Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 85 The Agronomist

Chapter 85 The Agronomist

If anyone hopes that Liu Weichao can make money the most, then this person must be Emperor Chongzhen.

At this time, he heard what Liu Weichao said, although he didn't understand what partner meant, but he knew it meant working hard together, so he also said excitedly: "Okay, I will strengthen the country, you make money, let's work hard together!"

After finishing speaking, maybe Liu Weichao's phone moved, and the camera turned around, and he saw something, only to hear Emperor Chongzhen quickly reminded: "Hey, for your dinner, which...sweet potato?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a smile, "Your eyes are really sharp! That's right, eating sweet potatoes tonight is simple, convenient and cheap!"

"Then you don't have any food?" Emperor Chongzhen asked a little puzzled after hearing this, "Is this the staple food?"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless when he heard it, you really think I am the emperor, my meal is not yours!

So, he explained: "I worked for a little more than a year before, and saved about [-] yuan; now that I have no income, every penny I spend is one penny less, and I want to start a business, so I can save money when I can. When you make money in the future, just eat better!"

Although Emperor Chongzhen didn't know how much the [-] yuan Liu Weichao said was, he could tell that Liu Weichao was actually short of money now.

Realizing this, he decided in his heart that Liu Weichao's situation must be improved as soon as possible to make him rich!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen kept this matter in his heart, and later discussed with Concubine Tian Gui to see if there is any good way?

But it was also because he saw the sweet potato just now, so he said to Liu Weichao: "I have already seen the photos of sweet potatoes and potatoes that you sent me, and I have asked people to find them. If there is anything else, please send it to me as well. Can you?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao patted himself on the head, and immediately said with an embarrassed smile: "Yes, yes, you are right, I will find the information and send it to you!"

Afterwards, he hung up the communication, and Liu Weichao started looking for it.

Corn, in ancient times, was called Fanmai, Yumai, Yumai, Corn, Pearl Rice, Cob, etc.The "Gong County Chronicles" in the 11th year of Jiajing already had the name "Yumai", but clear and detailed records can be found in Volume [-] of Gansu's "Pingliang Prefecture Chronicles" in the [-]th year: "Fanmai, one is Xitianmai, Seedlings and leaves are like Shushu, but short and fat, with ears at the end like rice instead of real. Reality is like a tower, as big as tung seeds, between the growth nodes, and the red velvet is at the end of the tower. It is five or six inches long. It is planted in March and planted in August. Receive." In addition, (Ming) Tian Yiheng's "Liuqing Rizha" and Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" are recorded.

Needless to say, sweet potatoes were passed down during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.Xu Guangqi once introduced the sweet potato from Fujian to Shanghai to grow it, and served the emperor Chongzhen with sweet potato seedlings.

Potatoes, also known as yams, potatoes, yam eggs, ground eggs, Dutch potatoes.It is native to the Andes in Peru and Bolivia in South America, and was domesticated by the Indians.It was introduced to Spain around 1570, to England in 1590, and to China around 1650.

This is a good thing to really solve the famine, but it seems that it was around 1642 in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, and it seems that Daming did not.Even if it already exists, it may be in a corner somewhere.Not as easy to find as corn and sweet potatoes.

Peanut, also known as longevity fruit, groundnut, ground pine, longevity fruit, sweet potato, fig, etc., is a kind of food that people like, and it is also an important oil crop.There are two kinds of small-grained and large-grained. The earliest records of the small-grained type were found in Jia Ming’s "Food Instructions" in the late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty. The large-grained type was only introduced in the Qing Dynasty.This is also very useful and needs to be vigorously promoted.

Pepper, also known as pepper, sea pepper, Qin pepper, ground pepper, and tomato, was introduced to Europe in 1493, and to RB from 1593 to 1598.There are two ways to introduce it to China: one is to introduce it to Gansu, Shaanxi and other places through the ancient Silk Road; the other is to introduce it to Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places by sea.The record of peppers in China first appeared in (Ming) Gao Lian's "Eight Notes of Zunsheng" (1591).

