Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 670 It's All Interests

Chapter 670 It's All Interests
However, Emperor Chongzhen was still calculating the accounts at the end of the year, and had no time to take care of these Dutch prisoners, so he asked the Ministry of Criminal Justice to interrogate the crimes of the Dutch first.

Generally speaking, interrogating prisoners is not an easy task, because no one will bow their heads and confess so easily.It is only possible to confess by various means such as punishment.

However, what Emperor Chongzhen didn't expect was that the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment ran to report again just the next day, so the interrogation had a result.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised by this, so he read the memorial of the interrogation results first.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs probably also saw Emperor Chongzhen's surprise, so he reported from below: "Your Majesty, these Dutch people are considered dead. They said they were willing to plead guilty, but they are not killed, and they are allowed to live in Daming after serving their sentences; As long as they can do business with Daming, they can do whatever they want.”

When he said this, his tone was proud.As the chief judge, he could clearly feel that the power and prosperity of Daming deeply shocked these barbarians!
"They admitted that they plundered the coast of Fujian, but this was done by the Dutch before." The Minister of Criminal Affairs continued, "These Dutchmen have been subdued by General Zheng Zhilong in the early years, and they have not invaded the coast of Daming again. It’s just doing Japanese business.”

"As for Jianlu, they only admit that they are doing business!" Speaking of this, the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice played in a slightly dissatisfied tone, "These Dutch people also slandered Zheng Zongbing, saying that he also colluded with Jianlu, They once saw Zheng Zongbing in Zhenjiang Fort, and the generals of Jianlu were very respectful to Zheng Zongbing, saying that Zheng Zongbing was also doing business with Jianlu!"

"Zheng Zongbing used to be a pirate, so it's not surprising that he did business with the Japanese country. But if you say that Zheng Zongbing actually did business with Jianlu during his tenure as the commander of the Denglai Navy, I don't believe it. Severely dealt with those Dutch captives!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen probably also read the results of the interrogation, raised his head and said: "There is indeed such a thing!"

"..." Hearing this, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was very surprised. The Zheng family was valued by the court, so they went to collude with Jianlu just for money?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being furious, and wanted to tell the emperor that Zheng's family had to be severely punished, but he heard Emperor Chongzhen say flatly: "But he went according to my order!"

"..." Hearing this, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was suddenly surprised again, so that he had to swallow the words.

what's going on?Did the emperor ask Zheng Zhilong to do business with Jianlu?

The emperor conspired with captives?

This is absolutely impossible!

But why did the emperor do this?

Perhaps Emperor Chongzhen saw the confusion of his courtier, so he explained lightly: "Zheng Zhilong followed my order and secretly formed an alliance with them.

Hearing this, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice understood that this was the case, and he couldn't help admiring the emperor very much. He quietly buried a big killer move and waited for Jianlu and the country of Japan. It's really amazing!
So, he hurriedly played in admiration: "Your Majesty is planning ahead and planning strategies. I really admire you!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled faintly, and was very pleased in his heart. He immediately ordered: "This matter needs to be kept secret, and it must not be disclosed to anyone!"

"I understand!" The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment heard this, and quickly replied, "I obey the order!"

At this time, he sort of understood why the imperial court didn't treat the Dongfan Jiebao seriously after it arrived in the capital, because it involved the Zheng family.

Later, he played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, these Dutch people said that they treated us Ming people very friendly. In Batavia, they all treated our Ming people kindly. This point, I can't confirm the truth." Fake!"

It stands to reason that they plundered the Ming people along the coast to Batavia in the early years like Jianlu, so they must have enslaved the Ming people like Jianlu.But they said in unison that they did not abuse Ming people, but treated Ming people kindly. This made Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments a little unbelievable, and even used punishment, but they did not change their words.

As for the coolies in Dongfan, they thought they were natives of Dongfan. At least before Ming declared Dongfan to be Ming, they didn’t think they were Ming people.

Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen said lightly: "This matter is simple, and I will know the truth of what they say in a while!"

Hearing this, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice knew that the emperor could contact the fairy world, and the emperor Taizu could figure it out once he did the calculations, right?
He was not wrong in his thinking. After he stepped back, Emperor Chongzhen took out his mobile phone, directly videotaped Liu Weichao, and asked about the Ming people in Batavia.

Before this situation, he really didn't understand it on purpose.

After hearing the question, Liu Weichao checked the information, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "There was also a massacre of Chinese in Batavia, but it happened in the early years of Qianlong, known as the Hongxi tragedy in history!"

