Chapter 648 Shameless

"Huh?" Kui froze for a moment when he heard the alarm bell. What's going on?
He asked a subordinate who had been working in Dongfan suspiciously, "Are the natives here so arrogant and disrespectful?"

When they were in Batavia, the natives also attacked them, but they were finally defeated by them.

After he arrived here, he already understood that the aborigines in Dongfan were all fighting on their own, and they had not yet formed a unified kingdom.

For this reason, he didn't care even more, and directly sent people to arrest more than a thousand people to work, and if they were killed, they were thrown into the sea. Could they still rebel?

Needless to say, the natives of Dongfan still dare not rebel.In the original history, it was the Ming people who migrated from Fujian in the end, and the Ming people named Guo Huaiyi led the Ming people to launch an uprising against the tyranny of the Dutch.

Hearing Kui Yi's question at this time, his subordinates were also puzzled and said: "No, they just attacked once when they first came here, and they are very obedient!"

While speaking, the "Dang Dang Dang" alarm bell sounded, and it was still ringing hurriedly.

Kui Yi immediately frowned, feeling a little puzzled, and strode out, wanting to go out to see the situation, and at the same time guessed: "Could it be that the Spaniards still don't give up?"

After capturing the Spaniards before, they promised not to fight for Dongfan, so they were released.After all the calculations now, only the Spaniards should have the guts to come and fight for it, right?
As a result, before he even walked out of the lobby, some of his subordinates rushed over and reported: "My lord, there are many ships coming from the sea, and they are ships from the Ming Kingdom!"

"What?" Kuiyi and the others were quite surprised when they heard this.

Because Batavia will send more warships, Kui once considered the cost, and directly saved the money to buy the Zheng Zhilong Lingqi, and smuggled the goods from Japan to Dongfan once. They did meet Zheng Zhilong's boat at sea, but the other party couldn't catch up at all.How long has it been since there was such a big reaction?
Kui Yi was really surprised, but he was not afraid, and immediately sneered and said: "As far as those lucky boats come, how many come and sink them!"

Today, he has confidence.The strength of Dongfan is unprecedented.Based on his previous experience in dealing with the Nanyang monkeys, as long as a few ships are sunk, the others will flee in all directions.

So, as he walked out, he sent an order: "All warships, prepare to go to sea immediately!"

The advantage of a sailing warship is that it can exert its greatest advantage in the vast and boundless sea.

The advantage of the navy of the Ming Dynasty is mainly due to the large number of warships and the large number of arsonists. Several wars between the Netherlands and the Ming Dynasty were all burned by arsonists.But at sea, don't even think about burning the sailing warship.

After the order was issued, Kui Yi quickly came to the city wall, and at a glance, he was a little shocked: My God, the Ming Kingdom is indeed a giant, and it has dispatched such a warship?
As far as he could see, there was a black line on the sea in the distance.Based on his experience, it is estimated that there are more than one hundred warships at a blind guess.

However, he also had psychological expectations for this, so he was not too surprised, but immediately picked up the telescope to observe.

After watching intently, Kui Yi suddenly sneered and said, "I'm surprised why the Ming people came to attack our city of Zeelandia with such fanfare? It turns out that there are Portuguese and Ming people colluding together!"

He didn't care about it at all.What happened to the Portuguese?If they huddled in Haojingao, the Dutch could do nothing. After all, they fought once before and returned in a big defeat, but at sea, it was the Dutch who ruled them all!

And he saw through the binoculars just now that there are only three Portuguese sailing warships in total. What's the use?

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered that all twenty Dutch sailing warships set off to meet the enemy at sea, and sink as many Ming warships as possible, regardless of whether they came to attack the city of Zeelandia.

Anyway, Zeelandia City's access to the Taijiang River has been blocked by the artillery on the shore, and it is impossible for them to attack!
As soon as he gave the order, his subordinates rushed to fight excitedly.

Twenty sailing warships are a huge sea fleet anywhere.Just like the lucky boats of the Ming Dynasty, when we met them at sea, beating them was like playing cat and mouse.

Let the Ming people see what the gap is!Do you think you can win at sea just because you have more ships?

The more than a thousand natives on the shore who were digging the foundation under the supervision of the Dutch also found that there were densely packed ships on the sea after hearing the movement, and they were all stunned.

In this Dongfan, I have never seen so many boats!
Of course, everyone knows that the only one that can own so many ships here is the Ming Empire.However, the fleet of the Ming Empire has never been to Dongfan, that is, the pirates of the Ming Dynasty, and they often visited Dongfan in the past.

How is this going?

