Chapter 685
Around noon, the hustle and bustle in Busan finally calmed down a lot.

There was no sound of horseshoes, musket guns, or shouts of killing.

However, the sound of burning fire continued.

On the sea surface of Busan, there are countless corpses floating on the sea surface, following the waves one after another, undulating on the sea surface.

At the same time, seven or eight ships were still docked at the pier, but they were burned, leaving only a little wreckage. It is estimated that they will sink to the bottom of the sea in a short time.

On the shore, Japanese people were trampled to death everywhere, some in bright clothes and some in patches. Their fate was the same.

There are about [-] Japanese people kneeling there facing the sea.Looking at their attire, there are ordinary Japanese and Japanese soldiers, all of them are trembling, without exception.

The soldiers of the Ming army have basically dismounted to let the horses rest, while they are cleaning the battlefield, sorting out some supplies that were not burned by the fire but they just needed.

The North Koreans who were bluffing in the rear have all rushed to the pier.

At this time, they were executing the Japanese captives who were kneeling there.

Wu Sangui didn't care about this at all, or in other words, he acquiesced.

The Koreans and the Japanese have a deadly enmity.Every Japanese who set foot in North Korea wanted to lie on their North Koreans to suck blood.If you don't kill these invaders, your thoughts will not be clear.

"Report!" Wu Sangui was scanning Busan when he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes behind him. When he turned around to look, he saw a man galloping towards him at night. A Japanese infantry army of [-] men is coming to Busan!"

As soon as Wu Sangui heard it, he knew that this group of Japanese infantry should come to meet the Japanese who were about to set off today.

So, he ordered [-] cavalry troops, and went to destroy those Japanese infantry, at least they could not escape to report the letter.

Afterwards, Wu Sangui also sent an order to the whole army to rest until noon, and then they were ready to set off.

The Battle of Busan was the first battle in the south this time, and it was a good start.However, it's hard to say what the battle will be like afterwards. What matters is a quick word.

In other words, hard work will follow!
The infantry composed of North Koreans is naturally not suitable for action with the army.

Wu Sangui also explained to them that the Japanese had been killed so many people, and they would definitely face a very big revenge. They were asked to hide in the mountains as soon as possible, and it was best not to show their traces, waiting for the counterattack of the imperial army.

After the order of the whole service was completed and the equipment and materials of the whole family were inspected, Wu Sangui led the main force of the [-] Guan Ning Cavalry Army and marched northward in the afternoon.

Several soldiers of the Guanning Army who were injured in the Battle of Busan were taken care of by the infantry composed of Koreans and hid in the mountains.

In the evening, I saw that there was no movement on the Busan side, and the Japanese on the Tsushima Island side sent a boat to Busan to check the situation.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

In the most eye-catching place of the pier, there is also a sign the size of a speeding car, with four Chinese characters "Blood Debt and Blood Repayment" written in blood on it.

Near these four large Chinese characters, there are some other characters, which are also written in blood.

"Get out of North Korea!"

"Vengeance Snow Hate!"

"The Japanese are all to die!"


The Japanese of Tsushima Fan did not dare to land, so they hurried back to report, and then sent a fast boat to the mainland of Wa Kingdom overnight.

On the southern side of North Korea, in the next few days, it suddenly became lively.

For the Japanese, it was the end of the day; for the Koreans who were enslaved by the Japanese, it was a day of revenge.

Wu Sangui's Guan Ning army, with the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, attacked two hundred miles a day, burned and killed the Japanese, and did not need to clean up the head and tail. The liberated Koreans would make up for it.

Kill those Japanese people who are hiding, burn down the houses, destroy the grain fields, and hide in the mountains with the collected materials.

It is precisely because of these North Koreans that Wu Sangui's troops are very efficient.


On the Seoul side, Matsudaira Nobutsuna was seeing off Yagyu Juhei.

An agreement was reached with the Qing Empire. In order to solve the Ming army in northern North Korea as soon as possible, Matsudaira Nobuzuna mobilized the elite Japanese army in the south and sent them to the north in batches to increase the thickness of the troops in the north and limit the mobility of Wu Sangui's troops. power.

No, the [-] Japanese troops led by Yagyu Shibingwei were the last batch sent to the north, and they were about to set off.

"My lord, if all the elite are taken away by me, what will happen to the south?" Yagyu Jubingwei asked with a little worry.

Originally, the [-] Japanese troops of Yagyu Shibingwei were not in the plan to be sent to the north.However, Nobuzuna Matsudaira finally decided to draw out these five thousand troops and send them to the north.

At this moment, upon hearing Yagyu Jubei's question, Matsudaira Nobutsuna immediately smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, haven't I already asked for help from the general? It is estimated that the following army will arrive within two months. In the south of North Korea, there are only some North Korean rebels still hiding in the mountains, which is not a climate at all, and the local security forces are enough to deal with them."

