Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 727 A Different Taste of the Year

Chapter 727 A Different Taste of the Year

The relationship between Zhang Weijiang and his wife and Liu Weichao is naturally not comparable to that of the little princess in Shenzhen. Therefore, the family did not return immediately, but stayed overnight.

After all relatives and friends were sent away, Liu Weichao and his wife had time to drink tea and chat with Zhang Weijiang and his wife.

Although he already has a wife and children, Zhang Weijiang's talkative nature has not changed when he meets his friends. He is the only one who talks a lot, chattering non-stop.

Naturally, after talking about homely things like wedding blessings for a while, Zhang Weijiang inevitably talked about Liu Weichao's partner.

As for the little princess of Shenzhen City, others may be amazed and feel that it is as dazzling as the sun, but for Zhang Weijiang and his wife, they don't pay too much attention to it.

I heard Zhang Weijiang say to Liu Weichao: "It's really no wonder you are very good at the Ming Dynasty. You have a lot of guys. At first glance, they are not ordinary people. Even the clothes of the Ming Dynasty seem to fit them very well. "

Liu Weichao heard this, but before he could speak, he rushed to say: "I said fit, you know, it must not be an ordinary fit, but just like this clothes should be what they wear. Look at me, wearing This flying fish suit doesn't seem to have the aura that Jin Yiwei should have."

Liu Weichao laughed, he was from that era and held that position, of course he was different from modern people.

Before he had time to say anything, Zhang Weijiang had already said: "By the way, what's a little strange is that the person who played the role of the commander of Jinyiwei, he called himself Li Ruolian, so why wasn't he wearing a flying fish suit? "

Hearing his words, Zhao Mingxiu patted him on the shoulder, finally silenced his follow-up words, and then explained for Liu Weichao: "Jin Yiwei does not necessarily wear flying fish suits, in fact, even flying fish suits are also Not all Jinyiwei have it..."

Obviously, her knowledge is much better than her husband's.But even if she explained it wrong, her husband would pretend not to notice the problem even if he understood it.

After explaining to her husband for a while, Zhao Mingxiu turned to look at Liu Weichao, and asked curiously: "By the way, there is one thing I don't understand, or it's a little strange."

"What is it?" Liu Weichao asked curiously.

His daughter-in-law did not participate in their conversation, but was teasing Zhang Weijiang's child. Obviously, she was more interested in children.

Zhao Mingxiu looked at Liu Weichao and asked: "It stands to reason that your partners must be proficient in Ming Dynasty affairs, right? But as far as I know, there seem to be quite a few people whose official positions are different from those in the original history. Apart from other things, aren't Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan a couple? How come one has become the chief soldier of Dongjiang Town, and the other is a political courier? And Qin Liangyu..."

She pointed out many problems in one breath, and then waited for Liu Weichao's explanation with a puzzled look on her face.

From Zhao Mingxiu's point of view, if there are one or two problems, it's really not a big deal, but as far as she sees, there are far more than one or two problems, but many, which makes her unable to understand.Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!
Liu Weichao listened, and immediately smiled and said: "If you talk about the original history, of course you are right. But, my partners, they are all things that happened in Chongzhen for [-] years, and they are different from the history. Of course There is a difference!"

"..." Zhao Mingxiu was speechless when he heard it, is this okay?
But they did not say that they must play the historical ones, they can do whatever they want, this is their freedom.

On the other hand, Zhang Weijiang heard it, and couldn't help interjecting: "Although I don't know much about the Ming Dynasty, I remember that Chongzhen was only seventeen years old? He hanged himself in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, and then Nanming, right? The new emperor has a new year name, right?"

Liu Weichao listened, nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, you're right, the original history is only seventeen years old."

Hearing this, Zhang Weijiang also understood.Liu Weichao and his partners are not playing according to the original history.

He didn't care about this, so he immediately asked the next question in his mind: "I really didn't expect you to have so many partners, and they are all excellent ones at first glance. Then you are getting married After that, what are you going to do?"

Liu Weichao listened, thought for a while and replied: "Continue to spread the Chinese civilization, at least the Ming Dynasty, I have the ability, so I need to promote more. Including publishing books, making short videos, and some film and television dramas, etc. I hope more people can re-understand our Chinese civilization!"

While saying this, he added a sentence in his heart: Let "Yongle Dadian" reappear in the world!
At least the content of "Yongle Dadian", which includes all the classics in the early Ming Dynasty, is all-encompassing, and it is definitely very important for the study of Chinese civilization.

Zhao Mingxiu agreed with Liu Weichao's plan very much, and at the same time asked curiously: "You said that your partner is playing the role of the [-]th year of Chongzhen. So what will happen in the [-]th year of Chongzhen?"

