From becoming the master of monsters

Chapter 1095 It's a great supernatural power!

Chapter 1095 Use it at will is a great supernatural power!
Yuto wields the power of thunder, which seems to be called "Nine Heavens Thunder Method" in this world.

The so-called Jiuxiao are Shenxiao, Qingxiao, Bixiao, Danxiao, Jingxiao, Yuxiao, Zhenxiao, Zixiao, and Taixiao.

Among all the thunder methods, the Jiuxiao thunder method is considered to be a relatively awesome one, and its level is even higher than the "Three Purity Thunder Method". It is said that it is the thunder method used by Daozu Hongjun.

On top of it, it seems that only the way of heaven is used to wipe out the ancient mighty "Dutian Shenlei"!
He himself is not quite clear about the specific level of the "Nine Heavens Thunder Technique" that You Dou is using now.

However, what can be known is that the thunder he sent down now is nothing compared to the thunder that struck the water palace of the king of inspiration before.

The previous You Dou was only the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he hadn't even used Leifa with all his strength.

But now, his realm has not only reached the level of "Da Luo Jinxian", but he is also completely serious about using the thunder method this time.

At this moment, the entire sky over the South China Sea was completely shrouded in dark clouds, and the dark sky also gave people a trembling and suffocating feeling.

A thunderbolt danced in the clouds, and in the next second a thunderbolt as thick as a mountain fell from the sky and struck Guanyin who was standing on the lotus platform.

Rao is a great power of the three realms like Guanyin, at this moment, when facing the legendary Nine Heavens Thunder Method, he has to temporarily avoid the edge at this moment.

However, Youdou didn't give Guanyin a chance to retreat at all. When the Thunder failed and directly caused a commotion on the sea, Youdou also bullied himself and launched a fierce attack on him!
If it is a normal thunder method, it does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. However, Yuto, as the master of thunder, even if he is bombarded by the divine thunder from the sky, he will not hurt at all, so he is not worried about the possibility of being accidentally injured. .

Guanyin, who did not have the upper hand in martial arts, now had to avoid the Nine Heavens Thunder from the sky, and also deal with Youdou's close-up attack, so naturally she seemed to be somewhat capable at the moment.

Therefore, the great powers in the Three Realms who are paying attention to this battle at this moment are surprised to find that even Master Guanyin, who can be photographed in the Three Realms, is actually suppressed by this monster!
Avalokitesvara didn't have a good way to deal with the Thunder of the Nine Firmaments. Lei Fa was originally the most masculine and powerful. Even a great witch who specializes in the physical body would not be able to last long under this level of thunder.

Avalokitesvara was born in Taoism, and finally turned to Buddhism, which is not the path of physical cultivation at all.

Therefore, even if its magic power is high, it can only rely on spells to resist the thunder, and cannot directly block it through the golden body.

After realizing that if he continued like this, he couldn't let go of his hands and feet at all, so Guanyin quickly pinched the magic formula again, causing the five-color lotus platform under the seat to fly to the top of his head, and cast a spiritual light to envelope him.

The lotus stands in Buddhism are divided into grades, and only those who have reached a certain level in Lingshan have the qualifications to sit on the lotus stands.

The only nine-rank lotus platform in Lingshan is seated by the Tathagata of Lingshan, and the five-color lotus platform of Guanyin is the fifth-rank lotus platform.

Don't think that the fifth-grade lotus platform is very low. In the entire Lingshan, there are only four great Bodhisattvas and a very small number of Buddhas who can have this level of lotus platform.

Moreover, as a Guanyin master with an extraordinary status in Lingshan, the five-color lotus platform under his seat is not an ordinary five-grade lotus platform, but a fragment of the "Kung Fu Golden Lotus", one of the four great lotus flowers in Honghuang. They all belong to the best of the lotus platform.

Because of its good foundation, Guanyin's five-color lotus platform can stand still in the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder at this moment.

Of course, this is not to say that the existence of the so-called "Chaos God Thunder" is not as good as a fragment of the virtuous golden lotus.

In the final analysis, it is also because You Dou's own realm is far from that of Guanyin.

Da Luo Jinxian is already a strong man in the three realms, but the gap between each realm is like a natural moat.

You Dou is now full of calculations, which is the level of the early stage of the Daluo Jinxian, and the Guanyin master is at least the existence of the late Daluo Jinxian, or even the peak.

"The benefactor has supernatural powers, and his Taoism is even more impressive. Not only the Samadhi True Fire, but also the ancient thunder method of Jiuxiao Thunder.

It can be seen that the benefactor not only has great wisdom, but also has a great opportunity, so it is the turn of the benefactor to see the supernatural powers of the poor monk. "

After fighting each other for a long time, Guanyin has now recognized her position.

No matter how you look at You Dou, his martial arts and attacking skills are rare and strong in the Three Realms, and there should be more than one person in the entire Three Realms who can match him.

Although Avalokitesvara used to be self-reliant and had some offensive methods, but in the situation that the realm is far superior to the opponent, it was suppressed miserably.

Today's Guanyin has come to his senses, his magic power is stronger than the opponent's, and his realm is higher than the opponent's, so why does he have to approach the opponent's attack technique to compete with the opponent?

Isn't this using one's own weaknesses to attack the other's strengths?
He's obviously a mage, why would he want to fight a warrior in close combat?
After sorting out the clues, Guanyin used a supernatural power to shrink the ground into an inch, and directly distanced himself from You Dou.

Then the sword in his hand turned back into a willow branch again, and some water droplets stuck in the suet jade bottle, and he threw it directly towards You Dou.

What was thrown out from the willow branch were obviously just a few seemingly ordinary water droplets, but at this moment, You Dou felt a deadly sense of crisis.

Sanguang Shenshui, this is the water drop thrown by the willow branches of Guanyin at this time, and it is also what is usually packed in the mutton fat jade bottle.

The Sanguang Shenshui is "golden Sunlight Shenshui, silver Moonlight Shenshui, and purple Starlight Shenshui", originally owned by Yuanshi Tianzun.

However, the previous Guanyin Dashi was the real Cihang of his disciples, so he was given to his disciples with a high probability.

Once the golden Sunlight Divine Water, the Silver Moonlight Divine Water, and the purple Starlight Divine Water are combined into one, it will be the first holy medicine for healing, which can relieve all poisons and overcome all so-called "incurable" poisons.It can also treat all wounds and diseases.It can even turn flesh and bones into living dead.

And if these three kinds of divine water are used alone, they are extremely terrifying offensive supernatural powers.

Sunlight Shenshui has the effect of "wearing away the flesh and blood", Moonlight Shenshui has the effect of "corroding the soul of the primordial spirit", and Starlight Shenshui has the effect of "swallowing the mind of the true spirit".

In the past, when Guanyin used Sanguang Shenshui, including when rescuing ginseng fruit trees, he used the three kinds of Shenshui together, but now the Sanguang Shenshui used alone has become a powerful attacking supernatural power.

Obviously there are only a few drops of water like water droplets, but at this moment when Guanyin swayed them from the willow branch, the space in front of him was unbelievably distorted!
The three kinds of Shenshui of Sanguang Shenshui not only have their own characteristics, but also have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely heavy!

Even just a drop of water can easily crush a mountain, and the only thing that can hold these Sanguang Shenshui is the suet jade bottle in Guanyin's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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