Chapter 710

Speaking of this, he paused, and then began to say with emotion: "But in the final analysis, the reason why the imperial court can take advantage is because of your help, technology can develop vigorously, so that the imperial court's strength can be rapidly improved!"

Liu Weichao listened with a smile, that's right, the development of science and technology since the industrial revolution, in just a few hundred years, has brought about great changes in human society, far from the slow development of the agricultural society before.

Not to mention, the current Emperor Chongzhen, if he had something to say to him, it would be tantamount to accelerating the natural development of science and technology many times in history. This kind of golden finger is not that magical for normal human society. For Gao Wu's human society, it is definitely the biggest cheat.

As he was thinking about it, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to Liu Weichao with a little excitement: "Several love ministers have been researching day and night, and now some parts of internal combustion engines can be mass-produced on the assembly line, and the cost has dropped a lot. The speed is much faster than the manual work before. What do you think is better for me to apply the internal combustion engine first?"

Liu Weichao is not surprised by this. In fact, for most of the industrial machines before the [-]th century, the skilled craftsmen of Ming Dynasty can build them by hand. The only difference is how much time and cost it takes to build them.

It is not the kind of high-tech internal combustion engine. It is foreseeable that Daming's skilled craftsmen will have no problem building it.

Hearing Emperor Chongzhen's question, Liu Weichao thought for a while, then smiled and said: "If you want to attract attention and shock the world, you can first apply the internal combustion engine to the manufacture of aircraft, but gas may be inconvenient to store. If you want the internal combustion engine to produce value as soon as possible, I think it can be used in agricultural machinery, reducing the total amount of agricultural machinery and making it suitable for more terrains.”

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly asked: "That is to say, if I build an airplane, it is better to use a gasoline internal combustion engine?"

Hearing this question, Liu Weichao knew that Emperor Chongzhen really wanted to manufacture the plane.

So, he put the mobile phone on the mobile phone holder, then searched it briefly with the computer, and then introduced to Emperor Chongzhen: "The first airplane in history was invented by Xiyi. For the first airplane from scratch In terms of the difficulty of aircraft manufacturing, there are mainly three problems, the wings, the engine, and how to control the aircraft, and how to solve the problem of controlling the aircraft is particularly difficult and important.”

After a pause, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "With my help, the wings and how to control the aircraft are not difficult for you. Your bottleneck is the engine. The engine of the first aircraft in history is A four-cylinder water-cooled gasoline engine. I have never built an airplane myself, but I think this is the most basic condition for making an airplane!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen could clearly see that he was very excited.After waiting for a while, I heard him say: "Well, I will let them familiarize themselves with the manufacture of internal combustion engines first. The gas internal combustion engines produced will be used to power agricultural machinery. It happens that the Hetao Plain will be reclaimed on a large scale and there is a shortage of manpower. It can be used first. Then, let them start the petrochemical industry, open-pit oil happens to be in the northwest, so I will send people directly to set up a petroleum branch of the Academy of Sciences there?"

Of course, Liu Weichao would not interfere with this idea, but just reminded: "If you go there to set up the Petroleum Branch of the Academy of Sciences, if they have any problems, they will not be able to get my timely guidance through you."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately changed his tune and said, "Then I'd better have someone send the oil to the capital!"

Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it. At first, he thought that Emperor Chongzhen would say that as long as the complete set of information was given to them, there should be no need for much advice. Unexpectedly, Emperor Chongzhen changed his mind directly...

Forget it, if you rely on yourself, you can rely on yourself, oh, or if you don't use yourself, you don't use it?

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao didn't mind, so he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "It seems that there is oil in North China. I have heard of it, but I don't know if this oil is easy to mine or whether it is open-air. I will check later. If It’s much more convenient for you if it’s easy to get.”

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard that, and if he wanted to replace him, he must have immediately urged Liu Weichao to investigate immediately.But now he is more or less self-cultivated, able to distinguish the priorities of things, and not in a hurry at this moment, so he didn't immediately urge Liu Weichao.

"By the way, if you want to vigorously develop the Hetao Plain, you need to build the railway, and you also need to guard against surprise attacks by the hostile Mongolians!" Liu Weichao thought of another thing himself, and reminded Emperor Chongzhen.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "I have already sent an order to Governor Yansui and Governor Xuanda to prepare for the construction of the railway to Guihua City this year, and start construction after capturing more Mongolian prisoners next year! "

Building a railway requires a lot of labor. Although there are railway soldiers under the name of the Ministry of Railways, there are still enough manpower. There is a sweetness that can be used by captives. Emperor Chongzhen has already tasted it, so naturally he will not give up this unnecessary use.

