Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 663 Persuade to surrender

Chapter 663 Persuade to surrender
Chakun was a soldier, and he was a strict person. In the past, in order to defend against the possible invasion of the Dutch, Manila's defense did not relax.

Although the Ming army seems to have a lot of troops now, once he stabilizes, he is not particularly afraid.

Of course, there is no way out in a naval battle, and you will definitely lose.However, if the Ming army wanted to take down Manila, they would never expect to be able to take it down for a while.As long as it drags on and persists, the army of the Ming Dynasty came from so far away, and there must be problems with logistics and food.

If it was a governor who was not a soldier, he probably wouldn't have thought of this, but Cha Kun thought of it right away.

Therefore, he immediately issued a military order to let the people on the sailing warship abandon the sailing warship and retreat into the city to strengthen the defense of Manila City.

At the same time, he gave a few instructions to the subordinates around him fiercely.After that, it was regarded as the densely packed Ming warships on Manila Bay and did not speak.

This Chakun is actually not very afraid of Daming.It can even be said that in his eyes, except for Europeans, all other races are weak chickens, even the Ming Dynasty is no exception.

In the original history, he felt the war in the Ming Dynasty, so he united with the bishop of Luzon and other dignitaries from all walks of life to send a memorial to the King of Spain, asking the King of Spain to send troops to the East, not asking for more, at most two With a strength of [-] Spanish troops, the Ming Kingdom can be conquered and given to the King of Spain.

Even in his memorial, there is also the scale of how to colonize the Ming Dynasty in the future. Of course, it is still the way the Europeans are good at, combining religion and force, and then supporting the second devil, etc.

It's just a pity that after the King of Spain received this memorial, although he really wanted to do this, but the European side has reached the late stage of the Thirty Years of Religious War, and Spain is still the defeated side, and can't even take care of the mainland. How could it be possible to come to the far east!

Because of the butterfly effect, such a memorial was not sent out, but his contempt for the orientals was engraved in his bones.

At this time, Cha Kun, after thinking about it, began to order again, ordering the natives in the city, etc., to cooperate with the Spanish Musketeers and prepare to fight the Ming army. It was even seen that there were natives before the Ming army went ashore. , out of the city to the distance.

At this time, the battle at sea was one-sided in the face of absolute strength. In addition, later, the Spaniards directly abandoned their warships and withdrew their warships into the city of Manila, because the naval battle would soon end.

Row after row of Ming warships approached the shore, and group after group of soldiers of the Ming army went ashore one after another, and lined up to Manila City, forming formations outside the artillery range.

On some lucky boats, the horses had to be driven off the ship, and the artillerymen were also busy unloading the artillery.

All of a sudden, outside Manila, people were shouting and neighing, and it was very lively.And above the city of Manila, whether they were natives or Spaniards, they all looked nervous, and even looked at the scene outside the city with some fear.

Uniform military uniforms, dazzling red, there are at least tens of thousands of people, it is really shocking to see!
They were watching, when suddenly they saw a white man coming out of the Ming army and approaching the city of Manila.

This surprised the Spaniards on the wall. How could there be a white man in the Ming army?

But they quickly came to their senses, this must be the Portuguese!

Seeing that the Portuguese gestured with his hands empty, indicating that he had no weapons, he was obviously a man with words.

Therefore, everyone looked at their Governor Cha Kun, what does the Governor mean?
Chakun watched the Portuguese approach with a gloomy face, and to be honest, he was very upset.

Because Portugal was originally a part of Spain, it fought for independence and separated from Spain. So far, Spain has not recognized Portugal and tried to conquer Portugal and annex it again. However, due to various reasons, it has not been successful.

Therefore, in the eyes of Chakun, of course, the Portuguese cannot be polite.

However, now there is a large army outside the city, and Cha Kun first wanted to find out the real purpose of the Ming army, and the second was to delay time, so he let the Portuguese approach.

When he was almost out of the range of the musket, the Portuguese stopped and shouted: "Brothers in Spain, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty asked me to give you a message. Surrender early, and maybe you can save yourself from death! If you fight to the end, The Ming soldiers said that all of you will die, and pay for those Ming people who were killed in Luzon!"

Upon hearing this, Cha Kun confirmed that it was indeed the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who sent the army for the massacre of the Luzon Ming people.

At this time, he wanted to stall for time, so he asked his subordinates to respond loudly: "The emperor of the Ming Dynasty never cared about their escape overseas, so don't lie to us. If you want money, just say how much, we can discuss things!"

"Don't have any more illusions!" The Portuguese shouted loudly, "Emperor Ming ordered to gather the troops from several provinces in the southeast, which is equivalent to the troops of Spain, with as many as [-] horses. Marshal Zheng led the army, and the eunuch guarding Nanjing, Mr. Lu, supervised the army. He came to collect blood debts. If you don’t obediently surrender, none of you will survive!”

