Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 642 Brother's Fate Is Fate

Chapter 642 Brother's Fate Isn't Fate

"Blah blah blah..."

Gunshots rang out suddenly and violently.This voice came from the west.

The Tusi soldiers in the west and the thieves suddenly ran east again.While running, he shouted loudly: "It's not good, the imperial army is here..."

That's right, at this time, Yang Weizhi led the main force of the Shu government army and had already appeared to the west of Kunming. In front of them, there were still some Dongwu soldiers fleeing in embarrassment.

Originally, Yang Weizhi wanted to drive away these Dongwu soldiers and break up the rebel formation in Kunming.Unexpectedly, the troops under Sun Chuanting had already reached Kunming first, which caused a riot among the rebels here.

Therefore, Yang Weizhi was not polite here, and started to shoot directly, and those Dongwu soldiers who escaped slowly all rushed to the street one by one.

Li Zicheng was fleeing westward when he suddenly discovered that there were also countless imperial court troops in front of him.

At this time, the imperial army from the south had already arrived, and the leader of Madman He's troops rushed from left to right, like a mad tiger.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Li Zicheng shouted, while he could only flee to the north, at least there were no court officials and troops there.

While escaping, he still looked at the rear camp, and found that the rear camp was more organized than his place, and all the chieftain soldiers who tried to charge into the rear camp were overthrown by high-level troops.

Seeing this scene, Li Zicheng couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart, it's because his brother-in-law has his own rules.It's just a little slow, don't be caught up by the imperial army.

So, he immediately said to Li Guo who was beside him: "Go quickly, and urge the rear battalion to follow, we won't be able to escape if it's too late!"

After hearing this, Li Guo immediately rushed over to the rear camp with his personal guards.

At this time, the organizational system on his side was completely messed up, and he couldn't bring his subordinates with him at all, he could only bring his personal guards with him.

Along the way, there were rogues and chieftain soldiers scurrying around everywhere. It took Li Guo a lot of effort to pass through thousands of people and arrive at the back camp.

"Auntie, let's go, what are you still doing here?" Just as soon as they met, Li Guo shouted at Gao Guiying without caring to wipe off his sweat.

Gao Guiying was also sweating anxiously. Seeing him coming, she hurriedly said: "I've said it once, don't be in a hurry, or I'll lose everyone's family, and I won't be able to explain to my brothers when I turn around!"

This statement sounds reasonable.

Li Guo heard this, but was a little annoyed. He immediately turned his head and saw Gao Yigong walking towards him when he saw him coming, and shouted angrily: "This is all burning eyebrows, and I still care about each family. Could it be that the rear camp Are they all lost here?"

Hearing this, Gao Yigong continued to walk towards Li Guo quickly and said to him: "You don't know, there is a reason for this!"

"What's the reason?" Li Guo couldn't help being a little curious when he heard this, what else could be the reason?
Gao Yigong had already walked up to him at this time, glanced at Gao Guiying, as if he didn't want Gao Guiying to hear, and whispered to Li Guo: "Come on, let me tell you!"

Seeing him like this, Li Guo felt even more strange.He also took a look at Gao Guiying, and found that Gao Guiying was confused. He didn't know what his brother wanted to do, so he approached Gao Yigong, wanting to know the reason why Gao Guiying couldn't let Gao Guiying know?

"I'll tell you..." Gao Yigong seemed to be whispering, he put his ear into Li Guo's ear before speaking, and suddenly he pulled out a dagger, slammed it across Li Guo's neck, and then Then he said, "Don't move, I don't want to hurt you!"

Seeing this, Li Guo didn't realize it immediately, what's going on?

Gao Guiying had been staring at them, and when she saw this scene, she was startled, and rushed over and shouted, "Yigong, what are you doing, are you crazy?"

At this time, Gao Yigong's personal guards had also drawn their knives, guarding against the few personal guards brought by Li Guo.Looking at this posture, you know that something is very wrong.

Li Guo's personal guards didn't dare to move, and they didn't know what to do?For a moment, I watched this scene a little at a loss.

After restraining Li Guo, Gao Yigong had a showdown, and immediately shouted to his sister: "Sister, let's surrender to the imperial court and continue to rebel. If there is no future, you can't just die like a thief like this?"

"You..." Gao Guiying was shocked and speechless after hearing this.

On Li Guo's side, before he could speak, Gao Yigong continued: "I have met Lord Yang, he said that the emperor has a list of pardons, including me, sister, and you, Li Guo. The previous Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu and the others are also on this list. This list should have been given by Emperor Taizu. Knowing that we had to rebel, we can redeem our sins and make contributions to the country. You see, Li Dingguo and the others, as well as Yuan Shizhong, have already been knighted ..."

