Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 750 Temptation

Chapter 750 Temptation (addition for the June 500 monthly pass)

Hearing this, Zu Dashou couldn't help recalling the past, and sighed in his heart.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the grievances and grievances between him and the current emperor were actually a bit inseparable.

In the third year of Chongzhen, when Jianlu invaded the capital and surrounded the capital, he led his men back to Shanhaiguan. It was Sun Chengzong who persuaded him to go back, and Emperor Chongzhen promised not to pursue it.

Later, he did work for the imperial court and stick to Dalinghe City.Of course, you have to say that it is reasonable for him to stick to his own territory; but later, under the siege of Jianlu, he ran out of ammunition and food, and had no choice but to surrender to Jianlu.

Later, he said that he could make Jinzhou surrender to the Qing Dynasty, deceived Huang Taiji, and ignored Jianlu after running back; Emperor Chongzhen appointed him an official, but asked him three times to go to Beijing to thank him, but he None of them went.

Because he felt that Emperor Chongzhen might have tricked him into going to the capital, and then the old and new accounts would be settled together.Anyway, he felt that Emperor Chongzhen was not a magnanimous person.

After Huang Taiji found out that he had been deceived, he launched the Battle of Songjin, trying to take down Jinzhou by force.

During this period, Zu Dashou did stick to Jinzhou very wholeheartedly and fought against the Qing Dynasty with all his strength, because his family was small and his strength was in Jinzhou.

But very helplessly, the entire army of the imperial court was wiped out again. Even the governor of Jiliao Hong Chengchou surrendered Jianlu. Jinzhou held on until the end of February in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen.

According to the original historical development, Huang Taiji still treated him kindly and asked him to write letters to persuade the old troops of the Guanning Army to surrender, including his nephew Wu Sangui, the general soldier of Ningyuan.

When Jianlu entered the pass, he entered the pass with Shunzhi, but he did not serve Jianlu again, and died of illness in the capital twelve years later.Later generations have mixed praise and criticism for him. Some say he is loyal to the Ming Dynasty, and some say he is a second official of the two dynasties, rebelling against the former lord, and some who are negative to the latter lord.

At this time, hearing Kong Youde's words, Zu Dashou fell into memory for a while, and then looked at Kong Youde and said: "Actually, I am already old, because there was a precedent, and the Qing Dynasty was very strict with me. Before Sending people to deliver letters to the imperial court for you is already doing everything I can. Let me do other things, I really have no power!"

"Hehe!" Kong Youde laughed immediately when he heard it, and he didn't know if he meant to be mocking, or contemptuous of what he said just now, "When you took me in, you actually already showed your heart, Why do you have to lie to yourself again? You don’t need to believe me, but will your nephew lie to you? Your Majesty is now a sage, and with the advice of Emperor Taizu, he will destroy Jianlu sooner or later. You have made great contributions, and you may be able to return home one day. The hometown, the fallen leaves return to their roots!"

Zu Dashou heard this, and to be honest, although he somewhat believed Emperor Taizu's advice on this matter, he was also afraid!

Emperor Taizu was not lenient in killing heroes back then, let alone someone like him who once committed the crime of killing nine clans; he was afraid that if he returned to the pass one day and had no military power in his hands, the emperor might look for him It's settled.

However, when Kong Youde said the words "fallen leaves return to their roots", he was touched again.

Zu Dashou is now in his seventies. Although he is still healthy, but he is old, the four words "fallen leaves return to their roots" seem to attract him like magic.

After thinking for a while, he remembered what his nephew said in the letter. After all, between Kong Youde and Wu Sangui, he believed what Wu Sangui said more.However, including some code words in Wu Sangui's letter, he can see it.

From Wu Sangui's point of view, the imperial court is indeed completely different from before, and has become stronger. However, the emperor has prejudice against Wu Sangui, and he can feel it. For this prejudice, he has to work hard in Dongjiang, hoping to get the emperor's understanding.

After Wu Sangui did this, Zu Dashou understood that he must have known that the Qing Dynasty would be defeated, otherwise, he would not have worked so hard!
Thinking about these things, Zu Dashou suddenly said to Kong Youde: "Forget it, my ancestor's family is deeply favored by the emperor, so I will die, let's fight!"

To him, being loyal to the emperor or not being loyal to the emperor is really not that important, the only thing that matters is the benefit.

Kong Youde was overjoyed when he heard that, after such a long time, he finally really talked about Zu Dashou, then he really did something in the rear of Jianlu.

Afterwards, Zu Dashou called back his four sons who had worked for Jianlu in various places, and announced his decision.


At the same time, Aixinjueluo Nikan, the king of Jianlu Duoluo County, had arrived at the royal court of the Horqin tribe. At this time, the head of the Horqin tribe was Wu Keshan.The relationship between him and Nikan is a bit messy.

