Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 712 A Different Grassland Battle

Chapter 712 A Different Grassland Battle

Thinking about this and seeing the frightened expressions of these herdsmen, Li Dingguo didn't ask questions right away, but just ordered his subordinates: "Take them to the camp and let them eat first!"

Although it is said that Emperor Chongzhen's will to conscript the grassland army is a policy similar to the reform of the land and the return of the pastoralists, which is probably to allow the bottom herdsmen to join, and the Mongolian heads, like the chieftains, give them two choices, but not You can regain your original authority.

If other generals were changed, it would certainly not be possible to have a good attitude towards these herdsmen, but Li Dingguo has a heart of compassion. Seeing the situation of these low-level herdsmen, he sympathized and immediately made a decision to appease them first.

His mentality has also won him the support of the army and the people; of course, sometimes, it also has a bad influence.

For example, in the original history, Li Dingguo attacked Guangdong and wanted to join forces with Zheng Chenggong. As a result, when he fought in Xinhui, the city guards threatened the people in the city, which made Li Dingguo miss the best time to attack the city.

Afterwards, the people of Xinhui not only failed to help Li Dingguo's army, but even tried their best to help the Jianlu guarding the city.The reason is that if Xinhui is taken down by Li Dingguo's army, they will be fine; but once Xinhui is taken down by Li Dingguo, and Jianlu comes to fight again, then Jianlu will slaughter the city, so they help Jianlu defend the city, not wanting to In the future, it will be built to slaughter the city.It even reached the point where every household sent someone to feed Jianlu.

This battle of Xinhui in history is really filled with endless sorrow and regret!
Besides, at this time, those Mongolian herdsmen saw that the generals of the Ming army came to see them very kindly, and then even gave them food. While eating one by one, they became much less wary of the Ming army.

Afterwards, those who were in charge of feeding them were also Mongolian soldiers of the Ming army. They first communicated with them and told them the policy of the imperial court. They would be arranged to live in Guihua City, and they would definitely live better than they do now. better.If they perform meritorious service, they can also get their own cattle and sheep, and even fields.

After they finished eating, these herdsmen had lost their fear, and they were asking about the specific situation after returning to Ming Dynasty.

For them, life is the most important thing.If they can live a good life, that is what they look forward to all their lives.

When Li Dingguo came to see them again, the herdsmen knelt down together and expressed their willingness to serve the Ming army.

Later, when Li Dingguo asked, they all rushed to answer.Let the Ming army know the specific situation of Mobei Mongolia at once.

At this time, Mobei Mongolia was divided into three major divisions: Zhasaktu Khan, Tuxietu Khan, and Chechen Khan.

Chechen Khan is Shuo Lei. Its jurisdiction extends to the Irtysh River in the east, Chahar Khan in the south, Tushetu Khan in the west, and Buryatia in the north. During the lobbying of the Jianlu envoys, Chechen Khan agreed to join forces with Tsarist Russia and send troops to Ming Dynasty.

Chechen Khan's military strength is more than [-], but most of them are ordinary herdsmen, belonging to the standing army, that is, the so-called elite Chechen Khan, there are probably less than [-] people.

This Chechen Khan is actually ambitious.In the original history, on the surface, they surrendered to the Manchus, but in fact they wanted to grow stronger. They once colluded with the Horqin Sunite tribe to betray the Manchus, and sent [-] troops to assist the Sunite tribe to resist the Manchus. At that time, although most of the troops of the Manchu Qing had entered the pass, they were still easily defeated by the Manchu Qing army.

Chechen Khan had ambitions but no strength. When he was the next Chechen Khan, he was bullied by Ge Erdan from the Zhungeer tribe. Chechen Khan moved his family southward and fled Mobei.

Tuxietu Khan was in Gonpo at this time. In terms of population, the Tuxietu Khan tribe was the largest among the three major tribes. In the original history, it was split up by the Qing Dynasty, and two tribes were separated from it. in order to control;

However, the nomadic places of the Tushetu Khan tribe are mainly in the northern part of Mobei, and a considerable part of the place is today's Siberia region. Therefore, this tribe is poorer and has the largest number of people but cannot gather. They can only disperse and live. Its standing army is not as good as Chechen Khan.

Among the three tribes in Mobei, the most powerful one is the remaining Zhasaktu Khan tribe.The leader is Subadi, the leader of the three tribes in Mobei.Although his father, Lahuer, was assassinated by people sent by Vaja, Subadhi had the best relationship with the Zhungeer tribe.It was he who, together with Batur Hunkhan of the Zhungeer tribe, convened a meeting of the lords of the Wacha and Khalkha ministries, formed a wider alliance, and formulated the "Kalka Oirat Code".

Among the three major tribes, Subadi has the greatest ambitions. Although he is superficially surrendering to the Manchus at this time, he secretly wants to make troubles and does not want to be controlled by others.

