Chapter 668

At this time, the statistics of the battle results came out.

In the battle against Dongfan, the losses of the court soldiers were basically caused by the artillery battle on the Neijiang River in Taiwan Strait.The other small part was when attacking the fortress of Zeelandia Castle.

As for the battle in Manila, in terms of naval warfare, it was a one-sided battle, and basically there was no loss; I thought that the attack on the city of Manila would definitely cause a greater loss.Unexpectedly, an earth dragon turned over and caused chaos in the city. The court soldiers who had prepared in advance took the opportunity to attack the city. After the statistics, the losses were even smaller than those during the Dongfan War.

On the Spanish side, of course, the entire army was wiped out. Compared with Dongfan, it is a pity that the Dutch governor in Dongfan was captured alive and sent to the capital for trial.Chakun, the governor of Spain in Luzon, committed suicide.

The total number of captured Spanish prisoners, including wounded ones, totaled more than [-].As for the indigenous people, including the Japanese living in Manila, there are more than [-] people in total.

In the early morning of the next day, the whole army assembled outside Manila, led by the liberated Luzon Ming people, to the mass grave where Luzon Ming people were buried, and paid homage to those massacred Luzon Ming people.

The location is a barren hill outside Manila, where there are several mass graves, all of which are Ming people who have been massacred by Spaniards and indigenous people.Of course, there are other places, but the scale here is the largest.

The Lusong Ming people who survived all threw themselves on the grave and cried loudly.

Although there are tens of thousands of Ming people in Luzon, they live in foreign countries and know each other most of them.

However, now there is a separation between yin and yang, and in my mind, all the fear of those few days of massacre, the parting of life and death!
It's just that they didn't expect that one day, the imperial court would send an army to make decisions for them.

"Did you see it in the spirit of the sky? The imperial court sent an army to avenge us!"

"Rest in peace, there will be no Spaniards in Luzon in the future! Don't worry anymore!"


After sweeping the graves, Lu Song Expeditionary Army Supervisor Lu Jiude, Marshal Zheng Zhibao, Deputy General Zeng Ying and others also paid homage to these dead souls buried in foreign countries on behalf of the imperial court.

I heard Lu Jiude, who was standing at the front, raise his voice, facing the grave and said in a sharp voice: "Long Live God has a decree. I am the father of the people of Ming Dynasty, and I must be the master of the people of Ming Dynasty. All people of Ming Dynasty, no matter where they are Anywhere, anyone who dares to disturb the people of Daming, first ask me whether I will agree or not! Anyone who dares to harm my people of Daming, I will retaliate tenfold! I want the whole world to know that all the people of Daming are protected by me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around abruptly, and shouted again sharply: "Come on, according to the order of Emperor Daming, blood will be paid with blood!"

When the court officers and soldiers who had been waiting for a long time heard it, they responded in unison, and the sound shook the whole field.

Afterwards, two soldiers of the Ming army escorted a former executioner to the grave, and ordered them to kneel down, followed by a knife.

After killing one row, go up another row.

The Spaniards, natives, and Japanese who were killed were all hungry for a day. Some of them were afraid, some wanted to resist, and some begged for mercy, but none of them helped. Flow all over the floor.

The Portuguese on the sidelines were shocked to see row after row of Spaniards being executed: From now on, whoever dares to bully Ming people overseas must think about the consequences of the Spaniards in front of them!
And the Indians accompanying the army were also very excited when they saw it.

Their hometown is still being colonized by these Spaniards, and they don't know how many compatriots are tortured to death by the Spaniards every day.After the Spaniards came to their hometown, it is not known how many Indians died at their hands.However, they have been at large and continue to oppress them Indians.

If the Indians are Ming people, and the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is also the emperor of the Indians, then they can also be protected by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.I heard it just now, as long as it is spoken by the people of Daming, no matter where it is, it will be protected by the Emperor of Ming!

Thinking of this, they all made up their minds that they must pursue this marriage.

That's right, the Indians are all Yin merchants, and the Yin merchants are all Chinese. As long as they are Chinese, they are all Ming people, and they are all subjects of the Ming Emperor!

At this moment, needless to say, the Spaniards, the natives living in Manila basically participated in the previous massacres of the Luzon Ming people, as well as the Japanese.These people were all sacrificed in blood.

Thousands of heads were piled up in front of several mass graves to form a Jingguan.Let everyone see that this is the fate of massacring Ming people!
No matter how far you go, you have to pay the price!
It's not that I didn't report, the time has not come yet!
Blood debts are paid in blood, words mean what they say!

That's it, it's not over yet.

On Luzon's side, the massacre against the Ming people was not limited to Manila.The tribes here, as long as they are close to the Spaniards, have all participated in the previous massacres of Luzon Ming people.

