Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 742 Wisdom Izu

Chapter 742 Wisdom Izu
Nobutsuna Matsudaira saw that the gate of the palace was closed, and only he and Jubei Yagyu were left in the main hall, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.It can even be said that he didn't even have the strength to speak, and instructed to hand the letter to Yagyu Juhei, and then sat down weakly by himself, showing a decadent look.

When Yagyu Juhei saw him like this, he felt a "thud" in his heart, knowing something was wrong, so he quickly opened the letter and read it.

After a while, Yagyu Juhei also had the same expression as Matsudaira Nobutsuna, standing there, looking down at Matsudaira Nobuzuna, and said eagerly: "How could this happen? What can we do?"

He never expected that everything Matsudaira Nobutsuna said before was false.

Tokugawa Iemitsu told the North Korean side in the letter that the remaining one hundred warships in his hands had originally planned to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and attack the material stockpiles of the Ming Navy on the Ryukyu side. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be another big battle. Defeated, Yagyu Zongju, that is, Yagyu Shibingwei's father was captured alive by the Ming army, and in the end he only escaped back to the three ships.

There is also news that the Dutch are also helping the Ming Dynasty, and it is even more impossible for Tokugawa Iemitsu to find foreign aid.

Now, the Ming army has begun to land and attack Kyushu Island, but Honshu Island cannot provide support at all, because there are Ming warships patrolling the sea route to Kyushu Island day and night, and the reinforcements simply cannot pass.

According to this situation, the fall of Kyushu Island is basically a foregone conclusion.

On the other side of Honshu Island, there are also Ming warships patrolling, even as far as Edo, there are Ming warships. They are likely to launch an attack on Kyushu Island.

Therefore, Tokugawa Iemitsu ordered Matsudaira Nobuzuna in the letter: Either lead the Japanese army in North Korea, or return to the Japanese mainland to help the Japanese mainland, and repel the Ming army that attacked the Japanese mainland. As for how Matsudaira Nobuzuna brought it back to North Korea He doesn't care about the Japanese army;

Or use the method of besieging Wei and saving Zhao to see if it is possible to mobilize the Ming army that attacked the Wa country and attract them back, whether it is to attract North Korea or the Ming country, in short, the Ming army must leave the Wa country.

The Dawa Kingdom encountered an unprecedented crisis, but it did not expect that too many troops were sent to North Korea, so that the local situation was very severe.

At the beginning, Tokugawa Iemitsu originally only wanted to close the country, and did not want to form an alliance with the Qing Dynasty.It was Matsudaira Nobuzuna and Yagyu Munemo who both agreed that they swallowed the poisonous North Korean bait and brought about the current crisis.

Tokugawa Iemitsu reprimanded Matsudaira Nobutsuna, no matter what method he used, in short, he must find a way to solve the crisis in the Japanese country.

At this time, hearing Yagyu Juhei's question, Matsudaira Nobuzuna was called "Wisdom Izu" by the Japanese, but for a while, he couldn't think of a good way to cook without rice!

If you want to return to the mainland of Japan, even if you can bypass the Ming army on Tsushima Island, you must at least have a boat!

However, all the ships on the North Korean side were destroyed or captured by the Ming navy. Where did they come from?

It takes time to rebuild the ship!

The Wa country is an island country, and the loss of sea control once again made the two Wa people feel very helpless!

In the main hall, neither of them spoke. For a while, it seemed very quiet, and only the cheers outside the hall could be heard one after another.It's kind of ironic to compare the two.

Yagyu's Ten Soldiers couldn't bear to listen anymore, the land of Wa Kingdom was already in such a critical situation, yet they were all still cheering.

In addition, he couldn't think of a way, so he became angry immediately under his impatience, turned around and strode towards the gate of the palace, and shouted sharply: "Scream, scream, let you scream!"

Hearing his words, Matsudaira Nobutsuna became anxious immediately, and hurriedly slapped the table, shouting sharply: "Stop, what are you doing?"

Hearing his words, Yagyu Juhei stopped suddenly, turned around, looked at Matsudaira Nobuzuna, and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm dying of anxiety, they are still cheering..."

"Then what do you want?" Nobuzuna Matsudaira snapped when he heard this, "Could it be possible to let them all know the real situation in the mainland and make them all very depressed. Then do you think they can fight again? Those big names Can we still obey our orders? Can we still have a chance to find a way to save the mainland?"

Asking questions one after another, Yagyu Juhei, who was in a rage, was obviously discouraged, and he turned to Matsudaira Nobutsuna helplessly.

In fact, he didn't know that Nobuzuna Matsudaira's fake news was just to boost morale.However, he was in a hurry and didn't know what to do, so he was impulsive when he heard the cheers outside, and he didn't want to make the Japanese outside so happy!
At this time, reason returned to Yagyu Juhei, and he asked Matsudaira Nobuzuna again: "Then tell me, what should we do next?"

