Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 640 Don't Panic

Chapter 640 Don't Panic
All of a sudden, no matter whether it was Li Zicheng's side or the chieftain's side in Shadingzhou, everyone panicked.

Although the imperial army in the south is still some distance away from Kunming, the attack speed led by Madman He must be very fast.

How to do?
This Kunming will definitely not be able to continue fighting!
"Don't panic, don't panic, everyone, don't panic!" Li Zicheng looked at the chaos, and several chieftains looked like they wanted to leave, so he shouted quickly, "Once we panic and respond indiscriminately, we will just hit the imperial court. It's a trick!"

Sha Dingzhou heard this, and quickly shouted: "Yes, yes, the more critical you are, the more calm you need to be, everyone calm down!"

Seeing the two most powerful chiefs shouting, the chieftains reluctantly sat back in their seats, and immediately started chatting.

"Stop talking, just make up your mind!"

"Yes, yes, my house has been stolen, what should I do? Find a way to get it back?"

"It's probably impossible to get it back. I think we should look for a way out?"

"Where can I retreat? Why don't you fight with the imperial army? You go first!"


In this noisy scene, it was impossible to discuss matters at all, so Li Zicheng had no choice but to pat the table.

"Bang bang bang..."

This time, the Zhongjun tent finally quieted down.

Li Zicheng himself didn't pay attention, so he quickly looked at his military adviser and asked, "How should we deal with this situation?"

The other chieftains naturally knew that Li Zicheng had a military adviser, so they all turned to look at Song Xiance.

As for Song Xiance, he knew at this time that the imperial army was coming from the south, but there was no further news, and he didn't know about other situations.In this case, it is a bit impossible to ask her to come up with an idea.

But he knows that the most important thing now is to stabilize the morale of the army.Otherwise, if they fight independently, they will be easily wiped out by the imperial army.

So, he coughed a few times, cleared his throat, and said: "Everyone, facing the enemy outside, the imperial court must want a quick victory. Therefore, we should avoid a quick victory and drag it to the Qing Empire and Japan. Launch an attack, that's when we turn around!"

Hearing this, many chieftains thought it made sense, so they all nodded, and the panic atmosphere finally calmed down a bit.

However, there are some chieftains who have doubts and even ask: "When will the Qing Empire and the Wa Kingdom fight against the court, can you let them fight quickly?"

"..." Song Xiance was speechless, he wanted to, but he couldn't do it, he didn't have the ability!
But at this time, he couldn't say anything frustrating, so he didn't answer this question, but continued to follow his own train of thought: "The most important thing now is to fight with the imperial army and destroy their vigor. Let them not dare to push too hard, so that it will be convenient for us to transfer."

He was afraid that if these chieftains were to ask questions, he would chatter and mess up the scene again, so he hurriedly said: "Before, the forward of the imperial army, Madman He, was hit head-on by our army because of his haste, and he suffered heavy losses. This forced the court officials to dare not attack Yunnan again. Now, the court officials and troops are using this madman He as a vanguard. I dare say that he will rush forward again for revenge. Let's ambush him again to beat the pain With the imperial court and the army, there will be more room for maneuver in the future!"

It sounded very reasonable, Li Zicheng quickly followed up and said: "Come on, we must hurry up, each family will send out some elites, it is very important to win this battle!"

Liu Zongmin, the number one general under him, stood up at once, and shouted to the chieftain: "Come on, come on, whoever will go with me, kill those court dog officials!"

He was tall and tall, and he stood out from the crowd on the chieftain's side. He patted his chest and said this with confidence. He was really very imposing, as if they could really win if they attacked.

The chieftain looked at it, and all of them were immediately determined, and their morale rose immediately.

So, on the chieftain's side, you look at me and I look at you. They are all waiting for others to send troops first, and then send troops according to the situation.

When Li Zicheng saw it, he didn't know what they were thinking, so he immediately said: "The one who has made a lot of contributions in the first battle can retreat first. Everyone agrees with this?"

Song Xiance heard this, and immediately added a sentence: "The first battle is the easiest to win by surprise."

Upon hearing this, the group of chieftains no longer hesitated, and immediately signed up to send troops.

However, what they never expected was that before they had discussed it, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps again. The report said: "To the east of the city, we found that the imperial army is aggressively invading. The vanguard is under the command of Sun Yingyuan. It seems that Sun Chuanting is behind."

Hearing this, the Chinese army's tent suddenly became quiet again, as if the air suddenly froze.

But this quiet moment was very short, and within a short while, the Chinese army's tent exploded.

If these two groups of people attacked together, they would not have a chance to stop the imperial army on the South Road.

Not to mention, the toast stood up and was about to run away.

