Chapter 740
After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen made a decision: "In this case, then I will decree that the cavalry on the side of Guihua City will train in actual combat; the captured prisoners can just be used to build the railway on the side of Guihua City. "

Eastern Mongolia, after being conquered by Jianlu, has been listening to Jianlu's orders, and several times followed Jianlu to plunder.Regarding the various ethnic groups in eastern Mongolia, since Du Yinxi's instigation of rebellion has not yet moved, Emperor Chongzhen is not polite.

In fact, if it wasn't for his lofty goal, to be the leader of the earth, which would require more manpower and troops, he would even be willing to kill all the Mongolian tribes in the east to avenge his old vengeance.

It can be clearly seen that Emperor Chongzhen's attitudes towards the three tribes in Mobei, Wacha and the Mongolian tribes in the east are different.

Afterwards, he held a formal meeting of the six ministries and nine ministers, and announced the decision after discussing with Sun Chuanting.

The most important thing for the imperial court in the first half of the year was that King Tang took control of Kyushu Island, the clan of King Tang’s lineage would move there, and the troops recruited by King Tang would also be transported to Kyushu Island by ship. Nanyang was originally the fief of King Tang. There are still many things to hand over.

Therefore, at this stage, the cavalry from Guihua City first attacked the eastern Mongolian tribes by way of training.

In addition, other troops in the pass must also start to assemble.The goal of Emperor Chongzhen is to launch a general attack on Liaodong and North Korea in the second half of this year or next year, to recover Liaodong, take down North Korea, and completely end the war in Liaodong.

There is also a lot of preparatory work for such a large-scale war.Just use the first half of the year to prepare for the time period when the king of the Tang Dynasty was in charge of the vassal.

In other words, the next focus of the imperial court is to solve the Jianlu in Liaodong and the Japanese pirates in North Korea.

Others would naturally have no objection to this decision, especially Hubu Shangshu, who welcomed it with both hands and feet.Although it is cheaper to raise the cavalry in Huacheng on the grassland than the cavalry in the Central Plains, it is still a cavalry, and the cost is still very high.

If they can be directly sent out to fight in the way of actual combat, for the household department, the cost of raising troops can be reduced a lot, and naturally they couldn't be happier.

After discussing this matter, Emperor Chongzhen put on a serious expression, and said to his subordinates: "I hate those people who eat inside and outside, and sacrifice their lives for foreigners to harm Daming! Therefore, Fan Wencheng should be hacked into pieces as a warning to others. For others."

When the servants heard this, they were only slightly surprised.They would not be surprised if Fan Wencheng was replaced by Hong Chengchou.

Because on this plane, Fan Wencheng's reputation is not obvious. After all, when he took the initiative to join Jianlu, he was just a scholar.It is far inferior to Hong Chengchou, who was originally a senior official of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, there are some senior generals, and many of them have defected to Jianlu and worked for Jianlu.

Naturally, they didn't know how much Fan Wencheng's harm was to the original Daming.And the most important thing is that he took the initiative to take refuge in Jianlu, not the forced one.

In short, in the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen, Fan Wencheng must be killed.

This attitude of his made all the courtiers below alert. If anyone dared to do this, the emperor would never forgive him lightly.

As a result, before they thought about it, they heard Emperor Chongzhen then sternly said to them: "The execution will be executed tomorrow, and all civil and military officials will not be allowed to ask for leave. They will all go to watch the execution!"

This time, the courtiers below were a little shocked.

In the past, when the slave chieftain Abatai and Azig were killed, the emperor did not ask civil and military officials to watch the execution.As a result, the emperor asked civil and military officials to watch the punishment for such a little-known traitor!
Thinking of this, they couldn't help but secretly hated Hong Chengchou in their hearts.Because in their view, it must be Hong Chengchou who surrendered to Jianlu and worked his life for Jianlu to make the emperor feel that they, officials, would easily surrender to the enemy, and killed Fan Wencheng, a chicken, for them to see.

Emperor Chongzhen then turned his head to look at Chen Yuanyuan, the envoy of Zhengtong, and said: "The Secretary of Zhengtong wants to publicize the matter of Fan Wencheng. Any common people in the Ming Dynasty who dare to work for a foreign race and become traitors and lackeys will all end up like this. !"

"My minister leads the decree!" Chen Yuanyuan responded loudly when he heard it.

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen felt a little less angry.

The reason why he did this was because he also considered that Daming was about to expand its territory and fight more alien races.In the years to come, he doesn't want to see Ming people still have weak bones, and there are still a few people who have forgotten their ancestors, who will go to work for a foreign race!
This is also the reason why Fan Wencheng was sentenced to death by a thousand swords, while Ying Erdai was only cut in half.

Therefore, when the execution was carried out the next day, all civil and military officials observed the execution, making this matter a big news at once, and it became one of the main topics in the streets and alleys of the people in the capital.

