From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1074 The Jilei Mountain Began to Change

Chapter 1074 The Jilei Mountain Began to Change

The group of monsters attacked Jilei Mountain, the momentum that day was quite spectacular, the pervasive soaring monster aura, even the heavenly generals who observed the lower realm in the heavenly court noticed it.

However, when he reported it to the higher authorities, the higher authorities ignored it at all, thinking that a group of little demons gathered to fight, and it was not worthy of their attention at all.

Many monsters who participated in the Long Live Fox King's birthday that day are also watching the show with the attitude of watching a good show, and secretly laughing at the lack of vision of those monster kings who are eager to accumulate Leishan's wealth.

That's right, the Long Live Fox King is indeed dead, but a more ruthless character has appeared. It's ridiculous that those demon kings thought they could take advantage of it.

Judging from the strength displayed by King Youming at the birthday banquet that day, most of these demon kings who went to attack Jilei Mountain might lose their troops.

However, the facts also proved that those demon kings really failed to take down Jilei Mountain that day, but the result was not the loss of soldiers and generals as many demon kings guessed, but a complete annihilation!
There were at least a few demon kings who gathered in Jilei Mountain that day, plus the little demons under their command, the number reached at least several thousand.

However, with such a large-scale attack on Jilei Mountain, what many people who eat melons did not expect was that they not only failed to take down Jilei Mountain, but were even completely wiped out!
According to the ghosts of Jilei Mountain at that time, the Nether King used the method of thunder to induce thunder and lightning in the sky, attracting countless thunderbolts to baptize the entire Jilei Mountain.

The World-Mietering Thunder raged on Jilei Mountain for more than a quarter of an hour. During this period, no matter whether it was a little demon or a demon king, there was basically no difference before the World-Mietering Thunder, and they were all reduced to powder in an instant.

It was also from this day that the Long Live Fox King of Jilei Mountain became a thing of the past, and now the reputation of King Youming of Jilei Mountain has completely spread throughout the demon world.

Even the Bull Demon King in the Bajiao Cave of the Flaming Mountain announced in a high-profile manner that the Nether King is his brother-in-law, and anyone who takes action against him will not give him face as an old cow.

The news that You Dou wiped out many demon kings in an instant with the powerful lightning method quickly spread throughout Xiniu Hezhou.

With its powerful strength, many well-known little demons came to vote very soon.

And the first ones who came to seek refuge were the wolf demon that You Dou had just met when he came to this world, and a few of his cronies.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the new king of Jilei Mountain is far stronger than the original Wan Yaohu King.

Becoming monsters under the opponent's command, when the Nether King rises in the future, their identities will naturally rise accordingly.

As for whether You Dou can rise, most of the local monsters in Jilei Mountain have no doubts about it.

First of all, in terms of wealth, the wealth of the Long Live Fox King is almost well known, and these are now inherited by the Nether King as his son-in-law.

As for the background, he is the brother-in-law of the "Ping Tian Da Sheng" Bull Demon King. How many people in the entire demon world dare to offend the Bull Demon King and his wife.

Needless to say about potential and strength, King Youming has only cultivated for more than [-] years, and he is already so powerful. If it takes another few hundred years, naturally, there is no need to say more.

"Brother Wolf, this time we are all counting on you. It is said that you are the cousin of King Nether, and now you are serving under his command, and you are probably a second-in-command."

Enjoying the flattery and flattery of the ghosts around him, Mr. Wolf Mountain has never been so comfortable.

He is actually not a great monster within the range of Jilei Mountain, let alone outside of Jilei Mountain.

But now, relying on his identity as the cousin of King Nether, he is enjoying himself in the land of Jilei Mountain.

Those monsters who want to enter Moyun Cave will basically ask him to introduce them, and the benefits, he naturally makes a lot of money.

At the beginning, the first people to ask Wolf Mountain Lord for help were the deer and snake demons he knew.

Because of face, Mr. Langshan at that time had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead two friends to Moyun Cave.

At the beginning, Mr. Langshan was very nervous, but when he knew that the charming and charming jade-faced fox came out to meet them and called Mr. Langshan "Uncle", he suddenly became flustered.

He didn't know whether Youdou had forgotten about this matter, or acquiesced to their cheap relationship, but in short, the jade-faced fox called "Uncle", and his status in Jilei Mountain would be different in the future.

After his status has risen, Mr. Wolf Mountain also knows how to measure, he only relies on some connections to make a small profit, but he dare not use You Dou's reputation to bluff and deceive.

Because he himself is quite clear that he is not really the cousin of the Nether King, once he annoys the other party, the end will not be much better than that of the previous demon kings.

As for why the jade-faced fox called Mr. Wolf Mountain "Uncle", it really is because Youdou forgot about the wolf demon.

You Dou didn't explain his relationship with the wolf demon, but the jade-faced fox thought that Mr. Langshan was really her husband's cousin, so he called him uncle.

As for You Dou, after he became the new king of Jilei Mountain, he also set many new rules one after another.

That is, starting today, the ban on the mountain will be lifted and ordinary humans will be allowed to go up the mountain.

Moreover, monsters within the range of Jilei Mountain are prohibited from devouring human beings, and if they are found, they will be severely punished.

If the previous orders of You Dou made the monsters think that they were just treating humans favorably, then the next orders made the monsters of Jilei Mountain quite confused.

Because You Dou actually wanted them to open mountains and build roads so that humans could go up the mountains more conveniently, and they also wanted to open a market on the mountain for exchange and trade.

For You Dou's series of operations, the spirits of Jilei Mountain were really puzzled.

In their view, mere human beings are nothing more than blood food. Even if they want the goods in the other party's hands, they can just grab them with their hands. Could it be that weak human beings can resist them?
But even though the spirits of Jilei Mountain were full of puzzles and doubts about You Dou's behavior, due to You Dou's powerful strength and deterrent power, the spirits still chose to obey.

At the beginning, the civilians at the foot of Jilei Mountain were unaware of the changes in Jilei Mountain.

Until one time, because his mother was seriously ill, a mountain man urgently needed to go up the mountain to collect precious medicinal materials, so he resolutely went to climb the mountain regardless of the rumors in the village.

When he climbed to the mountainside and crossed the so-called taboo, he found that the scenery on Jilei Mountain was very good. He did not encounter any dangerous monsters, and walking along the wide road, he even found a huge market.

What is sold in this market are all kinds of precious medicinal materials and minerals from the mountains, but such rare and expensive medicinal materials only cost the price of a few pigs.

Even the lady boss who looked like a fairy said that since she was the first customer, the medicinal materials he sold that day would be given away for free.

When he returned to the foot of the mountain, the man felt as if he had a dream, but the medicine in his hand was so real...

(End of this chapter)

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