Chapter 645 Good news (addition)
For Emperor Chongzhen, the things on Liu Weichao's side were at best to mediate his life and relieve his exhaustion from endless overtime work, and it would not bring him any pressure at all.

It is his own business, although it is not as difficult as before, but it still needs to consume a lot of his energy.

Don't look at the promulgation of the universal compulsory military service system, but the implementation process must also be watched.

In the southern provinces, Zheng Sen, the commander of Jin Yiwei, made an inspection tour.

To the north of the Yangtze River, Emperor Chongzhen handed over to Wang Dehua, the admiral of Dongchang, for inspection.

Jin Yiwei Commander Li Ruolian was in Shu, so he patrolled the western area of ​​Ming Dynasty, including Shu and Qin.

In the area of ​​Gyeonggi, Wang Chengen, the admiral of Xichang, sent people to inspect.

According to the news that he was almost ready to go abroad to conquer Nanyang and Xiyi, he was worried about it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the navy of the Ming Dynasty is dominated by the Zheng family.

The Denglai Navy is commanded by Zheng Zhilong, and most of the troops under it belong to the Zheng family.

The commander of the navy who went south to Nanyang this time is also a member of the Zheng family, Zheng Zhibao.

The reason for this is that it is impossible.As far as Ming is concerned, naval warfare is still the Zheng family's best skill.

At this time, he already knew the seriousness of the matter.

First of all, we must ensure that the war can be won.If it is said that, in order to worry about the Zheng family's excessive power, restricting the Zheng family and holding back, it is an act of foolishness.

However, the Zheng family cannot be the only one in the navy, as that would definitely be detrimental to the construction of the Ming navy in the long run.Reminded by Liu Weichao, an outsider, Emperor Chongzhen sent the Yangtze River Navy under Sun Chuanting to serve under Zheng Zhibao.

This Yangtze River navy is actually the navy of the Shu region. It was temporarily recruited by Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan to deal with Zuo Liangyu's troops, and captured Zuo Liangyu's navy, as well as some downstream Zhang Xianzhong's navy. integrated afterwards.

The steam armored warship rebuilt by the Nanjing Shipyard belongs to this navy.According to the news sent from Nanjing, a total of eight steam ironclad warships have been remodeled, and they have already set off for Fuzhou, Fujian. Counting the time, it is almost here.

Emperor Chongzhen's own plan, Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and the others learn how to fight at sea under the command of Zheng Zhibao. After the conquest of Jilong and Lusong Xiyi is over, they can be rewarded with this military exploit and become the only navy of the Ming Dynasty. Commander, to balance the power of the Zheng family in the navy.

Of course, if you just do this, it will be the same as in previous dynasties.According to the suggestion given by Liu Weichao, the dog-headed military division, the navy should also be the same as the army, and Jin Yiwei should select school lieutenants to serve as supervisors at all levels.With this method, the imperial court can further control the various navies.

Emperor Chongzhen readily accepted this. After all, this trick has achieved very good results in the army.

However, it has not been implemented yet. Emperor Chongzhen is going to wait for the navy to defeat the Japanese navy before making military reforms.

While he was busy with this matter, Sun Chuanting's victory memorial arrived.

Not to mention, when this victory memorial came to the capital, the happiest thing was not the Chongzhen Emperor, but other people besides the Chongzhen Emperor, including the people in the court.

Because Emperor Chongzhen actually knew it well, and Sun Chuanting had prepared for it for the past two years, and the harvest would not be too difficult.

However, other people don't know!Especially in order to promote compulsory military service for all, and under the suggestion of Liu Weichao, a keyboard warrior, Emperor Chongzhen deliberately created an atmosphere of an invasion by the great enemy of the Ming Dynasty.

The Tsarist Russian Empire is so far away from Daming, and forming an alliance with Jianlu is actually empty talk. Whether the alliance will be formed in the end is a question mark!

Moreover, the strength of the Tsarist Russian Empire itself lies there. If you want to fight Daming from thousands of miles away, you have to overcome many difficulties in the middle, and it is very difficult. Whether you can really come here is also a question mark!
Also, the so-called Dutch Empire is actually just the colonists of the Netherlands in the Far East.If they form an alliance with Jianlu, if it is in the original history, even if their number in the Far East is not large, they cannot be underestimated.

However, in today's plane, under the technological development of the Ming Dynasty, not to mention muskets and artillery, they have already surpassed these western barbarians, even the warships. The steam iron-clad warships alone have already formed a generation gap for the Dutch. , Do you even care if they form an alliance or not?
Of course, Emperor Chongzhen would not say it clearly, or even talk about the current situation of the Wa Kingdom. He just let the whole Ming Dynasty think that the Wa Kingdom was still the Wa Kingdom in the Wanli era, and its combat power was similar to that of the Ming Dynasty. He also emphasized the population of the Wa Kingdom. There are millions of armies.

In this kind of propaganda, people who don't know the truth really feel that Daming's situation has become very difficult, and if he is not careful in the future, he may fall into troubled times again.

