From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1058 The Plan and Awakening of the Spirit Elimination Family

Chapter 1058 The Plan and Awakening of the Spirit Elimination Family
There are only a few defeated gods left, but this does not mean that they have no power to fight back.

When the Seven Lucky Gods descended, the space barrier between the two worlds had been weakened again, and the gods who descended here next time would be Amaterasu Omikami, Tsukiyomi Ogami, Susanoo, and Kagudo Ming.

The god who chose to hibernate has temporarily given up the idea of ​​competing with monsters and spirit masters.

After the war, the Patriarchs of the Exorcist Family gathered together again, discussing the future action plan and distributing the spoils at the same time.

After this battle, there were not a few monsters and gods who fell here, as well as various broken artifacts and the like.

These things are useless to monsters like You Dou and the like, but they are a huge asset to the Spirit Eliminator.

They can refine broken artifacts into artifacts, and they can make those fallen monsters into serums, gods, etc., and they can make shikigami.

When distributing the spoils, including the hundred "spiritual power crystals" and "resurrection sticks" given by Yudou as a thank you, these exorcism families quarreled again.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Patriarch Yamato finally roared unbearably, blaming everyone for passing this battle. Could it be that all he sees is the so-called spoils of war?

"It is said to be a three-party war, but this battle is actually more like a contest between the gods and the "Hyakuya Group".

Except for the lineage of spiritual masters, we even only played a dispensable role in it. Haven't you realized your own shortcomings?
Whether we are facing the "Hyakuya Group" or the gods, we are powerless to resist either side. "

Patriarch Yamato's words were deafening, but it also made many patriarchs of aristocratic families stunned. In the final analysis, their high-end combat power except for spiritual masters is still too little.

As far as the number of people and grassroots combat power is concerned, the Spirit Elimination family has tens of millions, and they even have an advantage in this regard.

In terms of background, many of these spirit-eliminating families have been passed down for thousands of years, which may not be as long as those of the gods, but things like the "Hundred Night Group" are even more inferior.

But in this battle in the Tokyo area, the combat power that the Healer camp could produce was too little, even the cadres of the "Hyakuya Group" were inferior.

According to Yuuto Tenshangin, his goal is not to rule the world, but like Abe Seimei before, he wants to build a world where humans and monsters live together.

So if the current situation continues to develop, human beings will inevitably be in a declining situation in the future.

When the Tianshangyuan family still exists, humans and monsters may be able to maintain a fragile balance.

But after thousands of years, if the Tianshangyuan family is destroyed or declined, will the powerful monsters continue to maintain a state of harmonious coexistence with humans?

"I have a proposal, how about we set up a training camp to cultivate the talents of the younger generation.

We don't divide the spoils this time, how about putting them directly into this training camp, and a group of real spiritual masters come out everywhere? "

When Patriarch Yamato's words were first uttered, only a few patriarchs of aristocratic families raised objections, but more patriarchs fell into silence.

Whether to make some sacrifices for the sake of righteousness, or to strive for the interests of the moment, so as to strengthen one's family, is just a difficult decision.

This matter has been discussed by the Spirit Elimination Family Alliance for several days, and finally came to a conclusion.

It’s better to plan ahead, or to avoid being too powerless in the battle with the gods. After some discussions, most of the families finally agreed to the proposal of Patriarch Yamato and decided to implement this plan.

And in this plan, they also perfected many rules and decisions.

That is to abandon the previous prejudices, and they intend to gather all the outstanding young generations of the present generation and concentrate on training them.

And the trainees of this training camp, no matter whether they are from aristocratic families or ordinary people, they are all eligible to be selected, as long as they are good enough.

All the resources needed to cultivate these young geniuses are provided by the Spirit Elimination Family.

And this time, the "Genius Training Camp" organized by the Spirit Elimination Family obviously wanted to be serious.

Not only did the smugglers provide resources, but they also realized that in the face of disaster, if they choose to cherish themselves, the line of spiritual masters will be wiped out sooner or later.

In order to cultivate real geniuses, these spirit-eliminating families have made a major decision, that is, not to cling to their own inheritance, but to choose to unify and teach these selected young geniuses.

For example, the "Kongxu family" is good at swordsmanship, so they will be responsible for teaching the genius swordsmanship of these training camps.

The "Kamisakura family" is good at spells, so they will teach these geniuses the way of spells, and so on, the same is true for the family of exorcising spirits such as Tsuchimikado and Kakumori.

Abandoning the views of family background and family status, only focusing on real talent, coupled with the strengths of hundreds of schools, and a lot of resources.

There is no doubt that as long as you enter this so-called "genius training camp", you will definitely become a leader among spiritual masters in the future.

Today's heads of the Spirit Elimination Family are already old, and their strength has begun to decline, and they have no future to speak of.

That's why they finally came up with such a method in order to cheer up the Spirit Eliminator lineage again.

In front of the mighty gods and the "Hyakuya Group", it would be foolish to maintain the proud attitude of the past.

Now is no longer the time to stick to one's own opinion and guard that little family property as before, otherwise the three monster-killing and thirteen families like "Shen Gong Temple" will be their role models.

Not to mention that the family was destroyed, not even the inheritance was left behind.

So what was their persistence in the first place?

Although the Tianshangyuan family was wiped out more than ten years ago, and it was only a small and medium-sized exorcism family before, it is now a hot existence in the whole world.

It can be seen that what is precious to a family is not those inheritances, but those talents who have mastered the inheritance.

Today is the information age, and the spread of news is very fast.

When the spirit-killing family released the news, all the young spirit-killing masters were overwhelmed.

There is no doubt that as long as you can enter this so-called "genius training camp", it means that you are going to the real pinnacle of life.

Contacts, inheritance, spiritual tools and strength, everything will become within your reach.

This is a training camp jointly organized by hundreds of families, big and small, and it is a holy place where you can learn the strengths of each family.

Leaving aside whether you can become a strong person in the training camp, just entering it is like plating a layer of 24K pure gold, and when you come out later, others will look at you highly.

(End of this chapter)

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