Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 692 I Asked For It

Chapter 692 I Asked For It
At the same time, in the Shenyang Chongzheng Palace in Liaodong of the Ming Dynasty, Jianlu's side was having a meeting.

Without exception, the little emperor Fulin continued to be a puppet, while Bumbutai hid behind and listened.

At this moment, what the regent Dorgon and others were discussing was a letter sent from the Mongolian grassland.

"The pastoral areas where the Chahar and Naman tribes are located were all attacked by the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty. Except for a few people who escaped, most of the herdsmen were either killed or surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. Such a large-scale offensive used to be Never happened!" Dorgon analyzed to the other princes Baylor, "And judging from the current situation, although there is no news from the Tumote Department, judging from the offensive of the Ming Dynasty, it is estimated that the ominous situation will be auspicious."

Speaking of this, he looked at the people below and asked: "This movement is too unusual, but there are signs of the Ming Kingdom attacking Liaodong!"

After hearing this, Dai Shan murmured, "According to Zheng Zhilong's news, the traitors in the pass have not yet been settled! The main force of the Ming government army is still besieging and suppressing the traitors, and the southwestern chieftain is also rebelling, restraining the Ming government army. In other words, it is impossible for them to start another war in Liaodong!"

Hearing this, Dorgon was silent for a while, then turned to look at Hong Chengchou and said, "What do you think?"

Hong Chengchou's good performance has now made him rely heavily on it.

After hearing this, Hong Chengchou said cautiously: "Judging from the signs of the Ming Dynasty's use of troops, they must be capable of starting the war again, otherwise they would not be able to take the initiative to attack. And if the news about Marshal Zheng is correct, it can only be that there are people in the court who do not know Soldiers, or arrogant people came to power, and persuaded the Ming emperor to do such things!"

Others didn't think of this, but he thought of it. It can be said that this is the traitor's advantage, and it can also be seen that he has resentment towards the court and the Ming emperor.

Turge was also on the agenda, and when he heard this, he took the initiative to stand up and said, "Or there is another possibility that the Ming Kingdom does have this strength."

He was captured before, so he knew some of the situation in the Ming country and saw great changes.Of course, he reported to Dorgon and others about the situation in the pass, but he concealed it from Hong Chengchou.

After hearing this, Dorgon couldn't tell what the situation was. After thinking for a while, he said: "No matter what the situation is, the Qing Dynasty must respond to the situation on the grassland, otherwise the hearts of the Mongolian tribes will be scattered!"

Upon hearing this, Dai Shan nodded and said, "Then send the cavalry to the grasslands. In addition, transfer the newly formed North Korean Eight Banners to Haizhou to strengthen the defense."

After hearing this, Dorgon was about to answer when he heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside. When he looked up, it was the messenger who reported.

It is the messenger sent by Haizhou Jierhalang.

"What?" Dorgon was a little unbelievable when he heard it, and immediately confirmed: "The food and supplies sent by Zheng Zhilong are poisonous?"

"Yes, about [-] people and [-] war horses were poisoned. After investigation, it turned out that there was something wrong with the food and supplies that Zheng Zhilong sent!"

Hearing this, the group of people in Chongzheng Hall were all shocked.Dai Shan came back to his senses first, and quickly asked: "Is there something wrong?"

However, Jierhalang is a cautious person. After discovering the poisoning, he confirmed again and again that the grain and grass materials sent by Zheng Zhilong were poisonous.

This time, the people in Chongzheng Hall were a little dumbfounded.The same is true for Bumbutai, who is listening to politics behind a curtain.

They couldn't believe that Zheng Zhilong actually gave them poisonous food supplies, or did Zheng Zhilong himself not know that the food supplies were poisonous?

"I knew it, Han...cough cough... Han people don't have any...good things!" Doduo, who had been silent all this time, said incoherently, weakly, but with a ferocious expression on his face.

Hearing this, Dorgon's face became even more gloomy.However, he still couldn't believe that Zheng Zhilong would betray him.

No, Daishan said: "Impossible? If he wants to rebel at this time, we will disclose the content of the covenant to the Ming Kingdom. Isn't this Zheng Zhilong afraid that the Ming Emperor will hold grudges? Even if he wants to please the Ming Kingdom again Emperor, this is also a stain, it is not good for him!"

Dorgon heard this, but said in a cold voice: "Unless there is a possibility, when he signed the covenant with you, he had already reported to the Ming Emperor, and even said that he simply obeyed the Ming Emperor's will! In this way, he will not have the slightest problem in betraying the covenant!"

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou felt that it was impossible. If Emperor Chongzhen really had such means, he would not have messed up the situation in the world.

However, the regent made a judgment, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to refute it on the spot, but kept silent.

Bumbutai, who was behind Little Emperor Fulin, was taken aback when she heard that, if Zheng Zhilong was really a traitor, all her painstaking planning would be in vain!And lying naked in his arms, all of this was just a joke by him?