Speaking of this, he patted Liu Sheng's ten soldiers on the shoulder, and told him: "In the north, you must guard the main roads. When the Qing cavalry arrives, you must cooperate with the Ming army. Try to block it, if there are not enough troops, I will send reinforcements as soon as they arrive!"

Yagyu Juhei listened, thought for a while, and found that if he did this, he would be able to truly control northern North Korea as soon as possible without waiting for the reinforcements to arrive, so he would have no worries.

On the top of the city, Nobuzuna Matsudaira watched the army go away, and when he was about to leave the top of the city and return to the city, he heard hurried footsteps behind him, and shouted: "My lord, the big thing is not good, the big thing is not good!" All right……"

The army had only just set off for the expedition, and they shouted that something was wrong here, which made Matsudaira Nobutsuna very dissatisfied. He immediately turned to look, but saw that it was the guard of the south gate, and ran towards this side in a hurry.

"My lord, the enemy... the enemy is attacking!" The south gate guard reported with a pale face, and even before he reached Nobutsuna Matsudaira, he had already shouted, "Ming army...Ming army is massacring our Japanese villages and towns... ..."

"What?" Matsudaira Nobuzuna was startled when he heard it, he didn't see the messenger who reported the message, where did the Ming army come from?

Looking at the guard at the south gate, he suddenly became excited, and his face turned pale. He immediately stepped forward and asked the guard at the south gate, "Where? Where did you find the Ming army? South?"

At this moment, he was really shocked.

The Ming army in North Korea is Wu Sangui's department, right?Haven't they been tossing around in the north?I've never heard of it, they have gone south!
Why all of a sudden, they ran to the south?

How can this be?

However, after hearing the report from the south gate guard, Matsudaira Nobutsuna suddenly thought of a lot, his face turned pale, and he shouted, "Hurry up, hurry up, come back immediately, come back..."

The Ming army under Wu Sangui suddenly massacred in the south. With the mobility of the cavalry, it will definitely have a very large destructive power.

He also thought that the most important place in the south is Busan.Although there are nearly [-] troops deployed there, at this moment, he has no idea whether he can hold Busan?
When it comes to the combat effectiveness against the Japanese army, he knows best.

During the Shimabara Rebellion, the hundreds of thousands of troops were only the rebels who attacked [-] farmers. In the end, they not only failed to attack, but also killed the commander in chief of the army.Later, it was he who led the elite directly under the Tokugawa shogunate and used the method of siege to finally suppress the rebellion.

The military strength of the army at this time is simply not comparable to that of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

The reason for this is that Matsudaira Nobuzuna is actually very clear in his heart: the generals of the past dynasties have been suppressing local daimyos. The most important point is of course that they cannot be allowed to control a powerful army.It can be said that weakening the local army is the most important thing for the Tokugawa shogunate to maintain its rule.

The same is true, Wu Sangui's troops only have more than [-] troops, but they can continue to wreak havoc in northern North Korea.

Now that the quality of the Japanese army is not good, it can only win by quantity.

Matsudaira Nobuzuna wanted to send more troops to the mainland, and use the superiority of troops to compress the space for Wu Sangui's troops to move.

However, before the local reinforcements arrived, Wu Sangui's troops suddenly attacked southern Korea!
Realizing that the consequences would be very serious, Nobuzuna Matsudaira was really anxious!
Not long after, Yagyu Juhei rode back on his own first, hurried to Nobutsuna Matsudaira, and asked eagerly, "What's going on? What's going on?"

At this time, Nobuzuna Matsudaira had recovered, knowing that it was useless to be anxious, and told the general situation, but before he finished speaking, another horse came to report, saying that Mingjiao had been found in such and such a place and urgently needed reinforcements.

When Liu Sheng Shibingwei heard this, he became anxious immediately, turned around and ran away, and said at the same time: "I will lead the reinforcements!"

"Slow!" He was stopped by Matsudaira Nobutsuna before he took a few steps, and when he turned his head to look over in confusion, Matsudaira Nobuzuna said with a stern expression, "Even if you rush over, it will be too late! With the mobility of the cavalry, you simply can't keep up. Where the cavalry can be shot down, it will definitely be shot down. As for those big cities, the cavalry doesn't have the ability to attack the city, so there is no need to worry!"

Yagyu Juhei listened, and when he was about to say something, he saw Matsudaira Nobutsuna and said sternly: "For now, what I am most worried about is Busan. There is no city wall to defend there. Bring more troops, no matter what else , go directly to Busan. Even if you meet the Ming army on the way, don't worry about it!"

The importance of Busan to the Japanese army is beyond doubt.Now, he only hopes that the Ming army did not go as far as Busan.Otherwise, if there is a loss in Busan, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.Others don't know, at least he, who is in charge of North Korea, is probably going to commit seppuku!
At this moment, he regretted very much. How could that Wu Sangui be so bold and dare to come to such a far place in the south of Korea? Isn't he afraid that he won't be able to go back without logistical supplies?
(End of this chapter)

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