In the moment just now, Nobuzuna Matsudaira actually had a preliminary idea. After hearing Yagyu Juhei's question again, he replied: "There are two ways to go!"

Hearing this, Liu Sheng Shibingwei was startled, he didn't expect that there were two roads to go, then he was overjoyed and asked quickly: "Which two roads?"

"The first way!" Matsudaira Nobutsuna didn't look happy, he just said to him, "Let's give up North Korea, go to Liaodong and go north, build a raft to cross the sea to Ezo, and then go south and return to the mainland!"

Hearing this, Yagyu Juhei's joy disappeared immediately.

Indeed, this is a viable path.Because in the north of Ezo, it is very close to the mainland, and it is possible to cross the sea with a raft.

But, the problem is, it's very far from North Korea.If all the Japanese soldiers in North Korea had to travel such a long distance to go back, it is estimated that there is no way to go just for a long-distance march. I don’t know how many people will die along the way!
Not to mention, they don't have enough food and grass, and they have to pass through the territory of the Qing Empire. Will they agree to the withdrawal of the Japanese army?
Therefore, this road sounds like it is indeed a road, but in fact, it is a dead end at all, and the possibility of passing it is very small.

Thinking of this, Yagyu Juhei's face turned ugly, and he asked Matsudaira Nobuzuna, "What about the second way?"

"The second way..." Matsudaira Nobutsuna listened, dragged his voice for a long time, and then replied, "Use all our strength, together with the Qing Dynasty, to attack the Ming country with all our strength. If we can hurt the Ming country, even According to the plan, if they can break into the pass, the Ming Kingdom will most likely call back the army that attacked the mainland to help, which is what the general said, to encircle Wei and save Zhao!"

Hearing this, Yagyu Juhei remained silent, a little speechless.

Because, if it was so easy to attack the Ming country, the coalition forces of the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese country would have attacked it long ago.

In fact, it was the Ming Dynasty that only used the troops of Dongjiang Town to contain the Japanese army in North Korea.Not to mention, the Japanese navy was destroyed by the Ming navy.

Liu Sheng's ten soldiers and guards can all think that if they attack the Ming country with all their strength, they don't know whether they can achieve the intended effect, but one thing is certain, the price paid by the Wa country must be very high!

Inside the hall, it became quiet again.

After a while, Yagyu Juhei looked up at Matsudaira Nobutsuna unwillingly and asked, "Is there any other way?"

After hearing this, Nobuzuna Matsudaira hesitated for a moment, but finally, he shook his head and said, "There are only two ways to go!"

In fact, there is a third way to go.

It means that the Japanese in North Korea are self-reliant and no longer care about the affairs of the Japanese country.If you can't beat Ming, then surrender to Ming, at least it's a way out.

However, he, who holds the military power of the Japanese Japanese army in Korea, and Yagyu Jubei are both Tokugawa Iemitsu's right-hand men.In other words, their power comes from Tokugawa Iemitsu. If they really want to take this third path, they still have a very big test to pass, and they may not be able to achieve what they wish.

At this time, after Matsudaira Nobuzuna finished speaking, the hall became quiet again, and the cheers from outside were heard again, which was particularly ear-piercing.

Silence solved the problem of not talking. In the end, Matsudaira Nobutsuna sighed, and then said to Yagyu Juhei: "I have weighed it over and over again, and I think it is the best way out to join forces with the Qing Dynasty and attack the Ming Kingdom with all our strength. After all Compared with going back to China by detour, this is the way to cure the root cause!"

Yagyu Juhei heard this, but did not answer right away, and expressed his opinion.

When Matsudaira Nobuzuna saw it, he said again: "As morale has just been boosted now, things can't be delayed for too long, otherwise if the morale of the army drops again, it will be even more impossible to defeat the Ming army." !"

Hearing this, Yagyu Juhei couldn't help but sighed, and then said to Matsudaira Nobuzuna: "You are Zhuge Kongming of our Japanese country, and the choice you choose must be the most beneficial to our Japanese country. I still listen to you, You tell me what to do, and I will do it!"

Hearing his words, Matsudaira Nobuzuna showed a wry smile on his face, Zhuge Kongming, Wisdom Izu, he doesn't care about these things anymore, if there is a choice, I hope I will give it another chance in three days, and start over again. Go back a few years.If the envoys of the Qing Dynasty dare to go to Japan, let the general sink them into the sea and feed them to the fish!
Thinking of this, he felt that it was useless for the moment, so he shook his head and threw this thought out of his mind, and then said to Yagyu Jubingwei: "Since we have decided to attack Ming with all our strength, North Korea should also make proper arrangements. , it's time to shrink the line of defense, give up some places, and give up some places, come on, let's sum it up!"

The Dongjiang Army of the Ming Dynasty was on Phi Island, which was like a nail that almost nailed the Korean Japanese army to the Korean peninsula.

Now, there is no choice but to give up some things, otherwise, the Ming army has naval divisions available, and they can land anytime and anywhere, which is too exhausting to deal with.

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(End of this chapter)

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