Chapter 723
This is a big court meeting before the new year, if something happens, it should be said at this court meeting.For example, why did the emperor rush to summon him eight hundred miles away?
Anyway, no one believed it, just for this reward!Because some of the people who were summoned urgently within eight hundred miles did not receive rewards.

Therefore, after the award was completed, everyone was waiting to see what the emperor would do next.
Sure enough, after all the rewards were completed, Wang Cheng'en, the eunuch who was beside the emperor and the admiral of the West Factory, stepped out, delivered an order in a sharp voice, and named a group of people to stay.And most of these people were urgently summoned to Beijing eight hundred miles ago.

Immediately, everyone was curious, what would happen to the people left behind?
Disappointed for those who didn't get their names.Because in their intuition, those who stay behind must have good things.

But even Shoufu, Liubu Jiuqing, etc., have left behind, which makes people even more curious, what is the matter, why are those people whose names are selected, many of them are warriors, How on earth was this chosen?

After the roll call, Emperor Chongzhen announced his withdrawal from the court and left first.

The civil and military officials, after the emperor left, were divided into two groups, one group was called and the other group was not called.

If it weren't for the bad discussion in the Golden Temple, it is estimated that there will be discussions in this meeting.

But when the civil and military officials withdrew from the Golden Luan Hall, they naturally started talking to those close to them.

"Tell me, why didn't even the chief assistant be called by name? What is the purpose of the name left behind?"

"Who knows, Jisuke was named. Can you figure out anything?"

"No, it's not based on official position, nor civil or military. If it's based on merit, it doesn't seem to be the case! I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out!"

"The family background is not right either. There are those from official families, some from reckless ones, those from imperial examinations, and those from Gewuxue. You really have everything!"

"There must be some tricks in the middle, it would be great if we can find out the tricks!"

"That's right, if you can discover the tricks in it, you will definitely win the Sacred Heart!"


If they can discover the rules, there will be ghosts!Because of the laws in it, there are many things that have never happened on this plane.For example, Zhang Huangyan and Zhang Tongchang both became famous in the Southern Ming Dynasty and were admired by later generations.But on this plane, the two of them are just low-level personnel and nothing. It would be a strange thing for anyone to conclude anything from them!
For this reason, these civil and military officials who left the Golden Temple comforted each other one after another.

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, anyway, you can find out why they were left alone when you look back!"

"That's right, the emperor hastened to summon him back with eight hundred miles. What is the reason for the urgent summons? I think we will hear about it after a long time!"


The civil and military officials headed by Sun Chuanting waited until the other officials had left before they heard Wang Chengen say to them with a smile: "My lords, please follow our family for a while!"

The answer was about to be revealed, and even Sun Chuanting was curious, so he didn't say much, and followed Wang Chengen according to his official position.

What they didn't expect was that Wang Chengen led them to Qianqingmen, where they met another group of men and women here.

The person in the lead, they recognized, was Duke Zhongzheng Qin Liangyu, and a group of talents in Geology, such as Song Yingxing, Fang Yizhi, Xia Wanchun and others.

These people either don't need to go to the Great Court Conference, or they are not qualified to go, but they are all waiting here. Obviously, like them, they should be the ones His Majesty will arrange to do things next.

This time, they are even more strange.

Duke Zhongzhen was so old that he was summoned. What is the matter that needs to work for her?

There are these individuals at the top of Gephysics. Could it be related to Gephysics?
But, that's not right either. If it's related to Gewuxue, why didn't Shoufu and the others come?
Also, what happened to the imperial physician Wu Youxing?

Also, looking at this posture, it turns out that you are going to the harem. If there is anything you can't discuss in the front hall, what are you doing in the harem?
It's so strange!

Sure enough, Wang Chengen greeted Qin Liangyu with a smile, and then greeted them to continue walking to the harem.

Among these people, they are all at a loss. They don't know what to do next?
That is to say, Qin Liangyu and a very small number of people, including Zhou Yuji, had a vague guess when they saw that they were going to the harem.Because they were taken to the harem before.

If I guessed correctly, the destination should be Gonghouyuan.

They really guessed right, and in the end they were all taken to the Palace Garden.

Here, they met a bunch of people again, they turned out to be queens, imperial concubines, princes, princesses and so on.

Sun Chuanting and the others were even more confused. They didn't know what was going on?

On the contrary, Qin Liangyu, Zhou Yuji and others who vaguely guessed something, immediately became serious.

