Chapter 666
I don't know when, suddenly, there seemed to be movement in the city.

The abnormal flame seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and the Xiyi and natives in the city started yelling, as if they were drowning.

However, the soldiers of the Ming army who were ambushing outside the city were a little puzzled. Didn't they say that the earth dragon turned over?Why is it out of water?

The commanders of the Ming army were Zheng Zhibao and Zeng Ying who were in charge of the middle of the night. At this time, it was Zeng Ying who was on duty. Seeing the movement, he was also puzzled.

They didn't even expect that the fire in the city was just directed and acted by the Spaniards.

All the Spaniards and natives in the city were notified in advance, so there was no panic at all, and those who should sleep continued to sleep.At most, those who were sleeping were woken up, scolding those performances for making too much noise, which made them unable to sleep.

After a commotion for a while, the fire was extinguished, and the city gradually became silent.

Chakun, the Spanish governor in Luzon, yawned, feeling quite satisfied. He would have an excuse to continue talking to the Ming army ghosts outside the city to delay the time tomorrow, and then he turned over and went to sleep peacefully.

He was in a daze, as if he was about to fall asleep, but suddenly he felt someone shaking his bed.

This feeling of being disturbed from sleeping was very bad, and Chakun immediately became angry. Who was so bold as to shake his bed and disturb his sleep, and immediately turned over and sat up, ready to go mad.

As a result, in the dimly lit room, no one could be seen at all, and the bed was still shaking.


Cha Kun was a little confused, what's going on?

While he was still in a daze, suddenly, he heard a panicked shout from outside: "It's not good, there's an earthquake!"

Earthquake, what earthquake?
As soon as he had this thought, he suddenly came back to his senses, got out of bed immediately in fright, and fled outdoors in a hurry.

The tremor became more and more intense. The Governor's Mansion was fine under the shaking of the house. However, many houses in Manila began to collapse. Everywhere, there were people who were awakened by the earthquake and fled in panic.

There were also some houses collapsed, and people trapped inside cried out for help.

It can be said that the sudden earthquake caused a large-scale panic in the city of Manila and became a mess.

But outside the city, the soldiers of the Ming army who were lying in ambush suddenly felt the earth dragon turn over, and all of them were so shocked that their jaws almost fell to the ground.

It turned out that the earth dragon turned over!
Is it really God's wrath and disaster?
At this moment, all the soldiers of the Ming army suddenly felt awe in their hearts!At the same time, they were full of fighting spirit for themselves to be blessed by gods and Buddhas.

Zheng Zhibao, who was supposed to rest at this time, was naturally awakened by the earth-shaking earth dragon turning over. Feeling the earth-dragon turning over, he was shocked by the prophecy of Emperor Chongzhen. At this moment, his awe of the emperor, reached the extreme.

After Dilong turned over and continued for a while, it finally subsided slowly, and the city of Manila was already in chaos.

The Ming army outside the city took advantage of this opportunity to launch a night attack.

Because of an "expected" ground dragon turning over, it seemed that someone gave a "blessing" blessing, which raised the morale of the soldiers of the Ming army to a very high level.The defenders in the city seemed to be "cursed and chaotic". For a while, they were all affected by the earthquake and were still in chaos.


The attack was much smoother than expected. When the soldiers of the Ming army climbed to the top of the city, they found the enemy army at the top of the city. Many people were kneeling and praying, or watching the collapsed houses everywhere in the city and saying something in panic. Only a small number of people are still holding weapons and guarding their posts.

Zeng Ying's men, Li Ding, Yu Chong, and Hu Mingfeng, were the first to rush to the top of the city, and the cold weapons such as crossbow arrows and flying axes greeted each other, and opened the gap.

The Spaniards and natives in the city, because of the earthquake, had long been in a mess and lost their organizational system. They were still in shock when they found that the Ming army had attacked the city. Immediately, everyone became even more panicked.

Some wanted to resist, but some wanted to run for their lives, and some were scared out of their wits when they remembered that God really had to send disasters...

In short, because of an earthquake, the resistance will of the Spaniards and natives in the city was greatly disintegrated, and it was impossible to organize a decent resistance at all.


Amidst the shouts of killing, Zeng Ying, as a lieutenant general, did not lag behind, and quickly climbed to the top of the city.

Beside him, there were two Portuguese men wearing Ming army uniforms.This was specially put on for them so that they would not be taken as Spaniards and killed in the melee.

The two Portuguese had a mission. When they saw the Spaniards kneeling and surrendering, they immediately stepped forward to question them.

Soon, they had a result, and hurriedly reported to Zeng Ying: "My lord, I know where the hostages are being held!"

When Zeng Ying heard this, she was overjoyed and quickly ordered: "Lead the way ahead!"

