Chapter 792 Shocked
I saw a group of strong men wearing pointed hats, white leather boots, brown clothes, and small sash, swarming in. When they saw the maids and servants in the yard, someone immediately went over, drew a knife in their hand, and ordered them to kneel down. , more people came towards the door.

Xu Wenjue naturally recognized these people, they were still in Linhuaihou's mansion yesterday, why did they come to Duke Wei's mansion today?

It would have been fine if it was someone else, but now it was Fanzi who barged in so recklessly, he lost all confidence, and shouted sternly, "What are you going to do, do you know that this is Duke Wei's mansion?"

It's a joke, how could the people in Dongxi Factory not know where this place is!

Seeing him appearing at the door of the room, the leader immediately rushed to his door, stabbed him on the neck with a knife, and pressed hard, forcing Xu Wenjue to kneel on the ground. Then, he Then he sneered and said: "What are you pretending to do, you have committed a crime!"

The other fans continued to swarm into the house, and quickly took control of the inside. Even Xu Hongji, the Duke of Wei, was dragged off the bed by the fans and fell to his knees.Of course, he couldn't kneel anymore on his own, and there were two fans holding his shoulders from left to right.

Then, I saw Wang Dehua, the admiral of the East Factory, walking in slowly.

He snatched the Duke of Wei's mansion from Wang Cheng'en for the simple purpose of showing his attitude to Emperor Chongzhen that he is the emperor's knife!

"How dare you guys do this?" Xu Wenjue had already shouted at this time, "My father is seriously ill, if something goes wrong, who of you can take the responsibility?"

Hearing this, Wang Dehua lowered his head and glanced at Xu Hongji, who really only had half his life left, but he didn't care at all, and just said lightly: "The moths and rebels of a country, it's cheaper for you to die like this. What else do you want?"

Hearing this, Xu Wenjue was even more shocked, but this time was definitely not the time to soften, so he continued to shout sternly: "Don't be afraid of the whole of Nanjing if you dare to slander us, no, no, the whole of Ming Dynasty!" Are you going to attack your East Factory in groups?"

"Hehe, didn't you count the things you did yourself?" Wang Dehua heard this, turned around and paced in front of him, looked down at him and said, "It's not just you, Duke Wei, but any honorable person who has a part in rebellion and colluded with thieves , today they are all treated the same, are you surprised or not?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Wenjue was stunned.

The nobles in Nanjing City are all related to the founding heroes, and there are a lot of them.They are all going to be arrested, how many people do they need?
This is simply unimaginable!
At this moment, a maid suddenly heard a terrified voice shouting: "Master, master, master..."

All the people who heard the sound turned their heads to look, only to see Xu Hongji, who was kneeling there with his shoulders held by two fans, bowed his head.

A fan saw him, stepped forward to check, and then reported to Wang Dehua with a stern expression: "I'm out of breath!"

When Xu Wenjue heard it, he immediately cried out: "Okay, you killed my father and Duke Wei of Ming Dynasty, you..."

"Shut up!" Wang Dehua snarled immediately, causing Xu Wenjue to open his mouth immediately, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

To be honest, Wang Dehua didn't arrive first, and it felt a bit unlucky that this old man Xu Hongji died at this time.

But after he thought about it, he had no way out, since he did it, why should he care about these things?
Thinking of this, Wang Dehua sneered and said, "Xu Hongji, an old bastard, heard that his crimes were exposed, so he committed suicide in fear of crime. He really took advantage of him!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't want to be verbose anymore, and immediately ordered: "Take all the criminals away and ransack the house!"

After hearing this, his subordinates immediately followed the order. Anyway, they were all familiar with the matter of ransacking the house, so there was no need for Wang Dehua to order more.

At the same time, people are being arrested everywhere in Nanjing, and all of them are nobles who are usually high and high.The Dongxi Factory was short of manpower, and the army was there to help.

All the criminals were arrested and taken to the army camp in the city. There was already a change of defense here, and it was the army transferred by Wang Dehua from outside the city.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of all Nanjing people.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

"Did you see that Wei Guogong's mansion was confiscated by Dongchang!"

"Yesterday it was the residence of the Marquis of Linhuai, and today it is the residence of the Duke of Wei. What happened?"

"It's not just the two of them. I heard that most of the nobles in other cities have also been confiscated!"

"The news from the yamen is said to be related to stealing and selling the blueprint of the steam engine to Xiyi, but isn't this implicated too widely?"

"That's right, it's surprising that a whole family of nobles has been confiscated. So how many nobles can we have left in Ming Dynasty?"

"Could it be that the one above has no money again?"