"This Fan Wencheng is really embarrassing to our surname Fan. After today, everyone in the north and south of the river knows that he has forgotten his ancestors."

"Don't you know, this person claims to be the descendant of Duke Fan Wenzheng!"

"What? If Mr. Fan Wenzheng found out, wouldn't the coffin boards be overwhelmed!"

"Who said it wasn't? Fan Wenzheng was loyal to the king and served the country all his life, but he didn't expect that there would be such a shameless generation among the descendants of future generations!"

"Then I know, the emperor asked civil and military officials to watch the punishment, probably meaning that they should pay attention to family education, lest future generations forget their ancestors like Fan Wenzheng!"

"That's right, that must be the reason!"

"Actually, not necessarily. If you want me to say it, the emperor asked civil and military officials to watch the punishment, which has another meaning!"

"What's the point?"

"If the civil and military officials are corrupt and bend the law, is this a kind of betrayal? The old man thinks that this is actually a warning to the civil and military officials!"

"Oh, Mr. Yu Shan said so, it is really possible!"


Mr. Yu Shan, who is Qian Qianyi's honorific name, also talked eloquently during this incident, expressing his disdain for Fan Wencheng; it's fortunate that Emperor Chongzhen didn't know about it, otherwise, he could only laugh at it.

That is to say, his fate is good, the Ming Dynasty is revived, and Qian Qianyi's fate has also changed accordingly. At least he can maintain his own image, no longer has the nickname "The Water is Too Cool", and has not left a shameful stroke in history .

At this time, after the party with his friends, accompanied by Liu Rushi, he went back to the inn to rest.

One of the reasons why Qian Qianyi brought Liu Rushi to the capital was that the imperial court added a subject of miscellaneous studies in the special examination of Geology, mainly about music.

Liu Rushi was very tempted. If he wanted to take this exam, he might be able to become an official in the Department of Political Affairs and Communications.

For this, Qian Qianyi was very supportive and accompanied her here.

There is another reason, of course Qian Qianyi's own.After he was dismissed from office, he actually always wanted to be an official again.But Emperor Chongzhen had no intention of using him at all, so he had no choice but to run for office by himself.

Ruan Dacheng, who was in the same situation as him, was reinstated because of Ma Shiying's relationship. Now he is a political envoy in Nanjing. Although he is not as good as an official in the capital, he is still a third-rank official, which makes him very envious .

Qian Qianyi also has connections in this regard.Among other things, the Zheng family, which is now very favored, has an unusual relationship with him.No, Zheng Sen, the commander of Jin Yiwei, is his student.This Mori character was named after him.

Qian Qianyi's plan is to go the way of the Zheng family first, to see if he can be revived; if he is still not welcomed by the emperor, and there is no hope in the officialdom, then he is going to contact the king of Tang to see if he can be rehabilitated. Go to the Tang Dynasty to become a better official Dangdang.

As for his thoughts, Liu Rushi, who was the person next to him, naturally understood very well.After serving Qian Qianyi in the inn and drinking tea to hangover, she said to Qian Qianyi: "Master, why don't you write more articles and send them to newspapers for publication, just write those that praise Geology. With this foundation, go to the Zheng family again, maybe it will get twice the result with half the effort."

Hearing this, Qian Qianyi sighed suddenly and said, "I don't know what you said! That Ruan Dacheng became the emperor's eyes because of his praise of Gewuxue. But today is different. He wrote that article back then. At that time, Gewuxue hadn’t been promoted nationwide, and the emperor desperately needed such articles to create momentum for the promotion of Gewuxue. But now, Gewuxue’s special examination has been going on for several years, and candidates who take Gewuxue’s path are better than the imperial examination every year There are so many, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the emperor should no longer care about articles that praise Gewuxue!"

Liu Rushi knew that what he said was reasonable, but he still persuaded him: "Master, it's better to write this than not to write at all! Besides, the master has a high prestige among scholars and has a good literary talent. When it comes to the emperor's itching, won't it also fall into the emperor's eyes?"

Hearing this, Qian Qianyi's eyes lit up immediately, yes, this is the direction.Although it is indeed a bit late to put down your face and write this now.However, as long as you find out what the emperor likes and write articles about it, you will definitely be able to listen to it. Maybe the emperor will use you because of this?
It has to be said that Qian Qianyi's literary level is there.Moreover, his IQ is absolutely fine.

Under Liu Rushi's reminder, Qian Qianyi immediately found his direction and began to analyze it carefully.

The first thing he thought of was that the emperor obviously hated the kind of traitors who betrayed the court, betrayed Ming Dynasty, and served the enemy very much!Otherwise, there was no such thing as saying that all civil and military officials should go to watch the punishment.

Also, this is the case on the surface, but what about in the dark?Is the emperor taking this opportunity to hint something? If he can grasp it and write articles in this area, he may scratch the emperor's itch and gain the emperor's appreciation again!

Yes, this is a direction!
Thinking so, Qian Qianyi decided to think it over!
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(End of this chapter)

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