Therefore, Zheng Zhibao dispatched [-] troops with a unit of [-] people to encircle and suppress the indigenous tribes in various places.

At the same time, an order was issued that other indigenous tribes that did not participate in the massacre of the Ming people should assist the imperial army to encircle and suppress those indigenous tribes, and then they would become members of the Ming people; those indigenous tribes that did not assist the imperial army to encircle and suppress them would be regarded as enemies of the Ming Dynasty , the same encirclement and suppression;
The entire Luzon Island was shocked!

In the past, the Great Ming Shangguo was gentle with foreigners. Even if something happened, just bow your head and admit your mistake, and say a few nice words, maybe you will let it go.

The first two times when the Spaniards in Luzon massacred the Ming people, the Ming country said that these overseas Ming people were profiteers and that they deserved it, or that they just verbally condemned a few words and symbolically admitted their mistakes, and the matter was over. Yes, this is the foreigner's impression of the Kingdom of Heaven.

But now, Emperor Ming sent so many troops across the ocean, killing for killing, and blood for blood. This kind of iron-blooded method has never been seen before, and it scared them all at once.

This time, the Ming army was about [-] people, which was far different from the [-] people at most when the Spanish colonized Luzon. With such a powerful force, there was no tribe that dared to fight against the Ming soldiers.

Needless to say, the incident of Dilong's turnaround greatly shocked the natives here, making them all feel that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have the help of gods, and they dare not disobey the words of the army of the Ming Dynasty.

No, the aborigines on the nearby islands all came to vassalize on their own initiative after hearing the news.

Compared with the Western colonists who came from afar, the prestige of the Heavenly Kingdom has always deterred them.Now after such a crusade against the Luzon Spaniards, the deterrence against them has been enhanced.

When Tianchao Shangguo no longer only cares about face, and will fight for it for the sake of the people of Ming Dynasty, the people of Tianchao Shangguo, for them, no matter from which aspect, it is definitely their honor!

Therefore, in the next period of time, with the assistance of the local aborigines, the Ming army encircled and suppressed one village after another that had participated in the massacre of Luzon Ming people.

As long as they participated in the massacre of Lusong Ming people, they would all be taken to the graves of the local Lusong Mings, their heads fell to the ground, and blood sacrifices were made to the souls of those who died unjustly.

Those who did not participate directly will be punished as criminals and redeemed by mining.As for the period of atonement, it is determined according to the degree of their previous oppression of the Ming people in Lusong.Minimum one year, maximum ten years.

The reason for giving a ten-year upper limit is to prevent these free laborers from despairing and disobeying discipline.In fact, it is difficult to live for ten years!
As for the location of the mine, Emperor Chongzhen had already given the location, but it was not for Zheng Zhibao, but for the supervisor Lu Jiude.

In Luzon, according to the records of later generations, the reserves of gold and copper mines are among the top in the world, and there are other minerals, even non-metallic mines, which are a great treasure.However, many mines are on other islands.

The mineral location given by Emperor Chongzhen is just a copper mine that is easy to mine on this island.All the criminals were taken to mine.

As for those tribes who surrendered to Ming Dynasty and made meritorious service, the Ming army also resettled them.

Luzon Island, the original best site, is naturally owned by the Spaniards and their vassals.Now, these sites are naturally gone.

The best part of the land is designated as official land, followed by the Luzon Ming people, and finally the subordinate indigenous people.

The army is stationed in Luzon. It is absolutely not cost-effective if logistics materials, especially food and grass, are transported from the country.In Nanyang itself, there are three crops a year, so it is natural to solve it on the spot.

When these things were arranged, it was already the beginning of the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

Zheng Zhibao, Lu Jiude and others jointly wrote a memorial to the victory, describing the situation in Luzon in detail, and then sent it to the capital together with a few of the most senior Spanish officers who remained.

Naturally, the news of the Ming army stationed in Luzon slowly spread in Nanyang during this period.

The main reason is that the South Seas are all islands, and there is no land connection, so the spread is slower.

However, every time it spreads to a place, it will shock a place.It can be foreseen that the distribution of forces on the Nanyang side will inevitably be re-divided with the development of the Ming Dynasty's conquest of Luzon.


Besides, in the Ming Dynasty, at the end of the eighteenth year of Chongzhen, just a few days before the Chinese New Year, in a heavy snowstorm, two seagoing ships slowly approached the wharf of Tianjin Port.

Teams of soldiers immediately disembarked and put under martial law, so that people could tell that the two ships came from warships at a glance.

Outside the martial law line, a small number of dock workers and some businessmen looked at the people who got off the boat curiously: "Hey, look, the person who looks like a ghost is Xiyi, right?"

"I've seen it in the south, it's from Xiyi."

"Every one of them was taken down. Could it be the captives of the Dutch Empire?"


(End of this chapter)

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