"Isn't that impossible? The treasury's income is said to be tens of millions a year, which is completely different from before. How can there be a shortage of money?"

"Isn't Liaodong already at war? In the past, for the war in Liaodong, there was a collection of Liao's salary. Could it be that the emperor didn't want to collect money from our people and let these nobles pay for it?"

"Look at what you said, if you ask Xungui to pay for it, do you need to ransack the house for a crime?"

"Don't steal the house, how much do you think these nobles will pay? One hundred taels or one thousand taels, isn't it enough to fit between the teeth?"

"That's true. Who is willing to pay out? Even these nobles, I haven't seen them donating money to the court in the past few years!"


Emperor Chongzhen probably didn't hear these discussions, otherwise he would definitely complain. This time, it really wasn't for the money to raid the house!

Most of Nanjing's nobles have existed since the founding of the country. After two hundred and eighty years, the power has long been intertwined, and there are countless old students.

After being stunned at first, he quickly came to his senses.

They are people from all walks of life, and those who are related to nobles are generally in the army.On weekdays, with Xungui as the core, a huge interest group has been formed.

It can be said that Xungui is their backer and their big tree. Generally speaking, they definitely don't want their backer to fall.

Therefore, these people immediately acted to try to rescue their backers.

If it was in troubled times, maybe these people would use force.

However, it is now the end of the [-]th year of Chongzhen. The elite of the imperial court swept the world, not to mention the thieves, and even sent troops to exterminate several foreign countries, and even hoarded heavy troops in the north, preparing to destroy the Jianlu who had been raging in Liaodong for many years.

Under such a powerful army, no one dared to go all out and rescue their backers by means of treason.

After all, they are not stupid. The backer wants to save them, but if they are asked to risk their lives, the whole family, or even the whole family to save them, few of them will do so.

What most of them did was actually to save people in a way that would not affect them too much even if they failed under the rules of the imperial court.

However, this method also has advantages, that is, there are many people who are willing to do this, that is, the so-called more people, the more powerful, all of a sudden, the public opinion in Nanjing City exploded very quickly.

The focus of this public opinion is that although secretly selling the blueprint of the steam engine to Xiyi, it does harm Daming's interests, and let Xiyi get such a useful thing as the steam engine for nothing, which must be punished absolutely.

However, no matter how much punishment is imposed, it will not be possible to confiscate the homes of most of the nobles in Nanjing, right?It was even rumored that Dongchang forced Wei Guogong to death.

Even ordinary people who mainly eat melons, under this kind of public opinion, define the thing of arresting nobles and nobles in Dongxichang as arrogant, unreasonable, and arrogant.

Of course, the participation of those civil servants is also indispensable.For them, even though the imperial court is becoming more and more powerful, it does not prevent them from getting used to the political correctness of dealing with factory guards.

Some Qingliu from Nanjing even started to shout, wanting to write a letter to impeach the arrogance of the factory guard.

Among them, there are also those civil servants with a good reputation, such as Shi Kefa.

At this time, Shi Kefa was the censor of Zuodu of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate at that time. He had no real power, but he had a good reputation. With his participation, the Nanjing officialdom was really screaming and shouting at Dongxi Factory.

However, on the Nanjing side, the ones holding the most power are the eunuchs guarding Nanjing and the Nanjing garrison, all of whom are cronies of Emperor Chongzhen.

No matter how loud these people shouted, it was only in the field of public opinion at most, but no one dared to attack the barracks, and they couldn't do anything about it.

As time passed, the memorials to impeach Dongxichang and the memorials to defend Nanjing honors began to fly to the capital like snowflakes; but at the same time, as the trial at the barracks was going on, some news began to spread.

Those well-informed, upon hearing the news that came out, immediately died down, and even a few who rushed forward suddenly changed their attitude [-] degrees, from complaining about those nobles to directly Turned into: Even nobles must abide by the law!
This sudden change caught many people off guard.Those with a keen sense of smell immediately began to inquire about the news, and not long after, most of the news spread.

Until this time, the people in Nanjing knew that the arrest of so many nobles in Nanjing by the East and West Factory was not only related to the sale of steam engine blueprints to Xiyi, but also involved the collusion with thieves and the murder of Jinyi Wei officials. and other felonies.

It is said that these nobles in Nanjing are really capable of rebellion, no one will believe it, but combined with the original background, when Ma Shiying wants to rectify the place, the biggest harm is these hereditary nobles in Nanjing, for their benefit, do this kind of thing Come on, it's not incomprehensible.

What happened back then was actually not in the past few years, and most people have not forgotten what happened back then.

(End of this chapter)

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