The main purpose of his going to the top of the city so quickly was not to kill the enemy, but to rescue the hostages.

Those Luzon Ming people were detained by the Spaniards in several houses not far from the city.

When Zeng Ying led his men to arrive, they found that the house here had collapsed, and there were people scuffling in front of and behind the house.

As soon as the soldiers of the Ming army arrived, they immediately took control of the place.

It turned out that as soon as the earthquake happened, the house collapsed, and the Ming people who were imprisoned inside escaped, and then began to fight desperately with the indigenous guards.

This earthquake greatly improved the courage and morale of the Luzon Ming people, and greatly shocked the morale of the indigenous people. Therefore, they still had the upper hand during this chaotic time.

As soon as the soldiers of the Ming army were killed, there was no need to say what the result would be.

At this time, the sky in the east was already pale, and the morning light was shining on the earth, and it could be seen without a torch.

The Lu Song Ming people looked at the court soldiers wearing red jackets around them, and felt very kind, and they hugged each of them and cried bitterly.No matter how old they are, at this moment, they seem to be children who have reunited with their relatives after a long absence.

The despair when being massacred by the Spaniards and the natives, the grief of watching relatives being killed right in front of your eyes, the humiliation of being humiliated by the Spaniards and the natives despite being alive...

All these negative emotions were originally suppressed in my heart, but at this moment, they all vented out in crying.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he has not yet reached the point of sadness!
Only at this moment, in front of the relatives of the motherland, even if they don't know the word "relatives of the motherland" at this time, they can understand this feeling and cry happily.

For these Ming people, to be honest, Zeng Ying didn't particularly agree with them at first.These people are just a symbol, a symbol of the Luzon Ming people.

But at this moment, Zeng Ying saw this scene with his own eyes, and suddenly, the word Lu Songming became flesh and blood, and he felt that these people were his compatriots!
After letting them cry happily for a while, Zeng Ying said loudly to them: "We are here, and you will not be wronged again in the future!"

When the Lu Song Ming people heard this, they all cried and laughed, nodded and even kowtowed, all in a state of gratitude.

After daylight, the battle in Manila City was basically over.There were natives kneeling and surrendering everywhere, and some Spaniards.

In Manila, about one-third of the houses collapsed. Most of these houses were indigenous houses, which were relatively simple.There are also some houses that were damaged by the earthquake, but they did not collapse. Most of these houses were built by the Ming people before, but they are now occupied by the indigenous people.

Zheng Zhibao accompanied the supervising army Lu Jiude to the top of the city. Looking down at the city of Manila, what he saw was the mess in front of him.

Zeng Ying has already arrived and reported the situation to Zheng Zhibao and Lu Jiude: "The Ming people in the city have been rescued. Except for the Governor's Mansion, which is still fighting, the fighting in other places in the city has ended. The enemy is not To be killed is to be captured!"

For the time being, there is only a general report on the battle situation.In most places in the city, the soldiers of the Ming army are still cleaning the battlefield, and further battle reports will take time to come out.

Neither Lu Jiude nor Zheng Zhibao said much.Including the two of them, almost everyone on the top of the city silently watched everything in Manila with the same expression: Shocked!
Whether it was the soldiers of the Ming army, the Portuguese, or the Indians who followed Zheng Zhibao, they were all shocked to see Dilong's turnaround masterpiece.

What I saw and heard this time was really shocking!
The Orientals really have mastered magic, or have the ability to communicate with God, so they really will bring disasters to the Spaniards!
Unbelievably, the Portuguese came back to his senses, bowed to Zheng Zhibao with an indescribable expression and tone, and said respectfully: "God is really with the commander, if there is anything we need to do, please ask!"

If they were a bit reluctant to be recruited to participate in this expedition before, this time, they are absolutely willing!

When Zheng Zhibao heard what they said, he quickly glanced at Lu Jiude, then turned around, and quickly explained: "You guys have misunderstood, I am following orders, and everything is within His Majesty's expectations."




Upon hearing his words, everyone except Lu Jiude was shocked.

But for Zeng Ying and the soldiers of the Ming army, after being shocked, they showed a look of enlightenment, as if they felt that it was the emperor who calculated it, so it is not surprising!

After all, they all know that in the hands of the current emperor, it is a treasure bestowed by the Emperor Taizu, and the Emperor Taizu even showed his spirit in public, so the current emperor can be counted as the earth dragon turning around, or simply lowering the earth dragon at this time It is reasonable to turn over and punish the enemy!
However, the Portuguese were taken aback when they heard this.

They are far away in Haojingao, thousands of miles away from the capital, although they have heard the rumors, they still don't believe it.But at this moment, they can't believe it!
(End of this chapter)

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