Chapter 677 Worry
On the surface of the open sea, a fleet sailed mightily.

Under the sunlight, it is very dazzling, and it can attract everyone's attention immediately.

As soon as Kui saw that the warships of this fleet were all composed of armored and smoking warships, one of them was very big, like a giant, several times the size of ordinary warships!
At this time, the chimneys on the warships were still smoking, and the speed of the entire fleet, under the blessing of sails, was sailing from the open sea to Tianjin Port.

Kui Yi estimated the speed a little bit, and the speed of these iron-clad smoking warships seemed to be much faster than their sailing warships.

But when he stared, he found that the smoke from the chimneys was slowly disappearing.Those warships leaned against the sails, and their speed slowly slowed down.

Needless to say, the speed of this iron-clad smoking warship should be composed of two parts. It is difficult for him to estimate the maximum speed, because he has not seen the whole process.

During the previous battle of Zeelandia City, there were several warships of this kind in the fleet of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, when Kui heard the report from his subordinates, he thought that this kind of warship could still deal with it.

But now, there are so many iron-clad and smoking warships in front of him, and there are also giants, and the speed can be regarded as real knowledge.If this is encountered at sea, how can we fight?
If one fails, you won't even be able to escape!
The Ming Empire is really too rich!Kui Yi couldn't help feeling in his heart that the amount of money spent on the fleet he saw in front of him was absolutely astronomical.Within the reach of the current strength of the Ming Empire, there will not be a country that can be the opponent of the Ming Empire!

After all, the Ming Empire has a lot of money, a lot of people, and is smart!
The smoke on the ship must be similar to the smoke on the locomotive. I have never heard of it in the west, but it plays a huge role in the Ming Empire!
Just this is enough to prove that the people of the Ming Empire are smart, right?

By the way, and the people of the Ming Empire are still very hardworking!
Thinking of this, Kui Yi couldn't help but sigh again: This is probably the race favored by God, and all the advantages are gathered on them!
When the ship left the port, he noticed that the armored fleet of the Ming Empire did not come to Tianjin Port, but went to the upper side of Tianjin Port.It is estimated that there is a military port over there!
Kui Yi and his companions stood on the back deck all the time, watching the armored fleet slowly disappear, and only after they could no longer see it did they regain their senses.

These Dutch people looked at each other, and they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

They found that the more they understood the empire in the Far East, the more powerful and invincible they felt the empire!

If in the past, they thought about becoming a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty because of their commercial interests, it was actually possible; but now in their hearts, they already feel that they can be a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty and stand with the Ming Empire. Only in order to prevent oneself from perishing.

If you still want to do business in the Far East and still appear in the Far East, the only way is to curry favor with the Ming Empire!

I just don't know, will the Ming Empire set its sights on farther places in the future, such as the Middle East, or even Europe?
If so, perhaps another yellow peril?

With this feeling of anxiety, they urged the boatman to hurry up, fearing that they would be late returning to Batavia, and if they did something that angered the Ming Kingdom, it would be too late.


Actually, the Dutch in Batavia are not stupid.

At the beginning, the Luzon Expeditionary Army took only two days to capture the city of Zeelandia.Afterwards, except for the officers who were all escorted to the capital for trial, the other ordinary Dutch people and their families were all expelled from Dongfan, and returned to Batavia with their fifteen sailing warships in the open sea.

At this time, the governor of Batavia was Anthony Van Diemen. In the original history, he died of illness in the eighteenth year of Chongzhen, that is, last year.But on this plane, it should be the influence of the butterfly effect, so he didn't die of illness.

But when Dongfan's men answered Batavia, they still pissed him off to death.

Dongfan is one of the most important strongholds of the Dutch East India Company, connecting with the Wa Kingdom, and also a transit point for smuggling maritime trade with the Ming Kingdom.If this is lost, then I don’t know how much profit will be lost every year.

Is this okay?

Especially when Anthony knew that Zeelandia had been lost in two days, he became even more violent.In the history of the Dutch, there has never been such a humiliation.

To be honest, if Kui Yi, the governor of the Netherlands in Dongfan, was in front of him, he would probably be hacked by him directly!
However, after he understood it carefully, his violent mind slowly calmed down.

Dongfan was too close to the Ming Dynasty, and they mobilized [-] to [-] troops. At least his subordinates reported that there were [-] to [-] troops. It would be meaningless to hold on to Zeelandia City for a few more days.

However, he was always a little bit unwilling to lose Dong Fan.

After questioning, he unexpectedly learned another piece of news.It is said that the Ming army that attacked the city of Zeelandia was actually going to attack Luzon.Because Luzon once again slaughtered Ming people on a large scale, the Ming emperor was angered and sent a large army overseas.

