Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 777 Retribution

Chapter 777 Retribution
The imperial army attacking Liaodong by sea, more than [-] infantry and [-] chariot battalions were the second most trusted generals of Emperor Chongzhen and the most capable generals in his opinion. Sun Yingyuan led.

All the way north along the coastline, their destination was not the mouth of the Liaohe River as Dorgon thought, but Gaizhouwei.

On the seashore of Gaizhouwei, very close, there is a big island called Lianyun Island.

After the army arrived here, they first docked at Lianyun Island, and all the livestock on the ship that needed to rest were unloaded on the island to recover their strength.The army began to attack Gaizhouwei.

Gaizhouwei is a city near the sea, and it is also a barrier to the south of Haizhou City. Although Jianlu mobilized troops from various places for the Jinzhou war, he did not mobilize troops from Gaizhou, and still had a heavy defense.

Of course, this so-called heavy army actually only has less than [-] troops.This is not because Gaizhou is too small, but because Jianlu has only so many troops, [-] horses, is already a lot for Jianlu.

When Gaizhou Jianlu saw a large-scale Ming army fleet appearing on the sea, they tried to stop the Ming army from landing at first; they were bombarded by naval warships and fled back in despair.

There is almost no suspense about the next battle.

Under the command of Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong, the chariot camp landed and formed a defensive line in the field outside Gaizhou City, then unloaded [-] Hongyi cannons from the warships, lined up, before the Ming army fired. , Jianlu of Gaizhou City fled from the north gate.

Because there is no Hongyi cannon-level artillery in Gaizhou City at all, and the Ming army can unload more Hongyi cannons from warships. Taking advantage of the fact that the Ming army did not encircle Gaizhou, the thirty-six strategy is the best strategy.

Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong did not immediately send troops to pursue them. Instead, they sent people to put out the Jianlu and set fire to Gaizhou City before fleeing.

According to the prior combat plan, the reason why they did not attack from the mouth of the Liaohe River, but to take Gaizhou first, was that in the future, the entire Liao army would stockpile food, supplies, gunpowder and armaments in Gaizhou first.

After all, if it is transported by sea, the consumption on the road is much less than that of land transport.

After the imperial army captured Haizhou, they would use boats to pass through the Liaohe River, and it would not be too late to transport them inland.

On the third day after the capture of Gaizhou, the cavalry sent out did not collect at night, and they paid off one after another.

After Huang Degong heard the news, he said to Sun Yingyuan: "There are only more than [-] Jianlu in Yaozhou Station, and those who fled back went directly to Haizhou. Otherwise, I will lead the troops to take Yaozhou Station first." come down?"

Yaozhou Station is the post city between Gaizhou and Haizhou, with a distance of sixty miles between each.It is a transit station from Gaizhou to Haizhou. Generally speaking, if you rest here for one night, you can arrive in Haizhou the next day.

This point is also a very important peripheral node for Haizhou, an important town that Jianlu focuses on.

Therefore, Sun Yingyuan heard this and frowned a little and said: "Gaizhou is too close to the sea. It is reasonable for Jianlu to give up when they see our army attacking. However, if Yaozhou Station will not give up, it is equal to the sea. The south gate of the state is opened, and the imperial army can go directly to the city of Haizhou. The Jianlu will probably send troops to rescue, and then there will be a big battle!"

After hearing this, Huang Degong said indifferently: "I will lead [-] infantry, [-] chariot battalions, and [-] cavalry first. I don't believe it. What can Jianlu do to me? As long as I make a plan to take down Yaozhou Post, threaten With Haizhou's posture, Jianlu must panic and ask for help from Jinzhou, isn't this just the right response?"

Having said this, he paused, and added: "Don't worry, I won't go deep alone. If I really have to attack Haizhou, I will put on such a posture to scare Jianlu!"

After hearing this, Sun Yingyuan felt that it made sense, so he said to Huang Degong: "Well, you can take [-] infantry, [-] chariot battalions, and [-] cavalry to go there! More troops and more momentum. If you meet There are too many prisoners here, and I still have enough energy to support you. At worst, I can store food and supplies on the island, and I can support you with the whole army!"

Huang Degong didn't want to worry at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it would be good to be able to support Jinzhou, but his most important task was to guarantee Gaizhou, the place where grain and grass are hoarded.Sending troops to Yaozhou Station can also be regarded as a barrier for Gaizhou, and there is no room for loss.

Thinking of this, he agreed with Sun Yingyuan's proposal.

So, after the second day, Huang Degong led the troops and set off.

As a result, he was still on the way, and he came to report again if he didn't collect what he had sprinkled out.

"What, the great victory in Jinzhou?" Huang Degong immediately reconfirmed in surprise, "The Haizhou area is full of defeated troops of Jianlu and Japanese pirates?"

After getting Yebushou's reaffirmation, Huang Degong was very excited, and immediately ordered the whole army to march faster.