In fact, he was also afraid of his sister and his good brother Li Guo refusing to surrender, so he couldn't wait to start telling the reasons he had thought up in one breath, which made Gao Guiying and Li Guo stunned for a while. What's going on?

Everyone wants to be affirmed by others, especially to be affirmed by Emperor Taizu, that is absolutely unimaginable.

"Sister, now that the imperial court is enlightened, women can be officials. Even if they can't be the second loyal duke, there are also political envoys who are also women. Now they are all third-rank officials."

"Brother, we are all capable. Now that the barbarians are staring at me like a tiger, why can't we contribute to the imperial court, make meritorious deeds, and give him a title, so that we can return to our hometown in good clothes?"

Gao Yigong looked at his sister very emotionally and said: "Sister, we depend on each other for life, I don't want to be without you."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Guo again, and said with the same excitement: "We are not brothers, but we are better than brothers. Can't we all join hands to make contributions, and return to our hometown together in the future to comfort our ancestors?"

Hearing his words, Li Guo's personal guards lost all hostility, and all the knives in their hands hung down.Obviously, they were all moved.

"Look, now that the imperial army is besieging on all sides, the place is in chaos. The victory and defeat of this battle have already been divided, and there is no point in resisting any more!"

Gao Guiying listened to her younger brother's words, turned her head and looked around, seeing the messy situation, finally sighed, turned her head and said to Gao Yigong: "Then what should your brother-in-law do?"

Obviously, she was moved by her brother.

After Gao Yigong heard this, he had no choice but to say: "The emperor expressly ordered not to pardon the general and Liu Zongmin, this is not something we can change."

Having said that, he suddenly raised his voice, and asked a little harshly: "Is it possible that so many brothers are really going to die because of brother-in-law alone, or die here like thieves? Isn't it dead?"

Upon hearing this, Li Guo's personal guards looked at each other, and they all put their knives back into their sheaths. Obviously, they had already made a decision in their hearts.

"It's not that the imperial court didn't give the general a chance, it's that the general didn't want to be recruited, and continued to dream of being the overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period. And that Liu Zongmin, who dared to dig up the Yellow River and flood Kaifeng, how could the emperor spare them?"

"Brothers follow us through life and death. Could it be that it's selfish to drag so many brothers to a dead end? Do you have a conscience? Is this brotherhood? How can a person be so selfish when he is alive?"

"Now that the brothers are with me, it is Zhaoan. If you continue to resist and change your mind at the end, it is surrender, and the court treats them differently!"


Listening to Gao Yigong's questioning one after another, Li Guo obviously lowered his head, and after a while, after Gao Yigong finished speaking, he said with a bit of disinterest: "Let go, even if it's not for yourself, it's for the brothers , I, Li Guo, can't be ruthless, I accept the offer!"

Gao Yigong was very happy when he heard it, so he confirmed: "Really?"

After hearing this, Li Guo smiled wryly and said, "Can there be fakes? You see, my brothers have already made their choices!"

His personal guards were a little embarrassed by what he said, but after thinking about it, they faced it calmly.

When Gao Yigong saw him, he put down his dagger, and said to Li Guo embarrassedly: "Just now I had to, brother, don't take it to heart. Even if you refuse in the end, I can't kill you. It's just a pity, We will not be able to continue to fight side by side in the future. I... I sincerely hope that we brothers can return to our hometowns in the future, and return to the hometown where we grew up!"

Hearing this, Li Guo couldn't help feeling a little lost, yes, his hometown!Can you return home?
Gao Guiying was also very emotional, especially during this period of time in Yunnan and Guizhou, the difference from northern Shaanxi was too great, which made them miss their hometown even more!
She was the first to come to her senses, and said to Gao Yigong immediately: "Yigong, since this is the case, then let more brothers accept the recruitment. It is better to give them a future than to surrender."

After Gao Yigong heard this, he quickly agreed, and then ordered his subordinates: "Quickly, put out the banner and call the brothers to come and gather. As long as they are under our banner, they are all recruited."

"Obey!" His personal guard heard this and quickly agreed.

Then, outside the chaotic city, suddenly there was a chorus of shouts: "Brothers, come here quickly!"

The bandits and chieftain soldiers who were running around heard the movement and turned their heads to look.It was discovered that the flag of the army was erected on the rear camp, and the soldiers formed a circle around the outside to protect the family members of the army inside.

Although they can't figure out what's going on?But their intuition told them that it must be safe over there.

Even if it is for the family, it must pass.

As a result, the thieves all approached the back camp one after another.

On Li Zicheng's side, he was running north with his troops, and when he heard the movement, he turned his head to look, and was immediately puzzled.On the contrary, Song Xiance understood immediately, and immediately said in surprise: "When did the Houying join the imperial court?"

This remark immediately shocked Li Zicheng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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