Since Sun Chuanting has come, it must be that all the officials and soldiers of the imperial court have come, and there is no need to fight.

Seeing this, Li Zicheng became anxious, and quickly patted the table again, almost breaking the table in front of him.

This was somewhat effective, and all the chieftains immediately turned to look at him.

Li Zicheng quickly seized the opportunity and shouted loudly: "Why are you panicking? How to withdraw, I have experience, you all listen to me, do you understand?"

Hearing this, the chieftains looked at each other, as if oh, Li Zicheng is the most experienced in this area!

So, these chieftains looked at him one by one, waiting for him to speak.

"Everyone, don't panic!" Li Zicheng seized the opportunity and said hastily when he saw it, "We still have the west to retreat and join Dongwu's army. The number of troops will not be less than that of the imperial army. In addition, we are familiar with the terrain. We still have an advantage!"

Speaking of this, he quickly looked at the envoy of King Dongwu, smiled "kindly" and said, "Now we are all on the same boat, can you send your elephant army to kill the rear first!"

On the side of the Yunnan chieftain, there are relatively powerful ones, such as Shadingzhou, which also has elephant soldiers.Fighting in this area of ​​Yunnan, the elephant soldiers have a very great deterrent effect.

Although the officers and soldiers have firearms, the war elephants are all armored, and their protection is very strong.

However, the envoy of King Dongwu stood up and said, "Everyone, I remembered, my king has other instructions, let's go first!"

Hehe, they are here to pick up a bargain, let them fight a tough battle, they have a good idea!
Seeing that the Dongwu King's envoy was going to slip away first, Liu Zongmin's eyes widened with anger, and he took a step across, blocking in front of the Dongwu King's envoy, unable to pass.

When the other chieftains saw it, they also stepped forward to block the way, but they couldn't let people go.

Li Zicheng also turned dark, and said to the Dongwu king's envoy: "If no one breaks the rear, and everyone flees first, do you think your Dongwu army can escape to the front because they are not familiar with the place?"

The Dongwu king's envoy was not threatened at all, and immediately sneered and said: "The west is under the control of our Dongwu army, why, how dare you threaten me?"

Needless to say, he has the confidence.

The others, including Li Zicheng, were all scared after hearing this.

There is no way, the only way out is in the hands of Dongwu Army.

Therefore, Li Zicheng immediately changed his face, squeezed out a smile and said: "Look at what you said, this is blackmailing you, isn't this discussed with you..."

While he was talking, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from the door, and the people in the Chinese military tent immediately became quiet in fright, and looked at the exit in unison.

I saw a figure flashing, but the person who came was Gao Yigong.

When Li Zicheng saw it, he frowned and asked, "Why are you back?"

Earlier, he sent Gao Yigong to reinforce Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi.Without a military order, how could it appear here?

Compared with the chieftain in the Chinese army's tent, the bandits here are more concerned about the situation of Gao Yigong, so they also ask about the situation.

Gao Yigong ignored them, just stared at Li Zicheng and shouted loudly: "No, General, I was one step late, Natian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi voted for the court, and they have already led the court officials in central Sichuan. Killing is coming!"

These words, like a bolt from the blue, hit everyone in the Chinese military tent on the forehead.

Sun Chuanting's imperial court army is not something they can deal with, and the imperial court army under Ma Shiying in central Shu has come in again. How can we fight?
The envoy of King Dongwu, who was most worried about his army, came to his senses first, and asked quickly, "What about our Dongwu army? How about it?"

When Gao Yigong heard the question, he saw the short Liu Zongmin, Dongwu, and answered him: "What else can I do, the eagle catches the chicken!"

Hearing their conversation, the chieftains came back to their senses.They looked at each other with pale faces, and all of a sudden, they all ran away.

In this case, it's better to run first.

Some chieftains even saw that the entrance of the Chinese army's tent was crowded with people who wanted to get out in a hurry. In a hurry, they pulled out daggers and the like, cut off the Chinese army's tent and ran out.

It only takes a while, and in the current scene, it can be said that the hozen's beehive has dispersed before the tree falls.

On Gao Yigong's side, other bandit leaders continued to question Gao Yigong, confirming why Tian Jianxiu and Yuan Zongdi surrendered to the court, and they all gritted their teeth.

Li Zicheng was also blown up. In this case, he had no idea, and could only shout loudly: "Hurry up and gather the troops, retreat first!"

"General, where are you going?"

Li Zicheng didn't know that, so he could only shout "Let's withdraw first!"

In the tent of the Chinese army, after only a while, there was no one else.The troops preparing to attack the city retreated to their camps one after another, packed their things and prepared to leave.

Gao Yigong took this opportunity and hurried to find his sister.

(End of this chapter)

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