In her opinion, it is estimated that Liu Weichao and his partners are making an alternative deduction of history. Anyway, they should not want the Ming Dynasty to be replaced by the Qing Dynasty, right?I believe this is what most people think!
Hearing her words, Liu Weichao really knew what she said, so he answered her: "Twenty years since Chongzhen, the Ming Dynasty probably will unify the grasslands, and it may launch an attack on Liaodong and North Korea..."

Zhao Mingxiu was speechless, this history has changed!
But that's okay, as long as they're happy.

She was totally unexpected, what Liu Weichao said was actually true!


In the plane of the Ming Dynasty, it will be after the new year, and it will be the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

No, during the time period when Liu Weichao was newly married and happy, the Ming Dynasty was also celebrating the New Year.

This year, Emperor Chongzhen ordered a New Year's party, a big one, to be held in the square in front of the Meridian Gate, and it would be a reunion celebration after the eight hundred li urgent call.

Although it is also snowing on New Year's Eve, the platform on Meridian Gate Square has already been set up.For this party, I also specially turned on the electricity.Including the entire Meridian Gate Square, there are all temporary lights, just like daytime.

Emperor Chongzhen and other people in the palace watched from the top of Meridian Gate.

Civil and military officials, honorable royal relatives watched from the sheds under the city.

On the left side of the stage, where the angle is not very good, is the location of the Royal Academy of Geology and Physics; on the other side, is the oldest old man in the capital city.

Of course, they all have sheds and a firepit to warm up, so they won't be too cold.

It was the Department of Political Science and Communications and Jingying who took the lead in performing the show. That's right, it was Jingying.

Because in this era, there is no amplification equipment, this party is a group of men in the army and people from the Department of Political Science and Communications singing together, performing programs, etc. There are no sketches, but pantomime, edited by Chen Yuanyuan.

It was the first time to hold this party, and I watched it with the emperor and queen, which made everyone very happy and felt this fun that I had never had before.

The majestic singing, which floated over the Forbidden City one after another, also made the surrounding people very curious.

Just for the sake of safety, the Meridian Gate Square was under martial law, and ordinary people couldn't go to see it.

The army and the people had fun together, especially the pantomime, with the exaggerated appearance of the clown-like Jianlu and Japanese who were beaten into embarrassment by the soldiers of the court, which often caused bursts of laughter.

This year, a festive atmosphere filled the sky above the Forbidden City.


At the same time, in Shengjing, Liaodong, there was no atmosphere.In particular, the Han people in the Qing Dynasty were relocated to the north, and the day that was supposed to be lively became even more deserted.

However, in the Chongzheng Hall, the lights are still brightly lit, and a large group of people are discussing matters here!

From their appearance, it can be clearly seen that the one with the tail of the money rat is the Jianlu, and the one with the head of the Yue Dynasty is the Japanese pirate.

That's right, the leader of the Korean Japanese, Matsudaira Nobuzuna, who is known as "Wisdom Izu", rushed to Shengjing in person, and met with the Manchu Qing regent Dorgon without talking.

This past year was a year that the two of them never expected.

Originally looking at a good situation, suddenly because the army of the Ming Dynasty went on an expedition to the Wa Kingdom, wiped out the navy of the Wa Kingdom, and won the command of the sea at once, making the situation of the Wa people in North Korea very passive.

Faced with an unprecedented predicament, Nobutsuna Matsudaira was unable to contact the Japanese mainland, and finally decided to go to Liaodong in person to discuss a countermeasure with his allies.

As for Dorgon, he also had something that he never expected.It was the news from the grassland that the National Cavalry Army suddenly swept across Mobei and wiped out the three tribes in Mobei.

On the Qing side, it's not that they never wanted the Mobei tribe's cavalry army.

However, it is not difficult to defeat the three tribes of Mobei, but it is very difficult to completely conquer the three tribes of Mobei.Therefore, after the three tribes in Mobei expressed their surrender to the Qing Dynasty, whether it was Dorgon or Huang Taiji, they had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, the Ming army swept across Mobei. How did they do it?
The most important thing is that after the Ming army swept across Mobei, their cavalry army will definitely grow much stronger.In this way, the pressure of the Ming Dynasty on the various ethnic groups in eastern Mongolia, that is, the staunch allies of the Qing Dynasty, was very heavy.

After hearing the news from Mobei, all the tribes in Eastern Mongolia sent people to Shengjing to ask for help, and at least they wanted an idea from the Qing Dynasty.Some tribes even said that if the Qing Dynasty could not come up with a plan that would make them feel at ease, they would fall to the Ming Dynasty.

For a while, Dorgon was very worried about what to do.

It's not that he is not wise enough, but that there are too few cards in his hand.

At this time, Dorgon really felt that the Ming Kingdom had a strong heritage, and once he regained his composure and straightened out the interior, with the strength of the Ming Kingdom, it was really a bit difficult to parry.

At this time, he also wanted to discuss with Matsudaira Nobutsuna to see if he had any good ideas?
(End of this chapter)

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