That is to say, peppers have been around since the end of the Ming Dynasty, but they were not widely used. They were even used as ornamental flowers at the beginning.This is also worth talking about to Emperor Chongzhen.

Tomato, also known as tomato, tomato, June persimmon, foreign persimmon, etc.Native to the Andes in South America, the earliest record in my country can be found in (Ming) Wang Xiangjin's "Quanfangpu"...

Huh, wait!

Liu Weichao found something wrong here, so he looked through the information again and looked forward.

Finally, he clicked on Wang Xiangjin's profile to read.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you are immediately overjoyed.

Wang Xiangjin (1561~1653) Ming Dynasty literati, officials, agronomist, bypassing medicine...

These are actually nothing, the most important thing is that from 1607 to 1627, Wang Xiangjin led his servants to manage the gardens at home, plant all kinds of thinning fruits, collect ancient books extensively, and compiled "Qunfangpu" in more than 10 years, with 30 volumes.It is a great work discussing the production of various crops and some issues related to production in the early 17th century in my country.

As long as the several crops that Liu Weichao found just now existed in the late Ming Dynasty, Wang Xiangjin seems to have recorded them.

For a long time, he believed that Xu Guangqi was a master of agriculture in the late Ming Dynasty.Unexpectedly, there is still a Wang Xiangjin hiding.

This Wang Xiangjin may have a different direction from Xu Guangqi.

Xu Guangqi's "Nongzheng Quanshu" is a great work that really aims at agricultural production.As for Wang Xiangjin, he is more like a local tyrant who likes flowers and plants, so he played with them at home and wrote a book.

I didn't run away. Although this person may not be as good as Xu Guangqi, he is definitely suitable to be the Minister of Agriculture of Emperor Chongzhen in this late Ming Dynasty!

It seems that he is a Donglin party, but what does it matter?Let him take care of the farming, don't worry about party disputes, and let Emperor Chongzhen knock him down!

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao checked the information back and forth, and even spent money to buy a paper about Wang Xiangjin, about his life.After reading it, he picked up his mobile phone and prepared to contact Emperor Chongzhen.

But as soon as he picked up the phone, he suddenly remembered that Emperor Chongzhen couldn't contact him before. In order not to forget, he simply turned on the voice first.

As for cell phone ringtones?Liu Weichao auditioned a few, and finally chose the song sung by Xu Sanduo in "Soldier Assault", which is simple.

At that time, I saw Xu Sanduo singing in front of the mirror at the empty stairs, which also touched him very much.

Then, he contacted Emperor Chongzhen.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen did not sit there and wait for Liu Weichao to pass on the information.

It was getting late, and he was having dinner with his big family.

Although Emperor Chongzhen was a poor emperor, the standard of meals was definitely beyond Liu Weichao's comparison.

Emperor Chongzhen was in the throne, accompanied by Empress Zhou, and there were two other concubines, Concubine Tian and Concubine Yuan.Then there are a bunch of princes and princesses.

While eating, suddenly, the mobile phone rang, and Emperor Chongzhen's hands shook in fright, and the soup was spilled!

 Thanks to book friend 20200201174537740 for the reward of 5000 starting coins, thanks to book friend 20210410101037108 for the reward of 1500 starting coins, thanks to Yishou Yi Xingchen Xiaoxiaojun for the reward of 700 starting coins, thanks to book friends for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to Misty Guixian, Book friend 20210410101037108, book friend 160808211019954, one person dies, Long Lian light, Baron Sagittarius, Climb to the End of the World with a Sword, Doudoubao, dicksonhk, Jingkang's shame is still unsolved, when will Xue Chenzi's hatred die, Magic Dragon Bage, absolutely Yes, a reward for the little one!

(End of this chapter)

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