Chapter 725
The reason is actually very simple. Zhang Weijiang's wife, Zhao Mingxiu, is a fan of Hanfu.

When Liu Weichao was still in Shenzhen City, when he first got the golden finger, it was Zhao Mingxiu who inspired Liu Weichao to think about using the golden finger from the custom-made Hanfu.

From that time on, Zhao Mingxiu knew that Liu Weichao had a team with deep knowledge of Ming Dynasty culture.

Therefore, from the beginning, she followed the app developed by Liu Weichao, then followed Liu Weichao's video account, and then the online store, all of which proved that Liu Weichao was surrounded by a group of companions who knew the history of the Ming Dynasty very well.

But what makes her a little regretful is that she really wanted to get to know these people, but Liu Weichao didn't agree.Relatively speaking, she is not very familiar with Liu Weichao, so it is not good to be too persistent.

She also once told Zhang Weijiang that through the relationship between Zhang Weijiang and Liu Weichao, she could get to know the group of people behind Liu Weichao.

However, Zhang Weijiang's answer to her at the time was that he had also asked, but Liu Weichao did not agree.In his opinion, Liu Weichao must have difficulties, otherwise, with the relationship between the two of them, it is impossible not to agree.Since Liu Weichao didn't say it, it must be inconvenient to say it.As a friend, it is not good to do things that are difficult for others.

Although Zhao Mingxiu was a little disappointed with his answer, she also understood and sympathized with him.

But this time, it was Liu Weichao who got married.

In Zhao Mingxiu's view, this is one of the absolute biggest things in Liu Weichao's life.Best friends, closest partners, etc., will definitely be invited.

In this way, she has a very high possibility to see the capable people behind Liu Weichao.

To be honest, Zhao Mingxiu was looking forward to this very much.

She pays attention to the video, among other things, the screen names are Chen Yuanyuan and Tian Guifei. It requires temperament, talent and talent, which makes her heartbroken. She really wants to make friends and have a chat face to face.

Zhao Mingxiu has reason to believe that at Liu Weichao's wedding ceremony, he will definitely meet her.Because these two people are the two people who Liu Weichao posted the most videos, they are definitely the best relationship, and there is a high probability that they will be there.

Of course Zhang Weijiang knew what his wife was thinking.He also hoped that at Liu Weichao's wedding this time, his wife's wish could be fulfilled!

Plus, to be honest, he had his own expectations.

Because he must also watch Liu Weichao's videos, and there are people he really wants to meet, such as the Internet name Emperor Chongzhen. He wants to ask him how this temperament is cultivated, so that he can also have it in his own company later. aura.

In addition, there is that person whose online name is Zhou Yuji, whose muscles really make him envious.There is also the moves he practiced, which looks murderous, I don't know if I have a chance to ask for advice.

All these things made him look forward to Liu Weichao's wedding very much.

For this reason, after discussing with Zhao Mingxiu, Zhang Weijiang and Zhao Mingxiu specially ordered Hanfu to wear from Liu Weichao's shop, Ming Dynasty style, which is bright for fire and more festive.

Needless to say, as soon as they arrived at the entrance of the village, the villagers knew that they were definitely here to attend Liu Weichao's wedding when they saw the clothes of the three of them.

Originally, Liu Weichao was going to pick them up at the airport, but Zhang Weijiang said it was a happy day for Liu Weichao, and there must be many things to do, so he didn't ask him to pick them up.

But at the entrance of the village, Liu Weichao arrived immediately.Looking at Zhang Weijiang's flying fish suit, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "Brother Jiang is so mighty!"

"That's..." Zhang Weijiang immediately laughed when he heard it, and immediately answered, but just after he started, he felt his sleeves being ripped off.

He knew right away that this was his wife reminding him that today is Liu Weichao's protagonist, don't talk too much to grab the limelight.This point, before he came, had already been warned.

Thinking of this, he hastily changed his words and said: "...You are so handsome, the bridegroom officer!"

In desperation, I didn't think of a good word, so I had no choice but to cheer it up in a popular way.

Zhao Mingxiu at the side knew her husband's virtues, rolled her eyes secretly, and greeted with a smile: "Xiao Chao, congratulations, call me uncle!"

In fact, Liu Weichao didn't mind Zhang Weijiang's behavior at all, which made him feel as if he was still being taken care of by Zhang Weijiang when he just graduated.

Many years have passed now, and others talk to him politely, very politely, although he doesn't want to be like this, but there is nothing he can do about his status.

The same is true, he cherishes the friendship with Zhang Weijiang even more.

At this moment, when he heard Zhao Mingxiu speak, he quickly called out: "Sister Mingxiu, you are still as beautiful as ever!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head, reached out to hug Zhang Weijiang's son, and greeted with a smile.

As soon as the surrounding villagers saw it, they knew that the new guest had an unusual relationship with Liu Weichao.

Zhang Weijiang took his son, let his wife lead him, and walked to the village with Liu Weichao. At the same time, he received a signal from Zhao Mingxiu and asked, "Xiao Chao, are all your friends here?"