After the big troops converged, Emperor Chongzhen soon appeared, still wearing the court uniform just now, very grand.

After seeing him coming, he said to the group of officials standing in front of him with a serious expression: "Today's matter is very important, you must do it well!"

Hearing this, many courtiers naturally did not dare to respond.Of course, at the same time, when they saw the emperor's serious expression, they immediately felt that the emperor attached great importance to what he wanted to tell them to do, so they suppressed their curiosity and became serious.

On the contrary, on the side of the harem concubines and princes and princesses, most of them had relaxed expressions.Because these people already know what to do next, for this reason, they try their best to show their most beautiful side.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen personally explained: "Everyone should know that the fifteenth year is the turning point of the Ming Dynasty, and also the beginning of ZTE. And all of this comes from, presumably Qing and others have a lot in mind." .”

I'm sure I won't talk about it anymore, hasn't the Emperor Taizu just manifested himself!Moreover, it is well known that the treasure that the emperor hangs on his chest can also contact the Emperor Taizu in the fairy world.

At this time, when they heard the emperor's words, they all understood that the urgent matter that the emperor used eight hundred miles to expedite was related to the fairy world and the emperor Taizu.

Knowing this, Sun Chuanting and the others immediately became respectful.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the faces of each of them, and said with a serious expression: "Da Ming can have ZTE one day, and I, Qing, etc. can have today, all thanks to that side. Now, there The friend who contacted me is about to get married, and Zhu Qing is the person that friend values, so I and Zhu Qing will bless him on his wedding! Qing, wait, do you understand?"

He said this after thinking for a long time before deciding to say it.

He didn't talk about Emperor Taizu, nor did he talk about the Immortal World, anyway, he just said it was over there, and let them misunderstand.

In the future, with the development of science and technology, mobile phones and so on will be invented, and even the theory of alien worlds, space-time tunnels and so on will be available, and no one will question him as pretending to be a ghost, that is all your own thinking.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little proud of this, and felt that this idea was good.However, he forgot one thing. Before, he and Liu Weichao joined forces to record a short video of Emperor Taizu, which could not be erased no matter what. He was just playing tricks.

It's just that he didn't discuss it with anyone, and he forgot, so he felt that he had done a good job!

But at this time, at least people in this time period will not have any doubts.

After what he said, Sun Chuanting and others, including Qin Liangyu who had recorded the video before, were all shocked.

This was the first time that Emperor Chongzhen revealed the news of the fairy world to them in a very formal way.What shocked them the most was that people like them were valued by people in the fairy world!

Of course, the friend that the emperor talked about was probably the boy in front of the Emperor Taizu, or his disciples. After all, it is impossible for the Emperor Taizu to personally intervene in everything.

Therefore, even if it is not the Emperor Taizu, but the boy or disciple in front of the Emperor Taizu, it is definitely very exaggerated!
They are all mortals now, how can they be so valued by the immortals!
Now, when immortals get married, they want to send blessings, that is really a blessing for three lives, no, green smoke is rising from the ancestral grave, no, there is a fairy fate!
They were shocked, and Emperor Chongzhen began to explain the details again, which brought them all back to their senses, and they all listened carefully without daring to be distracted.

After Emperor Chongzhen explained all the details, he said solemnly again: "You can't tell the truth about today's affairs, lest he doesn't like it, understand?"

Hearing this, everyone, including Sun Chuanting, felt terrified in their hearts, and immediately responded: "I will obey the order!"

They all understand that the thoughts of gods cannot be fathomed by mortals.Now that he values ​​it, it is his own blessing, and he must not make the gods unhappy because of his quick talk, that would be too much of a loss.

It can even be said that these words are more useful than the emperor's direct orders.After all, if the emperor told his mother-in-law behind his back, it would be impossible for the emperor to know; but if he was an immortal, he would count.It is impossible to hide it from the emperor, and it is impossible to hide it from the gods.

After Emperor Chongzhen finished explaining, he asked them to tidy up outside, and they went over after they were called.

Afterwards, he went by himself first, originally wanting the prince Zhu Cihong to take the photo, but after thinking about it, he still let Queen Zhou come.Because of the prince's aesthetics, he was a little worried.The queen is okay, if the filming is not good, you will be asked to retake it.

So, with Emperor Chongzhen as the first one, a video of wedding blessings began to be recorded in a special studio in the Palace Houyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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