The same is true, and it just happened that the Luzon Spaniards did not regard the Ming people as human beings and massacred them as the fuse, so that the compulsory military service system for all people was passed in the court, and the official decree was promulgated to the world, and it was also obtained. Approval of some people.

In the past, in the guidance of public opinion, it was also emphasized that soldiers are deceitful.There has never been a [-]% victorious battle. In the Southwest War, the allied forces of many chieftains and thieves have to be dealt with. Emphasizing their large number, they are also local snakes.On Sun Chuanting's side, it may not be possible to resolve the Southwest War within the prescribed two years. If there is any accident, it is possible to delay it forever.

And the army under Sun Chuanting's command was the most elite of the imperial court's army. If it had been dragged to the southwest line, it would have a great impact on the situation in Ming Dynasty.

It was in this kind of psychological expectation that when I suddenly heard that Sun Chuanting had won a battle and together with the army in central Shu, they encircled and wiped out the chieftains and bandits in Yunnan. He was overjoyed, and in the capital, firecrackers were constantly ringing to celebrate this great victory.

After the court officers and soldiers often had good news, it was rare to see such excitement.The people of the capital, especially those who live outside the city, or those who already have a lot of industries outside the city, are especially happy, as if it was the New Year.

"Have you eaten yet? How about I treat you to a few drinks? I'm so happy today!"

"That's right, Sun Benbing is really too powerful, and the Southwest will be determined in one battle! We have Sun Benbing in Ming Dynasty, so we don't have to worry about it!"

"That's right! I didn't expect Dongwu to dare to meddle in the chaos in Yunnan. Thanks to Sun Benbing, otherwise the war in the Southwest might be dangerous!"

"That's right, once the war in the Southwest drags on, Jianlu, the Japanese, the Mongols, and other Western Yi empires will come together to attack me, Daming, that will be really dangerous!"


During the Southwest War, were there any accidents?

That is, Dongwu actually sent a large army to invade Yunnan and form an alliance with the rebels there!
This unexpected incident increased the weight of Sun Chuanting's great victory, and made the common people talk about it with great emotion, thanks to Sun Chuanting's commanding skills.

Compared with the common people, they only recognize one Sun Chuanting. In the court hall, there is all the content of the victory report. No one can take away the credit of Yang Weizhi.

Emperor Chongzhen was also very happy to read the battle report, and was very satisfied with Yang Weizhi's performance.So I gave Liu Weichao a video call first, and asked about Yang Weizhi's performance in history.

Yang Weizhi was not well-known in the original history, so Liu Weichao missed him in his introduction to Emperor Chongzhen.The same is true, Yang Weizhicai is just a sub-inspector official in Yunnan, which is almost equivalent to Hong Chengchou leading the army to fight and becoming famous as a former official.

At this time, after Liu Weichao received the request for a roll call from Emperor Chongzhen, after a search, he was a little surprised, so he told Emperor Chongzhen about Yang Weizhi's performance in the original history.

Emperor Chongzhen fell in love with Yang Weizhi immediately when he heard that Yang Weizhi and Hong Chengchou had almost the same first half of life, but the final choice was completely different, and decided to reuse him.

Subsequently, he held an imperial meeting and made the following decisions on Sun Chuanting's Southwest War.

First, after the war in Yunnan was basically pacified, Zhao Sun Chuanting led the Central Plains troops back to Gyeonggi to strengthen the strength of the northern part of the Ming Dynasty and prepare to deal with the situation in the north.

Second, the former governor of Yunnan died of illness shortly after the thieves entered Yunnan. The court has not appointed new officials, and Mu Tianbo is actually in charge of military and political affairs temporarily.Now that the imperial decree has been able to go to Yunnan, Yang Weizhi was ordered to take over the post of governor of Yunnan to be in charge of Yunnan affairs after Sun Chuanting left.

According to the information provided by Liu Weichao, during the Shapu Rebellion, the chieftain Sha Dingzhou took advantage of the conflict between the governor of Yunnan and Mu Tianbo to rebel successfully.After Mu Tianbo escaped from Kunming, when he encountered distressing things, such as being oppressed by the Daxi Army, being coerced by Dongwu, etc., he wrote letters to complain to Yang Weizhi, which shows that the relationship between the two of them is still good.

Therefore, from all aspects, Emperor Chongzhen felt that Yang Weizhi was suitable for the post of governor of Yunnan.And just based on his contribution in this war, it is enough to seal a big official in the frontier.

Third, Gao Yigong, Gao Guiying, Li Guo and other people on the list he gave before all returned to the capital with Sun Chuanting. Emperor Chongzhen wanted to see these officials who were more determined than the real Ming officials in the original history Daming people.

Fourth, an order was issued to King Dongwu to return all the occupied land and compensate all the losses caused by Dongwu people, totaling [-] million taels of silver.

Regarding this item, at the beginning, the officials felt that the amount of compensation was a bit too high, even if they sold Dongwu, they would definitely not be able to afford it!
Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen just sneered, and dared to covet Daming, this is the price Dongwu has to pay, the destruction of the country and the destruction of the species!

When Emperor Chongzhen was handling the Southwest affairs, the Fuzhou side had already gathered an army.

(End of this chapter)

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