After mentioning one sentence, he went on to say in a little detail: "The Batavia massacre lasted for 7 days. Nearly 150 Chinese in the city were killed, and only [-] escaped by chance. In the end, the Dutch colonists were afraid of the revenge of the Qing Dynasty, so they arrested the governor Valgenier who ordered the massacre at that time, and died in prison. They also tightly sealed the news of the tragedy, but the news finally reached the Fujian. Guess what happened?"

"What's the matter?" Emperor Chongzhen was still a little curious after hearing this, so he asked casually.

I heard Liu Weichao continue to look at the materials and read: "Fuzhou General Ce Leng and Shufudao Governor Wang Shu jointly entered the memorial. The case is more detailed, and they think that overseas Chinese are criminals of the court. They are not as good as grass. Self-assertion, irrelevant to the court, so there is no need to seriously investigate the murderer, this fallacy became the keynote of the Manchu Qing's handling of the case, and ultimately did not condemn and investigate the atrocities committed by the Dutch colonists."

Speaking of this, after a pause, he said sarcastically: "Historians also said that the national power of the Manchu Qing reached its peak during the Qianlong period. That's it, haha! But in the eyes of the Manqing, the fate of the Han people is not fate Bar!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he also showed contempt, but then his face immediately became a little ugly.Because he remembered, the Luzon Massacre by the Spaniards, if he was excusable that time, how different was the treatment of his grandfather Emperor Wanli from that of the Manchu Emperor?

Liu Weichao didn't notice, but continued to look at the information and said: "However, in Batavia, in the early days, the Dutch didn't say they really loved the people like children, but they treated the Ming people there fairly well. Because Ming people are industrious and they are the best workers. They set up Jiapidan to let Ming people manage themselves, and they also allow Ming people to return to Daming after working for many years.”

Emperor Chongzhen couldn't believe it. Isn't this too different from how the Spaniards treat Ming people?

So, he asked doubts: "Why are the attitudes of the Dutch and the Spaniards towards the Ming people so different? Why did the Dutch kill the Ming people in the end?"

Liu Weichao listened, looked at the information for a while, and answered him: "This is actually related to interests. The Dutch have monopolized the pepper in Nanyang and other businesses in Nanyang over the years, so they want to As soon as possible to build Batavia, a stronghold in Southeast Asia, the most useful Ming people were treated well. But later, their monopoly business was divided by other Western Yi. Their new profit point turned to exploiting the locals. However, the Ming people had no land, and the population was increasing day by day, and the interests of the Dutch began to conflict. As a result, the Dutch changed their attitude towards the Ming people, and finally slaughtered the Ming people in Batavia.”

Emperor Chongzhen nodded again when he heard this. Everything is benefit, which is reasonable, not that the Dutch are more benevolent than the Spaniards, which does not exist.

After thinking for a while, he asked Liu Weichao: "Now those Dutch captives have been escorted to the capital. According to the bottom line, they accept the punishment and accept the punishment. They just want to save their lives. In the future, they either want to stay in Daming or do business with Daming. What do you think, how to deal with them?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while and said: "As far as the current situation is concerned, although the Dutch colonized the world and wanted to colonize Ming Dynasty, they were beaten back by Ming Dynasty, and they have not slaughtered Ming people like the Spaniards. For them, seeking money It's nature. Your side has already begun to industrialize, and the products produced will eventually be dumped all over the world. In this way, there are two ways."

"One, let the merchants of Ming Dynasty go to sea to sell; second, let Xiyi come to Daming to sell in the past." Liu Weichao analyzed this point, and said his suggestion, "As far as I am concerned, I suggest that you can do it in the current close-range situation. Next, let the merchants of Ming Dynasty sell it; and at present, if it is too far away, let Xiyi sell it, this is the most cost-effective way."

After a pause, he added: "If it's just a Western Yi family, such as the Portuguese who has the best relationship with Daming, I don't think it's enough. At least two or more competitions are in the best interest of Daming. Therefore, the Dutch On the other hand, I think you can beat them and make them work for Ming. For example, if they want to obtain trade rights, they must obey the conscripts of Ming like the Portuguese and listen to what Ming says before giving them food! As for the specifics, you It can be done according to the actual situation.”

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard this, so he nodded and said, "Then think about it again, how can I use this Dutchman?"

Liu Weichao naturally has no objection to this.Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen hung up the video communication, and after thinking for a while, he summoned Sun Chuanting, the second assistant of the cabinet, to discuss separately.

(End of this chapter)

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