Even though he is very old at this time, he has seven sons, namely Sonam Ahai Chuhuer, Siqibu Erdeni, Norbu Bixi Letuhan, and Gonbuzak Bingtu Ahai , Gonpo Zak Darhan Hun Khan, Ishar Yosutu Ahai, Dashar Chechen Ahai, all of them want to do something, and get enough benefits to change Karl for the alliance with Russia to attack Ming The situation of the Ka tribe is the most positive.

After further clarifying the situation of the three Mongolian tribes in Mobei, Li Dingguo began to care about it.

Although this is just the news provided by ordinary herdsmen, at least Mobei's news is blocked, and the scope of activities is limited after all. Even if the news is a long time ago, there is a high probability that there will be no change.

The approximate grazing places of the three major tribes, the places where they prepare to spend the winter, and where the tribal leaders probably gather are impossible to change.

Li Dingguo, who was concerned, immediately held a military meeting. After introducing the specific situation of the three tribes in Mobei, he said his plan: "Our enemy in front of us is Zhasaktu, the most powerful of the three tribes in Mobei. The Khan Department has about [-] cavalry troops, which are relatively elite, and if ordinary herdsmen are recruited into the army, the total strength can reach about [-]."

Speaking of which, he glanced at the generals below, and found that they all looked excited, so he continued: "But the [-] cavalry troops of Zasaktu Khan did not gather together, but were divided into two directions, east and west. , guarding several of their winter spots, so I decided to capture the king first, take advantage of our surprise attack, and take advantage of the unprepared Zasaktu Khan to kill him by surprise. We must severely injure the Zasaktu Khans!"

When Gao Yigong and the others heard this, they were all excited, and they all responded loudly, just one word.

For them, they are most eager for military merit.The previous capture of the Hetao Plain and the fight against Tumote's troops were too enjoyable, and that little military achievement was not considered in their eyes.Now that there is an opportunity to do something big, everyone is gearing up.

Seeing that the morale was available, Li Dingguo turned serious, and said sternly: "Okay, this commander will announce the military regulations!"

Under normal circumstances, he would not be so serious. Once he is so serious, it means that he attaches great importance to this matter.

Li Guo and the others had been working under him for half a year, so they naturally knew his habit, so they all took it seriously.

Li Dingguo watched them all line up and waited for orders with folded fists. He said solemnly: "First, the target of the raid is mainly to attack Zasak Tuhan. For those who resist, they will be killed without mercy. Don't hesitate."

"Second, for ordinary herdsmen, killing is not allowed without resistance from the other party, and offenders will be beheaded!"

"Thirdly, the Mongolian soldiers in the various ministries don't need to kill the enemy when they gather together. They cooperate with the Jinyiwei Supervising Army in the army to persuade the ordinary herdsmen to surrender. It is a great achievement to appease the ordinary herdsmen!"

"Fourth, every army must learn a Mongolian saying, that is, kneel down and surrender without killing. After the war, the three major disciplines and seven points of attention will be enforced against the Mongolians who have surrendered or surrendered, and those who violate it will be beheaded!"

Li Dingguo's four articles are basically an explanation of the imperial court's reform of animal husbandry and returning to the local people. It is easy to understand if the reform of the land is first.

When Li Guo and others were in the Yunnan-Guizhou area, the court used this strategy to retreat step by step, and they had no power to fight back.Because the largest number of low-level people are equivalent to being bribed by the court, how can they fight?
At this time, when they heard that Li Dingguo would use this method to deal with Mobei Zhasaktu Khan's tribe, even though the publicity was not in place in the early stage, they just used swords to open the way for immediate publicity, and they had no objection.

Afterwards, Li Dingguo began to deploy specific tactics, and decided to use his own troops and lead Ma Shouying and Li Laiheng's troops, a total of [-] cavalry troops, to go straight to the location of Zasak Tuhan;

On the other side, Tian Jianxiu was led by Li Guo and Gao Yigong's [-] cavalry troops, who were in charge of the enemies outside the royal court of the Zhasak Tuhan tribe.

The battle is a quick decision. If you encounter two other tribes coming to help, you will evacuate immediately, gather the main force and wait for the opportunity.You don't need to worry about the captives and spoils, just throw them all to the enemy.

If the war ends quickly, the herdsmen will be immediately relocated southward to meet up.


In all aspects, there are basically deployments.All the generals took orders in unison.

This battle is very different from previous battles.Mainly reflected in two points.

First, this battle is not focused on killing and looting, but is targeted. It focuses on killing tribal leaders, but on appeasing ordinary herdsmen.

The second, and the first point, is the confidence to do so, that is, the imperial court is now rich and can accommodate the herdsmen who surrendered to the imperial court and move to the Hetao Plain.

After the battle plan was arranged, each department began to prepare for the assault, and went back to explain the situation to their subordinates.

The herdsmen who were captured before knew that they were working for Daming, and they even got their own cattle, sheep and land. They were all happy. Men, women, young and old, all patted their chests and said that they were useful, although they could not kill the enemy. , but can lead the imperial court's army over, and at the same time help persuade people they know to serve for the imperial court.

Li Dingguo was not polite, so he assigned them all, and then, the battle of Mobei began.

(End of this chapter)

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