At this moment, Bumbutai couldn't believe that Zheng Zhilong had really betrayed the covenant, and would rather believe that Zheng Zhilong actually didn't know that the batch of food and grass supplies were poisonous.

At the end of the discussion, led by Daishan, they felt that this matter should be cautious, and they should not draw conclusions lightly. It would be bad if they misunderstood Zheng Zhilong.

After all, Zheng Zhilong has a powerful navy in his hands. If he is an enemy, there will be no peace along the coast of Liaodong.And the plan that could easily defeat the Ming country, which was set before, will also be in vain.

At this time, there was suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps outside the hall, but it was the messenger from North Korea who had arrived.

"What?" Dorgon said in shock when he heard the report, "Zheng Zhilong took Wu Sangui away?"

Before Wu Sangui suddenly made a fuss in southern Korea, the Japanese side urgently asked for help from the Qing side, and Dorgon did not hesitate. In addition to the [-] cavalry troops sent before, he sent another [-] cavalry troops, determined to Destroy Wu Sangui's troops.

As a result, there was no good news, but the news that Zheng Zhilong took Wu Sangui's troops away.

This time, things became obvious.

Wu Sangui's subordinates wanted to die and sneaked to the south of Korea to make trouble, far away from the range that Pidao could support. Even if Zheng Zhilong couldn't respond, he still had every reason to avoid the emperor of Ming Dynasty from punishing him.

However, he did not help the Wa Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty, and took this opportunity to destroy Wu Sangui's troops who were in the way. Instead, he ran to the south of Korea to pick up Wu Sangui's troops. clear here.

In this way, combined with the fact that the food he sent to Liaodong was all poisonous food, it can basically be concluded that he betrayed his allies, and it can even be said that he never really formed an alliance with Japan and the Qing Dynasty at all!

But in this way, there is another problem that is difficult to explain.

Dai Shan asked suspiciously: "If Zheng Zhilong was uneasy and kind from the beginning, why did he still give us such a valuable cement formula to Qing Dynasty?"

They have all seen the benefits of cement.Whether it is building official roads or building water conservancy, it is very useful, and so is building a house!
Logically speaking, there is no reason to give such an important cement formula!
Thinking of this question, the Chongzheng Hall couldn't help but become quiet.

After a while, Hong Chengchou said with some doubts: "If Zheng Zhilong really had ulterior motives from the beginning, there is only one explanation. The Ming Kingdom has the strength to conquer Liaodong now. In this way, all our efforts will be given to the Ming Kingdom. Wedding dress! However, it is impossible for the Ming Kingdom to have such strength!"

Turge heard his words, thinking about what he had seen and heard in the customs, suddenly trembled, and immediately turned to look at Daishan and Dorgon.

He had reported everything in the pass to both of them in full, but both Shi Shan and Dorgon ordered him not to spread it to the outside world, and then he judged that the Qing Dynasty alone could not be the opponent of the Ming Dynasty. Instead, seek allies.

Seeing Turge's gaze, Dorgon understood what he meant.Immediately, his face became very ugly.

That Zheng Zhilong had ulterior motives from the very beginning, his conscience was eaten by dogs!
Suddenly, he thought of something, and immediately asked: "When Zheng Zhilong came to Shengjing, he sent a lot of things. Does anyone of you use it? Check if there is any problem?"

At this time, he believed that Zheng Zhilong was uneasy and kind from the beginning, so he naturally wanted to investigate the situation.

Afterwards, Dorgon first talked about his situation, and then Daishan followed suit, and it seemed that he didn't find any problems.

On Hong Chengchou's side, he also confessed: "He just gave me a jar of Nurhong and a set of very delicate drinking utensils. But...but..."

When he was talking, he turned his head and glanced at Doduo, but didn't continue talking.

The people present all understood what he meant by turning his head, because Duoduo had snatched the wine set.

Duoduo saw their eyes and listened to Hong Chengchou's words. Suddenly, he thought of the food that Zheng Zhilong had poisoned, and then thought of his own situation. fainted.

As soon as this happened, the hall of Chongzheng was in a hurry, and with great difficulty, Duoduo was rescued.

"Hurry up, send him to rest in peace!" Dorgon was worried, and hurriedly confessed.

But who knows, Duo Duo was very emotional, and said intermittently to Dorgon: "That set...that wine poisonous! I...I...damn..."

Before he finished speaking, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

Now he finally understands why his illness is like that. At first he thought it was a problem with drinking, but in the past, he also drank, and he was fine at all. It was only after using that set of drinking utensils that his body had problems. So much so that even now, his body, in the middle of his prime, is almost like a dying person!
The root cause of so many illnesses and tortures is that he snatched the wine set that Zheng Zhilong gave to Hong Chengchou!

This is self-inflicted!

(End of this chapter)

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