From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1080 The monkey who was beaten and fled

Chapter 1080 The monkey who was beaten and fled
"Red boy caught my master, since he wanted to eat Tang monk meat like others, now he is reaping the consequences.

And now, being the boy of good fortune under the seat of Guanyin, he can be regarded as being promoted, so what's so bad about it. "

Monkey King held the golden cudgel in his hand, and wanted to do it directly, but he was worried that after defeating Yudou, some relatives of the Bull Demon King's family would come out.

"It's so ridiculous, is it considered ascension if you convert to Buddhism? Then you, Monkey King, made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and now you betrayed and went to the West to seek scriptures.

Let me ask you a question, if you were not put on a magic spell, would you like to learn scriptures, or be the happy and carefree Great Sage Equaling Heaven?
Compared with you, Honghaier, a benevolent boy, has no freedom at all. He will follow wherever the Guanyin master is there. If the Guanyin master does not leave the South Sea Bamboo Forest, he can only stay obediently in the dojo.

Such a bondage, then I would like to ask, if it was you, the Monkey King, would you be able to bear it? "

You Dou's question from the soul seems to have touched on Sun Wukong's bad memories, so at this moment, he didn't think about his relationship with the Bull Demon King, and rushed directly to where You Dou was, and threw his stick.

The Bull Demon King's sworn brother has been beaten, and now he still cares that the other party is Princess Iron Fan's brother-in-law?

The one who swore with him was the Bull Demon King. As for Princess Iron Fan, Sun Wukong had never even met her before. Since the other party was so ignorant of good and bad, then he, Monkey King, would naturally kill demons and slay demons.

The golden cudgel weighing [-] jin fell, and even some spirits who had achieved success in cultivation did not dare to confront Sun Houzi head-on, but at this moment Youdou neither dodged nor revealed his weapon, but directly clenched his fists went up to welcome.


The fist collided with Shenzhen Iron, and a powerful wave of sound swept across the surroundings instantly, and the ground under the feet of Youdou and Monkey King also instantly cracked.

But what Sun Wukong didn't expect was that he thought that what appeared in front of him was just a little-known little monster, but he didn't expect the other party's horizontal practice of supernatural powers to be so good.

You must know that they have come all the way to learn from the scriptures, and there is no guy who dares to fight directly with his golden cudgel with his body!

Feeling the force from the golden cudgel, You Dou shook it away with his arm, and then slowly pulled out Horeste from his waist.

"Is the so-called Great Sage Equaling Heaven only at this level?
If this is the case, then today you can't take Luotaiquan to save your master and younger brother. "

After the voice fell, You Dou did not choose to sit and wait for death, but with a flash of his figure, he took the initiative to attack the monkey.

The long knife waved in the air, leaving streamers of light with mana trails, and the golden cudgel in Monkey King's hand swung, repeatedly blocking You Dou's blade.

All of a sudden, the sound of tinkling weapons colliding reverberated throughout the field, and judging from the frequency of weapons clashing, it could also be seen that the two were fighting very fast.

Sun Wukong inherited Fangcun Mountain as his teacher, and he was born from Nuwa's Heaven-Mending Stone absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. Naturally, his abilities are extremely good, and his martial arts are also nothing to say.

On the way to learn from the Western Paradise, don't look at the monkeys and move them to rescue soldiers, but the point is that those monsters either have good magic weapons to bully him, or they are the mounts of some big bosses or boys under them.

The monkeys who suffered in the past are now naturally more than five hundred years ago. Since the disciples under the command of the Buddhist lords are making trouble, why does he beat himself to death and go directly to the other party's parents? problem.

However, facing You Dou in front of him, Monkey King really felt the pressure.

Since the trouble in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago, this is the first time Monkey King has encountered a monster with such a good martial arts, except for the third prince Nezha and Erlang God Yang Jian.

Moreover, not only is his martial arts excellent, but his brute force is also extremely astonishing. Although he looks thin and small, he considers himself a bit brute force.

But now when facing Youdou's onslaught, Monkey King only felt numbness in his arms.

This was not only because of the opponent's astonishing strength, but also because of the long knife weapon in the opponent's hand, every time it collided with the golden cudgel, it would form a strong vibration, and cause a certain degree of shock damage to himself who was attacking next.

The light of the knife and the shadow of the stick reflected each other in the air, and the hand-to-hand combat between the two became more and more intense.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that, as time goes by, Sun Wukong has gradually been suppressed.

Because the two are fighting, Sun Wukong is the one who has been forced to retreat, and the sword technique in Yuto's hand has become more and more dangerous, and even some monkey hairs on the monkey's body were cut off when avoiding .

"Eldest brother, let me wish you a helping hand!"

Seeing that his elder brother was not the opponent of the monster, Monk Sha held his magic pestle in both hands and was ready to step forward to support.

However, just as he took his steps, a pair of swords had already stabbed out from his side, forcing Monk Sha to raise his pestle to defend.

Needless to say, who made the shot was Princess Iron Fan who had been standing still on the clouds before.

The reason why Princess Iron Fan didn't move at first was because she was worried that Youdou would not be Sun Houzi's opponent.

After all, although my younger brother is very capable, Monkey, as the master of the Heavenly Palace, has both fame and strength.

And it wasn't until You Dou really got involved with Monkey King and suppressed him, that Princess Iron Fan knew that her original worries were completely unnecessary.

At this moment, Monk Sha wanted to end the game to help out, so Princess Iron Fan would naturally not choose to stand by and do nothing.

As the battle became more and more intense, the monkey had more and more knife marks on his body. Monkey King, who soon realized that he was no match, used his magical powers in a hurry.

I saw a change in his body, accompanied by a loud eagle cry, his figure suddenly transformed into a huge eagle flying with wings spread, and he grabbed Monk Sha's shoulder and was ready to run.

Seeing this scene, Princess Iron Fan took out a fan like a pendant from the gully in her chest, and was just about to chant a spell to grow bigger, but was stopped by You Dou beside her.

"Sister, wait a minute, monkeys have copper skin and iron bones. Using a plantain fan will not only kill them, but also make them run faster."

You Dou, who was on the ground, blocked Princess Iron Fan's movements, while pinching with one hand, and began to mutter words.

"The crack of the spinning wheel of the thundering carriage, this thing has form, and its body is bound by the spirit as a chain!

The Sixty-Three of Bind Dao: Lock Bar Lock! "

The golden chain burst out, winding up like a spirit snake, and wrapped around Monk Sha's ankle at an extremely fast speed.

In terms of strength, monkeys are no match for You Dou, which has been proven before.

Therefore, under the drag of the "chain lock", the monkey with Monk Sha couldn't fly at all.

And Monk Sha, who realized that he was being held back, acted extremely decisively, and directly chose to let go, letting You Dou drag him down.

(End of this chapter)

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