Hearing this, the Spaniards on the city wall who could understand felt the pressure immediately. This is the truth of the Ming Dynasty, and they even gathered a few Spanish troops!

Chakun listened, with a gloomy face, and asked his men to shout: "Don't scare people, where is the army of [-], it's okay to deceive children, you think that we Spaniards are all like you Portuguese?"

"I really don't want to scare you. Da Ming formed the Luzon Expeditionary Army, and it took only two days to take down the Dutch city of Zeelandia. You Manila is not much better. Surrender early, and you will have a chance of survival. !"

Hearing this, the Spaniards on the top of the city were relieved.The reason is simple, they all know what happened to Zeelandia City.Not to mention one hundred thousand people, even if there were one hundred thousand more, it would be impossible to defeat Zeelandia within two days!

Therefore, there was no need for Chakun to speak, and the other Spaniards shouted loudly one by one.

"Stop bragging, be careful with your tongue!"

"Just to seize the port of Zeelandia City, it will probably take a few days. Isn't it useful to have more ships, don't you think we don't know?"

"That's right, Zeelandia City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Just rely on these eastern natives to attack Zeelandia City? Don't say two days, even two years, they may not be able to take it down!"


The Portuguese listened to their yelling and chattered, until he couldn't hear them clearly.But the meaning is obvious, that is, these Spaniards don't believe it at all.

In this regard, the Portuguese actually understand it very well.To be honest, it took only two days for the Ming army to take down the city of Zeelandia. He still finds it a bit unbelievable!

At this time, he had already completed the task of shouting, so he didn't waste his voice anymore. Anyway, the Spaniards didn't believe it. In the end, the only one who was unlucky was the Spaniard himself.

So, he quickly retreated, and told Zheng Zhibao in front of the battle: "Those Spaniards have no intention of surrendering at all, they still don't believe it, they are cursing!"

After hearing this, Zheng Zhibao turned to look at Lu Jiude, the supervisor.

It would be the best if this Luzon could be like Dongfan, where the Spaniards were forced to surrender directly due to the might of the Ming army.

However, since the Spaniards were unwilling to surrender, Lu Jiude didn't want to worry about it anymore, and immediately said indifferently: "Since these Western barbarians don't know how to flatter them, let Marshal Zheng take care of everything!"

After Zheng Zhibao heard this, he turned around and ordered his artillerymen to push out the heavy artillery and blast it for a while to suppress the morale of the enemy.As for the siege, at least in the past few days it does not exist.

At this time, three of the heavy artillery were removed from the ship, and were pushed to the front of the formation by the soldiers of the Ming army.

Seeing this scene, the Spaniards above the city of Manila didn't care at all. At such a long distance, the artillery has no deterrent effect on the city wall.Because of this, the artillery on the top of the city did not move at all.The artillery bombardment at this distance is just a waste of gunpowder.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, the Ming army's artillery was fired, and then the deafening sound of the cannon was heard, as well as the sound of iron bullets hitting the city wall at the same time, making a huge noise.

When Cha Kun saw it, he was taken aback. How could the artillery range of the Ming Dynasty be so far away?Looking at the size of the cannon, it shouldn't be!

While thinking about it, he suddenly heard the deafening sound of artillery from the direction of the sea.

"Boom boom boom..."

Chakun quickly turned his head to look, but saw that the iron-clad smoking warship opened fire, and one of the iron bullets hit the battlements, blowing away a lot of gravel and soil, and the surrounding people wailed.

When Chakun saw it, he was even more shocked. The range of the artillery of the Ming Dynasty exceeded his expectations. He was so frightened that he quickly shouted: "Quick, quick, push up, push up!"

Hearing his order, his subordinates hurriedly shouted the order.

Outside the city of Manila, before the second round of shelling started, a new movement was suddenly seen above the city of Manila.

Zheng Zhibao was watching with a binoculars. Seeing this, he quickly shouted: "Quick, stop the bombardment!"

His personal guards heard this, and hurriedly delivered the order, while Zheng Zhibao himself immediately turned around, and told Lu Jiude who was still feeling hot under the umbrella: "Eunuch Lu, those Xiyi seem to have taken our Ming people as hostages! "

"Oh?" Lu Jiude felt a little surprised when he heard this, and immediately took the exclusive binoculars handed to him by the eunuch next to him, and looked over the top of the city.

Sure enough, a prisoner was being escorted every few feet away from the top of the city.

On the Nanyang side, there are currently three types of people, Xiyi, aborigines and Ming people.Needless to say, Xiyi is like a ghost, and you can tell it when you see it.

As for the aborigines and the Ming people, although it is not as easy to distinguish as Xiyi, the difference is actually very big.

When Lu Jiude saw it, he could confirm that those people were Ming people.

(End of this chapter)

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