No, he immediately went on to explain to Liu Weichao: "The purpose of vigorously developing the Hetao Plain is to stabilize the situation on the grasslands. The several groups of troops transferred to the north will march west and east, surrender to Ming Dynasty, and those who are willing to surrender will move to The Hetao Plain lives a life of combining farming and animal husbandry, if those who are unwilling to surrender and dare to oppose Daming, then let them build the railway!"

Liu Weichao heard that Emperor Chongzhen had already made plans, so he didn't say much.


When they were talking about the grassland, far to the west of the Mongolian grassland, there was a huge cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty, still marching westward.

At this time, it is already early autumn.On the Mongolian grasslands in the west, the wind was blowing, and it was already a bit cold.It is estimated that it will snow soon.

In the resting camp, several famous generals gathered together and were talking.

One of them, who was a little older, said with emotion: "The changes in the imperial court are really great! If it were placed in the early years of Chongzhen, our frontier soldiers in Qin would have to sell their sons and daughters to prepare for the winter!"

"Who says no!" Another person continued, "Every winter, the days are very sad. It is really hard to be hungry and cold. But look at the present, we are all dressed warmly, and we don't worry at all. These things are gone!"

A general who was obviously younger heard their conversation and leaned over with great interest and said, "Clothes are very cheap now. I heard that the emperor invented darts, and the cost has been greatly reduced!"

"You, Li Laiheng, are really ignorant. It's not darts, it's a shuttle!" The older one immediately said with a laugh, then turned to look at the general opposite him and said, "I'll tell you something!" Zhihu, I suggest you let your adopted son study more? It will be good for him in the future!"

A tiger, that is, Li Guo, is Li Laiheng's adoptive father. When he heard what Tian Jianxiu said, before he could speak, Gao Yigong next to him said: "Forget about the imperial examination, but if Laiheng is going to take new courses, as far as the Gewuxue passed down by the emperor, I think it will have a future."

"No, I won't go!" Li Laiheng yelled immediately after hearing this, "Head hurts!"

When Li Guo heard this, he immediately glared at him and said: "We won't talk about it when we are older, you are still young, what are you going to do if you don't learn more? Go back and get close to the Jinyiwei supervisor in the army, This will give you more lessons and learn more!"

When Li Laiheng heard this, he immediately had a bitter face, but before he could speak, Gao Yigong expressed emotion again, changed the subject and said, "As soon as you mentioned this supervising army, I really opened my eyes. It’s been a long time since I still do this kind of work!”

In their impression, the supervising army is generally superior, and even the coach wants to curry favor with them.Most of the time, they were either civil servants or eunuchs.

Unexpectedly, in the imperial court's army, all of them have sent Jin Yiwei Xiaowei as the supervisor, and there is more than one.

These Jinyiwei supervisors usually don't interfere with military command, but military merit reports need to be signed by the supervisor. In addition, what surprised them even more was that the supervisor was still teaching singing and literacy in the army.In the past dynasties, there has never been such a thing, which opened the eyes of Gao Yigong and the others who were recruited.

Li Guo heard this, and said with emotion: "That's why I said that the combat power of the imperial court army has suddenly become very strong! If it was like this in the past, we would not have rebelled!"

"That's right, the Emperor Taizu has appeared, can we not change?" Tian Jianxiu heard this, and interjected, "I think back then, when our Ming Dynasty was founded, it was under the command of Emperor Taizu. The Ming army fought from south to north, from Fighting from east to west, beating the Mongol Tartars to pieces, they either had to surrender, or fled in embarrassment. Hehe, today we seem to have returned to the past again!"

What he said made everyone very excited.As far as the west is concerned, the reappearance of the Han and Tang Dynasties is of course the most popular among soldiers like them.

Gao Yigong heard this, turned his head to look west, and said at the same time: "I don't know how Ma Huihui is doing? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Upon hearing this, Li Laiheng immediately responded, "Why don't I go and have a look? Take care of me?"

After hearing this, Li Guo turned his head to look in the direction of the Zhongjun tent and said, "This matter depends on Uncle Ning Yuan's intentions! Otherwise, let's meet together and see how Uncle Ning Yuan arranges it?"

The nominal commander of this Western Expeditionary Army is the governor of the three sides, but after leaving Shaanxi, the actual commander is Ning Yuanbo Li Dingguo.Just like the Luzon Expeditionary Army is the governor of Fujian in name, but the actual coach is Zheng Zhibao.

(End of this chapter)

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