Because the army of the Ming Dynasty had to go through Dongfan to go to Luzon, so Dongfan was attacked first by the way!
Knowing this, Anthony finally calmed down, and suddenly became violent again.

"Those Spaniards are pigs, well done, why slaughter Ming people?"

"Ming people are the most industrious. Isn't it good to use them to work? If you don't want them, you can send them to Batavia!"

"It's fine if I really want to kill myself, but I also got Zeelandia city involved! If I had known this, I should have concentrated all my forces before and defeated Luzon, then nothing would happen!"

"Goddamn Spaniards, a bunch of pig brains! They massacre Ming people again and again at the gate of their houses. How iron are these brains?"

"Now I, the Netherlands, are out of luck. Let's see how long you can last in front of the Ming army!"

"It's better to be killed by the Ming Dynasty, and these troublemakers are missing!"


After scolding for a while, Anthony's violent mood calmed down a lot.Then he made two decisions.

The first one is to send a fast boat to Luzon to investigate the situation in Luzon.

He is hoping that Spain is a local snake after all, and it is best to kill both sides with the army of the Ming Dynasty, so that he may have the hope of making a profit on his side.

If the Spaniards can't stop the Ming army, that's fine. It's best for the Ming army to withdraw from Luzon and go back to Daming after taking revenge.In this way, he can take the opportunity to pick up a bargain and accept Luzon.

If the army of the Ming Dynasty didn't even look at Zeelandia City, they would continue to go back to Fujian after destroying it.That would be the best, and the city of Zeelandia could be rebuilt.

Anthony's second decision was to summon Su Minggang, the Ming leader of Batavia.

This Su Minggang was the first Kapitan in Batavia, and was appointed as a local judge shortly afterwards, and was later selected as one of the executive officers.Whenever the Dutch had anything to do, they would contact Su Minggang, and then Su Minggang would convey orders to other Ming people.

Su Minggang is from Xiamen. When he gets old, he misses his hometown and returns to his roots.Therefore, in the ninth year of Chongzhen, he resigned, followed the Dutch ship to Dongfan, and then wanted to return to Xiamen.

As a result, he heard the news that the war in Ming Dynasty was endless, and the relationship between the Dutchman and Zheng Zhilong was not good, so he couldn't go back.

From then on, Su Minggang stayed in Zeelandia City, waited for three years, and arrived in Chongzhen for twelve years, and found that there was still no change in Ming Dynasty. In the end, he returned to Batavia in disappointment and continued to serve as his original boss. duty.

According to the original historical development, Su Minggang died of illness in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen.However, because of the butterfly effect, the domestic situation of the Ming Dynasty has improved since the fifteenth year of Chongzhen.

And Su Minggang has been paying attention to the motherland. After hearing the news, he became motivated and wanted to return to his roots again.Perhaps with such great expectations, he was safe from illness and never died.

However, what also made him a little depressed was that when he was about to return to Daming, accidents happened one after another.

First, on the side of Luzon, the massacre of Ming people by Xiyi happened again.

Luzon Ming people either fled to Dongfan or to other Nanyang regions, and some of them fled to Batavia.Su Minggang is the leader of the Ming people here, and he can't get out of such a big event, so he can only resettle his compatriots first, and then delay.

After a while, when he was about to return to Daming, the second accident happened again.

The Dutch said that they formed an alliance with the Qing Empire, and the Wa Kingdom, etc. The Ming Kingdom will definitely not be able to handle it, and it will continue to be chaotic. Let him stop thinking about going back, and be the leader of the Ming people in Batavia with peace of mind, and manage for them Ming people of Batavia.

Su Minggang has already heard the news that the wars in Daming have become less and less.The feeling of falling leaves returning to their roots made him decide that he still wanted to go back to his hometown of Xiamen. As for whether it would be chaotic in the future, he felt that he couldn't see it.

In the end, the Dutch still refused to let him go, saying that they were afraid that he would tell the truth about Batavia to the Ming Dynasty, so they directly detained him in Batavia.

This time, the governor of Batavia, Anthony, summoned Su Minggang, who had already heard the news, a little worried. He felt that the Dutch had lost the city of Zeelandia, and wondered if they would retaliate against them?
After all, the excuse for the Spaniards to massacre the Luzon Ming people was that the Luzon Ming people would be the internal support of the Ming army.Now that the imperial army has fought against the Dutch, will the Dutch also have the idea of ​​​​the Spaniards?

Having dealt with the Dutch for so many years, Su Minggang knew very well that these Westerners are all alike. There is no such thing as the Dutch being kinder than the Spaniards, but the Dutch are more capable of squeezing them!

(End of this chapter)

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