Liu Weichao heard this, and immediately said with a smile: "You are all here, and you and your family are missing. Now you are waiting in the auditorium! My daughter-in-law is entertaining, so I can't get away. Otherwise, we will come together."

Zhao Mingxiu listened with pricked ears, and when he heard his words, he was overjoyed, and finally his wish would come true!
When the interest was high, she followed suit and said, "Weichao, you are an expert in Ming history, why didn't your wedding follow the Ming Dynasty's etiquette? Once the video is shot, I can also promote it to your company by the way!"

At the beginning, her wedding with Zhang Weijiang followed the Song Dynasty wedding model.After marriage, I often watch the video and think it's pretty good.

However, Liu Weichao told them that his wedding was simple, he had already received a marriage certificate, and then held a banquet in the hometown of both parties, and the marriage was concluded.

This made Zhao Mingxiu a little puzzled, and always wanted to ask this question.

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately replied with a smile: "I can't figure out what level to follow, but I'll let it go in the end, and I don't want my family to worry too much."

In fact, he really thought about this matter at the beginning, and asked Emperor Chongzhen about it.

According to Emperor Chongzhen's intention, Liu Weichao's contribution should be done as a prince's. As a result, after a short introduction, Liu Weichao retreated on the spot.

Of course, the most important thing is that his daughter-in-law is a martial arts practitioner, a more forthright type, and doesn't particularly care about these things, let alone red tape.

Zhao Mingxiu was speechless, and when he really wanted to say something, he saw that he had already arrived at the playground at the entrance of the auditorium, and the bride in bright red clothes came out to welcome her, so she stopped talking about it, and quickly exchanged pleasantries.

At the same time, she could hear the lively voices in the auditorium, and suddenly, a heart flew in.I just wanted to go in immediately and see those people named Tian Guifei and Chen Yuanyuan on the Internet.

Even if it was just a few polite words at the entrance of the auditorium, Zhao Mingxiu felt that a long time had passed.

Zhang Weijiang could understand his daughter-in-law's mood very well, so he said with a smile: "In order to be able to eat your wedding banquet, my stomach has been empty since yesterday!"

Liu Weichao laughed and stopped talking at the entrance of the auditorium and led them into the auditorium.

However, he didn't expect that at this moment, a child of his family who he arranged for at the entrance of the village ran over and said to him, "Uncle, Second Uncle greeted some people at the entrance of the village and said that all the cars they drive are good cars. Hurry over and greet you."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao was a little surprised. He had already invited all the guests to the wedding banquet, so there shouldn't be any guests!

But no matter what, everyone who comes is a guest.

So, he hurriedly greeted his wife and asked her to take Zhang Weijiang's family of three into the auditorium first, and then he went to the entrance of the village to see the situation.

Zhang Weijiang and his wife naturally understood this, and urged him to go quickly, not to neglect the guests.

Liu Weichao agreed with a smile, and hurried to the entrance of the village.

Before reaching the entrance of the village, I saw a group of people coming towards me.The person in the front is his younger brother, leading the people behind him towards the auditorium.

The people behind his brother were headed by two women, or to be more precise, one of them was the woman wearing sunglasses.

For this woman wearing sunglasses, a series of question marks popped up in Liu Weichao's mind, as if he didn't know her!

But he did know the other woman, who didn't wear sunglasses, and by the way, probably guessed the identity of the woman wearing sunglasses.

This time, Liu Weichao was surprised and a little bit surprised: why did she come?I didn't invite myself!

Thinking so in his heart, but after all, the visitors are all guests, so he hastily greeted him, and at the same time said hello: "Sister Lizhi, you are so far away, why are you still running here?"

This sister Lizhi can be said to be his first big client.However, it was only at the very beginning that they cooperated and contacted him, but he didn't have much contact with him later, especially after he went to graduate school, he basically had no contact.

Therefore, Liu Weichao really didn't expect that she would come here uninvited, and by the way, she also invited this little princess.

When Lizhi saw the rightful owner, she "complained", saying that Liu Weichao was not mean enough, and did not notify her of the marriage. If she didn't know about it just now, she would have missed Liu Weichao's wedding.

After finishing the polite words, she naturally introduced the woman wearing sunglasses. At this time, the woman next to her naturally took off her sunglasses and greeted Liu Weichao.

Sure enough, Liu Weichao guessed correctly. This woman wearing sunglasses is the little princess of Shenzhen City. She has debuted for a long time now. She can be regarded as one of the representative artists of classical talents, and she is already very famous.

According to Liu Weichao's own understanding, he and she only cooperated twice at the beginning, and have never cooperated again since then.Even if he became the hands-off shopkeeper, there would be no business dealings with each other.

This great god, now it's considered a level, and the level that must wear sunglasses when going out, unexpectedly came uninvited to attend his own wedding, what does this mean?
To be honest, Liu Weichao was a bit puzzled!
But still the same sentence, everyone who comes is a guest, since you are here, you should pay more for the dishes!

(End of this chapter)

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