From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1010 The long-lost family atmosphere

Chapter 1010 The long-lost family atmosphere

Returning to the home where he had been away for a year, Yuto originally thought that he would be greeted with extremely warm cheers, but Yuto was obviously a little self-indulgent.

As soon as he got home, Tianshangyuan Masami immediately stepped forward and grabbed his ear, directly asking him where he had been fooling around this year, and then started Masami's "mother reprimand mode".

When Yami entered this state, no one in the Tianshangyuan family dared to stop her.

Whether it was Spider Princess who was the housekeeper at home, or Yukihime who was in charge of the "Hyakuya Group", although they felt sorry for Yuto being reprimanded by pointing their noses at the moment, they didn't dare to speak up for Yuto at this moment.

Yuyihu saw that Yami had entered the "virtuous mother mode", quickly took out a small notebook, and began to record seriously.

Taking Masami as the most devout believer, the God of Candlelight who is currently staying in Yuto's house is gloating at this moment.

Seeing her brother whom she hadn't seen for a year, Liu Ji of Tianshangyuan originally wanted to go up to him to have a tender relationship with him, but when she saw that Yuto came back empty-handed and didn't bring her a gift at all, she just turned her head and ran away .

The intimate little padded jacket in the past has leaked air now, and looking at Liu Ji now, Youdou also felt a trance.

Several years have passed since he was involved in various incidents, and now Ryuhime has grown from a primary school student to a slim young girl.

Because of Yuto's identity, it is no longer a secret in the Exorcism family, so when she was in junior high school, Liu Ji also directly chose the local Exorcism Academy.

When Youdou left the main world a year ago, Liu Ji, who was demonized, had already reached the terrifying S level.

Now Liu Ji is just maintaining a normal state, and her body is already overflowing with S-level demon power.

If it is demonized, it is not difficult to judge that this girl is at least at the SSS level.

You Dou knew that, as a "perfect ghost clan", when no girl in his family turned into a demon, his strength improved far more than himself.

In the past, because Liu Ji wanted to hide her identity as a half-demon, she didn't dare to have contact with too many classmates, because she would be regarded as a terrible alien and rejected.

But now that the world has changed drastically, the so-called "heterogeneous" is the idol worshiped by the world, and Yuto's identity has been exposed, so Lucy doesn't need to be as secretive as before.

Youdou of Tianshangyuan is the world's strongest exorcist, so naturally he is also the idol of many students in various schools of exorcism.

The surname of Tianshangyuan is quite rare, so when Liu Ji entered the school as a transfer student, it did cause a sensation.

However, unlike the common plots of most dramas, Liu Ji did not become the role of "Sister of Yuto of the Heavenly Court" because of her brother's excellence.

But Liu Ji proved with her absolute strength and talent that she herself is also a super evildoer.

Because of her strong base of demonic power, Liu Ji has already learned all the spirit-eliminating techniques in the three years of junior high school within only one month of enrolling in the Spirit-eliminating Academy.

Because there was nothing to learn, I finally chose to skip to the high school, and in just half a year, I mastered all the high school courses!
Originally, with Liu Ji's talent and strength, she could already skip a grade to university, and even enter the society to work, but was rejected by Yaxiang because Liu Ji was too young.

No matter how powerful children are, they will always be children in the eyes of their parents.

Tianshangyuan Masami's idea is also very simple. In the past, Youdou went out to work too early, so now he is away from home for three days. She doesn't want her daughter to become like this in the future.

In the past, Masami couldn't stop Yuto from doing dangerous work because of the difficult conditions at home.

But it's different now. Over the years, she has secretly saved a lot of money, so Yami is extremely resistant to Liu Ji's dangerous work.

What's more, Tianshangyuan Masami has secretly asked Jiuxiang more than once if there is any simple and easy clerical work in the unnatural countermeasures team, that is, the kind that can clock in and go to get off work every day. After Liu Ji graduates, she can help arrange it.

Anyway, the same job position as Yudou's is definitely not good. Although she gets a lot of salary, the disappearance of playing every day makes her often frightened.

And when she heard Yami's thoughts, Jiuxiang's expression was also embarrassing. She really wanted to say that your son's disappearance after playing for three days or two really has nothing to do with their countermeasure team.

What's more, Yuto joined the "Unnatural Countermeasures Team". After a few years, he didn't work for a few days at all, and the incidents were not dealt with much, but he still received his monthly salary...

Moreover, with Liu Ji's strength, he might not be able to win against her steadily. With such strength and talent, going to be a civil servant, isn't that a waste of money?
Therefore, Ryuhime, unable to continue skipping grades and entering social work early, is still enjoying college life and serves as the student council president of the largest school in Tokyo.

It is said that Liu Ji has not yet graduated, and many people from big companies and spirit-eliminating organizations have extended olive branches in advance, and have offered ridiculously generous salaries and positions, hoping that Liu Ji can work for them after graduation Woolen cloth.

All in all, the current Lucy, whether outside or inside the school, is a star-level figure.

And compared to his excellent younger sister, Yudou even felt that he, the so-called "strongest spirit extermination master", was a perfect waste when compared with his own younger sister at the same age...

When Youdou was in junior high school, it was difficult to even kill a rat demon, but now Liu Ji can even torture the demon king with one hand.

Even if the reason why the spiritual energy in the world became richer is excluded, when Youdou entered the Yin-Yang School to practice the spirit-elimination technique and activate the spiritual power, it was far less smooth than Liu Ji.

Even if it wasn't for the fact that he possesses the "Encyclopedia of Ghost Dao", Yuto's current exorcism is still at the second-rate level...

They are obviously brother and sister, but Liu Ji's various talents are almost the type of chasing and feeding by the heavens.

Tianshangyuan Masami's preaching was still going on, but Yuto found keenly that some fine wrinkles had begun to appear on his mother's face.

That's right, a few years have passed, and Lucy has grown from a lolita to a young girl. As an ordinary person, Masami Tensami, it is impossible for the years not to leave traces on her body.

If it weren't for the fact that the lives of the Tianshangyuan's family have improved over the years, Yuto reckoned that Masami might have aged faster.

The materials for the monster serum have been collected, and the monster serum for Masami must be arranged as soon as possible.

"Auntie, don't be angry, okay, this candy was secretly left by Gongzi before, and I'm giving it to you now..."

Yuto was still thinking about the monster serum, but an extremely immature girl's voice below him made Yuto obviously stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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