From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1082 Rescue soldiers brought by monkeys

Chapter 1082 Rescue soldiers brought by monkeys

Every time the monkey came up to the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor felt that nothing good happened.However, it is different from five hundred years ago, the monkey head is covered by a Buddhist gate now, the four masters and apprentices have basically determined the fruit status of the Buddhist gate, and the Jade Emperor can't turn a blind eye to it.

Sun Wukong first briefly explained the situation, and then followed the usual practice, and began to roll around in the main hall, saying that if Heavenly Court did not help this favor, he would not leave.

The ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties of the Tang monk and his disciples studying the scriptures in the west were actually arranged by both Buddhism and Taoism. Among them, Buddhism accounted for the majority of the merits and virtues, and Taoism also accounted for a part.

This is why in the Eighty-one Difficulties, most of the monsters are not from the West Heaven, but also from the Heavenly Court, and it is also the reason why Sun Wukong asks for help every time, anyone will help.

Monkey doesn't say that people hate ghosts, but his connections are definitely not counted as helping anyone in the Three Realms whoever he asks for help.

It's okay to cut off the teaching before, after all, they follow the teaching without discrimination, and the relationship with the same sect is also very good.

As for explaining teaching..., they have always looked down on monsters and the like.

Everyone will unanimously help the four Tang monks, masters and apprentices, all because they want to gain a little merit from the enlightenment of the world by learning scriptures from the Western Paradise.

After listening to the monkey's narration, the Jade Emperor calmly glanced at Taibai Jinxing not far away.

And Taibai Jinxing, who was the Jade Emperor's caring little padded jacket, quickly understood what the Jade Emperor meant, and shook his head without leaving a trace.

The meaning it wants to express is also obvious, that is, the monsters they encountered did not come from their side of heaven.

And since it wasn't a monster from their side of heaven, it could only be a disaster arranged by Buddhism.

After all, the monkey's ability is there, and there are only a few of those ordinary wild monsters who have no foundation.

None of the Heavenly Generals present had heard of the so-called "King of the Netherworld".

And the ones who can beat the monkey to ask for help are probably the characters arranged by Buddhism.

Acting in a full set, in order not to break the layout, the Jade Emperor was embarrassed to ignore Monkey King's plea for help, so in the end he could only order [-] heavenly soldiers, plus giant spirit gods and twenty-eight stars to accompany Monkey King to subdue demons.

As for Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie getting pregnant because they drank the water from the "Zimu River", this problem is not a problem at all for the Taishang Laojun who is good at alchemy.

Sun Wukong then took the Jade Emperor's will and went to Tushita Palace, and then returned to the daughter country with [-] heavenly soldiers and [-] stars.

But when Monkey King returned to his daughter's country, he found that Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, who were left in the palace, had disappeared.

According to the head of the Daughter Kingdom, not long ago a monster wind suddenly hit the palace, trying to sweep Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie away.

But at the critical moment, the national teacher of the Daughter's Kingdom made a sudden move, and fought with the Ruyi Zhenxian who was trying to take Tang Seng away.

The national teacher of the Daughter Kingdom is a scorpion spirit. It is said that its tail sting even stung the Buddha. The True Immortal Ruyi is naturally no match for him in the end.

Seeing their identities revealed, the national teacher of Daughter Kingdom also stopped pretending, and directly took Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie back to his cave, and expressed that he would marry Tang Seng and make a villain.

As for Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie's swollen stomachs from drinking "Zimu River", they were also solved by Xie Zijing.

After being the national teacher of the Daughter Kingdom for so long, Xie Zijing still has some "falling fetus springs" in her hands. After all, if Tang Seng is really pregnant, she will not be able to marry her.

Hearing that his hometown was stolen when he went to rescue the soldiers, Monkey King was naturally furious, and then he led the heavenly soldiers and generals to kill the scorpion spirit's cave.

Although Monk Sha was also arrested, after weighing the pros and cons, Monkey King finally decided to save Tang Seng first.

Because there should be no problem with Monk Sha in a short period of time, and if his master Tang Seng goes late, he will probably have a wedding night with the female monster in the bridal chamber.

Xie Zijing is also a hard worker here. She has worked so hard to hide in her daughter's country for many years, relying on the resources of a country to cultivate painstakingly. However, the arrival of Tang Seng's master and apprentice made her fall in love with Tang Seng's skin, and she was directly moved.

After finally repelling the True Immortal Ruyi and giving up his status as a national teacher, the monkey had just brought the beautiful man home and decorated the cave, and the monkey had already brought the heavenly soldiers and generals to the entrance of the cave.

If it is fighting alone, the monkey may still suffer a bit without knowing the power of the scorpion's tail sting.

However, the luck of the scorpion essence this time is really not very good. Among the rescuers brought by Monkey King this time, her natural enemies exist in the twenty-eight constellations.

It belongs to the Pleiades chicken star in the seven constellations in the west, and its native place is a big rooster.

For creatures such as scorpions, spiders and centipedes, the big rooster is their absolute natural enemy.

Although the tail sting of the scorpion spirit was extremely poisonous, it was easily pressed to the ground by the chicken's paws in front of Pleiades Xingxiu, which had turned into a big rooster.

The other [-] stars and [-] heavenly soldiers almost became the audience and the backdrop for almost the whole process.

After subduing the scorpion spirit and rescuing Tang Seng, the twenty-eight stars and the ten thousand heavenly soldiers and generals were going to return to the heavenly court, but they were stopped by the monkey again.

"What else is there for the Great Sage?"

Angri Xingxiu, who easily subdued the scorpion spirit, became the most beautiful boy among the group at this moment, even the cockscomb on his head exuded splendor.

Although it is one thing down one thing, Angri Xingxiu is still quite inflated at the moment. I didn't expect the monkey to pick up the helpless scorpion essence, but he was easily killed by himself.

"Didn't everyone forget that my old Sun Nasha is still in the hands of the Nether King?"

Although Lao Sha usually has a very low sense of existence, at that time he worked hard to carry luggage, even if he didn't have credit, he still had hard work, and the monkey will not forget it.

"Could it be that the scorpion spirit we subdued just now is not the Nether King, but another demon?"

Twenty-eight Xingxiu was stunned, they just received an order to assist Sun Wukong to help Tang Seng and his disciples, just now they subdued the monster and found Tang Seng, so they thought that the scorpion spirit just now was called the Nether King.

"Although that scorpion spirit has some abilities, but it is only relying on its highly poisonous tail sting. Compared with that Nether King, it is really far behind.

I would also like to trouble everyone to come with me again, and meet the Nether King together. "

The scorpion spirit is completely intrusive. If it is just such a role, although it will take a little more effort, it is possible that I have no way to solve it.

But the important point is that the Nether King's supernatural powers are really good, even the monkey thinks that in the situation of fighting alone, he is very capable of subduing the opponent.

Even the monkey is now thinking whether the old Jade Emperor is perfunctory to himself, what can a mere [-] heavenly soldiers and generals do, when he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace back then, even a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals were no match for him.

(End of this chapter)

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