of depression: "I'm tired, what hope is there if this trouble continues? Follow your heart, do something good, and leave a good official for the common people! The general will know later, and I will do whatever he wants!"

Seeing him like this, Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi did not know how many times they looked at each other.When the two were about to say something, they saw a person coming out from behind, and said to Gao Yigong in a deep voice: "Since you have this heart, why don't you abandon the dark and turn to the bright, lower the court, not only reduce the war chaos, maybe you can fight in the future." This is a chance to seal your wife and son, and return to your hometown!"

Seeing this person come out, Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi couldn't help but glance at each other again, both a little helpless, and then looked at Gao Yigong with a little wariness.

After Gao Yigong heard the voice, he turned his head to look, his face was a little stunned, and then he rubbed his face with his hands, probably feeling that he was a little dazzled by drinking too much alcohol.

After rubbing it hard a few times, he looked at the man again, still unchanged, and he couldn't help being shocked and said: "Master Yang, why are you here?"

When he was inquiring about the news before, Cheng made up and sneaked into Chuxiong, and saw Yang Weizhi, so he recognized him.

That's right, Gao Yigong didn't drink too much, and he didn't recognize the wrong person. The one standing in front of him was Yang Weizhi, the Yunnan branch inspector.

At this moment, upon hearing Gao Yigong's question, Yang Weizhi didn't answer, but continued to ask: "Since brother Gao can distinguish right from wrong, why didn't he demote to the imperial court?"

When Gao Yigong heard this, he had time to buffer himself. After being shocked, he immediately looked at Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi, and then looked at Yang Weizhi, and he understood everything.

At this time, he also remembered some details.

He is now sitting in this position, it should be Yang Weizhi.When he came, the three of them were having a feast!

Seeing that Gao Yigong didn't answer, but just looked at Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi, Yang Weizhi said to Gao Yigong: "Brother Tian and Brother Yuan have long since surrendered to the court, but they just refused to send it out. Now the imperial army in central Shu has received News from Dian is coming."

The coded message he gave Mu Tianbo was about Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi who had been instigated by Ma Shiying and secretly surrendered to the court.That's why Mu Tianbo has the confidence to believe that if he sticks to it, the imperial army in Shu will kill him soon and save him.

At this time, hearing Yang Weizhi's words and seeing Gao Yigong looking at him, Tian Jianxiu felt a little embarrassed, and distinguished him: "Uncle Ning Yuan, Li Dingguo, is the original Zhang Dingguo. You also know him. Come here to persuade him. I really have to trust,"

Not to mention the following words, Gao Yigong can also understand, and understand the reasons why Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi surrendered to the court.

Li Dingguo used to be a traitor, just like them, but after surrendering to the imperial court, he made great achievements, and now he has been knighted.This is a living role model, standing in front of them, let them dispel all worries at once.

Yuan Zongdi, who didn't speak, didn't see Gao Yigong's troubles, so he took the opportunity to persuade him: "I said, Lao Gao, the matter has come to an end, and you know that there is no future for following the general, and it's even a disaster for the local area, so just go with him." We have surrendered to the imperial court together, at least in the future, there may be a day when we will return home, don’t you want to go back in a fair manner?"

"Yeah, let's go together!" Seeing Tian Jianxiu, he immediately followed up and persuaded, "I heard that our hometown is living a good life, don't you want to go back and have a look?"

Hearing this, Gao Yigong couldn't help being very moved: Yes, I have been away from my hometown for many years!Whether you are close or not, or relatives from home, there are people who have been back in their dreams.

Seeing him like this, Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi couldn't help but feel happy, it seems that there is something going on.

But who knows, Gao Yigong revealed his true feelings just like this, and then shook his head a little decadently and said: "The general is my brother-in-law, and my sister is also in the army, how could I betray the general!"

Yang Weizhi hid behind just now and heard Gao Yigong's inner voice, especially when he heard that Gao Yigong begged Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi to let him go, just because he was a really good official, so he treated Gao Yigong Good impression, it is full.

Hearing Gao Yigong's words at this time, he immediately walked over and said earnestly: "Brother Gao, you live a lifetime, and when you look back on your life in the future, do you have any regrets?"

"..." Gao Yigong was a little puzzled after hearing this, so he turned his head to look at him, a little puzzled.

After hearing this, Yang Weizhi said to him with confidence: "I am from Baoji, my family is poor, and my father died young. If it is normal, what do you think my life will be like?"

"..." Gao Yigong listened, although he didn't speak, he obviously showed an expression of interest.

So, Yang Weizhi didn't wait for him to speak, and continued to say: "I don't want to have regrets, you know? I went to the private school to listen. I want to learn to read and change my destiny. It doesn't matter if it's a little bit harder or tired? At least I won't regret it!"

"Leading the village to resist thieves bravely, defending the homeland, becoming a scholar in school, serving as an official, benefiting the other, not asking for others, only asking for a clear conscience!"

"If I do things, I have to think about this, think about that, worry about this, worry about that, how can I have a clear conscience? I live to live out myself, not for others. In that way, I will lose myself! I think Do what you want to do!"

"As a son of man, I do my duty as a son of man, I have a clear conscience! As a minister, I do my duty as a minister, I have a clear conscience! As an official, I do my duty as an official, I have a clear conscience..."

"Such a variety of things, not being influenced by others, until the day of death, I can guarantee that I, Yang Weizhi, will have no regrets in this life!"

When Yang Weizhi said this, he looked at Gao Yigong, and said in a more serious tone: "Now that the court is employing people, why can't you live for yourself and live the life you want?"

 There will be a big update tomorrow, and readers will be able to draw a lottery the day after tomorrow, remember to come to the lottery.I believe that seeing this, 500 fan points are definitely there.

(End of this chapter)

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