Guo Huaiyi, who was going to launch an uprising in a few years, was also among the captured laborers. Seeing this situation, he said to his companions in disbelief: "It's not that Zheng Yiguan's elites have all died. He was transferred to the north by the imperial court to fight against Jian captives, what's going on?"

A few years ago, they came to Dongfan to seek a living, and the only thing they knew about Daming was the news before they came.

Therefore, everyone was puzzled and didn't know what was going on.But there is one thing they are sure of, the large-scale fleet that can appear here, only the Zheng family has this strength.

They were watching that some Dutch devils rushed to the construction site with guns, and together with the supervisor, they drove the laborers to the castle far from the coastline, so as not to fight in time, and these laborers would get in the way.

On the port side, teams of Dutch sailors rushed onto the warships one after another. Soon, these sailing warships docked on the docks sailed out to sea in an orderly manner, ready to face the battle.

On the top of the city of Zeelandia, Kui Yi had already seen clearly through the telescope that it was indeed a large-scale fleet of the Ming Dynasty, but unfortunately, they came at the wrong time and happened to meet the fleet sent by Batavia.

If it was before this, the number of warships here in Dongfan is small, and they might really be piled up by them.

Seeing the fleet that had already set out to meet the Ming fleet, Kui Yi was not worried at all. He was even in the mood to ask the attendants to bring wine glasses and bottles, and sit on a grand master's chair, drinking and admiring Rare sea view.

He could see that the three Portuguese sailing warships had also moved, and he was not worried about this. There were only three ships, and how much they could contain their own side. Good luck boat!
While thinking about it, suddenly, Kui held the hand of the wine glass, and was still shaking the wine in the wine glass in circles, but at this time he was motionless.Two eyes seemed to pop out, staring at the sea.

After a while, he immediately put the wine glass back on the plate, and hurriedly picked up the binoculars to look over.

"Shameless, it's extremely shameless!" Kui Yi suddenly cursed.

Earlier, he saw that there were many warships in the Ming Dynasty, possibly more than a hundred, but he was still not worried about this.

Because the lucky boats of the Ming Dynasty actually have only one advantage, which is to resist wind and waves and prevent the ship from sinking, which is better than sailing boats.In other words, the shipment was fine.

However, in terms of naval battles, sailing warships are far better than Fuchuan in terms of flexibility, speed, and artillery density of each warship.

Therefore, in a naval battle, sailing warships can definitely defeat the Fuchuan of the Ming Dynasty.

However, no matter how powerful the sailing warship is, once the number of warships on both sides is very different, the result will be different.

After this period of time, when Kui looked at the sea again and again, he still could not see the tails of the warships of the Ming Dynasty. As for the number of warships that have appeared in his field of vision, it is estimated that there are about [-] ships.

Five hundred plus warships of the Ming Dynasty faced twenty sailing warships, how can this be fought?
People's lucky boats are already resistant to beatings and not easy to sink.With such a large number rushing over, the gunpowder of twenty sailing warships has all been used up, so they can't defeat such a huge fleet, right?
It's using numbers to suppress people again. Isn't that shameless?
Zheng Zhilong didn't dispatch so many warships in the battle of Liuluo Bay back then!Didn't it mean that his main force is not here? Why are there so many ships?
But the number exceeds a certain level, so low firepower density, inflexibility, and slow ship speed are not a problem.Especially in this era, the era of solid bullets, it is even more difficult to deal with such a large number of fleets.

Just like Kui Yi, the twenty sailing warships that went out to sea were also dumbfounded when they saw the endless Ming fleet.Not to mention an ant facing an elephant, at least it's like a lion.

With such a huge fleet, except for the three Portuguese sailing warships that responded, all the lucky boats continued to go to the city of Zeelandia in a mighty manner.

Obviously, their goal is the city of Zeelandia.

It is impossible to stop twenty warships, and it will definitely not be stopped.The only thing that can be done is probably side harassment.

However, even if you sink ten, twenty, or a hundred Ming warships, it will not help the overall situation, right?
What a rascal, what a rascal!
If it is said that so many boats are the canoes of Nanyang monkeys, then it is okay to say that many problems can be solved by bumping into them.

But the ships of the Ming Dynasty are all lucky boats, and there are many large lucky boats, not to mention, they are also equipped with artillery.Moreover, they also have arson boats!

Faced with such a situation, it was also thanks to Kuiyi that he was smarter, and immediately asked his subordinates to raise the flag and change their strategy urgently.

After seeing the flag of Zeelandia, the [-] warships on the sea divided into five ships and hurriedly fled back to Zeelandia. The other [-] ships were far away from the Ming Navy and went around to the fleet. went behind.

(End of this chapter)

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