For example, Nikan's father is Nurhachi's eldest son, Wu Keshan's aunt, who married his uncle, but at the same time, Wu Keshan's two younger sisters also married his uncle, and Huang Taiji's daughter married his son , according to the relationship, there is no way to forget.

Therefore, when the two parties meet, they both use their official positions to speak.

Needless to say, the Horqin family is a staunch ally of the Qing Dynasty and fully supports the decision-making of the Qing Dynasty.After all, Wu Keshan's nephew is now the little emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and he needs the support of his natal family most.

Therefore, on the Horqin side, they are faithfully implementing the policies of the Qing Dynasty, because one thing is very clear, given the relationship between the Horqin people and the Qing Dynasty, it is absolutely impossible for the Qing Dynasty to treat the Horqin people badly.

Tribal cavalry scouts come and go every day, sending various news to Nikan.

Nikan was happy when a certain tribe moved over; Nikan was angry when a lot of people from a certain tribe fled to the Ming Dynasty; a certain tribe said that it was okay to join forces, but they had to lead their own troops, and Nikan was angry...

But no matter what, this Nikan also has certain skills. No matter what happens, with the assistance of Wu Keshan, he finally followed Dorgon's will to integrate the ranch while integrating the armies of various tribes.

On this day, when he was busy, he suddenly saw Wu Keshan walking into the yurt excitedly, and said to him: "Just now, there is news from the horse inspection, and it has been verified that Guihua City is on the side. Opening up wasteland and farming, and the population of the Khalkha tribe in Mobei, and some of the Wacha population, are all there. If you can conquer that side, there will be a very big harvest, and it can also severely hit the Ming country!"

When Nikan heard this, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, I didn't expect that there were still some Wacha populations in Guihua City. Doesn't that mean that some tribes in Wacha were also conquered by the Ming Dynasty like the Mobei Khalkha Mongolian tribe?
On the Qing side, they are still looking forward to Wacha and the Tsarist Russian Empire stabbing the Ming Dynasty in the west, which can relieve the pressure on the Liaodong side!
He was delighted that the Ming Dynasty obviously underestimated the strength of the Qing Dynasty, and dared to open up wasteland and farm on a large scale outside the customs, and also gathered so many people, it was really a big piece of fat!
If a heavy army can be assembled and the city of Guihua can be captured in one fell swoop, it will be a fatal blow just as the Ming army can capture the grain production areas in the north of the Qing Dynasty.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked Wu Keshan, "In terms of military strength, have you verified it clearly?"

"The main cavalry force of the Ming Dynasty is about [-]." Wu Keshan replied quickly after hearing this, "The other Mongolian cavalry troops who dared to return to the Ming army were probably around [-]? But probably, this number should be about the same!”

When Nikan heard this, he immediately calculated in his mind that with a force of [-] cavalry, it is no wonder that the Ming army dared to open up wasteland and farm on such a large scale outside the pass!
This force is indeed a bit strong, but in Nikan's view, what really needs to be concerned is the [-] cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty itself. As for the more than [-] Mongolian tribal cavalry troops who dared to surrender, their combat power should be at least discounted .

Of course, the most important thing is that fighting on the grassland is completely different from siege in the pass. No matter how many troops there are, if the goal is not to capture, there is definitely a lot to do.

With a preliminary plan in mind, he hurriedly went with Wu Keshan to find out the detailed military situation of those who came back. Soon, he had a bold idea.

However, the matter was of great importance, and the war on the grassland was also related to the great battle in the pass. Nikan did not dare to make decisions without authorization, so he immediately rushed to Shengjing to meet the regent in person to inform him of his battle plan.

After Dorgon heard Nikan's report, he didn't make a decision immediately, but still hesitated.

Because in his opinion, the strength of the Ming army must not be underestimated, even if only [-] cavalry are the headquarters of the Ming army.Of course, the most important point is that even if they lose [-] cavalry troops in the Ming Dynasty, they can retreat for a while and then make a comeback; while in the Qing Dynasty, if they lose [-] cavalry troops, then the eastern grassland is an undefended area , Liaodong's flanks and rear will become the front line, which is very dangerous.

In the battle, if you win, although you can have a full meal, if you lose, it will make Daqing very passive.Although according to Nikan, the winning rate is very high.But Dorgon, as the ruler of the Qing Dynasty, still hesitated.

Seeing him like this, Nikan played to him again: "According to what the captive Mongols said, there is an iron ox in Guihua City, that is, an ox made of iron, which is more powerful than any steam train. It has not been used in the Ming Dynasty yet, so we will first use it to open up wasteland and farm in Guihua City. If we can take down Guihua City, maybe we can also reap these spoils!"

After a pause, he added: "I heard that the railway in Guannei will be built to Guihua City, that is, the steam train. But at present, although the words are convincing in Guihua City, I haven't seen it yet. It is said that it is the Repair it first, and continue to repair it to Guihua City, maybe after these few months, it has already been repaired outside the pass!"

Hearing his words, Dorgon's eyes widened, and greed was evident on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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