In the evening, when Huang Degong arrived at the Yaozhou post, he found that the Jianlu here had set fire to the Yaozhou post, and then the building was empty.

When the vanguard cavalry approached here, they could still see the defeated army, but when the defeated army saw the appearance of the Ming army, they all ran away.

Therefore, Huang Degong first stationed in Yaozhou post, and then sent cavalry to investigate the enemy's situation.

The next day, the news was further confirmed. Before they arrived in Gaizhou, the Jinzhou war had already been won and lost, and Jianlu and Japanese pirates were defeated.

Today, it can be said that the entire land of Liaodong is full of defeated troops fleeing for their lives in haste.

In Haizhou City, there used to be a false emperor who had built captives, but after hearing that the battle of Jinzhou was defeated, he fled back to Liaoyang overnight.

The chasing imperial army had not arrived at Haizhou, mainly because there were too few cavalry, and they were all transferred to the grassland.

Huang Degong went to check it himself, but he didn't dare to take advantage of the chaos, because it was too chaotic, and he had to ensure the smooth flow of the grain road from Yaozhou station to Gaizhou.

Therefore, he first sent troops to wipe out the defeated soldiers from Yaozhou Station to Gaizhou.

As a result, on the second day, Yebu took it back and reported that Haizhou was on fire, and the fire was very strong.

Hearing this news, Huang Degong couldn't sit still, and immediately led [-] cavalry troops, and rushed over to see the situation.

Before arriving in Haizhou, he had already seen the flames of Haizhou City soaring into the sky from a distance.

After getting a little closer, he found that the vicinity of Haizhou City was in chaos.

There are corpses everywhere, men, women, children, and, of course, all money rat-tailed prisoners.As for the culprit, needless to say, it is the Japanese pirates.

Huang Degong saw with his own eyes that groups of Japanese pirates, all carrying large and small packages on their bodies, looted everywhere with Japanese knives in their hands.

Seeing this situation, he understood what was going on.

Among the defeated troops in Jinzhou, Japanese pirates accounted for the vast majority.Hundreds of thousands of Japanese pirates have fled into the Haizhou area in an unorganized manner, and their military discipline has lost control. Of course, there may not be much military discipline in the first place, and they are being defeated, and their nature of burning, killing and looting is naturally exposed.Conflicting with the Haizhou defenders and looting the people of Jianlu is a natural thing that will happen.

When the Japanese pirates saw the arrival of the Ming army, they did not lay siege to them, but fled in all directions.

Huang Degong didn't chase after him. He just looked at the burning Haizhou City, inspected the surrounding areas, and saw all kinds of deaths of the people in Jianlu. He felt a little emotional. Such scenes are estimated to be staged everywhere in Liaodong.

For this, he has no sympathy, because Jianlu asked for it himself!
On the land of Liaodong, the buildings in Haizhou, Yaozhou, etc. were all built by Han people. It can be said that the prosperity of Liaodong was created by Han people with their own hands.

As a result, millions of Liaodong Han people were massacred by the Jian captives one after another. How many old and weak women and children, how many families were destroyed, and how many human tragedies were staged on the land of Liaodong!

It can be said that Jianlu's crimes are too numerous to write down!

Not only that, they also carried out the burning, killing and looting to the pass.Every few years, they enter the customs and loot once, and I don’t know how many Han people’s families were destroyed because of this, and their bones are scattered in the wild!
Originally thought, this revenge is impossible to avenge!When the imperial court officers and soldiers faced Jianlu, they fought and failed repeatedly, and lost the entire Liaodong step by step. Even the customs allowed Jianlu to come and go freely, and it felt like Jianlu was already invincible!
Unexpectedly, Emperor Taizu appeared and bestowed treasures on the current emperor. Under the guidance of Emperor Taizu, there was a great victory in Jizhou first, and then a great victory in Ningyuan. Jianlu captives, slave chieftains who had never thought of being captured before, were escorted to the capital to learn the canon law.

Step by step, the imperial court is getting better and stronger, and now, the imperial army has even counterattacked into Liaodong, defeating the Jianlu army, even if they seduce the Japanese pirates to help, it will not help.

Hehe, now, Jianlu has suffered retribution even more. He was burned, killed and looted by the defeated Japanese pirates. Just look at the scene in front of him.

Thinking of this, Huang Degong just sneered in his heart, and waited for you dogs to bite dogs first; after the imperial army arrived, no matter whether they were Jian captives or Japanese pirates, they would all be wiped out. Don't kill them!And repairing the railway, they can't be killed!

On the land of Liaodong, the barbarians are about to be expelled and the Han family will be restored!
Thinking of this, even if Huang Degong is a martial artist, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: The turmoil since the end of Wanli will finally be quelled!Those Han people who died unjustly, the sons of the Han family who died in battle, can finally rest in peace!

On the day when Liaodong is liberated, if there are no accidents in the court, there should be a big sacrifice, right?

(End of this chapter)

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